GOST R 52084-2003
ГОСТ Р 52084-2003
Electric household appliances. General specifications
Приборы электрические бытовые. Общие технические условия
Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time. IUS 9-2003
This standard applies to heating, mechanical, combined or other means of operation of electrical appliances for household and similar use, powered by alternating current of rated voltage up to 250 V (single phase) or up to 480 V (three phase) and direct current of rated voltage up to 440 V, intended for use by persons not specially prepared for this. This standard can be used in the development of product specifications. The standard does not apply to: - devices intended for industrial use; - devices intended for use in places with special environmental conditions, such as in an atmosphere that causes corrosion, explosion (dust, gas, steam); - individual electric motors; - high-frequency heating devices (except for domestic microwave ovens); - household electronic equipment; - devices for medical purposes
Настоящий стандарт распространяется на нагревательные, механические, комбинированные или другого способа действия электрические приборы бытового и аналогичного применения, питающиеся от переменного тока номинальным напряжением до 250 В (однофазные) или до 480 В (трехфазные) и постоянного тока номинальным напряжением до 440 В, предназначенные для пользования лицами, специально для этого не подготовленными. Настоящий стандарт может быть использован при разработке технических условий на продукцию. Стандарт не распространяется на:- приборы, предназначенные для промышленного применения;- приборы, предназначенные для применения в местах с особыми условиями среды, например в атмосфере, вызывающей коррозию, взрыв (пыль, газ, пар);- отдельные электродвигатели;- высокочастотные нагревательные приборы (кроме бытовых микроволновых печей);- бытовую радиоэлектронную аппаратуру;- приборы для медицинских целей
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Approved: Gosstandart of Russia,
SKU: RUSS64089
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
PromExpert »
V Testing and control »
4 Testing and control of products »
4.13 Testing and control of products of engineering industry »
4.13.2 Machines and equipment for special purposes » Machines and equipment for food industry »
ISO classifier »
97.180 Various household appliances and commercial equipment »
National standards »
97.180 Various household appliances and commercial equipment »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
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E Power and electrical equipment »
E7 Electrical apparatus and fittings »
E75 Electric furnaces, electric heaters and other household appliances »
The Document References:
GOST 12.1.012-90: SSBT. Occupational Safety Standards System. Vibrational safety. General requirements
GOST 12.1.036-81: Noise. Admissible levels of noise in houses and public buildings
GOST 13109-97: Electric energy. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Power quality limits in public electrical systems
GOST 14192-96: Cargo marking
GOST 14254-96: Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence
GOST 15543.1-89: Electrical articles. General requirements for environmental climatic aspects stability
GOST 16962.1-89: Electrical articles. Test methods as to environments climatic factors resistance
GOST 16962.2-90: Electrotechnical product
GOST 17446-86: Household electric appliances. Dependability. Index nomenclature and acceptance rules
GOST 17516.1-90: Electrical articles. General requirement for environment mechanical stability
GOST 18321-73: Statistical quality control. Item random sampling methods
GOST 2.114-95: Unified system for design documentation. Specifications
GOST 2.601-95: Operational documents
GOST 23216-78: Electrotechnical products. Storage, transportation, temporary corrosion protection and packing. General requirements and test methods
GOST 26119-97: Electric household appliances. Operating documents
GOST 27.003-90: Reliability in engineering. Make-up and general rules for assigning reliability requirements
GOST 27.410-87: Industrial product dependability. Inspection methods of reliability indices and plans of check tests on reliability
GOST 27805-88: Electric household appliances. Method for measuring of vibration
GOST 30163.0-95: Household and similar electrical appliances. Test code for determination of airborne noise. Part 1. General requirements
GOST 30163.2-96: Household and similar electrical appliances. Test code for determination of airborne. Part 2. Particular requirements for dishwashers
GOST 30163.3-99: Household and similar electrical appliances. Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise. Part 2. Particular requirements for washing machines and spin extractors
GOST R 51121-97: Non-food products. Information for consumer. General requirements
GOST R 51317.3.2-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Harmonic current emissions (equipment input current < 16 A per phase). Limits and test methods
GOST R 51317.3.3-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Voltage fluctuation and flicker impressed on low-voltage supply systems by equipment with rated current <=16 A. Limits and test methods
GOST R 51318.11-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio disturbance from industrial, scientific, medical and domestic (ISMD) radio-frequency equipment. Limits and test methods
GOST R 51318.14.1-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio disturbance from household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus. Limits and test methods
GOST R 51318.14.2-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity of household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus. Requirements and test methods
GOST R 51388-99: Energy conservation. Informing of consumers about energy efficiency of equipment in the residential sector. General requirements
GOST R 51565-2000: Energy conservation. Household electrical refrigeration appliances. Efficient of energy consumption. Determination methods
GOST R ISO 9000-2001: Quality management systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary
GOST R ISO 9001-2001: Quality management systems. Requirements
MSanPiN 001-96: Sanitary norms of permissible levels for physical factors during use of domestic articles
ST SEV 4672-84: Household electrical appliances. Limit noise levels and methods of determination
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 16264.0-2018: Electric machines of low power. Engines General specifications
GOST 18199-83: Electric domestic juicers
GOST 28400-89: Electric household curling-irons and curling-combs
GOST 30248-2013: Electrical carbon products. Electrical heating appliances made of carbon fibre materials. General specifications
GOST 30590-2014: Services. Repair and maintenance of washing machines. Specifications
GOST 30592-2014: Services. Repair and maintenance of refrigerating equipment. Specifications
GOST 7400-81: 7400-81
GOST R 51125-98: Domestic air conditioning and pollution control equipment. Safety requirement and methods of testing
GOST R 51265-2015: Appliances, apparatus and equipment for rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities. General technical requirements
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