GOST 23452-79
ГОСТ 23452-79
Milk and milk products. Methods for determination of the chlore-organic pesticides residues
Молоко и молочные продукты. Методы определения остаточных количеств хлорорганических пестицидов
Status: Not effective - Superseded. Registration information 11/30/2015 (the official website of FSUE "Standartinform"); (IUS 5-2016)
The standard applies to milk and dairy products and establishes methods for the determination of residues of organochlorine pesticides by thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography.
Стандарт распространяется на молоко и молочные продукты и устанавливает методы определения остаточных количеств хлорорганических пестицидов методами тонкослойной и газожидкостной хроматографии.
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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)
Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards,
SKU: RUSS64460
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) »
021/2011 TR CU. About food safety »
Regulations and standards (to ТР ТС ТС 021/2011) »
Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) »
033/2013 TR CU. On safety of milk and dairy products »
Regulations and standards (to 033/2013 TR CU) »
PromExpert »
V Testing and control »
4 Testing and control of products »
4.4 Testing and control of food products »
4.4.5 Products of dairy and butter and cheese industry »
ISO classifier »
67.100 Milk and dairy products »
67.100.10 Milk and processed milk products »
National standards »
67.100 Milk and dairy products »
67.100.10 Milk and processed milk products »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
Latest edition »
N Food and taste products »
N1 Meat and Dairy Products »
N19 Test methods. Packaging. Marking »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Control methods (testing, analysis, measurements) »
The Document is Replaced With:
GOST 23452-2015: Milk and milk products. Methods for determination of the hlororganic pesticides residues
The Document References:
GOST 1277-75: Reagents. Silver nitrate. Specifications
GOST 13928-84: Stored up milk and cream. Acceptance rules, methods of sampling and preparation of samples for testing
GOST 15866-70: Organo-silicone fluid PFMS-4. Specifications
GOST 1770-74: Laboratory volumetric glassware. Cylinders, beakers, measuring flasks, test tubes. General specifications
GOST 20015-88: Chloroform. Specifications
GOST 24104-2001: Laboratory scales. General technical requirements
GOST 24104-88: General purpose and reference laboratory balances
GOST 25336-82: Laboratory glassware and equipment. Basic parameters and dimensions
GOST 2603-79: Reagents. Acetone. Specifications
GOST 26809-86: Milk and milk products. Acceptance regulations, methods of sampling and preparation for testing
GOST 28498-90: Liquid-in-glass thermometers
GOST 2874-82: Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control
GOST 29169-91: Laboratory glassware. One-mark pipettes
GOST 3118-77: Reagents. Hydrochloric acid. Specifications
GOST 3622-68: Milk and milk products. Sampling and preparation of samples for testing
GOST 3760-79: Reagents. Ammonia water. Specifications.
GOST 3956-76: Silica gel technical. Technical conditions
GOST 4166-76: Reagents. Sodium sulphate. Specifications
GOST 4204-77: Reagents. Sulphuric acid. Specifications
GOST 4233-77: Reagents. Sodium chloride. Specifications
GOST 4459-75: Reagents. Potassium chromate. Specifications
GOST 4461-77: Reagents. Nitric acid. Specifications
GOST 5955-75: Reagents. Benzene. Specifications
GOST 5962-67: Rectified ethyl alcohol. Specifications
GOST 6709-72: Distilled water. Specifications
GOST 9147-80: Laboratory porcelain ware and apparatus. Specifications
GOST R 51232-98: Drinking water. General requirements for organization and quality control methods
GOST R 51652-2000: Rectified ethyl alcohol of food raw material. Specifications
TU 3-3.2123-88: Glass plates for interference measurements of type PI 60
The Document is Referenced By:
Decision 299: Uniform sanitary and epidemiological and hygienic requirements for products (goods) subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control)
GOST 10382-85: Dry sour milk products
GOST 13264-70: Cow milk. Purchase requirements
GOST 13264-88: Cows milk
GOST 13277-79: Pasteurized cow milk
GOST 1349-85: Dry cream
GOST 30625-98: Liquid and past dairy products for babys food. General specifications
GOST 30626-98: Dry milk products for infant feeding. General specifications
GOST 31449-2013: Raw cow's milk. Specifications
GOST 31451-2013: Drinking cream. Specifications
GOST 31452-2012: Soured cream. Specifications
GOST 31453-2013: Tvorog. Specifications
GOST 31454-2012: Kefir. Specifications
GOST 31455-2012: Ryazhenka. Specifications
GOST 31456-2013: Sour clotted milk. Specifications
GOST 31457-2012: Milk ice, ice-cream and plombir. Specifications
GOST 31658-2012: Skim milk-raw material. Specifications
GOST 31661-2012: Mechnikovskaya curdled milk. Specifications
GOST 31667-2012: Varenets. Specifications
GOST 31668-2012: Acidophilus milk. Specifications
GOST 31680-2012: Tvorog's massa «Osobaya». Specifications
GOST 31688-2012: Canned milk. Milk and sweetened condensed cream. Specifications
GOST 31689-2012: Casein. Specification
GOST 31690-2013: Processеd cheese. General specifications
GOST 31702-2013: Airan. Specifications
GOST 31703-2012: Milk-containing sweetened condensed canned foods. General specifications
GOST 31981-2013: Yoghurts. General specifications
GOST 32252-2013: Drink milk for preschool and school age children. Specifications
GOST 32256-2013: Sherbet Ice cream and Frozen Desserts with milk and milk products. General specifications
GOST 32259-2013: Goat whole drinking milk. Specifications
GOST 32260-2013: Semihard cheeses. Specifications
GOST 32261-2013: Butter. Specifications
GOST 32262-2013: Melted butter and milk fat. Specifications
GOST 32263-2013: Soft cheeses. Specifications
GOST 32899-2014: Butter with flavouring components. Specifications
GOST 32923-2014: Fermented milk products enriched with probiotic microorganisms. Specifications
GOST 32924-2014: Cream for a feed of children. Specifications
GOST 32925-2014: Kefir for children's nutrition. Specifications
GOST 32926-2014: Acidophilus milk for a feed of children. Specifications
GOST 32927-2014: Tvorog for a feed of children. Specifications
GOST 32928-2014: Sour clotted milk for a feed of children. Specifications
GOST 32929-2014: Sour milk ice cream. Specifications
GOST 32940-2014: Goat's milk raw. Specifications
GOST 33478-2015: Enriched drinking milk. General specifications
GOST 33629-2015: Canned milk. Dry milk. Specifications
GOST 33920-2016: Food caseinate. Specification
GOST 33927-2016: Glazed curds. General specifications
GOST 37-91: Butter
GOST 4495-87: Whole dry milk
GOST 6822-67: Chocolate butter
GOST 718-84: Cocoa with condensed milk and sugar
GOST 7616-85: Hard rennet cheeses
GOST R 51331-99: Yoghurts. General specifications
GOST R 52175-2003: Milk ice, ice-cream and plombir. Specifications
GOST R 52253-2004: Butter and butter paste from cow milk. General specifications
GOST R 52405-2005: Dry children's foods. Porridges. General specifications
GOST R 52685-2006: Process(еd) cheeses. General specifications
GOST R 52686-2006: Chesses. General specifications
GOST R 52687-2006: Fermented-milk product, enriched with bifidum bifidobacteria. Specifications
GOST R 52783-2007: Milk for a meal of preschool and school age children. Specifications
GOST R 52790-2007: Glazed curds. General specifications
GOST R 52791-2007: Canned milk. Dry milk. Specifications
GOST R 52969-2008: Butter. Specifications
GOST R 52970-2008: Butter with flavouring components. Specifications
GOST R 52971-2008: Melted butter and milk fat. Specifications
GOST R 52972-2008: Semihard cheeses. Specifications
GOST R 52973-2008: Mare's raw milk. Specifications
GOST R 52974-2008: Koumiss. Specifications
GOST R 52975-2008: Preserved milk products. Dried mare's milk. Specifications
GOST R 53379-2009: Soft cheeses. Specifications
GOST R 53421-2009: Salted cheeses. Specifications
GOST R 53435-2009: Cream-raw material. Specifications
GOST R 53436-2009: Canned milk. Milk and cream sweetened condensed. Specifications
GOST R 53437-2009: Cheeses Suluguni and Sloistyi. Specifications
GOST R 53438-2009: Whey dairy. Specifications
GOST R 53456-2009: Whey protein concentrate powders. Specifications
GOST R 53492-2009: Canned milk. Whey powders. Specifications
GOST R 53493-2009: Albumin dairy. Specifications
GOST R 53502-2009: Process(ed) cheese food. General specifications
GOST R 53503-2009: Skim milk - raw material. Specifications
GOST R 53504-2009: Cottage cheese. Specifications
GOST R 53505-2009: Mechnikovskaya curdled milk. Specifications
GOST R 53506-2009: Acidophilus milk. Specifications
GOST R 53507-2009: Canned milk-containing sweetened condensed. General specifications
GOST R 53508-2009: Varenets. Specifications
GOST R 53512-2009: Cheese products. General specifications
GOST R 53513-2009: Buttermilk and drinks on its base. Specifications
GOST R 53666-2009: Farmer cheese’s mass «Оsobayа». Specifications
GOST R 53667-2009: Casein. Specifications
GOST R 53668-2009: Ayran. Specifications
GOST R 53914-2010: Milk beverage. Specifications
GOST R 53946-2010: Canned milk. Dry milk for infant products manufacture. Specifications
GOST R 53947-2010: Canned compound sweetened condensed milk. Specifications
GOST R 53948-2010: Condensed milk - raw materials. Specifications
GOST R 53952-2010: Drinking enriched milk. General specifications
GOST R 54339-2011: Fermented milk-containing products. General specifications
GOST R 54340-2011: Fermented dairy products and dairy compound products. General specifications
GOST R 54540-2011: Canned milk. Condensed sweetened cooked milk. Specifications
GOST R 54649-2011: Milk-containing dry canned foods. Specifications
GOST R 54661-2011: Canned milk. Dry cream. Specifications
GOST R 54663-2011: Cheese products for processing. Specifications
GOST R 54664-2011: Lactose. Specifications
GOST R 54665-2011: Albuminous cheeses. Specifications
GOST R 54666-2011: Canned milk. Sterilized condensed milk. Specifications
GOST R 55625-2013: Sweet edible ice. Specifications
GOST R 55626-2013: Desserts sherbets whipped frozen. Specifications
GOST R 56580-2015: Drinking milk for pregnant and lactating women. Specification
KMS 1227:2011: Special Koumiss. General technical conditions
KMS 207:2008: Ayran. Specifications
KMS 213:2008: Kaymak. Specifications
KMS 230:2008: Susme. Specifications
KMS 285:2008: Kurut. Specifications
KMS 845:2012: Frozen vareniks. Technical conditions
KMS 858:2002: Biolact. Technical conditions
KMS 882:2013: Cottage cheese products. Technical conditions
KMS 998:2005: Milk whey drinks. Technical conditions
MU 2642-82: Guidelines for the organization of sanitary-epidemiological service control of enterprises of the dairy industry
PR 50.3.004-96: Rules for the certification of food products and food raw materials
Resolution 21: Rules for the certification of food products and food raw materials
SanPiN Sanitary requirements to safety and nutritive value of food products
ST RK 1060-2002: Milk whey-based drinks with a filler. General specification
ST RK 1061-2002: Milk products. Snezhok. General specification
ST RK 1063-2002: Cheeses. General specification
ST RK 1067-2015: Dairy products. Cottage Cheese Products General Specifications
ST RK 1102-2015: National Kazakh dairy products of Sarah Irimshik. General technical conditions
ST RK 1103-2015: National Kazakh dairy products Suzba. General technical conditions
ST RK 1105-2015: National Kazakh dairy products BAL-Kaymak Specifications
ST RK 1106-2015: Dairy products. Cream mousse General specifications
ST RK 1107-2002: Milk products. Pudding. General specification
ST RK 1108-2002: Milk products. Souffle. General specification
ST RK 1136-2015: Fermented milk product with Tompack fillers. General technical conditions
ST RK 117-2015: Shubat. General technical conditions
ST RK 1324-2015: Fortified drinking milk. General technical conditions
ST RK 1327-2015: Sour milk drinks. Fruit kefir. General technical conditions
ST RK 1328-2005: Sweet, vanilla with raisin and without raisin cake cheeses. Specification
ST RK 1336-2005: Fermented milk product for children Baldyrgan. Specification
ST RK 1471-2005: National fermented-milk product TAN. Specification
ST RK 166-2015: Milk camel for processing. Technical conditions
ST RK 1733-2015: Milk and dairy products. General technical conditions
ST RK 1760-2008: Cow milk. Specification
ST RK 2069-2015: Dairy products. General technical conditions
ST RK 2152-2014: Milk and dairy products. Definition and identification of falsification
ST RK 2798-2015: Recombinated drinking cream. General technical conditions
ST RK 2799-2015: Sour cream from the recombined cream. General technical conditions
ST RK 418-2013: Salted cheeses. Specification
ST RK 84-2015: National Kazakh dairy products Irimshik. Technical conditions
ST RK 976-94: Non-fat and fat cheeses for melting. Specification
STB 1373-2009: Cheeses. Specifications
STB 1467-2004: Ice-cream. General specifications
STB 1552-2005: Dairy products. Yoghurts. General specifications
STB 1552-2012: Yogurt. General specifications
STB 1598-2006: Cow milk. Requirements for procurement
STB 1858-2009: Dry milk. General specifications
STB 1859-2009: Kefir for children. Specifications
STB 1890-2008: Butter from cow's milk. General specifications
STB 2190-2011: Soft cheese. General specifications
STB 2219-2011: Milk whey powder. General specifications
STB 2263-2012: Skimmed milk - raw material. Specifications
STB 2277-2012: Cream - raw material. Specifications
STB 736-2008: Processed cheese. General specifications
STB 970-2007: Kefir. General specifications
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