
GOST 10444.8-88

ГОСТ 10444.8-88

Food products. Method for determination of Bacillus cereus

Продукты пищевые. Метод определения Bacillus cereus

Status: Not effective - Superseded. Information about the registration of 2130-st dated November 22, 2013 (the official website of Rosstandart); IUS 11-2014

The standard applies to food products and establishes a method for the determination of Bacillus cereus, including closely related species of B. anthracis, B. thuringiensis, B. cereus var. mycoides.

Стандарт распространяется на пищевые продукты и устанавливает метод определения Bacillus cereus, в том числе близких к нему видов B. anthracis, B. thuringiensis, B. cereus var. mycoides.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards, 8/25/1988

SKU: RUSS64672

Price: $134.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 021/2011 TR CU. About food safety » Regulations and standards (to ТР ТС ТС 021/2011) »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 023/2011 TR CU. Technical regulations for fruit and vegetable juice products » Regulations and standards (to TR CU 023/2011) »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 033/2013 TR CU. On safety of milk and dairy products » Regulations and standards (to 033/2013 TR CU) »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 034/2013 TR CU. On safety of meat and meat products » Regulations and standards (to 034/2013 TR CU) »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 4 Testing and control of products » 4.4 Testing and control of food products »

ISO classifier » 07 MATHEMATICS. NATURAL SCIENCES » 07.100 Microbiology » 07.100.30 Food Microbiology »

National standards » 07 MATHEMATICS. NATURAL SCIENCES » 07.100 Microbiology » 07.100.30 Food Microbiology »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » N Food and taste products » N0 General rules and regulations for food industry » N09 Test methods. Packaging. Marking »

National Standards for OKSTU » FOOD INDUSTRY PRODUCTS » Control methods (testing, analysis, measurements) »

The Document is Replaced With:

GOST 10444.8-2013: Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs. Horizontal method for the enumeration of presumptive Bacillus cereus. Colony-count technique at 30 °C

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 10444.10-75: Canned foods. Methods for microbiological examination. Identification of Bacillus cerens

The Document References:

GOST 10444.1-84: Canned food. Preparation of reagent solutions, dyes, indicators and culture media for microbiological analysis

GOST 10444.7-86: Food products. Methods of detection of botulinum toxins and Clostridium botulinum

GOST 24104-2001: Laboratory scales. General technical requirements

GOST 24104-88: General purpose and reference laboratory balances

GOST 24363-80: Reagents. Potassium hydroxide. Specifications

GOST 26668-85: Food-stuff and food additives. Preparation of sampling for microbiological analyses

GOST 26669-85: Food-stuffs and food additives. Preparation of samples for microbiological analyses

GOST 26670-91: Food products. Methods for cultivation of microorganisms

GOST 26809-86: Milk and milk products. Acceptance regulations, methods of sampling and preparation for testing

GOST 30425-97: Canned foods. Method for determination of commercial sterility

GOST 3640-94: Zinc. Specifications

GOST 6672-75: Cover glasses for micropreparations. Specifications

GOST 8756.18-70: Canned food products. Methods for determination of appearance, tightness of package and inner surface condition of metallic package

GOST 9284-75: Slides for micropreparations. Specifications

GOST R 53228-2008: Non-automatic weighing instruments. Part 1. Metrological and technical requirements. Tests

The Document is Referenced By:

Decision 81: About the list of standards as a result of which application on a voluntary basis the observance of requirements of technical regulations of the Customs union "About safety of meat and meat production" (ТР ТС 034/2013), and the list of standards containing rules and methods of researches (tests) and measurements, including rules of sampling necessary for application and execution of requirements of technical regulations of the Customs union "About safety of meat and meat production" (ТР ТС 034/2013) and realization of an estimation (acknowledgement) of conformity of production

GOST 10119-2007: Canned atlantic and pacific sardines in oil. Specifications

GOST 10119-62: Canned fish. Atlantic sardines. Technical requirements

GOST 10119-97: Canned fish. Atlantic and Far-Eastern sardines in oil. Specifications

GOST 1016-90: Stuffed vegetables in tomato sauce

GOST 10444.9-88: Food products. Method for determination of Clostridium perfringens

GOST 10531-2013: Canned fried fish in marinade. Specifications

GOST 10531-89: Fried fish in marinade

GOST 10907-88: Macaroni products with meat

GOST 10981-97: Canned 'Ragout of Far-Eastern salmon fishes in natural juice'. Specifications

GOST 12028-86: Sardines in oil

GOST 12161-2006: Сanned fish with vegetables in tomato sauce. Specifications

GOST 12161-88: Canned fish with vegetables in tomato sauce

GOST 12292-2000: Canned garnished fish with vegetables. Specifications

GOST 12292-66: Canned fish garnished with vegetables

GOST 12425-66: Lvovskiy paste meat

GOST 13272-2009: Canned fish liver. Specifications

GOST 13865-2000: Canned fish in natural juice with oil. Specifications

GOST 15168-70: Canned meat. Juice packed liver. Specifications

GOST 15169-70: Canned food meat "serdtse"

GOST 15842-90: Canned green peas

GOST 15849-89: Canned fruits and berries

GOST 15877-70: Canned sweet corn

GOST 15979-70: Canned beans

GOST 1633-73: Vegetable pickles

GOST 16366-78: Pulpy fruit and berry juices

GOST 16440-89: Vegetable, vegetable and fruit and vegetable and meat canned baby food

GOST 16978-99: Canned fish in tomato souse. Specifications

GOST 17471-83: Tomato-sauces. Specifications

GOST 17649-72: Canned food. Beans or peas with bacon or pork fat in tomato sauce. Technical conditions

GOST 18077-72: Canned fruit sauces

GOST 18192-72: Concentrated fruit and berry juices

GOST 18193-72: Citrus fruit juices

GOST 18224-72: Canned products. Main lunch courses

GOST 18316-95: First course lunch dishes

GOST 18423-2012: Canned natural squids and cuttle. Specifications

GOST 18423-97: Canned squids and cuttle in natural juice. Specifications

GOST 18487-80: Canned dinner courses for special consumer. Specifications

GOST 18611-73: Sliced vegetables in tomato sauce

GOST 19341-73: Canned fish

GOST 20919-75: Canned small crab in natural juice

GOST 22371-77: Strained or crushed fruits and berries

GOST 25856-97: Canned fish with vegetables in bouillon, marinade and various sauces. Specifications

GOST 25892-83: Natural grape juice

GOST 280-2009: Canned smoked fish. Sprats in oil. Specifications

GOST 280-85: Canned fish

GOST 28589-90: Canned meat "poultry meat in natural juice"

GOST 28649-90: Vinegar pickled and boiled mushrooms

GOST 29135-91: Fruit juices

GOST 29275-92: Dietic canned fish in sauces

GOST 29276-92: Canned fish for baby foods

GOST 30425-97: Canned foods. Method for determination of commercial sterility

GOST 30650-99: Canned poultry meat for baby hutrition. General specifications

GOST 31498-2012: Cooked sausage products for child's nutrition. Specifications

GOST 31800-2012: Canned meat and vegetable products for children of early age feeding. Specifications

GOST 31801-2012: Canned meat (class A). Meat puree for children. Specifications

GOST 31802-2012: Cooked sausage products for children's food. General specifications

GOST 32065-2013: Dried vegetables. General specifications

GOST 32156-2013: Canned of the pacific Salmon fishes natural and natural with oil addition. Spacifications

GOST 32889-2014: Canned meat in pieces for children`s nutrition. Specifications

GOST 3343-89: Concentrated tomato products

GOST 34423-2018: Sterilized minced meat-and-plant canned products for nutrition of children over three years of age. Porridges with meat. Specifications

GOST 3858-73: Sauerkraut

GOST 6065-2012: Canned fried fish in oil. Specifications

GOST 6065-97: Canned fried fish in oil

GOST 608-93: Canned meat "poultry meat in jelly"

GOST 656-79: Natural fruit and berry juices

GOST 657-79: Fruit and berry juices with sugar

GOST 7144-2006: Canned smoked fish in oil. Specifications

GOST 7144-77: Smoked fish in oil

GOST 7180-73: Pickled cucumbers

GOST 7181-73: Pickled tomatoes

GOST 7231-90: Canned tomatoes

GOST 7403-74: Crabs in natural juice

GOST 7452-97: Canned fish in natural juice

GOST 7454-2007: Canned of blanched, slightly dried or cured fish in oil. Specifications

GOST 7454-90: Canned fish in oil (blanched, slightly dried or dry-cured)

GOST 7455-78: Canned fish in jelly

GOST 7457-2007: Canned fish pastes. Specifications

GOST 7457-91: Canned fish. Pastes. Specifications

GOST 7694-71: Fruit and berry pickles

GOST 816-91: Stewed fruits

GOST 8286-90: Canned meat "meat with cooked groats"

GOST 8687-65: Beans, peas or lentil with meat

GOST 9163-90: Canned meat and meat and vegetable products "sausages"

GOST 937-91: Preserved food. Tomato juice

GOST 9935-76: Canned pig in jelly. Specifications

GOST R 50847-96: Dry food concentrates of instant first and second dishes. Specifications

GOST R 50903-96: Canned food. Vegetable sauces. Specifications

GOST R 51488-99: Canned crab in natural juice. Specifications

GOST R 51489-99: Canned natural and in own juice with oil Salmonidae oncorhynchus. Specifications

GOST R 51490-99: Canned sardines and similar fish species in oil. Specifications

GOST R 51491-99: Canned natural shrimps. Specifications

GOST R 51770-2001: Canned meat products for children of early age. General specifications

GOST R 51921-2002: Food products. Methods for detection and determination of Listeria monocytogenes bacteria

GOST R 52198-2003: Canned meat and vegetable products for children of early age feeding. Specifications

GOST R 52405-2005: Dry children's foods. Porridges. General specifications

GOST R 52479-2005: Meat cooked sausage products for children's food. General specifications

GOST R 52622-2006: Dried vegetables. General specifications

GOST R 52704-2006: Meat and vegetable preserves from poultry meat for babies nutrition. Specifications

GOST R 52705-2006: Canned poultry meat for babies nutrition. Specifications

GOST R 52818-2007: Sausage cooked goods from poultry meat for children's nutrition. General specifications

GOST R 52819-2007: Canned goods from poultry meat for dietary (preventing) nutrition of toddlers. Specifications

GOST R 53645-2009: Cooked sausage products for child's nutrition. Specifications

GOST R 54354-2011: Meat and meat products. General requirements and methods of microbiological testing

GOST R 54628-2011: Products for child nutrition. Canned meat products. Pure for additional food for children of early age. Specifications

GOST R 54678-2011: Concentrated tomato foods. General specifications

GOST R 54753-2011: Cooked ham in casing for child nutrition. Specifications

GOST R 55286-2012: Canned poultry products for children of early age. Specifications

GOST R 55574-2013: Meat pate for child food. Specifications

GOST R 55794-2013: Canned poultry meat for children of preschool and school age. Specifications

GOST R 55797-2013: Canned poultry and rabbits meat for nutrition of pregnant women. Specifications

GOST R 57622-2017: Specialized food products. Canned sterilized minced meat with biocorrecting effect. Specifications

KMS 1161:2009: Bread potato chips. General technical specifications

KMS 1216:2011: Soybean product "Asparagus" (Fuju). Specifications

KMS 1234:2012: Syrups "Zdorovye". General specifications

KMS 951:2004: Canned sweet and hot peppers. Technical conditions

MUK Determining the safety and efficacy of dietary supplements

MUK 4.2.1122-02: Organization of control and methods for detection of LisTeria monosyTogenes bacteria in food products

MUK 4.2.1847-04: Sanitary-epidemiological assessment of the justification of shelf life and food storage conditions

MUK 4.2.1955-05: Method for detection and determination of bacteria of the genus Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes based on DNA-RNA hybridization analysis

PNST 336-2018: Russian quality system. Comparative tests of sprats in oil

PR 50.3.004-96: Rules for the certification of food products and food raw materials

Resolution 21: Rules for the certification of food products and food raw materials

SanPiN Sanitary requirements to safety and nutritive value of food products

SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the quality and safety of food raw materials and food

SanPiN 42-123-4940-88: Microbiological Standards and Methods for Analysis of Children's, Medical and Diet Foods and Their Components

ST RK 1331-2005: Canned meat. Assorted meat for breakfast. General technical conditions

ST RK 1332-2005: Canned meat and vegetable. A pea with meat. General technical conditions

ST RK 2669-2015: Canned vegetables with fish. General technical conditions

STB 1427-2003: Pickled, boiled and salted mushrooms. General specifications

STB 2051-2010: Vegetable based canned products for baby food. General specifications

STB 922-94: Snack breakfasts. General specifications

STB 983-95: Food concentrates. First and second lunch dishes. General specifications

STB 991-95: Food concentrates. Sweet dishes. General specifications

STB GOST R 51921-2011: Food products. Methods for the detection and determination of bacteria Listeria monocytogenes

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