
GOST 4523-77

ГОСТ 4523-77

Reagents. Magnesium sulphate 7-aqueous. Specifications

Реактивы. Магний сернокислый 7-водный. Технические условия

Status: Effective - Supersedes. IUS 1-1978; The limitation of the effectiveness period has been lifted: Protocol No. 3-93 of the IGU dated 03.03.93 (IUS 5-6-1993)

The standard applies to the reagent - 7-water magnesium sulphate, which is a white crystalline powder, soluble in water; on the air weathered.

Стандарт распространяется на реактив – 7-водный сернокислый магний, который представляет собой белый кристаллический порошок, растворимый в воде; на воздухе выветривается.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, 11/23/1977

SKU: RUSS59157

Price: $217.00

English keywords: chemical reagents;


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 3 Activities of testing laboratories » 3.2 Technical equipment of testing laboratories » 3.2.3 Chemical reagents and highly pure substances » Reagents »

ISO classifier » 71 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY » 71.040 Analytical Chemistry » 71.040.30 Chemical reagents »

National standards » 71 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY » 71.040 Analytical Chemistry » 71.040.30 Chemical reagents »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » L Chemical products and rubber-asbestos products » L5 Reagents and highly pure substances » L51 Inorganic reagents »

National Standards for OKSTU » CHEMICAL REAGENTS AND HIGH PURITY SUBSTANCES » Salts of alkali metals, ammonium, alkaline earth metals, beryllium and aluminum »

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 4523-67: Magnesium sulphate

The Document References:

GOST 10398-76: Reagents and super pure substances. Complexonometric method for determination of basic matter content

GOST 10485-75: Reagents. Methods for determination of arsenic admixture

GOST 10555-75: Reagents and high-purity substances

GOST 10671.2-74: Reagents. Methods for determination of nitrates

GOST 10671.6-74: Reagents. Methods for determination of phosphates

GOST 10671.7-74: Reagents. Methods for the determination of chlorides

GOST 12533-76: Reagents. Magnesium compounds. Flame-photometric method for determining the content of calcium admixture

GOST 1277-75: Reagents. Silver nitrate. Specifications

GOST 17319-76: Reagents. Methods for the determination of heavy metals

GOST 20478-75: Reagents. Ammonium persulphate. Specifications

GOST 3118-67: Hydrochloric acid

GOST 3885-73: Reagents and superpure substances. Regulations of acceptance, sampling, packing, marking, transportation and storage

GOST 4108-72: Reagents. Barium chloride, 2-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 4207-75: Reagents. Potassium ferrocyanide. Specifications

GOST 4212-76: Reagents. Methods for preparation of solutions for colorimetric and nephelometric analysis

GOST 4328-77: Reagents. Sodium hydroxide. Specifications

GOST 4461-67: Nitric acid

GOST 4517-75: Methods for preparation of auxiliary reagents and solutions used in the analysis

GOST 4919.1-77: Reagents and matters of special purity. Methods for preparation of indicators solutions

GOST 6552-58: Orthophosphoric acid

GOST 6709-72: Distilled water. Specifications

GOST 9775-69: Glass filters and devices with filters

The Document is Referenced By:

FR 1.31.2005.01765: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. Measurement procedure for calcium, magnesium, total hardness in solid and liquid production and consumption wastes, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by the complexometric method

FR 1.31.2010.07688: Measurement procedure for the mass concentration of biochemical oxygen demand in wastewater and natural waters by the titrimetric method

FR 1.39.2007.03221: Biological control methods. Method of determining the toxicity of water and water extracts from the soil, sewage sludge, waste from mortality and changes in fertility of ceriodaphnias

FR 1.39.2007.03222: Biological control methods. Methodology for determining the toxicity of water and water extracts from soils, sewage sludge, waste by mortality and changes in the fertility of daphnia

FR 1.39.2007.03223: Biological control methods. Methods for determining the toxicity of water, water extracts from the soil, sewage sludge and waste by changing the level of chlorophyll fluorescence and the number of algae cells

FR 1.39.2015.19242: The method of determining the toxicity of samples of natural, drinking, drinking and household waste, treated waste, waste, thawed water, process water by the express method using the instrument series

FR 1.39.2015.19243: Methods for determining the toxicity of soil samples, bottom sediments and sewage sludge by the express method using the instrument series

FR 1.39.2015.19244: The method for determining the toxicity of production and consumption wastes using the express method using the device of the “Biotester” series

GOST 1003-73: Liquid naphthenic driers. Specifications

GOST 12.4.161-75: Occupational safety standards system. Industrial filtering gas masks and respirators. Method of testing all-service canisters protection time against mercury vapours

GOST 13301-67: Organic chemical products. Method of test for microdetermination of nitrogen

GOST 13310-78: Organic dyestuffs. Test methods of dyestuffs for leather

GOST 13496.1-89: Mixed fodder and raw mixed fodder. Methods for sodium and sodium chloride determination

GOST 13496.6-2017: Feed. Method for isolating microscopic fungi

GOST 13496.6-71: Mixed feed. Method of detachment of fungi

GOST 13685-84: Common salt. Test methods

GOST 13997.9-84: Zirconium containing refractory materials and products. Methods for determination of magnesium oxide

GOST 14050-93: Limestone meal (dolomite)

GOST 16446-2012: Dry complement for the complement fixation test. Specification

GOST 16446-78: Lyophilized complement for the reaction of complement binding

GOST 17051-82: Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Methods for determination of tantalum

GOST 171-81: Pressed bakery yeast. Specifications

GOST 18057-88: Coarse fodder. Method for detection of microscopic fungi

GOST 18165-2014: Water. Methods for determining aluminum content

GOST 18663-78: Fodder vitamin b12

GOST 18913-73: Drinking water. The method for determining the content of strontium-90

GOST 19275-73: Reagents. Ammonium bromide. Specifications

GOST 19728.8-2001: Talc and talcomagnesite. Method for determination of magnesium oxide

GOST 19728.8-74: Talc and talcmagnesite. Method for determination of magnesium oxide content

GOST 20851.3-93: Mineral fertilizers. Methods for determination of potassium content

GOST 21237-75: Meat. Methods of bacteriological analysis

GOST 22567.1-77: Synthetic detergents. Method for determination of foaming ability

GOST 23260.2-78: Marble. Method for the determination of magnesium oxide and magnesium carbonate

GOST 23673.1-79: Dolomite for glass industry. Methods for the determination of calcium oxide and magnum oxide

GOST 23859.6-79: Bronze fire-resistance. Method for the determination of nickel

GOST 25134-2013: Brucellin VIEV. Specification

GOST 25134-82: VI EV brucellin

GOST 25311-82: Feeding flour of animal origin. Methods for bacteriological analysis

GOST 25386-91: Agricultural animals. Methods of laboratory diagnostics of leptospirosis

GOST 25617-2014: Linen, semilinen, cotton and mixed fabrics and pice-goods. Methods of chemical tests

GOST 25617-83: Linen, semilinen, cotton and mixed fabrics and pice-goods. Methods of chemical tests

GOST 26073-84: Agricultural animals. Methods of laboratory diagnostics of paratuberculosis

GOST 26181-84: Fruit and vegetable products. Methods for determination of sorbic acid

GOST 2642.8-2017: Refractories and refractory raw materials. Methods for the determination of magnesium oxide

GOST 2642.8-86: Refractory materials and products. Methods for the determination of magnesium oxide

GOST 2642.8-97: Refractories and refractory raw materials. Methods for the determination of magnesium oxide

GOST 26449.0-85: Stationary distillation desalting units. General requirements for chemical analysis methods at saline water desalination

GOST 26726-2019: Reagents Flame photometric method for determination of impurities of sodium, potassium, calcium and strontium

GOST 26726-85: Reagents. Flame-photometric method for the determination of sodium, potassium, calcium and strontium as impurities

GOST 26930-86: Raw material and food-stuff. Method for determination of arsenic

GOST 26933-86: Raw materials and food-stuffs. Methods for determination of cadmium

GOST 28074-89: Vegetable fodder. Method for the determination of crude protein solubility

GOST 28085-2013: Medicine remedies biological for veterinary use. Method of bacteriological control of sterility

GOST 28467-90: Products of fruits and vegetables processing. Method for determination of benzoic acid content

GOST 29263-91: Surface active agents. Preparation of water with known calcium hardness

GOST 30502-97: Fodders, mixed fodders and mixed fodder raw materials. Atomic absorption method for determination of magnesium content

GOST 30538-97: Food-stuffs. Analysis of toxic elements by atomic-emission method

GOST 31083-2002: Fruit and vegetable juices. Method for the determination of d-glucose and d-fructose.

GOST 31085-2002: Milk and Milk products. Method of the determination of saccharose and glucose.

GOST 31086-2002: Milk and Milk products. Method of the determination of

GOST 31674-2012: Feeds, compound feeds, material for compound feeds. Methods for the determination of common toxicity

GOST 31905-2012: Food additives. Calcium lactate Е327. Specifications

GOST 31953-2012: Water. Determination of oil products using gas chromatography method

GOST 32097-2013: Vinegars оf food raw material. General specifications

GOST 32149-2013: Food products of commercial poultry eggs processing. Microbiological analysis methods

GOST 32343-2013: Feeds, compound feeds. Determination of calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, of potassium, sodium and zinc by atomic absorption spectrometry method

GOST 3240.19-76: Magnesium alloys. Method for determination of chlorine

GOST 32509-2013: Surface-active agents. Method for determination of biodegradability rate in aquatic environment

GOST 3273-75: Technical metallic sodium. Specifications

GOST 33295-2015: Dressed fur and sheepskins. Methods of determining the aluminium mass fraction

GOST 33379-2015: Organic fertilizers. Methods for determining the presence of pathogenic and potentially pathogenic microorganisms

GOST 33463.6-2016: Life support systems on railway rolling stock. Part 6. Methods of hygienic assessment of the water supply system

GOST 33491-2015: Product fermented-milk, enriched bifidobacteriae bifidum. Specifications

GOST 33839-2016: Confectionery. Method for determining the mass fraction of benzoic acid

GOST 33933-2016: Products of dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive nutrition. Protein complex dry blends. General specifications

GOST 33975-2016: Juice products. Determination of cations (potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium) by ion chromatography method

GOST 34285-2017: Food products, food raw materials. Method for the detection of chemotherapeutic drugs by the hemiluminescence immunoenzymatic assay with the use of biochip technology

GOST 34304-2017: Milk and dairy products. Method for the determination of lactose and galactose

GOST 34597-2019: Anode grounding of installations of electrochemical protection against corrosion of underground metal structures. Methods for determining the biocorrosive aggressiveness of soils and their impact on underground metal structures

GOST 4109-79: Reagents. Bromine. Specifications

GOST 4143-78: Reagents. Potassium hydrogen carbonate. Specifications

GOST 4212-2016: Reagents. Methods for preparation of solutions for colorimetric and nephelometric analysis

GOST 4212-76: Reagents. Methods for preparation of solutions for colorimetric and nephelometric analysis

GOST 4288-76: Culinary products and half-finished products of minced meat. Rules of acceptance and test methods

GOST 4389-72: Drinking water. Methods for determination of sulfate content

GOST 4517-87: Reagents. Methods for preparation of accessory reagents and solutions used for analysis

GOST 454-76: Bromine for industrial use. Specifications

GOST 4974-2014: Drinking water. Determination of manganese content by photometric methods

GOST 4974-72: Drinking water. Methods for determination of manganese content

GOST 5382-2019: Cements and materials of cement production. Chemical analysis methods

GOST 5382-91: Cements and materials for cement production. Chemical analysis methods

GOST 6243-75: Emulsols and pastes. Test methods

GOST 6689.2-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of nickel

GOST 7759-73: Magnesium chloride technical (bischofite). Technical conditions

GOST 790-89: Solid laundry soap and toilet soap rules of acceptance and test methods

GOST 8269.1-97: Mauntainous rock road-metal and gravel, industrial waste products for construction works Methods clicmical analysis

GOST 851.2-93: Primary magnesium. Methods for determination of silicon

GOST 9.047-75: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Metal and non-metal inorganic coatings. Technological process operations for coating production

GOST 9.048-89: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Technical items. Methods of laboratory tests for mould resistance

GOST 9.052-88: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Oils and greases. Laboratory test methods for mould resistance

GOST 9.053-75: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Non-metallic materials and articles with their application. Method of microbiological resistance tests under natural and atmospheric conditions

GOST 9.305-84: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Metal and non-metal inorganic coatings. Technological process operations for coating production

GOST 9.402-80: Metal surface preparation for painting

GOST 9.403-2022: Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging (USPCS). Paint and varnish coatings. Test methods for resistance to static action of liquids

GOST 9.403-80: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. Test methods for resistance to liquid static effect

GOST 9213-77: Fur skins and fur coat sheepskin. Method of determination of aluminium content

GOST 9225-84: Milk and milk products. Methods of microbiological analysis

GOST 9958-81: Sausage products and meat products. Methods of bacteriological analysis

GOST R 50476-93: Fruit and vegetable products. Method for determination of sorbic and benzoic acids, simultaneously contained in the product

GOST R 50688-94: Soils. Determination of mobile compounds of boron by Berger and Truog method modified by CINAO

GOST R 50771-95: Cadmium pigments. General specifications

GOST R 51063-97: Inert powder. Methods of testing

GOST R 51095-97: Premixes. Specifications

GOST R 51240-98: Fruit and vegetable juices. Determination of D-glucose and D-fructose content

GOST R 51258-99: Milk and milk products. Method for determination of sucrose and glucose content

GOST R 51259-99: Milk and milk products. Method for determination of lactose and galactose content

GOST R 51938-2002: Fruit and vegetable juices. Method for determination of sucrose content

GOST R 52101-2003: Vinegars of food raw material. General specifications

GOST R 52337-2005: Feeds, compound feeds, material for compounds feeds. Methods for the determination of common toxicity

GOST R 52406-2005: Water. Determination of oil products using gas chromatography method

GOST R 52687-2006: Fermented-milk product, enriched with bifidum bifidobacteria. Specifications

GOST R 53014-2008: Dressed fur and sheepskins. Methods of determining the aluminium mass fraction

GOST R 53861-2010: Products for healthful and dietetic purposes. Protein complex dry blends. General specifications

GOST R 53943-2010: Food additives. Calcium lactate Е327. Specifications

GOST R 53944-2010: Food products of commercial poultry eggs processing. Microbiological analysis methods

GOST R 54496-2011: Water. The determination of toxicity with use of green freshwater unicellular algae

GOST R 54627-2011: Agricultural ruminant animals. Methods of laboratory helminthology diagnostics

GOST R 54653-2011: Organic fertilizers. Methods of microbiological analysis

GOST R 54731-2011: Pressed bakery yeast. Specifications

GOST R 54948-2012: Honey. Method for determination of glycerol content

GOST R 55067-2012: Magnesium chloride. Specifications

GOST R 55457-2013: Horses. Methods for laboratory helminthosis diagnostics

GOST R 55586-2013: Vitamins-minerals premixes for fur animals. General specifications

GOST R 56139-2014: Functional foods. Methods for detection and enumeration of probiotic microorganisms

GOST R 56145-2014: Functional foods. Methods for microbiological analysis

GOST R 56236-2014: Water. Determination of toxicity by survival of freshwater crustaceans. Daphnia magna Straus

GOST R 57200-2016: Vitamin B2 feed. Specifications

GOST R 57201-2016: Vitamin B12 feed. Specifications

GOST R 57600-2017: Microbiological products. Integrated grain sourdough. Specifications

GOST R 57643-2017: Microbiological products. Bacterial fertilizer nitragin. Specifications

GOST R 57644-2017: Microbiological products. Miko insecticides vertitsellin. Specifications

GOST R 57645-2017: Microbiological products. Insecticide plant pathogenic fungus medication. Specifications

GOST R 57782-2017: Organic fertilizers. Methods parasitological analysis. Methods for determination of oocysts and cysts of parasitic protozoa

GOST R 57859-2017: Polymer composites. Test method for determining resistance of synthetic polymeric materials to fungi

GOST R 58138-2018: Organic fertilizers. Methods of parasitological analysis. Methods for determination of larvae of synanthropic flies

MR 4146-86: Guidelines for monitoring and assessing viral pollution of environmental objects

MU 1112-73: Guidelines for the determination of BMK and benlate by BMK in plant objects, wine, soil and water by thin layer chromatography

MU 143-9/316-17: Guidelines for the sanitary-microbiological analysis of therapeutic mud

MU 1439-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of sonalen in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method

MU 1622-77: Guidelines for the colorimetric determination of mercury vapor in the air

MU 1718-77: Guidelines for the titrimetric, photometric and chromatographic determination of organochlorine toxic chemicals in the air

MU 1880-78: Guidelines for the determination of bazagran in water by gas-liquid chromatography

MU 1917-78: Guidelines for the determination of terbacil in vegetable products, wine, grape juice, soil, water by chromatographic methods

MU 1921-78: Guidelines for the determination of polyhedra of nuclear polyhedrosis virus of an unpaired silkworm in water, soil, on plant objects and in the air by the immunofluorescence method

MU 2128-80: Guidelines for the determination of residual quantities of the biological product Virin-EX on plant objects by the immunofluorescence method

MU 2351-81: Guidelines for the determination of bacitracin in the air of the working area using paper chromatography

MU 2352-81: Guidelines for the determination of granules of the virus of codling moth granulosis on plant objects by the immunofluorescence method

MU 2353-81: Guidelines for the determination of beta-exotoxin in bitoxibacillin preparations

MU 2363-81: Guidelines for the joint determination of prometrin, terbacil and treflan in a single sample of soil, essential oil and essential oil raw peppermint by gas chromatography

MU 2366-81: Guidelines for the determination of fademorph in cherry, cucumber, currant, apple, water by chromatographic methods

MU 2367-81: Guidelines for the determination of diquat in sunflower seeds by thin layer chromatography

MU 2421-81: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of bentazone in the air of the working area using thin layer chromatography

MU 2423-81: Guidelines for the determination of triforin in plant products (apples, cucumbers), soil, water by thin layer chromatography

MU 2427-81: Guidelines for the determination of lontrell in water, soil and plants by gas-liquid chromatography

MU 25.1-001-86: Resistance of medical devices to aggressive biological fluids. Test methods

MU 2780-83: Guidelines for the measurement of tomilon concentrations in the air of the working area by chromatographic methods

MU 2798-83: Guidelines for the determination of residual quantities of the biological product Virin-KSh on plant objects by the immunofluorescence method

MU 2799-83: Guidelines for the determination of residual quantities of the drug Virin-Diprion on plant objects by the immunofluorescence method

MU 2809-83: Guidelines for the measurement of mitak concentrations in the air of the working area by chromatographic methods

MU 2845-83: Guidelines for the measurement of hostaquik concentrations in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 2847-83: Guidelines for the measurement of butylcaptax concentrations in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods

MU 2850-83: Guidelines for measuring ofunac concentrations in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 2852-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of trimorphamide in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods

MU 2853-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of bioresmetrin in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 2855-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of DYAK in the air of the working area

MU 2856-83: Guidelines for chromatographic and chromatospectrophotometric measurement of the concentrations of benomyl and BMK in the air of the working area

MU 2857-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of actellic and primicide in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 2857-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of actellic and primicide in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 2858-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of synthetic pyrethroids (ambush, decis, ripcord, sumicidin) in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods

MU 2859-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of the bronocot in the air of the working area by the photometric method

MU 2860-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of diazinone, eptam, gamma-isomer of HCH, phenmedifam, lenacyl, phosphamide and pyrazone with their joint presence in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods

MU 2863-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of rovral in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 2867-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of zoocoumarin in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 2869-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of metazine, sulfazine and the components of the herbicidal mixture of caragard in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method

MU 2870-83: Guidelines for the measurement of concentrations of carbofuran in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 2871-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of crowneton in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 2874-83: Guidelines for the application of diagnostic nutrient flow rates for bacteriological studies

MU 2960-84: Guidelines for the determination of residues of ethylene dibromide (1,2-dibromoethane) in grain

MU 2990-84: Methodological guidelines for the definition of piclorama in water, soil, grain and plant material by gas chromatography

MU 3.5.2596-10: Methods for studying and evaluating the tuberculocidal activity of disinfectants

MU 3006-84: Guidelines for the measurement of dropp concentrations in the air of the working area by gas chromatographic method

MU 3024-84: Guidelines for a unified method of immunofluorescent detection of baculoviruses in the air of the working area

MU 3064-84: Guidelines for the determination of vitavax in grain and water by thin layer chromatography

MU 3110-84: Guidelines for the separate photometric measurement of the concentrations of magnesium, aluminum and their oxides in the air of the working area

MU 3152-84: Guidelines for the measurement of concentrations of illoxane in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method

MU 3154-84: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of anometrine-N in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods

MU 315-84: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of 2, -4 dichlorophenoxypropionic acid in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method

MU 3158-84: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of resting spores of entomofluoric fungi (mycoafidin, entomoftorin) by light microscopy in the air of a working area

MU 3189-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of thiodane and its metabolite of thiodanesulfate in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method

MU 3192-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of thiocarbamic pesticides in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography

MU 3195-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of reldan and the product of its hydrolysis of 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods

MU 3197-85: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of terbacil in the air of the working area by chromatographic methods

MU 3199-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of 2M-4X, 2M-4XP and 2M-4XM in the air of the working zone using the gas chromatographic method

MU 3253-85: Temporary guidelines for the determination of tapegran in corn, soil and water by thin layer chromatography

MU 3882-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of dactal in the air of the working area by gas chromatographic method

MU 3969-84: Guidelines for the measurement of selectron concentrations in the air of the working area by gas chromatographic method

MU 4017-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of dosanex, 3-chloro-4-methoxyaniline, 3-chloro-4-methoxynitrobenzene in the air of the working zone by chromatographic method

MU 4019-85: Methodical instructions for the chromatographic measurement of the concentration of fosalone and semi-products of its production of benzoxazolone and 3-hydroxymethyl-6-chlorobenzoxazolone in the air of the working area

MU 4122-86: Guidelines for the measurement of 2,4-D concentrations in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method

MU 4329-87: Guidelines for the determination of Resin in water, roots and beet tops by thin layer chromatography

MU 4345-87: Guidelines for the determination of bazagran in fish by thin layer chromatography

MU 4348-87: Methodological Guidelines for Determining Bazagran in Essential Oils by Gas-Liquid Chromatography

MU 4354-87: Methodical guidelines for determining strani 200 in water, soil, grain by thin layer chromatography

MU 4357-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of baytan, bayleton, impact in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4360-87: Guidelines for the determination of nitrapirin and its metabolite 6-chloricolinic acid in water, soil and biological material by thin layer chromatography

MU 4362-87: Guidelines for the systematic analysis of biological media on the content of pesticides of various chemical nature

MU 4370-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of staran in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4372-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of a racer in the air of a working zone by thin layer chromatography

MU 4373-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of nabu in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4376-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of foxime in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method

MU 4379-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of glyphosate, glyphosine and glycine in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4633-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of camposan in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method

MU 4635-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of torc in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4637-88: Guidelines for measuring peak concentrations in the air of the working area by the extraction-photometric method

MU 4638-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of eisect in the air of the working area by gas chromatographic method

MU 4643-88: Guidelines for the measurement of toluene concentrations in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method

MU 4674-88: Guidelines for measuring neon concentrations in the air of a working zone by chromatographic methods

MU 4679-88: Guidelines for measuring stomp concentrations in the air of a working area using liquid chromatography

MU 4708-88: Methodical instructions for determining the definition of a pix in water and cottonseed by an extraction-photometric method

MU 4964-89: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of ridomil in the air of the working area by gas-liquid chromatography

MU 4965-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of sumi-alpha in the air of the working area by chromatographic methods

MU 4967-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of a blazer (aciflurofen) in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4970-89: Guidelines for chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of new synthetic pyrethroids (danitol, fastak, tsibolt, karate) in the air of the working area

MU 4971-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of triamelon in the air of the working area

MU 4972-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of prodiamine in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography

MU 4974-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of nisoran in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4975-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of isophene and dinoseb in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4976-89: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of orthen concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4977-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of triallate in the air of the working zone by gas-liquid chromatography

MU 4979-89: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of cimide concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4980-89: Guidelines for measuring clay concentrations in the air of the working zone by gas-liquid and thin-layer chromatography

MU 4981-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of stearic acid versamide (VSA) in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4983-89: Guidelines for the measurement of butrazine concentrations in the air of a working zone by gas-liquid chromatography methods

MU 4984-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of zollen in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4985-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of GMF, TMDI, GMDI, CGI, ATG, ATG-F in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4986-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of pachton in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4988-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of morphonol in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4989-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of ethyl acetoacetic acid in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4990-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of trifumin and its metabolites in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography

MU 4991-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of lasso in the air of the working zone by chromatographic method

MU 4992-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of sym-triazines (ametrine, mesoranyl, semeron, hezaran, Zencor, igran) in the air of the working zone by thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography

MU 4993-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of dimethyl phosphite in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography

MU 4994-89: Methodological guidelines for determining in one sample organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides used on tomatoes by chromatographic methods

MU 5003-89: Guidelines for the determination of applaud in plant material (tomatoes, cucumbers, fruits and green mass), soil, water by gas-liquid chromatography

MU 5005-89: Guidelines for the determination of Apollo in water, soil, fruit crops by thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography

MU 5021-89: Guidelines for the determination of a mixture of carbofuran with benomyl and TMTD (combi preparation) in sugar beet plants by thin layer chromatography

MU 5024-89: Guidelines for the determination of diquat in fish and water by thin layer chromatography

MU 5036-89: Guidelines for the determination of a mixture of metaphos, bayleton and tilt in wheat plants by thin layer chromatography

MU 5037-89: Guidelines for the determination of corbel in water, soil and wheat plants by thin layer chromatography

MU 5044-89: Guidelines for the determination of TMTD and its transformation products in water, grain crops and plant material by thin layer chromatography

MU 5045-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of glyphosine tetramethyl ether in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 5047-89: Guidelines for the measurement of dextramine concentrations in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 5253-90: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of methyldiethanolamine concentrations in the air of the working area

MUK 4.1.140-96: Recommended practice for photometric measurement of concentrations of magnesium sulfate in the air of the working zone

MUK 4.1.1429-03: Determination of desmedifam residues in water, soil, root crops and green mass of sugar, table and fodder beet by high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.1435-03: Determination of residues of tifensulfuron-methyl in water, beans and soybean oil by high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.2387-08: Determination of residual amounts of pencycuron in water, soil, and potato tubers by high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.3021-12: Measurement of fluxapiroxad concentrations in water, soil, green mass, grain and straw of grain crops using high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.3043-12: Measurement of the mass concentration of propriachlor in beet tops and root crops using high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.3130-13: Determination of residues of ametoctradine in water, soil, cucumbers, lettuce, turnip, carrots, tomatoes, tubers and green mass of potatoes, grapes and grape juice by high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.3133-13: Determination of residual amounts of cyazofamide in water, soil, leaves and potato tubers, fruits of tomatoes and tomato juice by high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.3158-14: Measurement of the mass concentration of acrolein in the blood by high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.3186-14: Determination of dimethomorph residues in a salad using high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.3351-16: Multi-determination of pesticides of various chemical nature in crop production

MUK 4.1.3440-17: Determination of residual amounts of 2,4-D acid in milk, eggs and offal of mammals by chromatographic methods

MUK 4.1.3444-17: Determination of residual amounts of thiamethoxam and its metabolite of clothianidin in bananas, citrus fruits, tea and coffee beans by high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.3456-17: Determination of residues of diphenoconazole in cucumbers by capillary gas-liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.3489/1-17: Determination of residual amounts of fipronil and its metabolite fipronil sulfone in dry egg food products, eggs, meat and poultry by-products by capillary gas-liquid chromatography

MUK 4.2.3250-14: Microbiological measurement of the concentration of Azotobacter chroococcum

MUK 4.2.3251-14: Microbiological measurement of the concentration of Azotobacter chrooccum BH-1811 VKPM B-9029 in the atmospheric air of populated areas. Methodical instructions

MUK 4.2.3256-14: Microbiological measurement of the concentration of cells of the microorganism Yarrowia lipolytica 2kp VKPM Y-4043 in the air of the working area

MUK 4.2.3257-14: Microbiological measurement of the concentration of Yarrowia lipolytica 2kp VKPM Y-4043 in the atmospheric air of populated areas. Methodical instructions

MUK 4.2.3433-17: Microbiological measurement of concentration of Beijerinckia fluminensis Bf 2806 VKPM B-12258 in air of working area

MUK 4.2.3434-17: Microbiological measurement of concentration of Beijerinckia fluminensis Bf 2806 VKPM B-12258 in atmospheric air of populated areas

MUK 4.2.3435-17: Microbiological measurement of the concentration of Paenibacillus mucilaginosus Pm 2906 VKPM B-12259 in the air of the working area

MUK 4.2.3436-17: Microbiological measurement of concentration of Paenibacillus mucilaginosus Pm 2906 VKPM B-12259 in atmospheric air of populated areas

MUK 4.2.577-96: Methods of microbiological control of products for children, clinical nutrition and their components

NDP 10.1:2:3.131-2016: Method for determination of biochemical oxygen consumption after 5 days of incubation (BOD5) in drinking, natural and wastewater samples by the amperometric method

NTP 10-12976-2000*: Norms of technological design of enterprises of the alcohol industry

NTP-APK Standards of technological design of enterprises of the yeast industry

OST 9388-022-00008064-2000: Laboratory methods for the diagnosis of pig nematodoses

PND F 14.1:2.56-96: Quantitative chemical analysis of water. Methods for measuring the mass concentration of cyanides in natural and waste waters by the photometric method with pyridine and barbituric acid

PND F 14.1:2:3:4.123-97: Quantitative chemical analysis of water. Methods for measuring biochemical oxygen demand after n-days of incubation (BOD complete) in surface fresh, underground (groundwater), drinking, waste and treated wastewater

PND F 16.1:2:2.2:3.51-08: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of nitrite nitrogen in soils, soils, sediments, silts, production waste and consumption by the photometric method with Griess reagent

PND F T 14.1:2:3:4.10-04: Toxicological control methods. Measurement method of the optical density of the culture of chlorella alga (Chlorella Vulgaris Beijer) to determine the toxicity of drinking, fresh natural and wastewater, water extracts from soils, soils, sewage sludge, pro

PND F T 14.1:2:3:4.10-2004: Toxicological methods of analysis. Methods for determining the toxicity of drinking, natural and waste waters, water extracts from the soil, sewage sludge and production and consumption waste by changing the optical density of the chlorella algae culture

PND F T 14.1:2:3:4.12-06: Toxicological control methods. The method of measuring the amount of Daphnia Magna Straus to determine the toxicity of drinking, fresh natural and wastewater, water extracts from soils, soil, sewage sludge, production waste and consumption by direct calcu

PND F T 14.1:2:4.12-06: Toxicological methods of analysis. Methods for determining the toxicity of drinking, fresh natural and wastewater, water extracts from the soil, sewage sludge and waste of daphnia mortality (Darnia magma STraus)

PNST 123-2016: Automobile roads of general use. The mineral materials for the preparation of asphalt mixtures. Method for determination of loss of mass under the action of sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate

RD 153-34.1-10.412-00: Specified Quantity Allowances for Reagent and Laboratory Vessels for Chemical Monitoring at Thermal Power Stations

RD 34.10.409-87: Specified Quantity Allowances for Chemical Reagents for Thermal Power Station Wastewater Monitoring

RD 34.37.305-97(1-16): Collection of methods for chemical analysis of washing solutions for chemical cleaning of heat power equipment

RD 34.37.523.8-88: Industrial water of thermal power plants. Methods for determination of hardness

RD 39-0147103-350-89: Evaluation of bactericidal efficacy of reagents relative to adherent cells of sulphate-reducing bacteria in laboratory tests.

RD 39-23-749-82: Method for determining the biodegradability of nonionic surfactants under the action of reservoir microflora

RD 50-664-88: Guidelines. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. Electrolyte preparation and correction methods

RD 52.04.167-2018: Mass concentration of calcium, magnesium and zinc in precipitation and aerosols. Measurement procedure by atomic absorption method with flame atomization

RD 52.24.415-2007: Mass concentration of potassium ions in water. Measurement technique of potentiometric method with ion-indicating electrode.

RD 52.24.420-2006: Biochemical oxygen demand in waters. Measurement method using the bottle method

RD 52.24.420-2019: Biochemical oxygen consumption in waters. Measurement procedure by titrimetric and amperometric methods

RD 52.24.868-2017: The use of methods for biotesting water and bottom sediments of streams and reservoirs

Sanitary rules: Sanitary rules for the production and quality assessment of paper and paperboard produced using waste paper and intended for packaging dry food

Sanitary rules: Sanitary rules for the use of food additives

Sanitary rules: Sanitary rules for the design and maintenance of places for physical culture and sports

SanPiN 42-123-4423-87: Regulations and methods for microbiological control of baby food made in dairy kitchens of the health care system

SanPiN 42-123-4940-88: Microbiological Standards and Methods for Analysis of Children's, Medical and Diet Foods and Their Components

ST RK ISO 1956-2010: Protection of Nature. Hydrosphere. Determination of aluminum content in drinking, ground and wastewater

STB 1760-2007: Vinegars for food purposes. General specifications

STB GOST R 51938-2006: Fruit and vegetable juices. Method for determination of sucrose

TU 6-02-862-74: MFSN-B stabilizer

Turkmenistan Guidelines for the development and application of standards: Guidelines for the development and application of standards for unavoidable losses and waste of materials in construction

VMU 2463-81: Temporary methodological guidelines for the definition of a visifect in plant products, soil and water by thin layer chromatography

VMU 3890-85: Temporary guidelines for determining the residues of 320-K in grain and water by thin layer chromatography

VNTP 24-85: Departmental norms of technological design of enterprises for the production of food citric acid

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