
GOST 14359-69

ГОСТ 14359-69

Plastics. Testing methods. General requirements of the methods of mechanical testing

Пластмассы. Методы механических испытаний. Общие требования

Status: Effective. The limitation of effectiveness has been lifted: Protocol No. 5-94 of the IGU dated 05.17.94 (IUS 11-12-1994)

The standard applies to plastics and establishes general requirements for mechanical testing methods.

Стандарт распространяется на пластмассы и устанавливает общие требования к методам механических испытаний.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Gosstandart of the USSR, 4/9/1969

SKU: RUSS67324

Price: $365.00

English keywords: plastics;

National keywords: пластмассы;


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 2 Tests for external factors » 2.2 Testing of manufacturing products »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 4 Testing and control of products » 4.9 Testing and control of chemical and industrial products » 4.9.1 Products of main chemical industries »

ISO classifier » 19 TESTS » 19.060 Mechanical test »

National standards » 19 TESTS » 19.060 Mechanical test »



ISO classifier » 83 RUBBER, RUBBER-TECHNICAL, ASBESTOTECHNICAL AND PLASTIC INDUSTRY » 83.080 Plastics » 83.080.01 Plastics in general »

National standards » 83 RUBBER, RUBBER-TECHNICAL, ASBESTOTECHNICAL AND PLASTIC INDUSTRY » 83.080 Plastics » 83.080.01 Plastics in general »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » L Chemical products and rubber-asbestos products » L2 Organic Chemical Products » L29 Test methods. Packaging. Marking »

National Standards for OKSTU » POLYMERS, PLASTIC MASSES, CHEMICAL FIBERS AND RUBBERS » Control methods (testing, analysis, measurements) »

The Document References:

GOST 11262-76: Plastics. Tensile strength test method

GOST 12015-66: Plastics. Preparation of test specimens from thermosetts. General requirements

GOST 12019-66: Plastics. Preparation of test specimens from thermoplasts. General requirements

GOST 12423-66: Plastics. Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing specimens

GOST 4647-69: Plastic materials. The method of testing for a two-bearing impact bend

GOST 4648-71: Plastics. Method of static bending test

GOST 4651-78: Plastics. Compression test method

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 11012-2017: Plastics Test method for abrasive wear

GOST 11262-2017: Plastics. Tensile test method

GOST 11262-80: Plastics. Tensile strength test method.

GOST 14236-81: Polymer films. Tensile strength test method

GOST 14760-69: Adhesives. Method of determination of tensile strength

GOST 16971-71: Welded joints of Plasticized VPC, unplasticized VPC and polyethylene. Quality control methods. Total requirements

GOST 18616-80: Plastics. Method of determination of shrinkage

GOST 19109-2017: Plastics. Method for determination of Izod impact strength

GOST 19109-84: Plastics. Method for the determination of Izod impact strength.

GOST 19873-74: Plastics. Resonance method of determining dynamic elastic modulus and coefficients of mechanical losses at vibrations of the sample fixed from one side

GOST 23.219-84: Products wear resistance assurance. Test method for wear resistance of materials and details with hydro erosion wearing by dispersed particles

GOST 24778-81: Plastics. Methods for shear strength determination in plane of the sheet

GOST 25.601-80: Design calculation and strength testing. Methods of mechanical testing of polymeric composite materials. Test for tensile properties on plane specimens at normal, elevated and law temperatures

GOST 25.602-80: Design calculation and strength testing. Methods of mechanical testing of polymeric composite materials. Test for compression properties at normal, elevated and low temperatures

GOST 25.603-82: Design calculation and strength testing. Methods of mechanical testing of polymeric composite materials. Test for tensile properties of ring specimens at normal, elevated and low temperatures

GOST 25.604-82: Design calculation and strength testing. Methods of mechanical testing of polymeric composite materials. Test for bending properties at normal, elevated and low temperatures

GOST 25717-83: Adhesives. Methods of determination of shear modulus of adhesive in adhesive bond

GOST 26128-84: Polymer films. Methods of tear resistance determination

GOST 26454-85: Adhesives. Method for determination of elasticity modulus of adhesive in adhesive bond

GOST 31938-2012: Fiber-reinforced polymer bar for concrete reinforcement. General specifications

GOST 32658-2014: Polymer composites. Determination of mechanical properties in the plane of shear reinforcement by a tensile test at an angle of ± 45 degree

GOST 32659-2014: Polymer composites. Test methods. Determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength by short-beam method

GOST 32943-2014: Materials and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures. Requirements to bonded connections of structural strengthening elements

GOST 33119-2014: Polymer composites constructions for foot-bridges. Specifications

GOST 33344-2015: Constructive pultruded profiles from polymer composites. General specifications

GOST 33376-2015: Polymer composite deck sections for pedestrian and highway bridges and overbridges. General specifications

GOST 33599-2015: Carbon fibre. Determination of density of high-modulus carbon fibres

GOST 33762-2016: Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures. Requirements for injection-sealing compounds and seals of cracks, cavities and clefts

GOST 34163.2-2017: Plastics Determination of the behavior of rigid plastics during breakdown under the influence of impact. Part 2. Instrumental method

GOST 34250-2017: Plastics Method for determining the strength under impact tension

GOST 34281-2017: Oxo-biodegradable packaging. Method for the assessment of oxo-biodegradation of polymer films

GOST 34370-2017: Plastics. Determination of tensile properties. Part 1. General principles

GOST 34648-2020: Fiber-reinforced thermosetting plastics pipes and pipeline parts. Methods for determining the resistance of pipes and fittings to short-term effects of internal hydraulic pressure

GOST 4647-2015: Plastics. Method for determination of Charpy impact strength

GOST 4648-2014: Plastics. Method of static bending test

GOST 4648-71: Plastics. Method of static bending test

GOST 4651-2014: Plastics. Compression test method

GOST 4651-82: Plastics. Compression test method

GOST 6943.1-94: Textile glass. Yarns and rovings. Methods for determination of linear density

GOST 9.703-79: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Plastic materials for items, used in tropical conditions. General requirements for selection and test methods

GOST 9188-75: Cardboard for footwear. Test method for rubbing in wet state

GOST 9550-81: Plastics. Methods for determination of elasticity modulus at strength, compression and bending

GOST R 50111-92: Polymeric membranes. Definition method of flat membranes strength

GOST R 50578-93: Polymer composites. Plate distortion shear test

GOST R 53201-2023: Composite polymer pipes and fittings with threaded joints for pressure and non-pressure pipelines. Technical conditions

GOST R 55559-2013: Composite cylinders for liquefied petroleum gases at pressure up to 2,0 MPa. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 56378-2015: Materials and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures. Requirements for products repair and bond connections for rehabilitation of structures

GOST R 56650-2015: Polymer composites. Methods for determination of tensile properties of pultruded glass-reinforced plastic rods

GOST R 56652-2015: Polymer composites. Methods for determination of water absorption of core materials for sandwich constructions

GOST R 56652-2023: Polymer composites. Methods of determination of water absorption of materials of the inner layer of sandwich constructions.

GOST R 56654-2015: Polymer composites. Method for determination of density of sandwich core materials

GOST R 56654-2023: Polymer composites. Method for determining the density of materials of the inner layer of sandwich constructions

GOST R 56657-2015: Polymer composites. Method for determination of flexural properties of glass-fibre reinforced pultruded plastic rods

GOST R 56658-2015: Polymer composites. Prepregs. Method for determination of resin flow of carbon fibre-epoxy prepreg

GOST R 56661-2015: Polymer composites. Method for determination of «sandwich» core materials’ Poisson’s Ratio

GOST R 56678-2015: Polymer composites. Method of determination of sandwich core materials’ dimensional stability

GOST R 56680-2015: Polymer composites. Determination facing’s mechanical flexural properties of sandwich construction by long beam flexure method

GOST R 56681-2015: Polymer composites. Determination of mechanical characteristics by compression of unidirectional reinforcement materials by four-point bending of sandwich beam

GOST R 56772-2015: Polymer composites. Method for determination static energy absorption properties of honeycomb sandwich core materials

GOST R 56782-2015: Polymer composites. Prepregs. Determination of constituent content of prepreg by Soxhlet extraction

GOST R 56790-2015: Polymer composites. Method for determination of bearing strength and bypass strength of laminates connected to one another by two bolts

GOST R 56790-2023: Polymer composites. Methods for determination of buckling strength and transfer strength of multilayer composites (laminates) connected by two bolts

GOST R 56797-2015: Polymer composites. Axial compressive test method for mechanical characteristics of hoop wound polymer matrix composite cylindrical specimens

GOST R 56805-2015: Polymer composites. Methods for determination of flexural properties

GOST R 57034-2016: Fiber-reinforced thermosetting plastics pipes and parts of pipelines. Determination of resistance to short-time hydraulic pressure of plastic pipes and fittings

GOST R 57046-2016: Polymer composites. Method for determination of the characteristics of thin laminates under compression after impact

GOST R 57067-2016: Polymer composites system for external reinforcement. Test method for determining interlayer shear strength

GOST R 57685-2017: Polymer composites. Determination of tension mechanical characteristics of continuous filament carbon and graphite fiber tows

GOST R 57730-2017: Polymer composites. Determination of fibre length in the glass-fibre-reinforced products

GOST R 57733-2017: Polymer composites. Test method for determination of inplane shear properties of hoop wound samples

GOST R 57734-2017: Polymer composites. Determination of impact energy to break sample

GOST R 57745-2017: Polymer composites. Determination of plane shear strength of laminates by short-beam method

GOST R 57778-2017: Polymer composites. Determination of in-plane shear properties by the rail shear method

GOST R 57785-2017: Polymer composites. Prepregs and premixes. Determination of compression moulding shrinkage

GOST R 57802-2017: Ceramic composites. Test method for determination of transthickness tensile strength at ambient temperature

GOST R 57840-2017: Ceramic composites. Determination of interlaminar shear strength at elevated temperatures

GOST R 57843-2017: Wood polymer composites. Test methods for determination of flexural mechanical properties

GOST R 57857-2017: Ceramic composites. Determination of axial tensile strength and stress-strain response performed on cylindrical specimens at normal temperature under monotonic loading

GOST R 57860-2017: Polymer composites. Determination of shear strength by punch tool method

GOST R 57864-2017: Polymer composites. Test method for determination of through-thickness flatwise tensile strength and elastic modulus

GOST R 57866-2017: Polymer composites. Determination of flexural properties

GOST R 57866-2023: Polymer composites. Methods of determination of mechanical characteristics at bending of continuous-reinforced composites

GOST R 57867-2017: Polymer composites. Test methods for determination of pull-through resistance

GOST R 57922-2017: Ceramic composites. Test method for determination of mechanical characteristics under monotonic uniaxial tension at normal temperature

GOST R 57942-2017: Polymer composite sheet piles. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 57971-2017: Ceramic composites. Determination of tensile strength at the hoop tension at normal temperature on cylindrical samples with elastomeric inserts

GOST R 58022-2017: Polymer composite crossarms. Method for determination of flexural mechanical properties

ODM 218.2.058-2019: Recommendations on the use of composite materials in the construction of bridge structures and pedestrian bridges

ODM 218.2.059-2015: Recommendations for use on bridges, viaducts and tunnels of pedestrian decking (pavements) made of composite materials

RD 50-375-82: Guidelines. Development of annual plans for state standardization. Common Industrial Products

RD 50-675-88: Guidelines. Calculations and tests of strength in engineering. Composite materials. Interlayer shear test methods

SN 478-80: Guidelines for the Design and Installation of Water Supply and Sewer Systems Made of Plastic Pipes

SP 23-101-2004: Design of thermal protection of buildings

VSN 003-88: Design and Installation Guidelines to Plastic Piping

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