
GOST ISO 3864-1-2013

ГОСТ ISO 3864-1-2013

Graphic symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Part 1. Design principles for safety signs and safety markings

Графические символы сигнальные цвета и знаки безопасности. Часть 1. Принципы проектирования знаков и сигнальной разметки

Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time. IUS 11-2014

This standard establishes the requirements for the identification of safety colors and the principles for the design of signs and signal markings used in workplaces and public areas in order to prevent accidents, fire safety, health protection and emergency evacuation. It also defines the basic principles for developing standards that include safety signs. This standard is applied to ensure human security in all industrial and public facilities. The standard does not apply to signs on railways to ensure the safety of traffic, including river, sea, air, i.e. on systems-objects of separate safety regulation

Настоящий стандарт устанавливает требования к идентификации цветов безопасности и к принципам проектирования знаков и сигнальной разметки, используемым на рабочих местах и в общественных зонах в целях предотвращения несчастных случаев, пожарной безопасности, охраны здоровья и аварийной эвакуации. Он также определяет основные принципы разработки стандартов, включающих знаки безопасности. Настоящий стандарт применяется для обеспечения безопасности человека во всех производственных и общественных объектах. Стандарт не распространяется на сигнальные знаки на железных дорогах, для обеспечения безопасности движения транспорта, в том числе, речного, морского,воздушного, т.е. на системы-объекты отдельного регулирования техники безопасности

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, 3/17/2014

SKU: RUSS68009

Price: $398.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 13 Environmental protection, protection of people from environmental exposure. Security »

ISO classifier » 01 GENERAL PROVISIONS. TERMINOLOGY. STANDARDIZATION. DOCUMENTATION » 01.080 Graphic notation » 01.080.10 Designations of publicly available information »

National standards » 01 GENERAL PROVISIONS. TERMINOLOGY. STANDARDIZATION. DOCUMENTATION » 01.080 Graphic notation » 01.080.10 Designations of publicly available information »

ISO classifier » 13 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, HUMAN PROTECTION AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. SECURITY » 13.100 Safety of professional activity. Industrial hygiene »

National standards » 13 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, HUMAN PROTECTION AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. SECURITY » 13.100 Safety of professional activity. Industrial hygiene »

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 33651-2015: Hoists, building, for passengers and cargo. General specifications

GOST 33715-2015: Erecting cranes. Removable lifting devices and containers. Operation

GOST 33966.1-2016: Escalators and moving walks. Safety requirements for construction and installation

GOST 34343-2017: Industrial fans. Mechanical safety of fans. Guarding

GOST 34581-2019: Lifts Special safety requirements when installing new elevators in existing buildings

GOST EN 280-2016: Mobile working platforms. Design calculations. Sustainability criteria. Security. Control and testing

GOST IEC 60335-2-11-2016: Safety of household and similar electrical appliances. Part 2-11. Particular requirements for tumble dryers

GOST IEC 60335-2-53-2014: Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety. Part 2-53. Particular requirements for sauna heating appliances and infrared cabins

GOST IEC 60950-1-2014: Information technology equipment. Safety. Part 1. General requirements

GOST IEC 61800-5-1-2019: Variable speed electric power drive systems. Part 5-1. Safety requirements. Electrical, thermal and energy safety

GOST IEC 62115-2022: Electric toys. Safety

GOST IEC 62310-1-2018: Static switching systems (STS). Part 1. General and safety requirements

GOST R 22.3.13-2018: Safety in emergencies. Guidelines for color coded alerts

GOST R 57611-2017: Ergonomics. Visual danger signals. General requirements, design and testing

GOST R 57705-2017: Mining. Safety marking for mines

GOST R Robots and robotic devices. Safety requirements for personal care robots

GOST R IEC 62485-3-2020: Rechargeable batteries and battery installations. Safety requirements. Part 3. Traction batteries

GOST R IEC 63193-2022: Lead-acid batteries for propulsion of light vehicles. General requirements and test methods

GOST R ISO 22734-2-2014: Hydrogen generators using water electrolysis process. Part 2. Residential applications

SP 439.1325800.2018: Buildings and constructions. Emergency Lighting Design Rules

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