GOST 13716-73
ГОСТ 13716-73
Slinging arrangements for vessels and apparatus. Specifications
Устройства строповые для сосудов и аппаратов. Технические условия
Status: Effective - Supersedes. The limitation of effectiveness has been lifted: Decree of the State Standard No. 1673 dated 06.16.89
The standard applies to sling devices with a carrying capacity from 0.5 to 32 tons, climatic version B, placement category 1 according to GOST 15150, installed on vessels and apparatus for assembly and rigging work. The standard does not apply to sling devices for enameled vessels and apparatus.
Стандарт распространяется на строповые устройства грузоподъемностью от 0,5 до 32 т, климатического исполнения В, категории размещения 1 по ГОСТ 15150, устанавливаемы на сосуды и аппараты для проведения сборочных монтажных и такелажных работ. Стандарт не распространяется на строповые устройства для эмалированных сосудов и аппаратов.
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Approved: State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR,
SKU: RUSS67649
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V Testing and control »
4 Testing and control of products »
4.13 Testing and control of products of engineering industry »
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As a Replacement Of:
GOST 13716-68: Stringing devices for vessels and apparatuses
The Document References:
GOST 5264-80: Manual arc welding. Welding joints. Main types, design elements and dimensions
GOST 11533-75: Automatic and semiautomatic submerged arc welding. Acute and blunt weld joints. Main types, design elements and dimensions
GOST 14771-76: Gas-shielded arc welding. Welded joints. Main types, design elements and dimensions
GOST 14782-86: Nondestructive testing. Welded joints. Ultrasonic methods
GOST 14806-80: Arc welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys in inert gases. Welded joints. Main types, design elements and dimensions
GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence
GOST 15527-70: Copper zinc pressure treated alloys (brasses). Types
GOST 16130-90: Welding wire and rods of copper and copper alloys. Specifications
GOST 18442-80: Non-destructive testing. Capillary methods. General requirements
GOST 2.601-95: Operational documents
GOST 25670-83: Basic norms of interchangeability. Limit deviations of dimensions without tolerance indication
GOST 2991-85: Wooden uncollapsible cases for weights up to 500 kg. General specifications
GOST 3242-79: Welded joints
GOST 380-94: Normal quality carbon steel
GOST 4784-97: Aluminium and wrought aluminium alloys. Grades
GOST 7871-75: Aluminum and aluminium alloy welding wire
GOST 8713-79: Flux welding. Welded joints. Maih types design elements and dimensions
GOST 9.014-78: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Temporary corrosion protection of products. General requirements
GOST 9467-75: Metal covered electrodes for manual arc welding of structural and heat-resistant steels. Types
The Document is Referenced By:
ATK 24.218.04-90: Liquid mesh filters for pipelines. Design, dimensions and dimensions
Decision 96: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, the application of which on a voluntary basis to ensure compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union "On safety of equipment operating under excess pressure" (TR TS 032/2013), and the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, containing rules and methods of research (tests) and
GOST Occupation safety standards system Electrical equipment. General safety requirements
GOST 24444-87: General assembly and technological requirements
GOST 32396-2013: Input-distributional boards for dwellings and public buildings. General specifications
GOST 33368-2015: Oil and oil products trunk pipeline transportation. Filters. General technical specifications
GOST 34568-2019: The main pipeline transport of oil and oil products. Cameras for starting and receiving cleaning and diagnostic tools. General specifications
GOST R 51732-2001: Input-distributional boards for dwellings and public buildings. General specifications
GOST R 52153-2003: Radiation-protective boxes. General specifications
GOST R 52543-2006: Hydraulic drives. Safety requirements
GOST R 52768-2007: Centrifuges for industries working with radioactive media. General technical requirements and test methods
GOST R 52869-2007: Pneumatic drives. Safety requirements
GOST R 53481-2009: Lubrication systems. Safety requirements
GOST R 53675-2009: National standard of the Russian Federation. Pumps for the trunk oil pipelines. General Requirements
GOST R 53676-2009: Filters for the trunk oil pipelines. General requirements
GOST R 58617-2019: The main pipeline transport of oil and oil products. Capacities and tanks horizontal steel. General specifications
GOST R 59726-2021: Complete transformer and mast transformer substations and complete distribution stations for electric power supply to non-traffic railway consumers. General specifications
GOST R 70379-2022: Trunk pipeline transport of oil and petroleum products. Oil and petroleum products vapor recovery unit of combined (adsorption-absorption) type. Technical specifications
OST 24.271.24-74: exact parallel ion exchange filters. Design and main dimensions. Technical requirements .
OST 24.271.25-74: decolouring vertical single-chamber filters. Design and main dimensions. Technical requirements .
OST 24.271.27-74: Mixed bed applications ion exchange Filters with external regeneration. Design and main dimensions. Technical requirements .
OST 26-02-1496-76: Air, gas and liquid medium vessels and devices. Technical specifications.
OST 26-02-2052-79: steering Parts for manhole covers of double-layer steel. Design and main dimensions.
OST 26-02-2060-79: Underground horizontal drainage tanks. Specifications
OST 26-02-910-80: Condensate expanders. Specifications
OST 26-2013-83: tilt-up devices for welded steel manhole covers of vessels and apparatuses. Design.
OST 95 10439-2002: Equipment for radioactive environments. General technical requirements. Acceptance. Maintenance and repair.
RD 26.260.010-2002: The leading document on standardization. The list of standard documentation on standardization on the cells and devices working under pressure.
RD 26-18-7-88: Frame blocks. Calculation Methods
RD RosJeK 10-KM-03: Rules for the design, construction and manufacture of hoisting cranes
RD RosJeK 10-KR-01: Rules for the design, construction and manufacture of hoisting cranes
TU 26-01-949-85: The devices gummed with the mechanical mixing device of volume 1; 2; 3.2; 6.3; 10 and 16 m3
TU 26-01-957-85: Gummed capacitive devices
TU 3113-028-00220302-01: Heaters of steam and water-to-water for heating networks of heating and hot water systems. Technical conditions
TU 3612-023-00220302-01: Shell-and-tube heat exchangers with a floating head, shell-and-tube with U-tubes and tube bundles for them
TU 3612-024-00220302-02: Shell and tube heat exchangers with fixed tube sheets and shell and tube with temperature compensator on the shell
TU 3612-100-00220302-2005: Shell and tube heat exchangers, tube bundles for them and heat exchangers "pipe in pipe". General technical conditions
TU 3615-044-00220302-02: Cylindrical horizontal reservoirs for liquid hydrocarbonic propane and butane gases
TU 3644-006-00220302-99: Shell-and-tube heat exchangers for special purposes. Refrigeration evaporators and condensers
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