
GOST 32144-2013

ГОСТ 32144-2013

Electric energy. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Power quality limits in the public power supply systems

Электрическая энергия. Совместимость технических средств электромагнитная. Нормы качества электрической энергии в системах электроснабжения общего назначения

Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time. IUS 1-2014

This standard establishes the indicators and quality standards of electrical energy (CE) at the points of transmission of electrical energy to users of low, medium and high voltage electrical networks of general-purpose AC power supply systems with a frequency of 50 Hz

Настоящий стандарт устанавливает показатели и нормы качества электрической энергии (КЭ) в точках передачи электрической энергии пользователям электрических сетей низкого, среднего и высокого напряжения систем электроснабжения общего назначения переменного тока частотой 50 Гц

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, 7/22/2013

SKU: RUSS66757

Price: $446.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 29 Electrical Engineering »

Technical Supervision » Section I. Technological, construction, energy supervision and environmental protection regarding limitation of negative anthropogenic impact » IV. Regulatory legal acts and regulations » 5. Safety of electrical and thermal installations and networks » 5.2. Safety of electrical installations and networks »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 020/2011 TR CU. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means » Regulations and standards (to ТР ТС ТС 020/2011) »

PromExpert » SECTION IV. INDUSTRIAL SAFETY » II Industrial safety requirements for operation of a hazardous production facility » 3 Energy security » 3.4 Requirements for operation of power plants and networks »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 4 Testing and control of products » 4.2 Testing and control of products of fuel and energy industry » 4.2.1 Electricity and heat »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » III Quality » 1 Basic requirements for quality of products and services »

ISO classifier » 29 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING » 29.020 Electrical engineering in general »

National standards » 29 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING » 29.020 Electrical engineering in general »

ISO classifier » 33 TELECOMMUNICATIONS. AUDIO AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT » 33.100 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMS) »

National standards » 33 TELECOMMUNICATIONS. AUDIO AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT » 33.100 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMS) »

ISO classifier » 33 TELECOMMUNICATIONS. AUDIO AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT » 33.100 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMS) » 33.100.01 Electromagnetic compatibility in general »

National standards » 33 TELECOMMUNICATIONS. AUDIO AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT » 33.100 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMS) » 33.100.01 Electromagnetic compatibility in general »

The Document References:

GOST 1.0-92: State System for Standardization of Russian Federation. Basic principles

GOST 1.2-2009: Interstate system for standardization. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Rules for development, taking over, application, renovation and cancellation

GOST 29322-92: Standard voltages

GOST 30804.3.3-2013: Еlectromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems. Equipment with rated current <= 16 A and not subject to conditional connection. Limits and test methods

GOST 30804.4.30-2013: Electric energy. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Power quality measurement methods

GOST 30804.4.7-2013: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. General guide on harmonics and interharmonics measuring instruments and measurement, for power supply systems and equipment connected thereto

GOST R 51317.4.15-2012: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Flickermeter. Functional and design specifications

GOST R 54149-2010: Electric energy. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Power quality limits in the public power supply systems

The Document is Referenced By:

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GOST 1983-2015: Voltage transformers. General specifications

GOST 33073-2014: Electric energy. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Control and monitoring of electric power quality in the public power supply systems

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GOST 8.216-2011: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurement. Potential transformers Checking methods.

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GOST R 53616-2009: Requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environmental endurance tests. Certification methods of chambers (without load) for humidity endurance test chambers

GOST R 53618-2009: Requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environments endurance tests. Certification methods of chambers (without load) for temperature resistance test

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GOST R 54436-2011: Requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environments endurance tests. Certification methods for chambers (with load) for humidity endurance cyclic tests

GOST R 54437-2011: Requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environments endurance tests. Certification methods for chambers (without load) for resistance to air pressure tests

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GOST R 56536-2015: Services of housing maintenance, public utilities and administration of apartment buildings. Services content in-house power supply systems of apartment buildings. General requirements

GOST R 56571-2015: Low voltage systems. Cable systems. Basic principles. Classification

GOST R 56830-2015: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Electrical submersible pump units. General technical requirements

GOST R 57228-2016: Utility-interconnected photovoltaic inverters. Test methods of islanding prevention measures

GOST R 58020-2017: Community antenna television systems for terrestrial digital television broadcasting. General parameters, technical requirements, measurement and testing methods

GOST R 58092.1-2018: Electric energy storage (ESS) systems. Terms and definitions

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GOST R 58761-2019: Mobile buildings (inventory). Electrical installations. Technical specifications

GOST R 58786-2019: Electrical equipment for nuclear power plants. General technical requirements

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GOST R 70351-2022: Smoothing devices for DC traction railway substations. Methodology for selecting the main parameters

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GOST R 8.655-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Quality factors of electric power measuring instruments. General specification

GOST R 8.656-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Quality factors of electric power measuring instruments. Methods of verification

GOST R 8.689-2009: Quality factors of electric power measuring instruments. State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Test methods and equipment.

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MI 3000-2018: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Systems automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electric energy. Method of verification

MP 001-2020: System automated information and measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) Severstal Ropes JSC Volgogradsky Branch. Verification Method

MP 006-2019: System automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) MP EMR

MP 135-2019: System automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) PJSC "Penzmash". Verification Method

MP 140-2019: Automated information-measuring system for commercial accounting of electric energy (AIIS KUE) of Transneft PJSC in the part of Transneft Vostok LLC at pump station No. 7

MP 206.1-140-2019: Security Barriers IKSA-5000. Verification Method

MP 206.1-176-2018: Automated information-measuring system for commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) of the traction substation "Kirenga" of the East Siberian Railway branch of the Russian Railways OJSC within the boundaries of the Irkutsk Region

MP 206.1-230-2018: System automated information and measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) of PJSC

MP 312235-076-2020: System automated information measuring commercial accounting of electricity AIIS KUE UNEG PS 220 kV Megion. Verification Method

MP 312235-077-2020: RUSENERGOSBYT LLC automated information measuring system for commercial accounting of electric energy (AIIS KUE) for energy supply of the branch of BUNGE CIS LLC in Kolodeznoye. Verification Method

MP KCSM-177-2019: System automated information measuring commercial accounting of electricity LLC "Terbunsky potter". Verification Method

MP KCSM-186-2019: Channels measuring systems of automated information-measuring commercial metering of electricity AIIS KUE UNEG Substation 330 kV "Gubkin". Verification method

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Order 1326: On amendments to the form of the checklist (a list of control questions, the answers to which indicate compliance or non-compliance of the controlled person with mandatory requirements) used in the implementation of federal state control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements established by technical regulations for wheeled vehicles (chassis) and components of vehicles (chassis) in circulation (before their operation), motor gasoline, diesel fuel, marine fuel and Maz

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PNST 29-2015: Road and tunnel lighting. Requirements for dimming

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PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.2 Electricity supply and electrical networks (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.7 Grounding and Electrical Safety Precautions (Seven Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.9 Insulation of electrical installations (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.6 Electric Welding Machines (Seven Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.10. Electrolysis Plants and Plating Plants (Seventh Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.8. Acceptance Test Standards (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 4.1. Switchgears up to 1 kV AC and up to 1.5 kV DC (Sixth Edition)

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PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.2. Electricity supply and electrical networks (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.3. Selection of conductors by heating, economic current density and by corona conditions (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.4. Selection of electrical devices and conductors for short circuit conditions (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.5. Electricity metering (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.6. Electrical Measurements (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.7. Grounding and Electrical Safety Precautions (Sixth Edition)

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PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.2. Busducts up to 35 kV (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.3. Cable lines with voltage up to 220 kV (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.4. Overhead power lines with voltage up to 1 kV (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.5. Overhead power lines with voltage above 1 kV (Beginning) (with Amendments and additions) (Sixth edition)

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PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 3.3. Automation and telemechanics (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 3.4. Secondary Circuits (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 4.2. Switchgears and substations with voltages above 1 kV (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 4.3. Converter substations and installations (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 4.4. Battery Units (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 5.1. Electrical machine rooms (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 5.2. Generators and Synchronous Compensators (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 5.3. Electric motors and their switching devices (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 5.4. Crane Electrical Equipment (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 5.5. Elevator Electrical Equipment (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 5.6. Condensing Units (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.1. General part (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.1. Electrical equipment of residential, public, administrative and domestic buildings (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.2. Interior lighting (seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.3. Outdoor lighting (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.4. Advertising Lighting (Seventh Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.5. Lighting fixtures, installation devices (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.2. Electrical installations of entertainment enterprises, clubs and sports facilities (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.3. Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.4. Electrical Installations in Fire Hazardous Zones (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.5. Electrothermal Plants (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.6. Electric welding machines (sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.7. Peat electrical installations (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.5. Overhead power lines with voltages above 1 kV (End) (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Applications

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.6. Lighting devices and wiring devices (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.1. General part (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.2. Interior lighting (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.3. Outdoor Lighting (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.4. Advertising Lighting (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.5. Lighting fixtures, installation devices (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.1. Electrical Equipment for Residential and Public Buildings (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.2. Electrical equipment for entertainment enterprises, clubs and sports facilities (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.4. Overhead power lines with voltage up to 1 kV (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.5. Overhead power lines with voltage above 1 kV (Seventh edition) (with Amendment)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 4.1. Switchgears up to 1 kV AC and up to 1.5 kV DC (Seventh Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 4.2. Switchgears and substations with voltages above 1 kV (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.8. Acceptance test standards (Seventh edition)

RD 52.18.761-2018: Network measuring instruments for hydrometeorological purposes. General technical requirements

RD EO Provisions on acceptance and testing form conformity assessment for nuclear plants.

RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of enterprises for the production of animal feed

Resolution 2425: On approval of the single list of products subject to mandatory certification and the single list of products subject to declaration of conformity, amending the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2020 N 2467 and repealing certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Resolution 354: Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings

SP 256.1325800.2016: Electrical equipment of residential and public buildings. Rules of design and erection

SP 282.1325800.2023: Apartment heating systems based on individual gas heat generators. Design and construction rules

SP 323.1325800.2017: Residential areas. Urban and road lighting design

SP 36.13330.2012: Trunk pipelines

SP 395.1325800.2018: Transport hubs. Design rules

STO Integrated management system. General guidance on the quality of the operating organization of Concern Rosenergoatom JSC

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