
GOST 22266-2013

ГОСТ 22266-2013

Sulphate-resistant cements. Specifications

Цементы сульфатостойкие. Технические условия

Status: Effective - Supersedes. IUS 4-2015

The standard applies to sulphate-resistant cements intended for the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete products and structures with enhanced corrosion resistance when exposed to environments that are aggressive in the content of sulphates.

Стандарт распространяется на сульфатостойкие цементы, предназначенные для изготовления бетонных и железобетонных изделий и конструкций, обладающих повышенной коррозионной стойкостью при воздействии сред, агрессивных по содержанию сульфатов.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, 6/11/2014

SKU: RUSS63476

Price: $102.00

English keywords: building mixture; cement; gypsum; lime;


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Documents System of normative documents in construction » 6. Regulatory documents for building materials and products » k.61 Mineral binders »

ISO classifier » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.100 Building Materials » 91.100.10 Cement. Gypsum. Lime. Building mixture »

National standards » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.100 Building Materials » 91.100.10 Cement. Gypsum. Lime. Building mixture »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » Zh Construction and building materials » Zh1 Construction materials » Zh12 Cementing materials »

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 22266-94: Sulphate-resistant cements. Specifications

The Document References:

GOST 30108-94: Building materials and elements. Determination of specific activity of natural radioactive nuclei

GOST 30515-2013: Cements. General specifications

GOST 30744-2001: Cements. Methods of testing with using polyfraction standard sand

GOST 31108-2003: General structural Portland clinker cements. Specifications

GOST 3476-74: Slags domain and electrothermophosphoric granulated for the production of cements

GOST 4013-82: Gypsum and gypsum-anhydrite rock for the manufacture of binders. Specifications

GOST 5382-91: Cements and materials for cement production. Chemical analysis methods

GOST 6613-86: Square meshed woven wire gauzes

GOST R 51795-2001: Cements. Methods for determination of content of mineral additives

GOST R 55224-2012: Cements for the transport construction. Specifications

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 19330-2013: Masts (poles) for overhead contact line supports of railways. Specifications

GOST 22131-2016: Concrete towers for railway high voltage signal line of autoblock. Technical requirements

GOST 25820-2014: Lightweight aggregates concretes. Specifications

GOST 26633-2015: Heavy-weight and sand concretes. Specifications

GOST 28013-98: Mortars. General specifications

GOST 31384-2017: Protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures against corrosion. General technical requirements

GOST 32209-2013: Reinforced for overhead contact line supports оf railways. Specifications

GOST 33126-2014: Expanded clay concrete blocs. Specifications

GOST 34519-2019: Industrial chimney and ventilation pipes. Rules for the organization and production of work, monitoring of performance and requirements for the results of work

GOST 6133-2019: Concrete wall stones. Technical conditions

GOST R 56178-2014: Modifiers of organic-mineral origin of MB type for concretes, mortars and dry mixes. Specifications

GOST R 56600-2015: Reinforced concrete prestressed slabs for pavements of roads. Specifications

GOST R 56686-2015: Dry construction plaster mixes based on cement binder with use of ceramsite sand. Specifications

GOST R 56687-2015: Protection of concrete and reinforced-concrete construction from corrosion. Test method of sulphate resistance of concrete

GOST R 57796-2017: Dry building mixes on cement binder with use of ceramsite sand for mortars. Specifications

GOST R 58411-2019: Flexible concrete slabs. Technical specifications

GOST R 58757-2019: Fiberglass products for the installation of decorative and facing elements of building facades. Technical specifications

GOST R 58766-2019: Building solutions. General specifications

GOST R 58894-2020: Condensed silica fume for concrete and mortars. Specifications

GOST R 70196-2022: Public roads. Complex mineral binders for stabilization and strengthening of soils. Technical conditions

GOST R 70222-2022: Heavy concretes. Technical conditions

GOST R 70452-2022: Public Roads. Soils stabilized and strengthened by inorganic binders. General technical conditions

GOST R 70455-2022: Public Roads. Crushed stone-gravel-sandy mixtures treated with inorganic binders. General technical specifications

Letter 2939-OG/03: About the presence of a typo in GOST 26633-2015

ODM 218.2.063-2015: Recommendations for the use of deep-mixing technology to strengthen the weak soils of the road bed

ODM 218.3.070-2016: Guidelines on formulation of self-compacting concrete with prescribed waterproof properties for bored piles

ODM 218.3.106-2018: The use of flexible concrete surface coatings to protect and strengthen roads

PNST 320-2018: Bearing structures of railway signaling devices. General technical requirements

Resolution 2425: On approval of the single list of products subject to mandatory certification and the single list of products subject to declaration of conformity, amending the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2020 N 2467 and repealing certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

SP 100.13330.2016: The reclamation systems and construction

SP 130.13330.2018: Production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and products

SP 229.1325800.2014: Reinforced concrete structures of underground and utility systems. Protection against corrosion

SP 250.1325800.2016: Building and structures. Protection against groundwater

SP 267.1325800.2016: High rise buildings and complexes. Design rules

SP 287.1325800.2016: Marine berthing facilities. Rules of design and construction

SP 357.1325800.2017: Concrete hydraulic structures. Rules of works and acceptance of works

SP 369.1325800.2017: Fixed offshore platforms. Design principles

SP 43.13330.2012: Structures for industrial installations

SP 435.1325800.2018: Monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Rules for the production and acceptance of work

SP 46.13330.2012: Bridges and pipes

SP 70.13330.2012: Bearing and enclosing structures. Updated living edition of SNiP 3.03.01-87

SP 72.13330.2016: Protection of buildings, facilities and structures against corrosion

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