GOST 24211-2008
ГОСТ 24211-2008
Admixtures for concretes and mortars. General specifications
Добавки для бетонов и строительных растворов. Общие технические условия
Status: Valid - Supersedes
This standard applies to inorganic and organic substances of natural and artificial origin, used as modifiers of the properties of concrete and mortar mixes, concrete and mortar, made on binders based on portland cement clinker. This standard establishes the classification and criteria for technological and technical effectiveness of the action of additives in mixtures, concrete and mortars. Depending on the field of application, additional requirements may be imposed on the additives established in regulatory or technical documents for additives of a specific type.
Настоящий стандарт распространяется на неорганические и органические вещества естественного и искусственного происхождения, применяемые в качестве модификаторов свойств бетонных и растворных смесей, бетонов и строительных растворов, изготавливаемых на вяжущих на основе портландцементного клинкера. Настоящий стандарт устанавливает классификацию и критерии технологический и технический эффективности действия добавок в смесях, бетонах и растворах. В зависимости от области применения к добавкам могут предъявляться дополнительные требования, устанавливаемые в нормативных или технических документах на добавки конкретного вида
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Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology,
SKU: RUSS62466
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Zh13 Concretes and mortars »
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As a Replacement Of:
GOST 24211-2003: Additives for concretes and mortars. General specifications
The Document References:
GOST 1.0-92: State System for Standardization of Russian Federation. Basic principles
GOST 10674-82: Tank cars of 1520 mm gauge main-line railways. General specifications
GOST 10834-76: Hydrophobizing liquid 136-41. Specifications
GOST 12.4.103-83: Occupational safety standards system. Special protective clothes, personal means of hand and legs protections. Classification
GOST 12082-82: Roof boarding for consignments up to 500 kg. General specifications
GOST 13950-91: Welded and folded steel barrels
GOST 14192-96: Cargo marking
GOST Regulations for establishing permissible emissions of noxious pollutants from industrial enterprises
GOST 17811-78: Polyethylene bags for chemical products. Specifications
GOST 18573-86: Wooden boxes for the production of chemical industry
GOST 18677-73: Seals. Design and dimensions
GOST 18896-73: Steel thick-walled drums for chemical products. Specifications
GOST 19433-88: Dangerous goods. Classification and marking
GOST 21029-75: Aluminum barrels for chemical products
GOST 21398-89: Trucks. General technical requirements
GOST 2226-2013: Bags made of paper and composite materials. General specifications
GOST 24211-2003: Additives for concretes and mortars. General specifications
GOST 26155-84: Barrels from corrosion-resistant steel
GOST 2991-85: Wooden uncollapsible cases for weights up to 500 kg. General specifications
GOST 30108-94: Building materials and elements. Determination of specific activity of natural radioactive nuclei
GOST 30459-2008: Admixtures for concretes and mortars. Determination and estimate of the efficiency
GOST 5044-79: Thin-walled steel drums for chemical products
GOST 5799-78: Flasks for paints and varnishes. Specifications
GOST 6128-81: Metal cans for chemical products
GOST 6247-79: Steel welded barrels with rolling hoops on the shell
GOST 9338-80: Plywood drums. Specifications
GOST 9980.3-86: Paint materials. Packing
GOST 9980.5-2009: Paint materials. Transportation and storage
GOST R 51659-2000: Tank cars of 1520 mm gauge main line railways. General specifications
SNiP 10-01-94: System of normative documents in construction. Basic provisions.
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 17608-2017: The concrete paving slabs. Specifications
GOST 19222-2019: Arbolit and products from it. General specifications
GOST 19330-2013: Masts (poles) for overhead contact line supports of railways. Specifications
GOST 22131-2016: Concrete towers for railway high voltage signal line of autoblock. Technical requirements
GOST 25098-2016: Reinforced concrete panels for partitions in industrial and agricultural buildings. Specifications
GOST 25214-2021: Dense silicate concrete. Technical specifications
GOST 25485-2019: Cellular concrete. General specifications
GOST 25592-2019: Ashes and slag mixtures of thermal power plants for concrete. Technical conditions
GOST 25818-2017: Fly ash thermal power plants for concrete. Technical conditions
GOST 25820-2014: Lightweight aggregates concretes. Specifications
GOST 25912-2015: Prestressed reinforced concrete slabs for aerodrome pavement. Specifications
GOST 26633-2012: Heavy-weight and sand concretes. Specifications
GOST 26633-2015: Heavy-weight and sand concretes. Specifications
GOST 27006-2019: Concrete Rules for the selection of composition
GOST 28013-98: Mortars. General specifications
GOST 30459-2008: Admixtures for concretes and mortars. Determination and estimate of the efficiency
GOST 31384-2017: Protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures against corrosion. General technical requirements
GOST 32209-2013: Reinforced for overhead contact line supports оf railways. Specifications
GOST 32803-2014: Self-stressing concrete. General specifications
GOST 32942-2022: Prestressed reinforced concrete beams for switches. General specifications
GOST 33126-2014: Expanded clay concrete blocs. Specifications
GOST 33320-2015: Ferro-concrete cross ties for railways. General specifications
GOST 33929-2016: Concrete with polysterene aggregates. Specifications
GOST 34519-2019: Industrial chimney and ventilation pipes. Rules for the organization and production of work, monitoring of performance and requirements for the results of work
GOST 6133-2019: Concrete wall stones. Technical conditions
GOST R 51263-2012: Concrete with polystyrene aggregates. Specifications
GOST R 54270-2010: Masts (Poles) for overhead contact line supports of railways. Specifications
GOST R 54271-2010: Anchors for overhead and contact line supports of rail ways. Specifications
GOST R 54272-2010: Reinforced concrete foundations for overhead contact line supports of railways. Specifications
GOST R 54854-2011: Light-weight concretes on phytogenesis organic aggregates. Specifications
GOST R 56178-2014: Modifiers of organic-mineral origin of MB type for concretes, mortars and dry mixes. Specifications
GOST R 56506-2015: Coarse-pored claydite-concrete heat insulating tiles. Specifications
GOST R 56585-2015: Pigments for concretes and mortars. General Specifications
GOST R 56591-2015: Expanded claydite-plaster blocks. Specifications
GOST R 56592-2015: Mineral Admixtures for Concretes and mortars. General specifications
GOST R 56593-2015: Mineral admixtures for concretes and mortars. Test methods
GOST R 56600-2015: Reinforced concrete prestressed slabs for pavements of roads. Specifications
GOST R 57255-2016: Photo catalytic self-cleaning concrete. Specifications
GOST R 57355-2016: Ground anchors. Rules of execution of works
GOST R 57993-2017: Trunk pipeline transport of oil and oil products. Concrete ballast units. General specifications
GOST R 58411-2019: Flexible concrete slabs. Technical specifications
GOST R 58757-2019: Fiberglass products for the installation of decorative and facing elements of building facades. Technical specifications
GOST R 58766-2019: Building solutions. General specifications
GOST R 58894-2020: Condensed silica fume for concrete and mortars. Specifications
GOST R 70222-2022: Heavy concretes. Technical conditions
GOST R 70308-2022: Injection mortars for the consolidation of soils based on fine binders. Technical specifications
GOST R 70447-2022: Reinforced Concrete Structures with Looped Joints of Reinforcement for Nuclear Power Facilities. Design and calculation requirements
MDS 12-65.2014: Project production work. Concreting of reinforced concrete structures of a building (structure) using concrete pumps
ODM 218.2.014-2011: Guidelines for the use of steel-fiber-concrete in the repair of bridge structures
ODM 218.2.017-2011: Guidelines Design, construction and operation of roads with low traffic
ODM 218.2.035-2013: Recommendations for the use of fly ash in concrete foundations of roads
ODM 218.3.015-2011: Guidelines for the construction of cement concrete pavements in sliding forms
ODM 218.3.070-2016: Guidelines on formulation of self-compacting concrete with prescribed waterproof properties for bored piles
PNST 213-2017: Nanomaterials. Fresh concrete nanomodified for protective concrete. Technical requirements and test methods
PNST 320-2018: Bearing structures of railway signaling devices. General technical requirements
RMD 31-04-2008 Sankt-Peterburg: Recommendations for construction of residential and public high-rise buildings
RMD 51-25-2018 St. Petersburg: Recommendations for the design, installation and operation of facade systems for new construction, reconstruction and repair of residential and public buildings in St. Petersburg. Part II Recommendations for the operation and repair of facade systems for new construction and reconstruction of residential and public buildings in St. Petersburg
RMD 52-12-2012 Sankt-Peterburg: Typical temporary concrete fences during work on the city’s road network
RTM 5-05-2009: Guiding technical materials for the design, manufacture and use of steel fiber concrete structures on the fiber of thin steel wire
RTM 75-95: Process Guidelines for Factory Production of Prefabricated Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Structures -
RU Guidance for the repair of concrete, reinforced concrete constructions and hydrotechnical constructions of nuclear power plant stations
SNiP 5.01.23-83: Standard cement consumption rates for the preparation of precast concrete and monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete products and structures
SP 130.13330.2018: Production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and products
SP 15.13330.2012: Masonry and reinforced masonry structures
SP 229.1325800.2014: Reinforced concrete structures of underground and utility systems. Protection against corrosion
SP 250.1325800.2016: Building and structures. Protection against groundwater
SP 267.1325800.2016: High rise buildings and complexes. Design rules
SP 28.13330.2012: Corrosion protection of buildings structures. Updated living edition of SNiP 2.03.11-85
SP 287.1325800.2016: Marine berthing facilities. Rules of design and construction
SP 29.13330.2011: Floors
SP 340.1325800.2017: Reinforced concrete and concrete structures of cooling towers. Design rules
SP 361.1325800.2017: Buildings and constructions. Protective measures in the zone of influence of construction of underground objects
SP 412.1325800.2018: The construction of foundations of high-rise buildings and structures. Work Rules
SP 43.13330.2012: Structures for industrial installations
SP 435.1325800.2018: Monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Rules for the production and acceptance of work
SP 46.13330.2012: Bridges and pipes
SP 63.13330.2012: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. General provisions.
SP 63.13330.2018: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Key Points
SP 70.13330.2012: Bearing and enclosing structures. Updated living edition of SNiP 3.03.01-87
SP 72.13330.2016: Protection of buildings, facilities and structures against corrosion
STO 95 12005-2017: Objects of use of atomic energy. Concrete work in the construction of the protective shell of the reactor installation of nuclear power plants. Basic requirements and quality control organization
STO DOKTOR BETON 68686983-001-2011: Dry building mixtures trade mark "ДОКТОР БЕТОН®" for waterproofing and repair concrete construction. Classification. Nomenclature of indicators. Technical requirements
STO DOKTOR BETON 68686983-002-2011: Dry building mixtures trade mark "ДОКТОР БЕТОН®" for waterproofing and repair concrete construction. Technical specifications and quality characteristics
STO DOKTOR BETON 68686983-004-2014: Dry building mixtures trade mark "ДОКТОР БЕТОН®" for waterproofing and repair concrete construction.
Supplement to SP 63.13330: Toolkit. Calculation of reinforced concrete structures without prestressed reinforcement
TR 217-2011: Technical recommendations on the technology of waterproofing works using the materials of the "Antihydron" complex during the construction of underground parts of buildings and structures
TU 102-738-95: Weighted reinforced concrete marsh wedge with a diameter of 530, 426, 525 with low steel reinforcement consumption (1 UBKm, 2 UBKm)
TU 5859-002-59565714-2012: Concrete protective flexible universal slabs
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