GOST 20558-82
ГОСТ 20558-82
Steel zinc-coated houseware items. General specifications
Изделия посудо-хозяйственные стальные оцинкованные. Общие технические условия
Status: Effective - Supersedes. The limitation of effectiveness has been lifted: Protocol No. 2-92 of the IGU dated 05.10.92 (IUS 2-1993)
The standard applies to hot-dip galvanized steel ware, manufactured for the needs of the national economy and for export. The standard does not apply to products used for the preparation and storage of food products other than chilled drinking water.
Стандарт распространяется на посудо-хозяйственные изделия из тонколистовой горячеоцинкованной стали, изготовляемые для нужд народного хозяйства и для экспорта. Стандарт не распространяется на изделия, применяемые для приготовления и хранения пищевых продуктов, кроме охлажденной питьевой воды.
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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)
Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards,
SKU: RUSS63639
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) »
007/2011 TR CU. On safety of products intended for children and adolescents »
Regulations and standards (to TR CU 007/2011) »
PromExpert »
V Testing and control »
4 Testing and control of products »
4.12 Testing and control of products of metallurgical industry »
4.12.6 Metal products »
ISO classifier »
97.040 Kitchen equipment »
97.040.60 Cooking utensils, cutlery and cutlery »
National standards »
97.040 Kitchen equipment »
97.040.60 Cooking utensils, cutlery and cutlery »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
Latest edition »
U Products of cultural and domestic purposes »
U1 Dishware »
U13 Metalware (pig-iron, enameled, tinned, etc.) »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Galvanized steel household utensils »
As a Replacement Of:
GOST 20558-75: Utensils of galvanized steel. General technical requirements
The Document References:
GOST 10304-80: Rivets
GOST 10905-86: Surface plates and face-plates. Specifications
GOST 12082-82: Roof boarding for consignments up to 500 kg. General specifications
GOST 1341-97: Vegetable parchment
GOST 14192-96: Cargo marking
GOST 14918-80: Continuously galvanized sheet steel. Technical conditions.
GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence
GOST 15846-2002: Production for transportation to the areas of Far North and similar regions. Packing, marking, transportation and storage
GOST 1668-73: Steel zinc-coated wire for aerial lines
GOST 166-89: Vernier callipers. Specifications
GOST 17308-88: Twines. Specifications
GOST 1770-74: Laboratory volumetric glassware. Cylinders, beakers, measuring flasks, test tubes. General specifications
GOST 20435-75: Universal metallic closed container of nominal gross mass 3,0 tn. Specifications
GOST 21930-76: Tin-lead solders in pigs. Specifications
GOST 22225-76: Containers multipurpose gross weight 0,625 and 1,25 t. Specifications
GOST 2226-2013: Bags made of paper and composite materials. General specifications
GOST 3282-74: General-purpose low-carbon steel wire. Specifications
GOST 3640-94: Zinc. Specifications
GOST 427-75: Measuring metal rules. Basic parameters and dimensions. Specifications
GOST 4976-83: Furniture lacquers НЦ-218, НЦ-222, НЦ-243 and НЦ-223. Specifications
GOST 577-68: Clock-type dial indicators graduated in unit divisions of 0,01 mm. Specifications
GOST 7016-2013: Products of wood and wood materials. Roughness parameters
GOST 7897-83: Blanks of hardwood timber
GOST 7933-89: Cardboard for the retail containers
GOST 8273-75: Packing paper
GOST 8828-89: Base paper and two-layer waterproof packaging paper
The Document is Referenced By:
Decision 31: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, through the application of which on a voluntary basis compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On safety of products designed for children and adolescents" (TR CU 007/2011), and the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, containing rules and methods of research (tests) and the
Decision 31: On amendments to the technical regulation of the Customs Union "On safety of railway transport infrastructure" (TR CU 003/2011)
GOST 28970-91: Polymer protective coatings for insulation, localization, deactivation, improving, radioactivity situation in radiation protected rooms and box-like premises. Technological requirements
GOST 30466-98: Household kitchen appliances with external warmth supply. Safety requirements and test methods
GOST 34099-2017: Izdeliya sanitarno-gigienicheskie iz metalla dlya detej i podrostkov. Tehnicheskie usloviya
GOST R 51265-2015: Appliances, apparatus and equipment for rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities. General technical requirements
GOST R 53370-2009: Removable protective polymeric covering for radiation protective rooms and box-like premises. Improvement of radioactivity situation. Technological requirements
GOST R 54154-2010: Sanitary ware made from metal for children and teenagers. Specifications
Guideline 424: Guidelines for the construction of line structures for backbone and intra-zone cable communication lines (Sections 15-23. Appendices 1-11)
Guideline 424: Guidelines for the construction of line structures for backbone and intra-zone cable communication lines
RSN 346-87: Production technology for plasterboard floor installation
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