
GOST 23200-78

ГОСТ 23200-78

Pleasure row boats and motor boats. General requirements when delivering for export

Суда прогулочные гребные и моторные. Общие требования при поставке на экспорт

Status: Effective. The limitation of the effectiveness period has been lifted: Protocol No. 4-93 of the IGU dated 10.21.93 (IUS 4-1994)

The standard applies to pleasure craft: rowing and motor boats and pleasure boats for export. The standard does not apply to inflatable boats, recreational canoes and canoes, sailing and motor-sailing ships, dachas, recreational rafts, amphibious ships, water rides, sports boats, air cushion ships and hydrofoils.

Стандарт распространяется на прогулочные суда: гребные и моторные лодки и прогулочные катера, поставляемые на экспорт. Стандарт не распространяется на надувные лодки, прогулочные байдарки и каноэ, парусные и парусно-моторные суда, плавучие дачи, прогулочные плоты, суда-амфибии, водные аттракционы, спортивные суда, суда на воздушной подушке и на подводных крыльях.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, 6/30/1978

SKU: RUSS66655

Price: $349.00

English keywords: small ships;

National keywords: малые суда;


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 026/2012 TR CU. On safety of small boats » Regulations and standards (for TR CU 026/2012) »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 4 Testing and control of products » 4.14 Testing and monitoring of vehicles and equipment » 4.14.2 Ships and ship equipment »

ISO classifier » 47 SHIPBUILDING AND MARINE STRUCTURES » 47.080 Small ships »

National standards » 47 SHIPBUILDING AND MARINE STRUCTURES » 47.080 Small ships »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » D Vehicles and packaging » D4 Shipbuilding (water transport) » D42 Motorboats, Rowboats and Sport Vessels »

National Standards for OKSTU » COURT » Motor boats, sport, tourist and pleasure »

The Document References:

GOST 1.22-85: State system of standardization. Procedure for developing standards and specifications on export products

GOST 10354-73: Polyethylene film

GOST 10354-82: Polyethylene film Specifications

GOST 10950-78: Sawn timber and semi-manufactures. Antiseptic methods of immersion

GOST 12969-67: Plates for machines and devices. Technical requirements

GOST 12971-67: Rectangular plates for machines and devices. Dimensions

GOST 13377-75: Dependability in technics. Terms and definitions

GOST 14.201-83: Provision of technological efficiency of products design. General requirements

GOST 14192-77: Marking of cargoes

GOST 14782-86: Nondestructive testing. Welded joints. Ultrasonic methods

GOST 14861-91: Industrial packing. Types

GOST 14892-69: Machines, instruments and other technical products intended for operation in areas with a cold climate. General technical requirements

GOST 15.001-88: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Products of industrial and technical designation

GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence

GOST 15151-69: Machines, instuments and other industrial products for tropics. General specifications.

GOST 15152-69: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Industrial rubber products for tropics. General requirements

GOST 15155-99: Wood products for tropical regions. Protection means and protective parameters

GOST 15156-84: Lubricating oils, lubricants and special liquids for industrial use in tropical climate regions

GOST 15158-78: Paper and board with protective coating for packaging of goods and production of spare parts utilized in tropics. Specifications

GOST 15159-76: Technical felt and parts from it for technical products used in tropics. Specifications

GOST 15160-69: Technical cotton fabrics and products tropics. Specifications

GOST 15467-79: Product quality control. Basic concepts. Terms and definitions

GOST 15543-70: Electrical articles. Applications for different climatic regions. General technical requirements as to environment climatic aspects influence

GOST 15846-79: Products for transportation to the areas of the far north and remote regions

GOST 16266-70: Technical cord

GOST 16493-70: Product quality. Acceptance statistical inspection by attributes when the acceptable number of defectives in sample equals 0

GOST 16971-71: Welded joints of Plasticized VPC, unplasticized VPC and polyethylene. Quality control methods. Total requirements

GOST 17308-71: Cord of birch fiber

GOST 17308-88: Twines. Specifications

GOST 17331-71: Reliability for engineering devices. Sequential testing methods

GOST 18242-72: Statistical acceptance inspection by alternative feature inspection plans

GOST 18321-73: Statistical quality control. Item random sampling methods

GOST 18442-80: Non-destructive testing. Capillary methods. General requirements

GOST 19105-73: Pleasure crafts-row boats and motor boats. Types, basic parameters and technical requirements

GOST 19105-79: Pleasure crafts-row boats and motor boats. Types, basic parameters and technical requirements

GOST 19356-74: Pleasure boats rowing and motor. Methods of tests

GOST 19356-79: Pleasure boats rowing and motor

GOST 19822-88: Industrial container. Specifications

GOST 2.116-71: Unified system for design documentation. Chart of technical level and quality of products

GOST 2.116-84: Product technical level and quality map

GOST 2.304-81: Unified system for design documentation. Letters for drawings

GOST 2.601-68: Unified system for design documentation. Exploitative documents

GOST 2.606-71: Unified System for Design Documentation. Operating documents of household appliances. General technical requirements

GOST 20022.10-83: Wood protection. Methods of diffusion treatment

GOST 20022.7-82: Wood protection. Pressure treatment by water dissolving protective

GOST 20415-82: Non-destructive testing. Acoustic methods. General principles

GOST 20426-82: Radiation methods of defectoscopy

GOST 20519-75: System of standardization of products for export. Exhibits for fairs and exhibitions. General requirements

GOST 20736-75: Quality control. Sampling inspection by variables for normal distribution of inspected parameters

GOST 24634-81: Wooden boxes for export products. General specifications

GOST 3.1502-85: Unified system for technological documentation. Forms and rules of making documents on technical control

GOST 3.1507-84: Unified system for technological documentation. Rules of making documents for tests

GOST 3242-79: Welded joints

GOST 6.37-79: UDS. System of documentation in foreign Trade. Shipping documentation

GOST 6996-66: Welded joints. Methods of mechanical properties determination

GOST 7.3-77: System of standards 'Information, libraries and publishing'. Author's and publisher's textual originals

GOST 7512-82: Nondestructive testing. Welded joints. Radiography method

GOST 7950-77: Cardboard for bookbinding

GOST 8.002-86: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State supervision and department control of measuring instruments. Basic regulations

GOST 8828-75: Two-layer packaging paper. General specifications

GOST 8828-89: Base paper and two-layer waterproof packaging paper

GOST 9.011-79: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Aluminium and aluminium alloys half-finished products. Temporary protection. General technical requirements

GOST 9.014-78: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Temporary corrosion protection of products. General requirements

GOST 9.028-74: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Interoperational anticorrosive protection of billets, parts and assemblies of metal products. General requirements

GOST 9.031-74: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Anode-oxide coatings for semifinished products made out of aluminium and alloys. General requirements and methods of control

GOST 9.032-74: Unified, system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. Groups, technical requirements and designations

GOST 9.081-77: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Half-finished products of aluminium and magnesium alloys. Preservation. Storage. General technical requirements

GOST 9.101-78: Unified corrosion and ageing protection system. Main principles

GOST 9.104-79: Unified system corrosion of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. Croups of operation conditions

GOST 9.301-86: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Metal and non-metal inorganic coatings. General requirements

GOST 9.302-88: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Metal and non-metal inorganic coatings. Control methods

GOST 9.401-91: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. General requirements and methods of accelerated tests on resistance to the action of climatic factors.

GOST 9.402-80: Metal surface preparation for painting

GOST 9.404-81: Unified corrosion and ageing protection system. Coatings for paintwork intended for use in areas with cold climate. General requirements and methods of accelerated testing

GOST 9404-88: Flour and bran. Method of moisture content determination

GOST 9825-73: Paint materials. Terms, definitions and designations

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 19105-79: Pleasure crafts-row boats and motor boats. Types, basic parameters and technical requirements

GOST 28556-90: Outboard engines

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