GOST R 51477-99
ГОСТ Р 51477-99
Glass containers for chemical reagents and superpure substances. Specifications
Тара стеклянная для химических реактивов и особо чистых веществ. Технические условия
Status: Not effective - Canceled. Information on the registration of 1153-st dated 09/19/2017 (the official website of Rosstandart); IUS 2-2018
The standard applies to glass bottles, bottles and jars and corks to them. Intended for packing, transportation and storage of chemical reagents and high-purity chemicals. The standard does not apply to products intended for bottling, packing, transportation and storage of food liquids and products.
Стандарт распространяется на стеклянные бутылки, бутыли и банки и пробки к ним. Предназначенные для фасования, транспортирования и хранения химических реактивов и особо чистых химических веществ. Стандарт не распространяется на изделия, предназначенные для розлива, фасования.транспортирования и хранения пищевых жидкостей и продуктов.
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Approved: Gosstandart of Russia,
SKU: RUSS64857
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
ISO classifier »
55.100 Bottles. Pots. Cans »
National standards »
55.100 Bottles. Pots. Cans »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
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D Vehicles and packaging »
D9 Glass, woven containers and auxiliary materials »
D92 Glass bottles and carboys »
The Document References:
GOST 10134.1-82: Glass inorganic and glass-crystal materials. Method for determination of water-resisting property at 98 °C
GOST 10134.2-82: Glass inorganic and glass-crystal materials. Method for determination of acid resistance
GOST 13903-2005: Glass containers. Methods of testing the thermal resistivity
GOST 14192-96: Cargo marking
GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence
GOST 24980-2005: Glass containers. Methods of testing the parameters
GOST 25706-83: Magnifiers
GOST 30005-93: Glass containers. Terms and definitions of defects
GOST 30288-95: Glass containers. Safety, marking, raw materials saving. General
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 10574-91: Meat products. Determination of starch content
GOST 28726.1-2017: Natural gas. Determination of mercury. Part 1. Sampling of mercury by chemisorption on iodine
GOST R 51652-2000: Rectified ethyl alcohol of food raw material. Specifications
GOST R 52101-2003: Vinegars of food raw material. General specifications
GOST R 53157-2008: Offal of a bird. Specifications
GOST R 55982-2014: Acid acetic for the food industry. Specifications
GOST R 56968-2016: Table vinegar. Specifications
GOST R 57624-2017: Aromatized table vinegar. Specifications
MU 08-47/303: Feed and feed additives. Voltammetric method for measuring the mass concentration of iodine and its organic and inorganic forms
MUK 4.1.015-18: Method for measuring the mass concentration of allyl alcohol in the air of the working zone by the photometric method
MUK 4.1.017-18: Method for measuring the mass concentration of gamma-polyoxymethylene in the atmospheric air of populated areas by the photometric method
MUK 4.1.019-18: Methods of measuring the mass concentration of gamma-polyoxymethylene in the air of the working area by the photometric method
MUK 4.1.020-18: Methods of measuring the mass concentration of 2- (2,4-dinitrophenoxy) ethanol in the air of the working area by high performance liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.021-18: Methods of measuring the mass concentration of 2- (2,4-dinitrophenoxy) ethanol in the atmospheric air of populated areas using high performance liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.022-18: Methods of measuring the mass concentration of 2- (2,4-dinitrophenoxy) ethanol in water samples from water bodies of drinking and cultural and domestic water use by high performance liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.023-18: Methods of measuring the mass fraction of 2- (2,4-dinitrophenoxy) ethanol in soil samples by high performance liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.024-18: Methods for measuring the mass concentration of triethyl-O-acetyl citrate in the atmospheric air of populated areas using gas chromatography
MUK 4.1.025-18: Methods for measuring the mass concentration of triethyl-O-acetyl citrate in the air of the working area using gas chromatography
MUK 4.1.026-18: The method of measuring the mass concentration of triethyl-O-acetyl citrate in water samples of water bodies of drinking, cultural and domestic water use by gas chromatography
MUK 4.1.027-18: Method for measuring the mass fraction of triethyl-O-acetyl citrate in soil samples by gas chromatography
MUK 4.1.1718-03: Gas chromatographic measurement of mass concentrations of 1, 1, 1, 2.3, 3, 3-heptafluoropropane (freon-227sa) in the air of the working area
MUK 4.1.2091-06: Measurement of mass concentrations of 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4-hexafluorobut-1, 3-diene by gas chromatography
MUK 4.1.2092-06: Measurement of mass concentrations of 1, 2-dichloro-2-iodine-1, 1, 2-trifluoroethane by gas chromatography in the air of the working area
MUK 4.1.2093-06: Measurement of mass concentrations of 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4-hexafluoro-1, 2, 3, 4-tetrachlorobutane by gas chromatography in the air of the working area
PNST 250-2017: Nanomaterials. Silver nanosuspension. General technical requirements and test methods
PNST 68-2015: Multifunction fluorinated composition. Specifications
RD 52.44.588-2016: Mass concentration of organochlorine pesticides and the sum of polychlorbiphenyl isomers in air and precipitation samples. Method of measurement by gas-liquid chromatography
RD 52.44.590-2016: Mass concentration of priority components of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in samples of precipitation and surface water. Measurement technique by high performance liquid chromatography
TU 6-14-95-2014: Clay Leukonate
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