GOST 32065-2013
ГОСТ 32065-2013
Dried vegetables. General specifications
Овощи сушеные. Общие технические условия
Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time. IUS 2-2014
This standard applies to the following dried vegetables: white cabbage, onions, table carrots, table beets, garlic, green peas, white parsley roots, celery and parsnip, parsley, celery and dill, prepared by thermal technology processing to achieve a mass fraction of moisture, ensuring their persistence
Настоящий стандарт распространяется на следующие сушеные овощи: белокочанную капусту, репчатый лук, столовую морковь, столовую свеклу, чеснок, зеленый горошек, белые коренья петрушки, сельдерея и пастернака, зелень петрушки, сельдерея и укропа, подготовленные в соответствии с установленной технологией, высушенные путем термической обработки до достижения массовой доли влаги, обеспечивающей их сохраняемость
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Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology,
SKU: RUSS61507
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
PromExpert »
V Testing and control »
4 Testing and control of products »
4.4 Testing and control of food products »
4.4.3 Products of canning and vegetable drying industry »
ISO classifier »
67.080 Fruits. Vegetables »
67.080.20 Vegetables and their products »
National standards »
67.080 Fruits. Vegetables »
67.080.20 Vegetables and their products »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
Latest edition »
N Food and taste products »
N5 Fruit and vegetable products »
N54 Juices and extracts, fruit and berry »
The Document References:
GOST 10444.12-88: Food products. Method for determination of yeast and mould
GOST 10444.15-94: Food products. Methods for determination quantity of mesophilic aerobes and facultative anaerobes
GOST 10444.8-88: Food products. Method for determination of Bacillus cereus
GOST 13340.1-77: Dried vegetables. Methods of determining net weight, shape and size of particles, degree of grinding, apparent defects, component ratio, organoleptic characteristics and cooking capacity
GOST 13340.2-77: Dried vegetables. Methods of determination of metal impurities and pests of cereal stocks
GOST 13341-77: Dried vegetables. Rules of acceptance and sampling
GOST 13342-77: Dried vegetables. Packing, marking, transportation and storage
GOST 14192-96: Cargo marking
GOST 1721-85: Fresh food garden carrot for supply and delivery. Specifications
GOST 1722-85: Fresh food red beet for supply and delivery. Specifications
GOST 1723-86: Fresh onions for supper and delivery. Specification
GOST 1724-85: Fresh white head cabbage for supply and delivery. Specifications
GOST 25555.3-82: Fruit and vegetable products. Methods for determination of mineral impurities
GOST 25555.5-91: Fruit and vegetable products. Methods for determination of sulphur dioxide
GOST 26669-85: Food-stuffs and food additives. Preparation of samples for microbiological analyses
GOST 26670-91: Food products. Methods for cultivation of microorganisms
GOST 26927-86: Raw material and food-stuffs. Methods for determination of mercury
GOST 26929-94: Raw material and food-stuffs. Preparation of samples. Decomposition of organic matters for analysis of toxic elements
GOST 26930-86: Raw material and food-stuff. Method for determination of arsenic
GOST 26932-86: Raw materials and food-stuffs. Methods for determination of lead
GOST 26933-86: Raw materials and food-stuffs. Methods for determination of cadmium
GOST 28561-90: Fruit and vegetable products. Methods for determination of total solids or moisture
GOST 29270-95: Fruit and vegetable products. Methods for determination of nitrates
GOST 30178-96: Raw material and food-stuffs. Atomic absorption method for determination of toxic elements
GOST 30349-96: Fruits, vegetables and derived products. Methods for determination of organochlorine pesticide residues
GOST 30538-97: Food-stuffs. Analysis of toxic elements by atomic-emission method
GOST 30710-2001: Fruits, vegetables and derived products. Methods for determination of phosphororganic pesticides
GOST 31628-2012: Food-stuffs and food raw materials. Anodic stripping voltammetric method of arsenic mass concentration determination
GOST 31659-2012: Food products. Methods for the detection of Salmonella spp
GOST 31747-2012: Food products. Methods for detection and quantity determination of coliformes
GOST 5312-90: Fresh green peas for conservation. Specifications
GOST 7977-87: Fresh garlic for supply and delivery. Specifications
GOST 8.578-2002: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification schedule for instruments measuring the content of components in gaseous media
GOST R 55909-2013: Fresh garlic. Specifications
The Document is Referenced By:
Decision 236: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, through the application of which on a voluntary basis compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union "On food safety" (TR CU 021/2011), and the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, containing rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements, including rules from
GOST 10531-2013: Canned fried fish in marinade. Specifications
GOST 16676-2019: Canned fish. Ear and soups. Technical conditions
GOST 1683-2017: Mixes of dried vegetables for first courses. Technical conditions
GOST 16978-2019: Canned fish in tomato sauce. Technical conditions
GOST 17471-2013: Canned food. Vegetable sauces. General specifications
GOST 17472-2013: Canned foods. Cabbage or pepper, stuffed with meat and rice. Specifications
GOST 18223-2013: Mackerel and jack mackerel spice-salted. Specifications
GOST 18224-2013: Canned food. Second dinner dishes. Specifications
GOST 18256-2017: Smoked baked pork products. Technical conditions
GOST 18611-2013: Canned Food. Sliced vegetables in tomato sauce. General specifications
GOST 23670-2019: Cooked meat sausages. Technical specifications
GOST 2654-2017: Canned food. Vegetable caviar. Technical conditions
GOST 28589-2014: Canned meat. Poultry meat in its own. Specification
GOST 30545-2015: Canned meat for nutrition of young children. General specifications
GOST 31743-2017: Pasta products. General technical conditions
GOST 31755-2012: Sauces based on vegetable oils. General specifications
GOST 31805-2018: Bakery products from wheat baking flour. General specifications
GOST 31807-2018: Bakery products from rye baking flour and rye-and-wheat baking flour. General specifications
GOST 31808-2012: Fresh pasta products. General specifications
GOST 32063-2013: Ketchups. General specifications
GOST 32733-2014: Canned food. Braised poultry meat for children nutrition. General specifications
GOST 32737-2014: Semi-prepared natural products of poultry meat for children nutrition. Specifications
GOST 32741-2014: Semifinished products. Fruit and vegetable fillings and podvarki. General specifications
GOST 32750-2014: Frozen semi-finished products in dough for children`s nutrition. Specifications
GOST 32784-2014: Meat jellies in casings and broth jellies. Specifications
GOST 32785-2014: Products of horsemeat. Specifications
GOST 32801-2014: Canned chopped fish, minced and fricassee. Specifications
GOST 32888-2014: Canned products. Pasties for child nutrition. Specifications
GOST 32889-2014: Canned meat in pieces for children`s nutrition. Specifications
GOST 32900-2014: Venison products. Specifications
GOST 32906-2014: Meat Cans. Brawn. Specifications
GOST 32907-2014: Canned meat . First dishes. Specifications
GOST 32967-2014: Semi-prepared meat products for children`s nutrition. General specifications
GOST 33284-2015: Canned mussel in sauce and filling. Specifications
GOST 33285-2015: Mussel preserves. Specifications
GOST 33337-2015: Culinary fabrics of poultry meat for children nutrition. Specifications
GOST 33338-2015: Semi-prepared ground ready-to-heat-and-eat of poultry meat for children nutrition. Specifications
GOST 33356-2015: Quick-frozen finished products of poultry meat. Specifications
GOST 33394-2015: Frozen pelmeni. Specifications
GOST 33430-2015: Canned fish roe and milt. Specifications
GOST 33476-2015: Frozen second lunch meals. General specifications
GOST 33612-2015: Canned meat sterilized. Pork fat melted with fillers. Specifications.
GOST 33804-2016: Canned mussels, natural and in oil. Specification
GOST 33840-2016: Meat containing cans. Second course meals with garnish. Specification
GOST 33956-2016: Milk albumin and pasta albumin. Specification
GOST 33959-2016: Salted cheeses. Specifications
GOST 34126-2017: Canned vegetable snacks. Lecho Technical conditions
GOST 34153-2017: Canned meat for children over three years old. General technical conditions
GOST 34185-2017: Preserved food from small intact fish in sauce, pouring or oil. Technical conditions
GOST 34187-2017: Preserved food from the small decapitated fish in filling, sauce or oil. Technical conditions
GOST 34188-2017: Preserved fish from sliced fish in sauce or pouring. Technical conditions
GOST 34220-2017: Salted and fermented vegetables. General specifications
GOST 34356-2017: Cheeses with cheddaring and thermomechanical processing of cheese curd. Specifications
GOST 34357-2017: Сheeses from whey albumin. Specifications
GOST 34421-2018: Canned rapa whelk and whelk. Specifications
GOST 34422-2018: Sterilized meat canned products for nutrition of children over three years of age. General specifications
GOST 34426-2018: Semi-prepared meat-contained products for child`s nutrition. General specifications
GOST 34835-2022: Specialized food products. Gluten-free bakery products. General specifications
GOST 7447-2015: Hot–smoked fish. Specifications
GOST 7452-2014: Canned fish natural. Specifications
GOST 7455-2013: Canned fish in jelly. Specifications
GOST 9163-2014: Meat-and-vegetable cans. Sausages with garnish. Specifications
GOST R 52196-2017: Cooked meat sausage products. Specifications
GOST R 52819-2016: Canned goods from poultry meat for dietary preventing nutrition of toddlers. Specifications
GOST R 53512-2009: Cheese products. General specifications
GOST R 55287-2012: Meat and vegetable semi-prepared of poultry meat for children nutrition. General specifications
GOST R 55295-2012: Macaroni products instant. General specifications
GOST R 55296-2012: Low protein macaroni products. General specifications
GOST R 55336-2012: Canned paste meat. Specifications
GOST R 55455-2013: Boiled-smoked meat sausages. Specifications
GOST R 55456-2013: Dry sausages. Specifications
GOST R 55485-2013: Fat products. Specifications
GOST R 55572-2013: Meat cans. General specifications
GOST R 55574-2013: Meat pate for child food. Specifications
GOST R 55790-2013: Semi-prepared ground of poultry meat for children nutrition. Specifications
GOST R 55794-2013: Canned poultry meat for children of preschool and school age. Specifications
GOST R 55795-2013: Pork products baked and fried. Specifications
GOST R 55797-2013: Canned poultry and rabbits meat for nutrition of pregnant women. Specifications
GOST R 56364-2015: Russian quality. Minced semi-prepared products from poultry meat with lowered calorific value for children nutrition. Specifications
GOST R 56381-2015: Russian quality. Canned stewed poultry meat for children nutrition. Specifications
GOST R 56575-2015: Homemade noodles. Specifications
GOST R 56579-2015: Semi-prepared meat-contained ground products for children nutrition. Specifications
GOST R 56581-2015: Canned cereal in pieces for children`s nutrition. Specifications
GOST R 56630-2015: Bakery products from rye bakery flour and rye bakery-and-wheat bakery flour. General specifications
GOST R 56631-2015: Products bakery from wheat bakery flour. General specifications
GOST R 56632-2015: Products bakery of low humidity. Solomka. General specifications
GOST R 57150-2016: Canned poultry meat for children. General specifications
GOST R 57191-2016: Canned fish with vegetables in oil. Specifications
GOST R 57494-2017: Culinary products from meat of chicken and turkey. Specifications
GOST R 57624-2017: Aromatized table vinegar. Specifications
GOST R 58110-2018: Sausage cooked goods from poultry meat (offal) for children nutrition. Specifications
GOST R 58111-2018: Frozen semi-finished products in dough of poultry meat for children nutrition. Specifications
GOST R 58161-2018: Bakery products for children supply. General specifications
KMS 1286:2015: Cured meat products (basturma). General technical conditions
KMS 955:2017: Foods series "Carats health" containing fiber. Specifications
STB 2190-2017: Soft cheeses. General technical conditions
STB 2283-2016: Curds and curd snacks. General specifications
STB 2285-2012: Sauces based on vegetable oils. General specifications
STB 736-2017: Processed cheese. General technical conditions
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