GOST R 52459.31-2009
ГОСТ Р 52459.31-2009
Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 31. Specific requirements for equipment in 9 kHz to 315 kHz band for ultra-low power active medical implants and related peripheral devices
Совместимость технических средств электромагнитная. Технические средства радиосвязи. Часть 31. Частные требования к радиооборудованию для активных медицинских имплантатов крайне малой мощности и связанных с ними периферийных устройств, работающему в полос
Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time
The standard applies to active medical implants of extremely low power with inductive coupling and peripheral devices operating in conjunction with them when performing their functions of providing radio communications. The standard, together with GOST R 52459.1, establishes electromagnetic compatibility requirements for radio transmitters, radio receivers and transceivers of all assignments operating in the frequency range from 9 to 315 kHz, which are parts of extremely low-power active medical implants with inductive coupling, and any associated with them external radio equipment, which is part of peripheral devices, carries out radio transmissions in the frequency band from 9 to 315 kHz, as well as relevant test methods. The standard does not establish requirements relating to the antenna port of active medical implants of extremely low power and related peripheral devices and electromagnetic emission from the port of the body of these implants and peripheral devices.
Стандарт распространяется на активные медицинские имплантаты крайне малой мощности с индуктивной связью и действующие совместно с ними периферийные устройства при выполнении ими функций по обеспечению радиосвязи. Стандарт, совместно с ГОСТ Р 52459.1, устанавливает требования электромагнитной совместимости к радиопередатчикам, радиоприемникам и приемопередатчикам всех назначений, работающим в полосе частот от 9 до 315 кГц, представляющим собой части активных медицинских имплантатов крайне малой мощности с индуктивной связью, и к любому связанному с ними внешнему радиооборудованию, входящему в состав периферийных устройств, осуществляющему радиопередачи в полосе частот от 9 до 315 кГц, а также соответствующие методы испытаний. Стандарт не устанавливает требований, относящихся к антенному порту активных медицинских имплантатов крайне малой мощности и связанных с ними периферийных устройств и электромагнитной эмиссии от порта корпуса указанных имплантатов и периферийных устройств.
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Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology,
SKU: RUSS68306
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The Document References:
Federal Law 184-FZ: About technical regulation
GOST 24375-80: Radio communication. Terms and definitions
GOST 30324.1.2-2012: Medical electrical equipment. Part 1-2. General requirements for safety. Electromagnetic compatibility. Requirements and test methods
GOST 30372-95: Electromagnetic compatibility of electronic equipment. Terms and definitions
GOST 32134.1-2013: Еlectromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 1. Common technical requirements and test methods
GOST R 1.0-2004: Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions
GOST R 1.5-2004: Standardization in the Russian Federation. National standards of the Russian Federation. Rules of structure, drafting, presentation and indication
GOST R 50267.0.2-2005: Medical electrical equipment. Part 1-2. General requirements for safety. Electromagnetic compatibility. Requirements and test methods
GOST R 51317.4.5-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Microsecond high energy pulse disturbance immunity. Requirements and test methods
GOST R 52459.10-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 10. Specific requirements for first and second generation cordless telephone equipment
GOST R 52459.11-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 11. Specific requirements for terrestrial sound broadcasting service transmitters
GOST R 52459.1-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 1. General technical requirements and test methods
GOST R 52459.12-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 12. Specific requirements for very small aperture terminal, satellite earth stations operated in the frequency ranges between 4 GHz and 30 GHz in the fixed satellite
GOST R 52459.13-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 13. Specific requirements for private radio equipment operating at frequencies between 26965 kHz and 27860 kHz and ancillary equipment
GOST R 52459.14-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 14. Specific requirements for analogue and digital terrestrial TV broadcasting service transmitters
GOST R 52459.15-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 15. Specific requirement for commercially available amateur radio equipment
GOST R 52459.16-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 16. Specific requirements for analogue cellular radiocommunication equipment, mobile and portable
GOST R 52459.17-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 17. Specific requirements for 2,4 GHz wideband transmission systems, 5 GHz high performance RLAN equipment and 5,8 GHz broadband data transmitting systems
GOST R 52459.18-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 18. Specific requirement for terrestrial trunked radio (TETRA) equipment
GOST R 52459.19-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 19. Specific requirements for mobile receive only earth stations operating in the 1,5 GHz band providing data communications
GOST R 52459.20-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 20. Specific requirements for earth stations used in the mobile satellite services
GOST R 52459.2-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 2. Specific requirements for radio paging equipment
GOST R 52459.22-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 22. Specific conditions for ground based VHF aeronautical mobile and fixed radio equipment
GOST R 52459.23-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 23. Specific requirements for IMT-2000 CDMA direct spread base station, repeater and ancillary equipment
GOST R 52459.24-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 24. Specific requirements for IMT-2000 CDMA direct spread mobile and portable radio and ancillary equipment
GOST R 52459.25-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 25. Specific requirements for CDMA 1x spread spectrum mobile stations and ancillary equipment
GOST R 52459.26-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 26. Specific requirements for CDMA 1x spread spectrum base stations, repeaters and ancillary equipment
GOST R 52459.27-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 27. Specific requirements for ultra-low power active medical implants and related peripheral devices
GOST R 52459.28-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 28. Specific requirements for wireless equipment of digital video links
GOST R 52459.3-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 3. Specific requirements for short-range devices operating at frequencies between 9 kHz and 40 GHz
GOST R 52459.32-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 32. Specific requirements for radar equipment for ground and wall probing
GOST R 52459.4-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 4. Specific requirements for radio equipment of fixed service stations and ancillary equipment
GOST R 52459.5-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 5. Specific requirements for private land mobile radio and ancillary equipment
GOST R 52459.6-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 6. Specific requirements for digital enhanced cordless telecommunications (DECT) equipment
GOST R 52459.7-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 7. Specific requirements for mobile and portable radio and ancillary equipment of digital cellular telecommunication systems (GSM and DCS)
GOST R 52459.8-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 8. Specific requirements for GSM base stations
GOST R 52459.9-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 9. Specific requirements for wireless microphones, similar radio frequency audio link equipment, cordless audio and in-ear monitoring devices
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST R 52459.10-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 10. Specific requirements for first and second generation cordless telephone equipment
GOST R 52459.11-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 11. Specific requirements for terrestrial sound broadcasting service transmitters
GOST R 52459.1-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 1. General technical requirements and test methods
GOST R 52459.12-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 12. Specific requirements for very small aperture terminal, satellite earth stations operated in the frequency ranges between 4 GHz and 30 GHz in the fixed satellite
GOST R 52459.13-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 13. Specific requirements for private radio equipment operating at frequencies between 26965 kHz and 27860 kHz and ancillary equipment
GOST R 52459.14-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 14. Specific requirements for analogue and digital terrestrial TV broadcasting service transmitters
GOST R 52459.15-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 15. Specific requirement for commercially available amateur radio equipment
GOST R 52459.16-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 16. Specific requirements for analogue cellular radiocommunication equipment, mobile and portable
GOST R 52459.18-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 18. Specific requirement for terrestrial trunked radio (TETRA) equipment
GOST R 52459.19-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 19. Specific requirements for mobile receive only earth stations operating in the 1,5 GHz band providing data communications
GOST R 52459.20-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 20. Specific requirements for earth stations used in the mobile satellite services
GOST R 52459.2-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 2. Specific requirements for radio paging equipment
GOST R 52459.22-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 22. Specific conditions for ground based VHF aeronautical mobile and fixed radio equipment
GOST R 52459.23-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 23. Specific requirements for IMT-2000 CDMA direct spread base station, repeater and ancillary equipment
GOST R 52459.24-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 24. Specific requirements for IMT-2000 CDMA direct spread mobile and portable radio and ancillary equipment
GOST R 52459.25-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 25. Specific requirements for CDMA 1x spread spectrum mobile stations and ancillary equipment
GOST R 52459.26-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 26. Specific requirements for CDMA 1x spread spectrum base stations, repeaters and ancillary equipment
GOST R 52459.27-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 27. Specific requirements for ultra-low power active medical implants and related peripheral devices
GOST R 52459.28-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 28. Specific requirements for wireless equipment of digital video links
GOST R 52459.3-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 3. Specific requirements for short-range devices operating at frequencies between 9 kHz and 40 GHz
GOST R 52459.32-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 32. Specific requirements for radar equipment for ground and wall probing
GOST R 52459.4-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 4. Specific requirements for radio equipment of fixed service stations and ancillary equipment
GOST R 52459.5-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 5. Specific requirements for private land mobile radio and ancillary equipment
GOST R 52459.6-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 6. Specific requirements for digital enhanced cordless telecommunications (DECT) equipment
GOST R 52459.7-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 7. Specific requirements for mobile and portable radio and ancillary equipment of digital cellular telecommunication systems (GSM and DCS)
GOST R 52459.8-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 8. Specific requirements for GSM base stations
GOST R 52459.9-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 9. Specific requirements for wireless microphones, similar radio frequency audio link equipment, cordless audio and in-ear monitoring devices
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