GOST R 51417-99
ГОСТ Р 51417-99
Feeds, mixed feeds and raw material. Determination of mass fraction of nitrogen and calculation of mass fraction of crude protein. Kjeldahl method
Корма, комбикорма, комбикормовое сырье. Определение массовой доли азота и вычисление массовой доли сырого протеина. Метод Кьельдаля
Status: Not effective - Canceled. Registration information 305-st dated 06/28/2013 (official site of Rosstandart); IUS 9-2014
This standard establishes a method for determining the nitrogen content and a method for calculating the content of crude protein in feed, compound feed and feed feed by the Kjeldahl method
Настоящий стандарт устанавливает метод определения содержания азота и метод вычисления содержания сырого протеина в кормах, комбикормах и комбикормовом сырье методом Кьельдаля
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Approved: Gosstandart of Russia,
SKU: RUSS60344
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The Document References:
GOST 13496.0-80: Mixed feeding-stuffs. Methods of sampling of average sample
GOST R 51419-99: Feeds, mixed feeds and raw material. Preparation of test samples
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 10385-2014: Combined feeding staffs for fishes. General specifications
GOST 10471-96: Flaxseed meal. Specifications
GOST 11048-95: Rape cake
GOST 11201-65: Peanut oil cake
GOST 11202-65: Rapeseed oil cake
GOST 11203-65: Sesame cake
GOST 11246-96: Sunflower extraction cake
GOST 11694-66: Hemp-seed oil cake
GOST 12220-96: Feed toasted soybean extraction cake
GOST 13299-71: Concentrated combined fodder designed for suckling-pigs
GOST 13496.4-93: Fodder, mixed fodder and animal feed raw stuff. Methods of nitrogen and crude protein determination
GOST 16955-71: Combined fodder designed for control fattening of pigs
GOST 21055-96: Full-ration mixed fodder for bacon feeding of pigs
GOST 21904-76: Concentrated mixed fodder for breed mares
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GOST 22842-88: Concentrated mixed fodder for fattened horses
GOST 23637-90: Haylage
GOST 28255-89: Concentrated mixed fodder for raising and fattening of young meat horses
GOST 28256-89: Concentrated mixed fodder for milch mares
GOST 28460-2014: Combined feeding staffs for wildfowl. General specifications
GOST 28460-90: Mixed fodder for fowl
GOST 30257-95: Toasted rapeseed extraction cake
GOST 32749-2014: Oilseeds, oilcakes and oilmeals. Determination of moisture, oil, protein and fiber by near-infrared reflectance
GOST 32897-2014: Mixed feeds for fur-bearing animals, rabbits and nutrias. General specifications
GOST 4808-87: Hay
GOST 80-96: Sunflower-seed oil cake
GOST 9267-68: Concentrated mixed fodder for pigs
GOST 9268-90: Concentrated mixed feed for cattle
GOST R 50257-92: Complete mixed feed for pigs. General specifications
GOST R 51423-99: Feedstuffs, compound feeds, feed raw materials. Method for determination of soluble nitrogen fraction of total mass after treatment with pepsin in dilute hydrochloric acid
GOST R 51550-2000: Mixed feeds-concentrates for pigs. General specifications
GOST R 51551-2000: Protein-vitamin-mineral and amide-vitamin-mineral concentrates. Specifications
GOST R 51851-2001: Mixed feeds for poultry. Index nomenclature
GOST R 52254-2004: Mixed feeds for fodder cattle. Index nomenclature
GOST R 52346-2005: Mixed feeds for fishes. Index nomenclature
GOST R 52421-2005: Fish, marine products and products of them. Method of determining the fraction of total mass of protein, fat, water, phosphorus, calcium and ash by the near-infra-red spectrometry
GOST R 52528-2006: Protein-vitamin-mineral and amide-vitamin-mineral concentrates. Index nomenclature
GOST R 52812-2007: Feedstuffs mixtures. Specifications
GOST R 53600-2009: Oilseeds, oilcakes and oilmeals. Determination of moisture, oil, protein and fibre by Near-Infrared Reflectance
GOST R 53799-2010: Toasted soybean meal as livestock feed. Specifications
GOST R 53899-2010: Feed triticale. Specifications
GOST R 53900-2010: Feed barley. Specifications
GOST R 53901-2010: Feed oat. Specifications
GOST R 53902-2010: Feed sorghum. Specifications
GOST R 53903-2010: Feed Corn. Specifications
GOST R 54078-2010: Feed wheat. Specifications
GOST R 54079-2010: Feed rye. Specifications
GOST R 54319-2011: Feeding flour. Specifications
GOST R 54492-2011: Mixed fodder for horses. General specifications
GOST R 54629-2011: Fodder bean. Specifications
GOST R 54630-2011: Fodder peas. Specifications
GOST R 54631-2011: Feed vetch. Specifications
GOST R 54632-2011: Fodder lupine. Specifications
GOST R 54901-2012: Dried beet pulp. Specifications
GOST R 55259-2012: Plants for artificial drying of hay. Test methods
GOST R 55452-2013: Hay and haylage. Specifications
GOST R 55453-2013: Feeding stuffs for non-productive animals. General specifications
GOST R 55489-2013: Corn gluten. Specifications
GOST R 55987-2014: Feeds and raw material for mixed feeds. Method for determination of digestibility of feather meal in vitro
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