
GOST 16698.10-71

ГОСТ 16698.10-71

Metallic manganese and nitrated manganese. Method for the determination of aluminium

Марганец металлический и марганец металлический азотированный. Метод определения алюминия

Status: Effective. The limitation of effectiveness has been lifted: Protocol No. 2-92 of the IGU dated 05.10.92 (IUS 2-1993)

The standard establishes a photometric method for the determination of aluminum in metallic manganese and metallic nitrated manganese.

Стандарт устанавливает фотометрический методопределения алюминия в металлическом марганце и металлическом азотированном марганце.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Gosstandart of the USSR, 2/17/1971

SKU: RUSS63609

Price: $283.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 4 Testing and control of products » 4.12 Testing and control of products of metallurgical industry » 4.12.2 Ferroalloys »

ISO classifier » 77 METALLURGY » 77.100 Ferroalloys »

National standards » 77 METALLURGY » 77.100 Ferroalloys »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » V Metals and metal products » V1 Burden ferrous metals and slags » V19 Test methods. Packaging. Marking »

National Standards for OKSTU » ORE RAW MATERIALS, NONMERAL, SECONDARY FERROUS METALLURGY AND COKE » Control methods (testing, analysis, measurements) »

National Standards for OKSTU » CAST IRON, FERRO ALLOYS, STEEL » Control methods (testing, analysis, measurements) »

The Document References:

GOST 10484-78: Reagents. Hydrofluoric acid. Specifications

GOST 11069-74: Primary aluminium. Grades

GOST 1381-73: Hexamethylenetetramine for industrial use. Specifications

GOST 14261-77: Hydrochloric acid super pure. Specifications

GOST 14262-78: Super pure sulphuric acid. Specifications

GOST 19859-74: Plates for sheet stamping cupping dies (blanks). Specifications

GOST 199-78: Reagents. Sodium acetate 3-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 2053-77: Reagents. Sodium sulphide 9-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 22867-77: Reagents. Ammonium nitrate. Specifications

GOST 27349-87: Ferroalloys, metal chromium and metal manganese. General requirements for the methods of chemical and physiochemical analysis

GOST 3773-72: Reagents. Ammonium chloride. Specifications

GOST 4205-77: Iron-ammonium alum. Specification

GOST 4328-77: Reagents. Sodium hydroxide. Specifications

GOST 4461-77: Reagents. Nitric acid. Specifications

GOST 61-75: Reagents. Acetic acid. Specifications

GOST 6613-86: Square meshed woven wire gauzes

GOST 7172-76: Reagents. Potassium pyrosulphate

GOST 9656-75: Reagents. Boric acid. Specifications

GOST 9859-74: Aluminon. Specification

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