GOST R 51870-2002
ГОСТ Р 51870-2002
Domestic services. Services for cleaning up the buildings and constructions. General specifications
Услуги бытовые. Услуги по уборке зданий и сооружений. Общие технические условия
Status: Not effective - Superseded. Registration information 1554-st dated 11.11.2014 (official site of Rosstandart) (IUS 7-2015)
This standard establishes general technical requirements for cleaning services (inside and outside) of buildings and structures, the adjacent territory, maintenance of office equipment, computers, furniture, floors, decoration parts for interior and exterior surfaces of buildings and structures, as well as safety requirements for services and consumer health, safety of their property and environmental protection. This standard applies to organizations and individual entrepreneurs providing cleaning services. This standard is fundamental in the development of regulations for specific types of care and cleaning services.
Настоящий стандарт устанавливает общие технические требования к услугам по уборке (внутри и снаружи) зданий и сооружений, прилегающей территории, по уходу за оргтехникой, компьютерами, мебелью, полами, деталями отделки внутренних и наружных поверхностей зданий, сооружений, а также требования безопасности услуг для жизни и здоровья потребителей, сохранности их имущества и охраны окружающей среды. Настоящий стандарт распространяется на организации и индивидуальных предпринимателей, оказывающих услуги по уборке. Настоящий стандарт является основополагающим при разработке нормативных документов на конкретные виды услуг по уходу и уборке
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Approved: Gosstandart of Russia,
SKU: RUSS62926
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Standards »
Other state standards used in construction »
03 Sociology. Services. Organization of firms and their management. Administration. Transport »
Technical Supervision »
Section II. State regulation of safety in use of atomic energy »
Other documents »
ISO classifier »
03.080 Services »
03.080.30 Consumer Services »
National standards »
03.080 Services »
03.080.30 Consumer Services »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
Latest edition »
T General technical and organizational and methodological standards »
T5 Documentation System »
T58 System of standards infield of nature conservation and improvement of use of natural resources, labor safety, scientific organization of labor »
The Document is Replaced With:
GOST R 51870-2014: Professional cleaning services-cleaning services. General specifications
The Document References:
Federal Law 151-FZ: About emergency services and the status of rescuers
Federal Law 69-FZ: Fire Safety
GOST 12.1.004-91: Fire safety. General requirements
GOST 12.4.059-89: Occupational safety standards system. Construction. Protective inventory safeguards. General specifications
GOST 16143-81: Parts and products of wood and wooden materials. Method for determination of transparent varnish coating gloss
GOST 16588-91: Sawn products and wooden details. Methods for determining moisture content
GOST 23216-78: Electrotechnical products. Storage, transportation, temporary corrosion protection and packing. General requirements and test methods
GOST 24404-80: Product of woods and wooden materials. Coatings of lacquers and paints. Classification and designations
GOST 24455-80: Emulsified floor polish. Test method for waterproofness
GOST 27570.0-87: Safety of household appliances and similar devices
GOST 29149-91: Colours of indicator lights and push-buttons
GOST 4103-82: Ready-made sewing goods. Methods of quality control
GOST 9.072-77: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coating. Terms and definitions
SanPiN 1163-74: Sanitary rules for the device and the maintenance of beauty salons at the institutions of public and domestic services to the population
SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the arrangement, exploitation and quality of water swimming pools
SanPiN Sanitary Regulations for Food Product Stores
SanPiN 3231-85: Sanitary Rules for the Establishment and Maintenance of Kindergartens
SanPiN 42-121-4719-88: Sanitary rules of the device, equipment and maintenance of hostels for workers, students, students of secondary specialized educational institutions and vocational schools
SanPiN 42-123-5777-91: Sanitary rules for catering
SanPiN 5179-90: Sanitary rules for the device, equipment and operation of hospitals, maternity hospitals and other medical hospitals
SanPiN 981-72: Sanitary Regulations for the Design, Equipment, and Operation of Barber and Beauty Shops
SanPiN 982-72: Sanitary rules of arrangement, equipment and maintenance of baths
SanPiN 983-72: Sanitary rules for design and maintenance of public restrooms
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST R 51108-97: Service. Dry cleaning. General specifications
GOST R 52493-2005: Services. Services of baths and shower-baths. General specifications
GOST R 53108-2008: Consumer services. Classification of enterprises
Letter 19950/05-AA: About the application of the standards
Order 19950/05-AL: About the application of standards
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