
GOST 11042-90

ГОСТ 11042-90

Construction steel hammers. Specifications

Молотки стальные строительные. Технические условия

Status: Effective

The standard applies to construction steel hammers used in the manufacture of joinery, carpentry, stone, plastering, parquet, roofing, slate, tile, reinforcement, installation work.

Cтандарт распространяется на строительные стальные молотки, применяемые при производстве столярных, плотничных, каменных, штукатурных,паркетных, кровельных, шиферных, плиточных, арматурных, монтажных работ.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Gosstroy of the USSR (State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction), 7/6/1990

SKU: RUSS67154

Price: $462.00

English keywords: handicraft equipment; steel hammers; tool;


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Documents System of normative documents in construction » 7. Normative documents for mobile buildings and structures, equipment, inventory and tools » K.71 Equipment of construction organizations »

ISO classifier » 53 LIFTING AND TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT » 53.120 Handicraft equipment »

National standards » 53 LIFTING AND TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT » 53.120 Handicraft equipment »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » Zh Construction and building materials » Zh3 Building structures and parts » Zh36 Construction Tools »

National Standards for OKSTU » CONSTRUCTION, ROAD AND UTILITY ENGINEERING PRODUCTS » Construction and finishing machines, construction and assembly tools, manual and mechanized »

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 11042-83: Construction steel hammers. Specifications

The Document References:

GOST 1050-74: High-grade constructional carbon steel

GOST 1050-88: Carbon structural quality steel gauged bars with special surface finish. General specifications

GOST 13837-79: General purpose dynamometers

GOST 14192-77: Marking of cargoes

GOST 14192-96: Cargo marking

GOST 1435-74: Non-alloyed tool steel. Specification

GOST 1435-90: Unalloyed tool steel bars, strips and coils

GOST 1435-99: Bars, strips and reels of tool unalloyed steel. General specifications

GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence

GOST 16588-79: Sawn products and wooden details. Methods for determining moisture content

GOST 16588-91: Sawn products and wooden details. Methods for determining moisture content

GOST 166-80: Vernier callipers. Specifications

GOST 166-89: Vernier callipers. Specifications

GOST 18088-83: Metal-cutting, diamond, wood-cutting and fitter's tools. Packing, marking, transportation fitter and auxiliary

GOST 190-78: Drying oil

GOST 19248-73: Solders. Classification

GOST 19248-90: Solders. Classification and designation

GOST 19300-86: Instruments for measurement of surface roughness by the profile method. Contact profilographs and profilometers. Types and main parameters

GOST 23170-78: Packing for products of engineering industry. General requirements.

GOST 24447-80: Hydrometers of wood conductometric. General technical requirements

GOST 25347-82: Basic norms of interchangeability. Unified system of tolerances and fits. Tolerance zones and recommendable fits

GOST 26645-85: Metal and alloy castings. Dimensions and mass tolerances and machining allowances.

GOST 2695-83: Sawn timber of leaf-bearing species

GOST 2789-73: Surface roughness. Parameters and characteristics

GOST 29027-91: Moisture meters for solid and loose substances

GOST 380-50: Carbon steel, hot-rolled, of ordinary quality. Classification and general specifications

GOST 380-88: Common quality carbon steel. Grades

GOST 380-94: Normal quality carbon steel

GOST 3882-74: Sintered hard alloys. Types

GOST 4543-71: Structural alloyed steel

GOST 4976-83: Furniture lacquers НЦ-218, НЦ-222, НЦ-243 and НЦ-223. Specifications

GOST 7505-74: Steel stamping forgings. Tolerances, allowances and forging laps

GOST 7505-89: Steel stamping forgings. Tolerances, allowances and forging laps

GOST 7931-76: Natural drying oil

GOST 8479-70: Structural carbon and alloy steel forgings

GOST 9.032-74: Unified, system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. Groups, technical requirements and designations

GOST 9.104-79: Unified system corrosion of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. Croups of operation conditions

GOST 9.302-79: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Metal and non-metal inorganic coating. Rules of acceptance and methods of control

GOST 9.302-88: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Metal and non-metal inorganic coatings. Control methods

GOST 9.303-84: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General requirements for selection

GOST 9.306-85: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Metal and non-metal inorganic coatings. Symbols

GOST 9012-59: Metals. Method of Brinell hardness measurement

GOST 9013-59: Metals. Method of measuring Rockwell hardness

GOST 977-75: Castings made of construction alloy-free and alloy-treated steel. General specifications

GOST 977-88: Steel castings. General specifications

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 28574-2014: Corrosion protection in construction. Concrete and reinforced concrete constructions. Methods of the protection covers adhesion testing

GOST 32861-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Rubble and sand slag. Determination of content of weak grains and metal impurities

GOST 33031-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Crushed stone and gravel from rocks. Determination of the mineralogical-petrographic composition

GOST 33054-2014: Public roads. Rubble and gravel from rocks. Determination of grains of soft rock in the rubble (gravel)

GOST 7392-2014: Crushed stone of solid rocks for ballast layer of rail ways. Specifications.

GOST 8269.0-97: Mauntainous rock road-metal and gravel, industrial waste products for construction works. Methods of physical and mechanical tests

GOST R 53787-2010: Sealing devices. Test methods of rod type power sealing devices resistance to unauthorized access. General requirements

GOST R 54748-2011: Crushed stone from rocks for railway ballast. Specifications

KT 0.0-0.4-89: Construction production labor process chart. Facing the walls with decorative paper and laminate

KT 19.0-9.2-82: Map of the labor process of construction production. Parquet flooring

KT 3.0-3.40-76: Installation of steel order

KT 3.0-3.44-75: Installation of door blocks in the openings of brick walls

KT 3.1-1.14-76: Installation of balcony plates

KT 3.1-1.17-76: Installation of flight of stairs

KT 3.1-1.18-76: Installation of window reinforced concrete lintels

KT 3.1-1.19-76: Installation and temporary fixing of the interroom partitions panels

KT 3.1-1.20-76: Installation of bathroom wall panels

KT 3.1-1.21-76: Installation of eaves slabs combined cover

KT 3.1-1.22-76: Installation of panels combined coating

KT 4.1-15.9-75: Installation of sanitary cabins

KT 4.1-7.20-76: Laying floor slabs

KT 4.1-8.15-75: Installation of concrete pallets for bathrooms

KT 4.1-8.20-75: Installation of partition panels

KT 6.1-28.26-76: Device of the first tier of inventory without bolt-shaped tubular forests

KT 6.1-28.27-76: Device of the third tier of inventory without bolt-shaped tubular forests

KT 6.1-28.28-76: Disassembly of the upper tier of inventory of boltless tubular forests

KT 6.1-28.29-76: Disassembly of the middle tier of inventory of boltless tubular forests

Manual for SNiP 3.05.01-85: Manual for the production and acceptance of work when installing ventilation and air conditioning systems

RSN 346-87: Production technology for plasterboard floor installation

SNiP 5.02.02-86: Standards of construction tools requirements

SP 432.1325800.2019: Fireproof coatings. Condition Monitoring

TR 114-01: Technical recommendations on the technology of flooring laminate flooring

TR 122-01: Technical recommendations on plastering technology inside buildings

TR 74-98: Guide to Good Practice for Installation of Laminated Parquet on Durable Plastic Base

TR 98-99: Guide to Good Practice for Installation of Wall and Floor Coverings Made of Large-Size Ceramic Tile

VSN 18-95: Guidelines for Using Polymer, Bitumen Polymer, and Roll Waterproofing Materials for Installation of New Roofing and Repair of Existing Roofing of Residential, Public, and Factory and Industrial Occupancies

VSN 23-95: Instructions for the installation of floors of three-layer parquet boards of type PD-3 (PDP) in rooms of more than 40 m2

VSN 65-97: Guidelines for Use of Water-Dispersed Cements and Adhesives in Finishing Work

VSN 9-94: Flooring Guidelines for Residential and Public Buildings

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