
GOST R 52627-2006

ГОСТ Р 52627-2006

Bolts, screws and studs. Mechanical properties and test methods

Болты, винты и шпильки. Механические свойства и методы испытаний

Status: Not effective - Superseded. IUS 12-2012

The standard establishes the mechanical properties of bolts, screws and studs made of carbon and alloyed steels when tested in conditions with an ambient temperature from 10 ° C to 35 ° C. Products conforming to the requirements of this standard are only assessed in the specified temperature range and may not maintain the established mechanical and physical properties at higher and lower temperatures. Appendix A shows, for example, possible reductions in yield strength or conditional yield strength at elevated temperatures. At temperatures lower than the temperatures of the specified range, significant changes in properties may occur, for example, a change in toughness. If fasteners are to be used at temperatures that lie outside the specified temperature range, the consumer must ensure that the mechanical and physical properties of fasteners correspond to the specific conditions of their operation. Some fasteners may not meet the requirements of this standard for tensile or torsion tests. This may be due to the geometry of the heads of fasteners, when the shear area in the head is comparable to the design section area in the thread. Examples of such heads are a countersunk head, a half-head and a low cylindrical head (see section 6). The standard applies to bolts, screws and studs: - with a large thread M1.6 - M48 and with a fine thread M8 x 1 - M48 x 3; - with a triangular metric thread according to GOST 24705; - with thread tolerances according to GOST 16093; - from carbon unalloyed or alloyed steel. The standard does not apply to set screws and similar threaded fasteners that are not subjected to tensile loads (GOST 25556). The standard does not apply to bolts, screws and studs with such special properties as: - weldability; - corrosion resistance; - ability to maintain properties at temperatures above plus 300 ° С (plus 250 ° С for strength class 10.9) or below minus 50 ° С; - shear strength; - fatigue strength.

Стандарт устанавливает механические свойства болтов, винтов и шпилек из углеродистых и легированных сталей при испытании в условиях с температурой окружающей среды от 10 °С до 35 °С. Изделия, соответствующие требованиям настоящего стандарта, оцениваются только в указанном температурном диапазоне и могут не сохранять установленные механические и физические свойства при более высоких и более низких температурах. В приложении А приведены для примера возможные уменьшения предела текучести или условного предела текучести при повышенных температурах. При температурах меньших, чем температуры указанного диапазона, могут произойти значительные изменения свойств, например изменение ударной вязкости. Если крепежные изделия предполагается использовать при температурах, значения которых лежат за пределами указанного температурного диапазона, потребитель должен удостовериться в том, что механические и физические свойства крепежных изделий соответствуют конкретным условиям их эксплуатации. Некоторые крепежные изделия могут не соответствовать требованиям настоящего стандарта, предъявляемым к испытаниям на растяжение или кручение. Это может быть из-за геометрии головок крепежных изделий, когда площадь сдвига в головке сравнима с площадью расчетного сечения в резьбе. Примерами таких головок являются потайная головка, полупотайная головка и низкая цилиндрическая головка (см. раздел 6). Стандарт распространяется на болты, винты и шпильки: - с крупной резьбой М1,6 - М48 и с мелкой резьбой М8 х 1 - М48 х 3; - с треугольной метрической резьбой по ГОСТ 24705; - с допусками резьбы по ГОСТ 16093; - из углеродистой нелегированной или легированной стали. Стандарт не распространяется на установочные винты и аналогичные резьбовые крепежные детали, не подвергаемые растягивающим нагрузкам (ГОСТ 25556). Стандарт не распространяется на болты, винты и шпильки с такими особыми свойствами, как: - свариваемость; - коррозионная стойкость; - способность сохранять свойства при температурах выше плюс 300 °С (плюс 250 °С для класса прочности 10.9) или ниже минус 50 °С; - прочность на срез; - усталостная прочность.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, 12/27/2006

SKU: RUSS58320

Price: $226.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 21 Mechanical systems and general purpose devices »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 010/2011 TR CU. On safety of machinery and equipment » Regulations and standards (to ТР ТС ТС 010/2011) »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 4 Testing and control of products » 4.12 Testing and control of products of metallurgical industry » 4.12.6 Metal products »

ISO classifier » 21 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND GENERAL PURPOSE DEVICES » 21.060 Fasteners » 21.060.10 Bolts, screws, studs »

National standards » 21 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND GENERAL PURPOSE DEVICES » 21.060 Fasteners » 21.060.10 Bolts, screws, studs »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » G Machines, equipment and tools » G3 Fasteners for general engineering applications » G31 Bolts »

The Document is Replaced With:

GOST R ISO 898-1-2011: Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel. Part 1. Bolts, screws and studs of specified property classes with coarse thread and fine pitch thread

The Document References:

Federal Law 184-FZ: About technical regulation

GOST 11284-75: Through holes for fasteners. Dimensions

GOST 1497-84: Metals. Methods of tension test

GOST 16093-2004: Basic norms of interchangeability. Metric screw thread. Tolerances. Clearance fits

GOST 1759.2-82: Bolts, screws, and studs. Surface imperfections and monitoring methods

GOST 24705-2004: Вasic norms of interchangeability. Metric screw thread. Basic dimensions

GOST 25556-82: Set screws. Mechanical properties and test methods

GOST 2999-75: Metals and alloys. Vickers hardness teat by diamond pyramid

GOST 8724-2002: Basic norms of interchangeability. Metric screw threads. General plan

GOST 9012-59: Metals. Method of Brinell hardness measurement

GOST 9013-59: Metals. Method of measuring Rockwell hardness

GOST 9150-2002: Basic norms of interchangeability. Metric screw threads. Profile

GOST 9454-78: Metals. Method for testing the impact strength at the low, room and high temperature

GOST R 1.0-2004: Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions

GOST R 1.5-2004: Standardization in the Russian Federation. National standards of the Russian Federation. Rules of structure, drafting, presentation and indication

GOST R 52628-2006: Nuts. Mechanical properties and test methods

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 15521-70: Hexagon nuts with reduced width across flats, product grade B. Construction and dimensions

GOST 15522-70: Hexagon lock-nuts with reduced width across flats, product grade B. Construction and dimensions

GOST 15523-70: Hexagon thick nuts product grade B. Construction and dimensions

GOST 15524-70: Hexagon thick nuts product grade A. Construction and dimensions

GOST 15525-70: Hexagon thick nuts product grade B. Construction and dimensions

GOST 15526-70: Hexagon nuts, product grade C. Construction and dimensions

GOST 15589-70: Bolts with hexagon head, product grade C construction and dimensions

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GOST 15763-2005: Threaded and flange pipe connections for PN to 63 MPa (to 630 kgf/sq sm). General specifications

GOST 16016-2014: Clamp bolts for rail track fastenings. Specifications

GOST 16017-2014: Inserted bolts for rail track fastenings. Specifications

GOST 17475-80: Countersunk head screws product grades A and B. Construction and dimensions

GOST 22032-76: Studs with threaded end of 1d. Product grade B. Construction and dimensions

GOST 2524-70: Hexagon nuts with reduced width across flats (high precision). Constructions and dimensions

GOST 2526-70: Low hexagon nuts with decreased size “across flats” of accuracy class a

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GOST 32569-2013: Steel pipe technology. Requirements for design and operation of explosive and chemically dangerous production

GOST 5915-70: Hexagon nuts, product grade B. Construction and dimensions

GOST 5916-70: Hexagon lock nuts (standard precision). Construction and dimensions

GOST 5927-70: Hexagon nuts (high precision). Construction and dimensions

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GOST 7795-70: Hexagon reduced bead bolts with guide neck product grade B. Construction and dimensions.

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GOST 7805-70: Hexagon bolts, product grade A. Construction and dimensions

GOST 7811-70: Hexagon reduced head bolts with guide neck, product grade A. Construction and dimensions

GOST R 52603-2011: Water attractions. Safety of structure. General requirements

GOST R 52628-2006: Nuts. Mechanical properties and test methods

GOST R 52630-2006: Steel welded vessels and apparatus. General specifications

GOST R 52643-2006: High-strength screws and nuts washers for metal structures. General specifications

GOST R 52644-2006: Hexagon bolts for high-strength structural bolting with large width across flats. Specifications.

GOST R 52645-2006: Hexagon nuts for high-strength structural bolting with large width across flats. Specifications.

GOST R 52854-2007: Bolts with star-type head and small flange. Specifications

GOST R 52855-2007: Bolts with star-type head and large flange. Specifications

GOST R 53337-2009: Special rolling stock. Requirements for bearing structure stength and for dynamic properties

GOST R 53557-2009: Motor vehicles. Connecting rod bolts. General technical requirements and methods of tests

GOST R 53664-2009: High-strength cheese-head and conical bolts for bridge building. Nuts and washers for them. Specifications

GOST R 53819-2010: Vehicles. Fastenings wheels. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 54786-2011: Fastening parts for detachable connections of nuclear power plants. Specifications.

GOST R 55182-2012: Passenger cars on locomotive traction. General technical requirements

GOST R ISO 14579-2009: Bolts with cylindrical head and star-type internal socket button

GOST R ISO 14583-2009: Star type socket pan cylindrical head screws

GOST R ISO 16047-2009: Fasteners. Torque/clamp force testing

GOST R ISO 2320-2009: Prevailing torque type steel nuts - Mechanical and performance properties

GOST R ISO 3269-2009: Fasteners. Acceptance inspection

GOST R ISO 3449-2009: Earth-moving machinery. Falling-object protective structures. Laboratory tests and performance requirements

GOST R ISO 3471-2009: Earth-moving machinery. Roll-over protective structures. Technical requirements and laboratory tests

GOST R ISO 3506-1-2009: Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners. Part 1. Bolts, screws and studs

GOST R ISO 6157-1-2009: Fasteners. Surface discontinuities. Part 1. Bolts, screws and studs for general requirements

GOST R ISO 8082-1-2012: Self-propelled machinery for forestry. Roll-over protective structures. Technical requirements and test methods. Part 1. General machines

GOST R ISO 8839-2009: Mechanical properties of fasteners - bolts, screws, studs and nuts made of non-ferrous metals

GOST R ISO 898-7-2009: Mechanical properties of fasteners. Part 7. Torsional test and minimum torques for bolts and screws with nominal diameters 1 mm to 10 mm

PB 10-573-03: Series 17. Supervision documents in power industry. Issue 46. Construction and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines rules.

PB 10-575-03: Requirements for the Design and Safe Operation of Electric Boilers and Electric Boiler Plants

Safety Guide: Recommendations on arrangement and safe operation of process pipelines

Safety Guide: Recommendations on technical diagnostics of welded vertical cylindrical tanks for oil and petroleum products

SP 128.13330.2012: Aluminium structures

SP 16.13330.2011: Steel structures

ST TsKBA 037-2006: Pipe fittings. Packing glands. Construction, main dimensions and technical requirements

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