GOST 7076-87
ГОСТ 7076-87
Building materials and products. Method of thermal conductivity determination
Материалы и изделия строительные. Метод определения теплопроводности
Status: Not effective - Superseded
The standard applies to building materials and products, as well as thermal insulation materials and products intended for industrial equipment and pipelines, and establishes a method for determining their thermal conductivity at an average sample temperature from minus 40 to plus 300 degrees. Celsius The standard does not apply to materials and products with a thermal conductivity of more than 1.5 W
Стандарт распространяется на строительные материалы и изделия, а также теплоизоляционные материалы и изделия, предназначенные для промышленного оборудования и трубопроводов, и устанавливает метод определения их теплопроводности при средней температуре образца от минус 40 до плюс 300 град. Цельсия. Стандарт не распространяется на материалы и изделия с теплопроводностью более 1,5 Вт/(м К).
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Approved: Gosstroy of the USSR (State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction),
SKU: RUSS65031
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V Testing and control »
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27.220 Heat recovery. Thermal insulation »
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91.100 Building Materials »
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Zh Construction and building materials »
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The Document is Replaced With:
GOST 7076-99: Building materials and products. Method of determination of steady-state thermal conductivity and thermal resistance
As a Replacement Of:
GOST 22024-76: Concrete. Method of thermal conductivity determination by means of a probe
GOST 7076-78: Building materials. Method of thermal conductivity determination
The Document References:
GOST 11108-70: Hard-metals bits for core exploratory drilling in medium hard. Specifications
GOST 15130-86: Optical quartz glass
GOST 17177-87: Heat insulating construction materials and products. Methods of control
GOST 17622-72: Industrial organic plastic. Specifications
GOST 3044-84: Thermoelectric converters. Nominal static graduation tables
GOST 427-75: Measuring metal rules. Basic parameters and dimensions. Specifications
GOST 8.207-76: Direct measurements with multiple observations. Observation data processing methods
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 10499-95: Heat insulating products made of glass staples fibre. Technical requirements
GOST 11368-89: Wood moulding compounds. Specifications
GOST 12.4.076-90: Occupational safety standards system. Materials for special leather shoes. Quality characteristics nomenclature
GOST 12852.0-77: Cellular concrete. General requirements to test
GOST 12865-67: Expanded vermiculits.
GOST 15588-86: Polystyrene foam boards. Specifications
GOST 16136-80: Thermal insulating Perlite bitumen slabs. Specifications
GOST 17177-87: Heat insulating construction materials and products. Methods of control
GOST 19222-84: Arbolit and its products. General specifications
GOST 19592-80: Fibre boards. Test methods
GOST 20376-74: Heat-insulating packing board. Specifications
GOST 22546-77: Heat insulating products of foam-plastic of FRP-1. Specifications
GOST 22950-78: Mineral wool slads of higher rigidity on synthetic binder. Technical requirements
GOST 22950-95: Mineral wool slabs of higher rigidity on synthetic bond. Specifications
GOST 23307-78: Thermoinsulating mineral wool vertically-layered mats. Specifications
GOST 25820-83: Lightweight concrete. Specifications
GOST 26254-84: Buildings and structures. Methods of determination of thermal resistance of enclosing structures
GOST 27563-87: Gypsum concrete building blocks for buildings of up to two storeys high. Specifications
GOST 30732-2001: Steel shaped pipes and products with foamed polyurethane thermal insulation in polyethylene jacket. Technical specifications
GOST 4640-93: Mineral wool. Specifications
GOST 5742-76: Cellular concrete thermoinsulating boards
GOST 7076-99: Building materials and products. Method of determination of steady-state thermal conductivity and thermal resistance
GOST 9573-96: Thermal insulating plates of mineral wool on synthetic binder. Specifications
GOST R 51263-99: Concrete with polysterene aggregates. Specifications
RD 153-34.1-21.324-98: Method for Inspection of Wall Enclosures of Buildings and Structures at Thermal Power Stations
RD 34.21.363-95: Procedural Guidelines for Inspection of Production Buildings and Structures at Thermal Power Plants Under Rehabilitation
RD EO 0007-93: Standard instruction manual for operation of industrial buildings and structures of nuclear power plants. Part 1. Organization of operation, repairs and maintenance. Volume 1, 2
SP 23-101-2000: Design of thermal performance of buildings
SP 23-101-2004: Design of thermal protection of buildings
TSN 23-304-99: Energy Conservation in Buildings. Requirements for Thermal Insulation and Heat, Water, and Electricity Supply
TSN 23-305-99: Energy efficiency in residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Saratov region
TSN 23-306-99: Thermal protection and energy consumption in residential and public buildings
TSN 23-307-00: Energy efficiency in residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Ivanovo region
TSN 23-308-00: Standards for the thermal engineering design of civil buildings taking into account energy conservation
TSN 23-309-2000: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Tver region
TSN 23-310-2000: Energy efficiency in residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Belgorod region
TSN 23-311-2000: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Smolensk region
TSN 23-313-2000: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Tyumen region
TSN 23-314-2000: Standards (standards) for energy-saving thermal protection of residential and public buildings. Kaliningrad region
TSN 23-316-2000: Thermal protection of residential and public buildings. Tomsk region
TSN 23-318-2000: Thermal protection of buildings. Republic of Bashkortostan
TSN 23-319-2000 Krasnodar region: Energy efficiency in residential and public buildings. The norms for thermal performance of the buildings
TSN 23-321-2000: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Astrakhan region
TSN 23-322-2001: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Kostroma region
TSN 23-324-2001: Energy-saving thermal protection of residential and public buildings. Komi Republic
TSN 23-325-2001: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Energy-saving thermal protection of buildings. Design Standards. Altai region
TSN 301-23-2000-JaO: Thermal protection of buildings for civil purposes
TU 2254-001-45581572-98: Crushed Insulating Foam. Technical Specifications
TU 5366-002-50189474-07: Structural panels of chipboard with oriented chips and effective insulation for low-rise construction
TU 5764-011-01297858-99: Steel pipes with thermal insulation from polyurethane foam. Technical conditions
TU 5767-012-01297858-00: Thermal insulation "Penoplex 45T" for pipelines with a diameter of 1020-1420 mm
TU 5767-015-01297858-00: Thermal insulation of extruded polystyrene foam "Peno-Plex" for pipelines with a diameter of 426-1420 mm
TU 5768-005-47114136-02: Steel pipes insulated with polyurethane foam in a polyethylene protective sheath for oil and gas pipelines
VSN 43-96: Industry-Specific Building Code for Thermal Analysis of Building Enclosures Using Portable Infrared Imagers
VSN 68-97: Guidelines for Thermal Insulation of Joints Around Window and Door Assemblies in Exterior Wall Panels of Residential and Public Occupancies by Spray Application of Single-Component Foam Polyurethane System "Vilan-405
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