
GOST 8908-81

ГОСТ 8908-81

Basic norms of interchangeability. Standard angles and angle tolerances

Основные нормы взаимозаменяемости. Нормальные углы и допуски углов

Status: Partially canceled in the Russian Federation. IUS 4-2010

The standard applies to angles (angular dimensions) and the tolerances of the angles of cones and prismatic elements of parts with a length of the smaller side of an angle of up to 2500 mm used in mechanical engineering. Standard angles and angle tolerances are recommended for other industries. The standard does not apply to angles related to the calculated dimensions with other accepted dimensions, to the angles of the cones according to GOST 8593-81 and to the tolerances of the cones, for which the diameter tolerance in each section at the cone length and the deviation of the cone angle are allowed within the entire tolerance field of the cone diameter.

Стандарт распространяется на углы (угловые размеры) и допуски углов конусов и призматических элементов деталей с длиной меньшей стороны угла до 2500 мм, применяемые в машиностроении. Установленные стандартом углы и допуски углов рекомендуется применять и для других отраслей промышленности. Стандарт не распространяется на углы, связанные расчетными размерами с другими принятыми размерами, на углы конусов по ГОСТ 8593-81 и на допуски конусов, для которых задан допуск диаметра в каждом сечении на длине конуса и отклонения угла конуса допускаются в пределахвсего поля допуска диаметра конуса.

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Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards, 7/22/1981

SKU: RUSS65655

Price: $151.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Standards for pipe fittings (TPA) » 8. Piping valves (TPA) design » 8.1 General design issues piping valves (TPA) » 8.1.2 Interchangeability and other design requirements »

ISO classifier » 21 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND GENERAL PURPOSE DEVICES » 21.020 Characterization and design of mechanisms, instruments and equipment »

National standards » 21 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND GENERAL PURPOSE DEVICES » 21.020 Characterization and design of mechanisms, instruments and equipment »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » G Machines, equipment and tools » G0 General rules and regulations for engineering » G02 Norms of calculation and design »

National Standards for OKSTU » SYSTEMS OF GENERAL TECHNICAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL-METHODOLOGICAL STANDARDS » General rules and regulations for mechanical engineering »

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 8908-58: Normal angles and tolerances for angular dimensions

The Document References:

GOST 8593-81: Basic norms of interchangeabihty. Standard rates of taper and cone angles

The Document is Referenced By:

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GOST 21305-75: Elements and assembly units for heated core boxes. Specifications

GOST 21345-2005: Ball, lifting-plug and cylindrical cocks for nominal pressure at most PN 250. General specifications

GOST 21345-78: Conical, ball and cylindrical cocks set at рnom of up to approx. 16 MPa ( 160 kgf/cm2)

GOST 21424-93: Flexible couplings with rubber-bushed studs. Parameters and dimensions

GOST 21459-82: Removable guides for sheet stamping dies. Construction and dimensions

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GOST 22082-76: Injection mould bases, detail-blanks and details of injection moulds. Specifications

GOST 22326-93: Joints by flange dowels for wooden split patterns and core boxes. Design

GOST 22630-77: Sockets for movable chasing chucks for automatic lathes. Design and dimensions

GOST 23301-78: Universal readjustable dies for element-by-element stamping. Technical requirements

GOST 2330-76: Die blanks of sintered hard metals for drawing round tubes. Shapes and dimensions. Specifications

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GOST 24069-97: Basic norms of interchangeability. Tangential keys and keyways

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GOST 24246-80: Box clutches. Basic parameters. Design and dimensions

GOST 24246-96: Box clutches. Parameters, design and dimensions

GOST 24514-80: Packets quick-changing with conical break of press-moulds for manufacturing of rubber O-rings section. Construction and dimensions

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GOST 25021-93: Disk flexible couplings. Parameters and dimensions

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GOST 2848-75: Tapers of tools. Tolerances. Methods and means of control

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GOST 31.111.41-83: System of standards for technological arrangement. Elements and assembly juntions of universal assembly devices for metal-cutting machines. Basic parameters. Constructive elements. Precision norms

GOST 31.111.41-93: Parts and assembly units of universal assembly devices for metal-cutting machines. Basic parameters. Constructive elements. Norms of accuracy

GOST 31294-2005: Direct-acting safety valves. General specifications

GOST 33535-2015: Connections and crossings of railway tracks. Specifications

GOST 33553-2015: Automobile transport facilities. Tips of low voltage wires. Requirements and test methods

GOST 34610-2019: Pipe fittings. Electric drives. General specifications

GOST 3608-78: Rings for ring spinning and ring doubling frames. Specifications

GOST 5006-83: Toothed clutches. Specifications

GOST 5147-97: Joint couplings. Parameters, design and dimensions

GOST 5761-2005: Valves for nominal pressure at most PN 250. General specifications

GOST 5761-74: Valves for nominal pressure

GOST 5762-2002: Pipeline industrial valves. Gate valves PN<=250. General specifications

GOST 5762-74: Pipeline industrial valves. Gate valves PN £ 250. General specifications

GOST 6449.2-82: Products of wood and wooden materials. Tolerances of angles

GOST 7211-86: Cold chisels

GOST 7212-74: Cape chisels

GOST 7214-72: Bench piercers

GOST 7370-2015: Railway frogs. Specifications

GOST 8.050-73: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Reference conditions for linear and angular measurements

GOST 8693-80: Metal pipes. Method of flange testing

GOST 9581-80: Aluminium and copper-aluminium press-fastened thimbles. Construction and sizes

GOST 9601-84: Power track (limit) switches. General specifications

GOST R 50300-92: Turning tools with indexable inserts of superhard materials. Specifications

GOST R 50302-92: Regrindale superhard material (composite) tipped cartridges for toolholders. Specifications

GOST R 50536-93: Basic requirements for interchangeability. Thin taper keys with and without gib head and their corresponding keyways. Dimensions and tolerances

GOST R 50641-94: Grooved pulleys for classical and narrow V-belts. System based on datum width

GOST R 50892-96: Elastic couplings with a toroid-shape shell. Specifications

GOST R 50895-96: Toothed clutches. Specifications

GOST R 51161-2002: Sucker rods, mouth stocks and couplings for them. Specifications

GOST R 51161-98: Glass reinforced plastic sucker rods. Specifications

GOST R 55511-2013: Pipeline valves. Electric actuators. General specifications

GOST R 56001-2014: Pipeline valves for objects of gas industry. General specifications

GOST R 56204-2014: Steam and hot-water stationary boilers. Steel structures. General operating specification

GOST R 70707-2023: Compact units for treatment of domestic wastewater. General technical conditions

MI 88-76: Application of GOST 8.050-73

OST 108.030.30-79: Stationary structural steel boilers. General specifications.

OST 26.260.758-2003: Metal structures. General technical requirements.

OST 26-07-1023-80: Automatic pipeline fittings. General specifications.

OST 26-07-1144-75: Electric drives for remote control of pipeline stop valving. General specifications.

OST 26-07-2071-87: Pipeline fittings from steel resistant to sulphide corrosion cracking. General specifications.

OST 26-07-596-72: Electric drives for pipeline fittings. Export including tropical climate countries. General requirements.

OST 26-07-794-73: General purpose cryogenic pipeline fittings. General specifications.

OST 37.002.0444-77: Assembly units and fastening parts of overhead conveyors to the supporting metal structures. Construction and dimensions

OTU 3-01: Vessels and apparatuses. General specifications for the repair of buildings

RD 22-207-88: Lifting machines. General requirements and production standards

RD 24.203.03-90: Radii and angles of gib pipes

RD 24.260.10-87: Guidelines. The choice of the maximum deviations of the dimensions of the working part of the blades of steam and gas turbines and axial compressors in the design

RD 26-07-266-86: Pipe fittings. Fixed connections with conical gasket. Design and dimensions

RD 36-62-00: Hoisting equipment. General technical requirements.

ST TsKBA 006-2003: Pipe fittings. Cryogenic fittings. General technical conditions

ST TsKBA 017-2005: Pipe fittings. General technical conditions

ST TsKBA 052-2008: Pipe fittings. Requirements for materials of fittings used for hydrogen sulfide environments

ST TsKBA 063-2008: Pipe fittings. Tolerances on the dimensions of the basic elements of the nodes of valves of wedge gate valves

ST TsKBA 087-2010: Pipe fittings. Electric drives. General technical conditions

ST TsKBA 090-2013: Pipe fittings. Pneumatic actuators and hydraulic actuators. General technical conditions

ST TsKBA 093-2010: Pipe fittings. Fixed connections with conical gasket. Design and dimensions

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