GOST R 50723-94
ГОСТ Р 50723-94
Laser safety. General requirements for development and operation the laser products
Лазерная безопасность. Общие требования безопасности при разработке и эксплуатации лазерных изделий
Status: Not effective - Canceled. Registration information 664-st dated 11/01/2012
This standard establishes a set of safety requirements for laser products at the design, manufacturing, operation and certification stages. The standard applies to lasers and laser-based products.
Настоящий стандарт устанавливает комплект требований по безопасности к лазерным изделиям на стадии проектирования, изготовления, эксплуатации и при сертификации. Стандарт распространяется на лазеры и изделия на основе лазеров
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Approved: Gosstandart of Russia,
SKU: RUSS68473
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
PromExpert »
II Industrial safety requirements for operation of a hazardous production facility »
2 Special industrial safety requirements for operation of a hazardous production facility »
2.4 Industrial safety requirements in mining and coal industries »
ISO classifier »
13.280 Protection against radiation »
National standards »
13.280 Protection against radiation »
ISO classifier »
31.260 Optoelectronics. Laser equipment »
National standards »
31.260 Optoelectronics. Laser equipment »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
Latest edition »
T General technical and organizational and methodological standards »
T5 Documentation System »
T58 System of standards infield of nature conservation and improvement of use of natural resources, labor safety, scientific organization of labor »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Laser emitters and laser amplifiers »
The Document References:
GOST 12.0.002-80: Occupational safety standards system. Terms and definitions
GOST 12.0.004-90: Organization of training for labor safety. General rules
GOST 12.1.003-83: Noise. General safety requirements
GOST 12.1.004-91: Fire safety. General requirements
GOST 12.1.005-88: General sanitary requirements for working zone air
GOST 12.1.010-76: Explosion safety. General requirements
GOST 12.1.012-90: SSBT. Occupational Safety Standards System. Vibrational safety. General requirements
GOST 12.1.014-84: Working zone air
GOST 12.1.019-79: Occupational safety standards system. Electric safety. General requirements and nomenclature of kinds of protection
GOST 12.1.031-81: Occupational safety standards system. Lasers. Methods of dosimetrical control of laser radiation
GOST 12.1.040-83: Occupational safety standards system. Laser safety. General
GOST 12.3.002-75: Occupational safety standards system. Manufacturing processes. General safety requirements
GOST 12.4.026-76: Signal colors and safety signs
GOST 15093-90: Lasers and laser modulation devices. Terms and definitions
GOST 2.701-84: Unified system design documentation. Diagrams. Kinds and types. General requirements for fulfilment
GOST 21889-76: Man-machine system. Operator's arm-chair. General ergonomic requirements
GOST 22613-77: Man-machine system. Rotary switches and commutators. General ergonomic requirements
GOST 22614-77: «Man-machine» system. Key-actuated and push-button switches and commutators. General ergonomic requirements
GOST 22615-77: «Man-machine» system. Fumbler switches and commutators. General ergonomic requirements
GOST 23000-78: Man-machine system. Control consoles. General ergonomic requirements
GOST 24453-80: Laser parameter and characteristic measurements. Terms, definitions and letter symbols
GOST 24469-80: Instruments for measurements of laser radiation parameters
GOST 24940-81: Buildings and structures. Method for measuring the luminance
GOST 26148-84: Photometry. Terms and definitions
Instruction 4137-86: Hygienic classification of work (according to harmful and dangerous factors of the working environment, severity and intensity of work) (ceased to be valid from 01.01.1994)
OSP-72/87: Basic sanitary rules for working with radioactive substances and other sources of ionizing radiation
SanPiN 5804-91: Sanitary norms and rules of lasers design and operation
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST R 12.1.031-2010: Occupational safety standards system. Lasers. Methods of dosimetric control of laser radiation
GOST R 12.4.254-2010: Occupational safety standards system. Personal eye-protection. Filters and eye-protection against laser radiation. General technical requirements and test methods
GOST R 50267.22-2002: Medical electrical equipment. Part 2. Particular requirements for the safety of diagnostic and therapeutic laser equipment
GOST R 51846-2001: Solid-state lasers and solid-state laser heads for wide application devices. General specifications
GOST R 52319-2005: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. Part 1. General requirements
GOST R 52350.29.4-2011: Explosive atmospheres. Part 29-4. Gas detectors. General technical requirements and test methods of open path detectors for flammable gases
GOST R 56242-2014: Inland water transport. Replacement laser beacons within the harbours, on the approach to them and a plot of waterway with cramped conditions navigation. General
Instruction 32-CIS-838-01: Typical instruction on labor protection during installation and technical operation of fiber-optic transmission lines on federal railway transport
MI 2728-2002: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. The list of regulatory documents on security requirements. The order of their application in the normative documents of the ICE
OST 45.119-99: Occupational safety standards system. Points of regeneration fiber optic transmission lines. General safety requirements
OST 45.131-99: The joint of the optical synchronous digital hierarchy transmission system. Parameter measurement methods
OST 45.192-2002: Measuring radiation sources for fiber-optic transmission systems. Technical requirements. Test methods
OST 45.199-99: Occupational safety standards system. Regenerative points of fiber-optic transmission lines. General safety requirements
R 45.07-2001: Recommendations for safe operation with optical sources used in optical transmission systems at all sites of the Interconnected Communication Network of the Russian Federation
R 45.16-2002: Recommendations for the application of wireless infrared technology on local networks of an interconnected communication network of Russia
R 50.2.025-2002: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Laser dosimeters. Method of verification
RD 45.028-99: Equipment of monitoring system of optical cables of communication networks. Technical requirements
RD 45.036-99: Technical requirements for the equipment of the atmospheric optical digital linear path of the plesiochronous digital hierarchy
RD 45.047-99: Fiber optic transmission lines for backbone and intraareal primary networks of all-Russia telecommunication system. Technical operation
RD 45.059-99: Transmitting apparatus and systems of synchronous digital hierarchy. Technical requirements
RD 45.186-2001: Fiber optic amplifiers equipment for use on an interconnected communication network of the Russian Federation. Technical requirements
RD 45.286-2002: Fiber-optic transmission equipment with spectral separation. Technical requirements
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