GOST 5962-2013
ГОСТ 5962-2013
Grude ethyl alcohol from edible raw material. Specifications
Спирт этиловый ректификованный из пищевого сырья. Технические условия
Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time. IUS 3-2014
This standard applies to rectified ethyl alcohol from grain of various kinds, potatoes, sugar beet, raw sugar, molasses and other sugar- and starch-containing food raw materials (except fruit), and obtained by braherization of an alcohol mash or rectification of ethyl alcohol raw, also produced from the head fraction of ethanol produced in the production of alcohol from food raw materials
Настоящий стандарт распространяется на этиловый ректификованный спирт из зерна различных видов, картофеля, сахарной свеклы, сахара-сырца, мелассы и другого сахаро- и крахмалосодержащего пищевого сырья (за исключением фруктового), и получаемый путем брагоректификации спиртовой бражки или ректификации этилового спирта-сырца, а также вырабатываемой из головной фракции этилового спирта, полученной при выработке спирта из пищевого сырья
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Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology,
SKU: RUSS58294
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
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67 Food Production »
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V Testing and control »
4 Testing and control of products »
4.4 Testing and control of food products »
4.4.11 Products of alcohol industry and non-alcoholic beverages »
ISO classifier »
67.160 Drinks »
67.160.10 Alcoholic beverages »
National standards »
67.160 Drinks »
67.160.10 Alcoholic beverages »
The Document References:
GOST 1.0-92: State System for Standardization of Russian Federation. Basic principles
GOST 1.2-2009: Interstate system for standardization. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Rules for development, taking over, application, renovation and cancellation
GOST 12.1.007-76: Noxious substances. Classification and general safety requirements
GOST 12.1.044-89: Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indices and methods of their determination
GOST 13950-91: Welded and folded steel barrels
GOST 14192-96: Cargo marking
GOST 15846-2002: Production for transportation to the areas of Far North and similar regions. Packing, marking, transportation and storage
GOST 19433-88: Dangerous goods. Classification and marking
GOST 26319-84: Dangerous cargoes
GOST 30536-2013: Vodka and ethanol from food raw material. Gas-chromatographic express-method for determination of toxic microadmixtures content
GOST 31685-2012: Rectified ethanol from food raw material. Method for determination of mass concentration of dry residue
GOST 31810-2012: Rectified ethanol from food raw material. Determination of volatile nitrogen bases mass concentration by capillary electrophoresis method
GOST 32013-2012: Ethanol. Method for determination of furfurol presence
GOST 32036-2013: Ethanol from food raw material. Acceptance rules and test methods
GOST 32070-2013: Vodka and ethanol from food raw material. Gas-chromatographic method for determination of carbonic acids and furfural content
GOST 5105-82: Steel fuel and oil tanks
GOST 6247-79: Steel welded barrels with rolling hoops on the shell
The Document is Referenced By:
Decision 236: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, through the application of which on a voluntary basis compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union "On food safety" (TR CU 021/2011), and the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, containing rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements, including rules from
FR 1.31.2005.01764: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. The measurement procedure for the value of the hydrogen index (pH) of solid and liquid wastes of production and consumption, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by the potentiometric method
FR 1.31.2018.30110: Quantitative chemical analysis of water. Method for measuring the pH of water samples by potentiometric method
GOST 10574-2016: Meat products. Methods for determination of starch
GOST 10847-2019: Corn. Ash determination methods
GOST 11244-2018: Petroleum. Method for determination of potential content of distillation and residue oils
GOST 11285-2017: Glands pancreas cattle and pigs frozen. Technical conditions
GOST 12.4.166-2018: Occupational safety standards system. Respiratory protective devices. Facepiece. General specifications
GOST 12.4.238-2015: Occupational safely standards system. Closed-circuit breathing apparatus compressed air type. Requirements, testing, marking. Simples selection rules
GOST 12.4.311-2017: Occupational safety standards system. The suits isolating multipurpose. Test methods
GOST 12712-2013: Vodkas and special vodkas. General specifications
GOST 12789-2022: Brewed products. Methods of colour determination
GOST 13496.15-2016: Feeding stuff, mixed feeding stuff and feeding stuff raw material. Methods for determining the mass fraction of raw fat
GOST 13496.21-2015: Feeds, mixed feeds and raw material. Methods for determination of lisin and tryptophane
GOST 13496.4-2019: Feed, compound feed, compound feed raw materials. Methods for determination of nitrogen and crude protein
GOST 13496.5-2018: Mixed feeds. Methods of ergot determination
GOST 14138-2014: Alcoholic beverages and raw materials for its production. Spectrophotometric method for determination of mass concentration higher alcohols
GOST 16337-2022: High-pressure polyethylene. Technical specifications
GOST 19182-2014: Preserved from fish. Methods of buffer value determination
GOST 19496-2013: Meat and meat products. The method of histological investigation
GOST 2160-2015: Solid mineral fuel. Determination of true and apparent density
GOST 23042-2015: Meat and meat products. Methods of fat determination
GOST 23392-2016: Meat. Methods for chemical and microscopic analysis of freshness
GOST 25011-2017: Meat and meat products. Methods for determining protein
GOST 25905-2018: Aluminium foil for condensers. Specifications
GOST 26185-84: Seaweeds, sea-grasses and its processed products. Methods of physical and chemical analysis
GOST 26188-2016: Processed fruit and vegetables, canned meat and cereal. Method for determination of pH
GOST 26374-2018: Combustible natural gas. Determination of total sulphur
GOST 26928-86: Food-stuffs. Method for determination of iron
GOST 26930-86: Raw material and food-stuff. Method for determination of arsenic
GOST 27082-2014: Canned and preserved from fish, water invertebrates, water mammals and algae. Methods for determination of total acidity
GOST 27494-2016: Flour and bran. Methods for determination of ash content
GOST 28085-2013: Medicine remedies biological for veterinary use. Method of bacteriological control of sterility
GOST 28353.1-2017: Silver. Method of ark atomic-emission analysis
GOST 28815-2018: Aqueous solutions of wood protective means. Specifications
GOST 28886-2019: Propolis. Technical specifications
GOST 28887-2019: Pollen stalk. Technical specifications
GOST 28888-2017: Royal jelly bee milk. Technical conditions
GOST 29113-2016: Feeding stuff, mixed feeding stuff and feeding stuff raw material. Methods of determining Carbamide mass portion
GOST 30028.3-2022: Means of protection for wood. Express method for determining the flame retardant effectiveness
GOST 30347-2016: Milk and milk product. Methods for determination of staphylococcus aureus
GOST 30417-2018: Vegetable oils. Methods for determining the mass fractions of vitamins A and E
GOST 30536-2013: Vodka and ethanol from food raw material. Gas-chromatographic express-method for determination of toxic microadmixtures content
GOST 30561-2013: Sugar beet molasses. Specifications
GOST 31227-2013: Food additives. Sodium citrates E331. General specifications
GOST 31382-2009: Copper. Methods of analysis
GOST 31475-2012: Meat and meat products. Electrophoretic method of determination of soy proteins
GOST 31506-2012: Milk and milk products. Determination of non-milk fats
GOST 31726-2012: Food additives. Citric acid anhydrous E330. Specifications
GOST 31729-2015: Wine drinks. General specifications
GOST 31776-2012: Beebread. Specifications
GOST 31904-2012: Food products. Methods of sampling for microbiological analyses
GOST 31928-2013: Probiotics medicine remedies for veterinary use. Methods for determination of the probiotics microorganisms
GOST 31933-2012: Vegetable oils. Methods for determination of acid value
GOST 32014-2012: Food products, food raw materials. Method of determination of the nitrofuran mytobolites by high performance liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS)
GOST 32035-2013: Vodkas and special vodkas. Acceptance rules and test methods
GOST 32036-2013: Ethanol from food raw material. Acceptance rules and test methods
GOST 32039-2013: Vodka and ethanol from food raw material. Gas-chromatographic method for determination of authenticity
GOST 32070-2013: Vodka and ethanol from food raw material. Gas-chromatographic method for determination of carbonic acids and furfural content
GOST 32071-2013: Аlcohol production. Liqueurs. General specifications
GOST 32113-2013: Wine production. Method for determination of citric acid mass concentration
GOST 32221-2013: Copper concentrates. Methods of analysis
GOST 32223-2013: Juice products. Photometric method for determination of pectin content
GOST 32713-2014: Beverages alcoholic and raw materials for its production. Identification. Enzymatic method for determination of mass concentration D-malic acid
GOST 32715-2014: Liqueur wines, liqueur wines with protected geographical indication, liqueur wines with protected appellation of origin. General specifications
GOST 32748-2014: Food additives. Malic acid E296. General specifications
GOST 32751-2014: Сonfectionery. Methods of sampling for microbiological analysis
GOST 32834-2022: Food products. Method for Determination of Residual Anthelminthics by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometric Detection
GOST 32912-2014: Hop products. General specifications
GOST 32930-2014: Ethanol from food raw material, strong drinks. Spectrophotometric method for determination of the mass concentration of furfurol
GOST 33269-2015: Food additives. Fumaric acid E297. Specifications
GOST 33270-2015: Food additives. Sodium malates E350. General specifications
GOST 33319-2015: Meat and meat products. Method for determination of moisture content
GOST 33379-2015: Organic fertilizers. Methods for determining the presence of pathogenic and potentially pathogenic microorganisms
GOST 33449-2015: Packaging. Determination of dimethyl terephthalate content by gas chromatography in model media
GOST 33451-2015: Packaging. Determination of the content of dioctyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate by gas chromatography in model media
GOST 33460-2015: Juice products. Determination of xylite, sorbite and mannitol by high performance liquid chromatography
GOST 33463.6-2016: Life support systems on railway rolling stock. Part 6. Methods of hygienic assessment of the water supply system
GOST 33490-2015: Milk and milk products. Detection of vegetable fat by gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection
GOST 33504-2015: Food additives. Dihydroquercetin. Specifications
GOST 33528-2015: Milk and milk products. Identification of protein composition by use of electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel
GOST 33536-2015: Confectionery. Method for quantity determination of mesophilic aerobic and facultative-anaerobic microorganisms
GOST 33538-2015: Plant protection. Methods of detection and count of lesions on grains of cereal cultures caused by Eurygaster bugs
GOST 33675-2015: Animals. Laboratory Diagnostics of Brucellosis. Bacteriological methods
GOST 33680-2015: Food products. Determination of benzo (a) pyrene in grain, smoked meat and fish products by TLC and HPLC
GOST 33692-2015: Animal protein connective tissue. General specifications
GOST 33817-2016: Ethanol from food raw material, strong drinks. Methods of organoleptic analysis
GOST 33824-2016: Food-stuffs and food raw materials. The inversion-voltammetry method for determining the content of toxic elements (cadmium, lead, copper and zinc)
GOST 33833-2016: Spirits. Gas chromatographic method for determining the volume fraction of methyl alcohol
GOST 33834-2016: Wine products and raw materials for their production. Gas chromatographic method for determining the mass concentration of volatile components
GOST 33977-2016: Fruit and vegetable products. Methods for determination of total solids content
GOST 34105-2017: Animals. Laboratory Diagnostics of Brucellosis. Serological methods
GOST 34105-2023: Animals. Laboratory diagnosis of brucellosis. Serologic methods
GOST 34119-2017: Meat and meat products. Method for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection
GOST 34135-2017: Culinary products and semi-finished products chopped meat and meat-containing. Methods for determining the mass fraction of bread
GOST 34149-2017: Gin. Technical conditions
GOST 34150-2017: Biological safety. Raw materials and food. Method of identification of genetically modified organisms (GMO) of plant origin using a biological microchip
GOST 34176-2017: Enzyme preparations. Methods for determining the enzymatic activity of endo-beta-glucanase
GOST 34178-2017: Spreads and mixtures melted. General technical conditions
GOST 34179-2017: Raw smoked and dried meat products. General requirements for the species identification of starter crops used in the production of smoked and dried meat products
GOST 34230-2017: Juice products. Determination of free amino acids by high performance liquid chromatography
GOST 34253-2017: Bee products. Method for the determination of vitamin A
GOST 34284-2017: Food products, feed, food raw materials, biological objects of animal origin. Method for the detection of anabolic growth promoters by the hemiluminescence immunoenzymatic assay with the use of biochip technology
GOST 34369-2017: Silver. Method of spark atomic-emission analysis
GOST 34412-2018: Pectin. Identification. Method of the express-identification of amidated pectins
GOST 34413-2018: Pectin. Identification. Method of express-identification of pectins
GOST 34435-2018: Perfume and cosmetic products. Liquid oral hygiene products. General specifications
GOST 34454-2018: Dairy products. Determination of protein content by the Kjeldahl method
GOST 34536-2019: Milk and dairy products. Determination of the mass fraction of whey proteins by the Kjeldahl method
GOST 34551-2019: Confectionery. Method for determining the mass fraction of protein
GOST 34579-2019: Animals. Laboratory diagnosis of brucellosis. Allergic method
GOST 34812-2021: Fish food products. Methods for determination of helminth larvae viability
GOST 34858-2022: Liquefied hydrocarbon fuel gases. Technical conditions
GOST 34879-2022: Aluminium polyoxychloride. Specifications
GOST 34882-2022: Food additives. Quantitative determination of preservatives (benzoic and sorbic acids and their salts) in complex food additives by chromatographic method
GOST 34900-2022: Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of 2-monochloropropanediol and fatty acid esters of 2-monochloropropanediol, 3-monochloropropanediol and fatty acid esters of 3-monochloropropanediol and glycidyl fatty acid esters using enzymatic hydrolysis
GOST 5066-2018: Motor fuels. Methods for determination of cloud, chilling and freezing points
GOST 6370-2018: Petroleum, petroleum products and additives. Method for determination of mechanical admixtures
GOST 7190-2013: Liqueur-vodka products. General specifications
GOST 7702.2.0-2016: Products of poultry slaughter, semi-finished products from poultry meat and objects of the surrounding production environment. Sampling methods and preparing for microbiological examinations
GOST 7983-2016: Toothpastes. General specifications
GOST 8.134-2014: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. рН measurement method based on the Harned cells
GOST 8.234-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Volumetric glass ware. Verification procedure
GOST 9717.2-2018: Copper. Method of spectral analysis by metal standard specimens with photographic registration of spectrum
GOST 9717.3-2018: Copper. Method of spectral analysis by oxide standard specimens
GOST 9794-2015: Meat products. Methods for the determination of total phosphorus content
GOST R 12.4.273-2012: Occupational safety standards system. Respiratory protective devices. Self-contained open-circuit compressed air supply apparatus completed with face mask or mouthpiece (escape breathing apparatus). Technical requirements. Test methods. Marking
GOST R 12.4.274-2012: Occupational safety standards system. Self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus incorporating a hood for escape. Requirements, testing, marking
GOST R 12.4.277-2012: Occupational safety standards system. Respiratory protective devices. Respiratory lung-governed protective device for escape with compressed air, half mask and positive pressure. Technical requirements. Test methods. Marking
GOST R 50396.0-2013: Poultry meat, edible offal and semi-prepared products from poultry meat. Sampling methods and preparing for microbiological examinations
GOST R 51470-99: Caseins and caseinates. Method for determination of protein content
GOST R 51723-2001: Drinking 95 % ethyl alcohol. Specifications
GOST R 52147-2003: Protein-vitamin-mineral and amide-vitamin-mineral additives. Methods for the determination of retinol-acetate (vitamin A), argokalciferol (holekalciferol) (vitamin D), tokoferol-acetate (vitamin E)
GOST R 52173-2003: Raw and food-stuffs. Method for the identification of genetically modified organisms (GMO) of plant origin
GOST R 53971-2010: Wine production. Determination of mass concentration of triazole pesticides by capillary electrophoresis method in combination with solid-phase extraction
GOST R 54001-2010: Organiс fertilizers. Methods of helminthology analysis
GOST R 54036-2010: Foodstuffs. Determination of the content of water-soluble antioxidants in tubers of potatoes by amperometric method
GOST R 54047-2010: Meat and meat products. Method of dispersion determination
GOST R 54377-2011: Bees’ wax. Methods for determination of authenticity and drop melting point
GOST R 54607.6-2015: Public catering services. Methods of laboratory quality control of products catering. Part 6. Methods for determination of sugar
GOST R 54607.7-2016: Public catering services. Methods of laboratory quality control of products catering. Part 7. Determination of protein by the Kjeldahl method
GOST R 54634-2011: Functional food products. Method of vitamin E determination
GOST R 54637-2011: Functional food products. Method of vitamin D3 determination
GOST R 54669-2011: Milk and milk products. Methods for determination of acidity
GOST R 54756-2011: Milk and milk products. Method for determination of mass portion of whey protein with Kjeldahl method
GOST R 55246-2012: Milk and milk products. Determination of non-protein nitrogen content by Kjeldahl method
GOST R 55291-2023: Probiotic medicines for veterinary use. Methods of microbiological analysis
GOST R 55332-2012: Milk and milk products. Methods for determination of free (destabilization) fat
GOST R 55480-2013: Meat and meat products. Method for determination of acid value
GOST R 55483-2013: Meat and meat products. Determination of fatty acids composition by gas chromatography
GOST R 55573-2013: Meat and meat products. Determination by calcium atomic absorption and titrimetric methods
GOST R 55576-2013: Feed and feed additives. Method for determining quality of regulatory sequences in the genomes of soybean and corn
GOST R 55580-2013: Food additives. Ammonium carbonate E503. General specifications
GOST R 55581-2013: Food additives. Potassium propionate Е283. Specifications
GOST R 55583-2013: Food additives. Potassium sorbate E202. Specifications
GOST R 55624-2013: Desserts fruit, vegetable and fruit-and-vegetable frozen whipped. Specifications
GOST R 55625-2013: Sweet edible ice. Specifications
GOST R 55626-2013: Desserts sherbets whipped frozen. Specifications
GOST R 55792-2013: Brew from food raw material. Gas-chromatographic method for determination of volatile organic admixtures
GOST R 55986-2014: Fodder plants silage. General specifications
GOST R 56140-2014: Medicine biological remedies for veterinary use. Polymerase chain reaction for the Mycoplasma DNA detection
GOST R 56145-2014: Functional foods. Methods for microbiological analysis
GOST R 56150-2014: Beekeeping products. Method determination of oxidability indicator
GOST R 56368-2015: Russian traditional drinks on the basis of natural raw materials. Specifications
GOST R 56368-2022: Russian traditional alcoholic drinks based on natural raw materials. General technical conditions
GOST R 56668-2015: Homogenate brood drone. Technical conditions
GOST R 56719-2015: Liquefied natural gas. Sampling
GOST R 56856-2016: Copper and complex ores, and products of their processing. Methods of measurement of copper weight fraction
GOST R 56976-2016: Liquid oral zoohygiene products for unproductive animals. General specificР В°tions
GOST R 57103-2016: Specialized food products. Methods of sampling, detection and determination of nanoparticles and nanomaterials in the composition of agricultural and food products
GOST R 57107-2016: Specialized food products. Order to the detection and identification of nanomaterials in plants
GOST R 57196-2016: Feed antibiotic Batsilihin. Specifications
GOST R 57197-2016: Feeding preparation Vitamitsin. Specifications
GOST R 57198-2016: Fodder concentrate of lysine. Specifications
GOST R 57221-2016: Nutrient yeast. Test methods
GOST R 57251-2016: Technical ethyl alcohol. Acceptance rules and methods of analysis
GOST R 57480-2017: Poultry slaughtering products, poultry meat products and environment production objects. Salmonella identification by quick method
GOST R 57513-2017: Foods for special dietary uses. Methods of the determination of B-glucans
GOST R 57528-2017: Equipment for diving. Diving breathing apparatus with a half breath scheme. General technical requirements
GOST R 57530-2017: Medical equipment for hyperbaric chambers under pressure. General technical requirements
GOST R 57646-2017: Microbiological products. Food additives Nisin. Specifications
GOST R 57650-2017: Microbiological products. Cormobacterinum. Specifications
GOST R 57782-2017: Organic fertilizers. Methods parasitological analysis. Methods for determination of oocysts and cysts of parasitic protozoa
GOST R 57851.4-2017: Gas-condensate mixture. Part 4. Calculation of the component-fraction composition
GOST R 57893-2017: Products of fermentation and raw materials for it’s production. Gas chromatographic method for determination of mass concentration of volatile components
GOST R 57989-2017: Specialized food products. Methods for the detection of foodborne pathogens based on polymerase chain reaction
GOST R 58010-2017: Poirй traditional. Spectifications
GOST R 58011-2017: Ciders traditional. Spectifications
GOST R 58013-2017: Fruit wine drinks. General specifications
GOST R 58138-2018: Organic fertilizers. Methods of parasitological analysis. Methods for determination of larvae of synanthropic flies
GOST R 58487-2019: Organic fertilizers. Sampling methods
GOST R 58580-2019: Polyoxychloride aluminum. Technical specifications
GOST R 58596-2019: The soil. Methods for determination of total nitrogen
GOST R 58851-2020: Traditional fruit ciders. Specifications
GOST R 70238-2022: Milk and milk products. Method for identification of the composition of the fat phase and determination of the mass fraction of milk fat
GOST R 70295-2022: Crystalline glucose. Specifications
GOST R 70296-2022: Food products. Method for semi-quantitative assessment of DNA content of chickens, domestic bovine, pig, horse in meat products, including from poultry meat
GOST R 70606-2022: Food specialized products. Food products for baby food. Organization and implementation of microbiological control of baby food products in the dairy industry enterprises
GOST R 70638-2023: Pipeline valves. Degreasing methods
GOST R 8.790-2012: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The temperature lamps
Letter 19950/05-AA: About the application of the standards
MI 2673-2001: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Standard and general purpose mass measures. Method of testing on the reference scales and comparators of the firm "Mettler-Toledo GmbH"
MP 95-251-2019: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Analyzers of sulfur and nitrogen ElemeNtS. Verification Method
MP 95-251-2019: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Analyzers of sulfur and nitrogen ElemeNtS. Verification Method
MUK 4.1.013-18: Method for measuring the mass fraction of 4-aminobenzoic acid in soil samples by the photometric method
MUK 4.1.3481-17: Measurement of mass concentrations of chemical elements in atmospheric air by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
MUK 4.1.3495-17: Measurement of the concentrations of iprovalicarba in the air of the working zone, the atmospheric air of populated areas and flushing from the skin of the operators by capillary gas-liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.3546-18: Method for measuring the mass concentration of bis- (2-ethylhexyl) terephthalate (DOTP) in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method with flame ionization detection
NDP 40.4.136-2016: Quality control of reagents for water treatment. Method for determination of aluminum oxide content in aluminum polyoxychloride by titrimetric method
NDP 40.4.139-2016: Quality control of reagents for water treatment. The method for determining the basicity of aluminum polyoxychloride titrimetric method
NDP 40.4.140-2016: Quality control of reagents for water treatment. Method for determination of chloride content in aluminum polyoxychloride by titrimetric method
Order 19950/05-AL: About the application of standards
PND F 14.1:2:4.113-97: Quantitative chemical analysis of water. Methods of measuring the mass concentration of active chlorine in drinking, surface and wastewater by the titrimetric method
R 7b/191-2016: Methods of measuring the mass concentration (mass fraction) of total mercury in soils, soils, sediments, silt, sewage sludge, sludge, solid and liquid wastes by the atomic absorption method
RD 52.04.167-2018: Mass concentration of calcium, magnesium and zinc in precipitation and aerosols. Measurement procedure by atomic absorption method with flame atomization
RD 52.04.168-2017: Observation of atmospheric electricity using automated measuring instruments
RD 52.04.882-2019: Mass concentration of lead, cadmium, manganese, nickel, copper, chromium, zinc and iron in precipitation and aerosol
RD 52.04.894-2020: Mass concentration of hydrogen fluoride and solid soluble fluorides from one sample of atmospheric air. Photometric Measurement Procedure Using Xylene Orange
RD 52.18.854-2016: The procedure for sampling seawater and pre-concentration of technogenic radionuclides
RD 52.18.906-2021: Mass concentration of volatile organic compounds in drinking, natural and waste water samples. Measurement technique by the equilibrium vapour method using chromatography-mass spectrometry
RD 52.24.868-2017: The use of methods for biotesting water and bottom sediments of streams and reservoirs
RD 52.44.588-2016: Mass concentration of organochlorine pesticides and the sum of polychlorbiphenyl isomers in air and precipitation samples. Method of measurement by gas-liquid chromatography
RD 52.44.590-2016: Mass concentration of priority components of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in samples of precipitation and surface water. Measurement technique by high performance liquid chromatography
ST RK 2779-2015: Food products. Methods of sanitary-parasitological examination of fish, mollusks, crustaceans, amphibians, reptiles and their products
ST TsKBA 046-2007: Pipe fittings. Degreasing methods
VMU 3065-84: Temporary guidelines for determining residual amounts of velpar in water, soil and forest herbs by thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography
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