
GOST 26602.2-99

ГОСТ 26602.2-99

Windows and doors. Methods of determination of air and water transmission

Блоки оконные и дверные. Методы определения воздухо- и водопроницаемости

Status: Effective - Supersedes. IUS 7-2000

The standard establishes methods for determining the air and water permeability of window and door blocks made of various materials and used in buildings for various purposes. It is allowed to use the methods established in the standard for determining the air and water permeability of zenith lanterns, facade structures, stained glass windows, as well as their fragments. The methods contained in the standard are used during typical, certification and other periodic laboratory tests. The standard does not apply to the junction of window blocks to the wall openings or other structural elements adjacent to the window blocks.

Стандарт устанавливает методы определения воздухо- и водопроницаемости оконных и дверных блоков, изготавливаемых из различных материалов и применяемых в зданиях различного назначения. Допускается применение методов, установленных в стандарте, для определения воздухо- и водопроницаемости зенитных фонарей, фасадных конструкций, витражей, а также их фрагментов. Методы, содержащиеся в стандарте, применяют при проведении типовых, сертификационных и других периодических лабораторных испытаний. Стандарт не распространяется на узлы примыкания оконных блоков к стеновым проемам или другим, примыкающим к оконным блокам, конструктивным элементам.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Gosstroy of Russia, 11/17/1999

SKU: RUSS67596

Price: $494.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Documents System of normative documents in construction » 5. Regulatory documents for building structures and products » k.56 Windows, doors, gates and their appliances »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 2 Tests for external factors » 2.3 Testing of products in construction »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 4 Testing and control of products » 4.6 Testing and control of wood products » 4.6.4 Wood building materials and products »

ISO classifier » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.060 Construction elements » 91.060.50 Doors and windows »

National standards » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.060 Construction elements » 91.060.50 Doors and windows »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » Zh Construction and building materials » Zh3 Building structures and parts » Zh39 Test methods. Packaging. Marking »

National Standards for OKSTU » POLYMERS, PLASTIC MASSES, CHEMICAL FIBERS AND RUBBERS » Control methods (testing, analysis, measurements) »


National Standards for OKSTU » PRODUCTS OF THE FORESTRY AND TIMBER-WOODWORKING INDUSTRY » Control methods (testing, analysis, measurements) »

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 28799-90: Wooden doors. Method for determination of water tightness

ST SEV 4184-83: Wooden Doors. Air Permeability Testing Method

The Document References:

GOST 25891-83: Buildings and structures. Methods of determination of air tightness of enclosing structures

GOST 28799-90: Wooden doors. Method for determination of water tightness

ST SEV 4184-83: Wooden Doors. Air Permeability Testing Method

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 11214-2003: Windows of wood with glass. Specifications

GOST 21519-2003: Windows of aluminium. Specifications

GOST 21519-2022: Window blocks made of aluminum profiles. Technical conditions

GOST 23166-99: Windows. General specifications

GOST 23747-2015: Door blocks of aluminium profiles. Specifications

GOST 24699-2002: Windows of wood with glass and glassing units. Specifications

GOST 24700-99: Windows of wood with glassing units. Specifications

GOST 25097-2002: Windows from wood and aluminium. Specifications

GOST 28786-2019: Wooden and combined door blocks. Determination of properties in various climatic conditions

GOST 30674-99: Windows of polyvinylchloride profiles. Specifications

GOST 30734-2000: Roof wooden window blocks. Specifications

GOST 30777-2012: Turned, reclined, turned-reclined and sliding devices for windows and balcony doors. Specifications

GOST 30970-2002: Doors of polyvinylchloride profiles. Specifications

GOST 30970-2014: Door blocks of polyvinylchloride profiles. Specifications

GOST 30970-2023: Door blocks made of polyvinylchloride profiles. General technical conditions

GOST 30971-2002: Erection to joints of window assemblies adjoined to wall openings. General specifications

GOST 30971-2012: Erection to joints of window assemblies adjoined to wall openings. General specifications

GOST 31173-2003: Steel doors. Specifications

GOST 31173-2016: Steel doors. Specifications

GOST 31174-2017: Gates of metall. General specifications

GOST 31462-2011: Safety windows. General specifications

GOST 33792-2016: Front facade translucent structures. Methods for determining air and water permeability

GOST 34379-2018: Translucent enclosing structures. Rules of inspection of technical conditions under natural conditions

GOST 34914-2022: Windows for industrial buildings. General technical conditions

GOST 475-2016: Door Blocks wooden and combined. General specifications

GOST 475-78: Wooden doors. General specifications

GOST R 52749-2007: Assembly window joints with vapour-permeable and self-expanding tapes. Specifications

GOST R 53338-2009: Vapour-permeable self-expanding and self-adhesive tapes for building application. Specifications

GOST R 56288-2014: The easily dumped window constructions with double-glazed windows for buildings. General specifications

GOST R 56926-2016: Window and balcony constructions of different functional purpose for residential buildings. General specifications

GOST R 58699-2019: Wood-aluminum window blocks. Technical conditions

GOST R 58700-2019: Wooden windows and balcony doors for low-rise residential buildings. Types, Design and Dimensions

GOST R 58913-2020: Roll waterproof and windproof materials for roofs made of piece roofing materials. General specifications

GOST R 70344-2022: Translucent enclosing structures. Works on the construction of skylights. General requirements for the manufacture and control of works

MGSN 4.19-2005: Temporary norms and standards for design of multifunctional high-rise buildings and buildings complexes in Moscow. Part 2. (Part 1 is sold separately as MGSN 4.19-05)

MSN 24-01-2011: Thermal protection of buildings

Resolution 1062-PP: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and thermal protection

Resolution 2425: On approval of the single list of products subject to mandatory certification and the single list of products subject to declaration of conformity, amending the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2020 N 2467 and repealing certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

RMD 23-16-2012 Sankt-Peterburg: Recommendations for energy efficiency in residential and public buildings

RMD 23-16-2019 St. Petersburg: Recommendations for energy efficiency of residential and public buildings

SDA 24-2008: Rules for assessment (certification) of testing laboratories personnel

SNiP 23-02-2003: Buildings Heat Insulation

SP 23-101-2000: Design of thermal performance of buildings

SP 23-101-2004: Design of thermal protection of buildings

SP 267.1325800.2016: High rise buildings and complexes. Design rules

SP 31-105-2002: Design and construction of energy-efficient single-family houses with wooden frame

SP 352.1325800.2017: Single-family houses with wooden frame. Rules of design and construction

SP 363.1325800.2017: Translucent coating and lights of buildings and structures. Desing rules

SP 386.1325800.2018: Light transparent polycarbonate structures. Design rules

TSN 23-307-00: Energy efficiency in residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Ivanovo region

TSN 23-309-2000: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Tver region

TSN 23-310-2000: Energy efficiency in residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Belgorod region

TSN 23-310-2016 BelO: Energy efficiency in residential and public buildings. Design and control standards

TSN 23-311-2000: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Smolensk region

TSN 23-312-2000: Thermal protection of residential and public buildings. Thermal Protection Standards. Vladimir region

TSN 23-313-2000: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Tyumen region

TSN 23-314-2000: Standards (standards) for energy-saving thermal protection of residential and public buildings. Kaliningrad region

TSN 23-316-2000: Thermal protection of residential and public buildings. Tomsk region

TSN 23-317-2000 NSO: Energy saving in residential and public buildings. Standards for heat consumption and heat protection. Novosibirsk region

TSN 23-318-2000: Thermal protection of buildings. Republic of Bashkortostan

TSN 23-319-2000 Krasnodar region: Energy efficiency in residential and public buildings. The norms for thermal performance of the buildings

TSN 23-320-2000: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Chelyabinsk region

TSN 23-321-2000: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Astrakhan region

TSN 23-322-2001: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Kostroma region

TSN 23-323-2001: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area

TSN 23-324-2001: Energy-saving thermal protection of residential and public buildings. Komi Republic

TSN 23-325-2001: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Energy-saving thermal protection of buildings. Design Standards. Altai region

TSN 23-326-2001: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Guidelines for energy-efficient thermal protection of buildings. Republic of Kalmykia

TSN 23-327-2001: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Bryansk region

TSN 23-328-2001: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Amur region

TSN 23-331-2002: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Chita region

TSN 23-332-2002: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Penza region

TSN 23-333-2002: Energy consumption and thermal protection of residential and public buildings. Nenets Autonomous Okrug

TSN 23-334-2002: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy-saving heat protection. Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

TSN 23-335-2002: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Ulyanovsk region

TSN 23-336-2002: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Kemerovo region

TSN 23-338-2002: Energy saving in civil buildings. Standards for heat consumption and heat protection. Omsk region

TSN 23-339-2002: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Rostov region

TSN 23-340-2003: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. St. Petersburg

TSN 23-341-2002: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Ryazan Oblast

TSN 23-343-2002: Heat protection and energy consumption of residential and public buildings. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

TSN 23-344-2003: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Altai Republic

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TSN 23-350-2004: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Vologodskaya Oblast

TSN 23-355-2004: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Kirov region

TU 5271-001-48810984-00: Window structures made of aluminum alloys for fencing balconies and loggias

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