
GOST 31659-2012

ГОСТ 31659-2012

Food products. Methods for the detection of Salmonella spp

Продукты пищевые. Метод выявления бактерий рода Salmonella

Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time. IUS 4-2013

This standard applies to food and establishes a method for identifying in a certain mass or volume of product bacteria of the genus Salmonella, including Salmonella Typhi and SalmonellaParatyphi. It is allowed to use chromogenic media for preliminary detection of bacteria of the genus Salmonella.

Настоящий стандарт распространяется на пищевые продукты и устанавливает метод выявления в определенной массе или объеме продукта бактерий рода Salmonella, включая Salmonella Typhi и SalmonellaParatyphi. Допускается использование хромогенных сред для предварительного выявления бактерий рода Salmonella

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, 11/9/2012

SKU: RUSS68638

Price: $212.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 029/2012 TR CU. Safety requirements for food additives, flavors and processing aids » Regulations and standards (by 029/2012 TR CU) »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 033/2013 TR CU. On safety of milk and dairy products » Regulations and standards (to 033/2013 TR CU) »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 034/2013 TR CU. On safety of meat and meat products » Regulations and standards (to 034/2013 TR CU) »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 4 Testing and control of products » 4.4 Testing and control of food products »

ISO classifier » 07 MATHEMATICS. NATURAL SCIENCES » 07.100 Microbiology » 07.100.30 Food Microbiology »

National standards » 07 MATHEMATICS. NATURAL SCIENCES » 07.100 Microbiology » 07.100.30 Food Microbiology »

The Document References:

GOST 10444.1-84: Canned food. Preparation of reagent solutions, dyes, indicators and culture media for microbiological analysis

GOST 24104-2001: Laboratory scales. General technical requirements

GOST 24363-80: Reagents. Potassium hydroxide. Specifications

GOST 26668-85: Food-stuff and food additives. Preparation of sampling for microbiological analyses

GOST 26669-85: Food-stuffs and food additives. Preparation of samples for microbiological analyses

GOST 26670-91: Food products. Methods for cultivation of microorganisms

GOST 30425-97: Canned foods. Method for determination of commercial sterility

GOST 4209-77: Reagents. Magnesium chloride 6-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 6672-75: Cover glasses for micropreparations. Specifications

GOST 6691-77: Reagents. Urea. Specifications

GOST 6709-72: Distilled water. Specifications

GOST 9284-75: Slides for micropreparations. Specifications

GOST 9536-79: Isobutyl alcohol. Specifications

GOST ISO 7218-2011: Microbiology of food products and fodders for animals. General requirements and recommendations for microbilogic researches.

The Document is Referenced By:

Decision 236: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, through the application of which on a voluntary basis compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union "On food safety" (TR CU 021/2011), and the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, containing rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements, including rules from

Decision 81: About the list of standards as a result of which application on a voluntary basis the observance of requirements of technical regulations of the Customs union "About safety of meat and meat production" (ТР ТС 034/2013), and the list of standards containing rules and methods of researches (tests) and measurements, including rules of sampling necessary for application and execution of requirements of technical regulations of the Customs union "About safety of meat and meat production" (ТР ТС 034/2013) and realization of an estimation (acknowledgement) of conformity of production

GOST 108-2014: Cocoa-powder. Specifications

GOST 1084-2016: Herring and sardines from Pacific, spicy salted and pickled. Specification

GOST 11293-2017: Gelatin. Technical specifications

GOST 13197-2013: Cold-smoked balyk products of Baltic salmon. Specifications

GOST 14031-2014: Wafers. General specifications

GOST 14032-2017: The galety. General technical conditions

GOST 14033-2015: Cracker. General specifications

GOST 15052-2014: Cakes. General specifications

GOST 1573-2011: Fish salted screened caviar. Specifications

GOST 15810-2014: Confectionery. Gingerbread confectionery. General specifications

GOST 16079-2017: Whitefish salty. Technical conditions

GOST 16080-2019: Salted Pacific salted fish. Technical conditions

GOST 1629-2015: Granular salmon roe in transport packing. Specifications

GOST 1683-2017: Mixes of dried vegetables for first courses. Technical conditions

GOST 17661-2013: Frozen mackerel, marline, swordfish, sailfish and tuna. Specifications

GOST 18222-2015: Sardine, sardinella and sardinops spiced-salted. Specifications

GOST 18223-2013: Mackerel and jack mackerel spice-salted. Specifications

GOST 18256-2017: Smoked baked pork products. Technical conditions

GOST 20056-2013: Preserves of oceanic fish in special brine. Specifications

GOST 20352-2012: Fish salted delicatessen roe. Specifications

GOST 20402-2014: Stuffed cooked sausages. Specifications

GOST 20414-2011: Frozen squid cuttle. Specifications

GOST 20845-2017: Frozen shrimps. Technical conditions

GOST 20845-2022: Frozen shrimp. Technical conditions

GOST 21192-2019: The goiter glands are frozen. Technical conditions

GOST 23670-2019: Cooked meat sausages. Technical specifications

GOST 24896-2013: Live fish. Specifications

GOST 24901-2014: Cookies. General specifications

GOST 2623-2013: Balyk products of pacific salmons and Issyk Kul trout cold-smoked. Specifications

GOST 27747-2016: Meat of rabbits (carcass of rabbits, rabbits-broilers and their parts). Specification

GOST 28538-2017: Kvass wort concentrates. General technical conditions

GOST 31449-2013: Raw cow's milk. Specifications

GOST 31450-2013: Drinking milk. Specifications

GOST 31451-2013: Drinking cream. Specifications

GOST 31452-2012: Soured cream. Specifications

GOST 31454-2012: Kefir. Specifications

GOST 31455-2012: Ryazhenka. Specifications

GOST 31456-2013: Sour clotted milk. Specifications

GOST 31465-2012: Semi-prepared of poultry meat for children nutrition. General specifications

GOST 31468-2012: Poultry meat, edible offal and poultry meat ready-to-cook. Method for detection of Salmonellae

GOST 31476-2012: Pigs for slaughter. Рork carcasses and semi-carcasses. Specifications

GOST 31494-2012: Kvases. General specifications

GOST 31498-2012: Cooked sausage products for child's nutrition. Specifications

GOST 31501-2012: Fried sausages. Specifications

GOST 31534-2012: Cottage cheese. Specifications

GOST 31583-2012: Sea frozen kale. Specifications

GOST 31639-2012: Cooked sausage items of poultry meat. General specifications

GOST 31661-2012: Mechnikovskaya curdled milk. Specifications

GOST 31668-2012: Acidophilus milk. Specifications

GOST 31680-2012: Tvorog's massa «Osobaya». Specifications

GOST 31688-2012: Canned milk. Milk and sweetened condensed cream. Specifications

GOST 31689-2012: Casein. Specification

GOST 31702-2013: Airan. Specifications

GOST 31703-2012: Milk-containing sweetened condensed canned foods. General specifications

GOST 31711-2012: Beer. General specifications

GOST 31721-2012: Chocolate. General specifications

GOST 31743-2012: Macaroni products. General specifications

GOST 31743-2017: Pasta products. General technical conditions

GOST 31749-2012: Instant (noodle) macaroni products. General specifications

GOST 31751-2012: Fried bread products. General specifications

GOST 31752-2012: Products bakery in wrapping. Specifications

GOST 31755-2012: Sauces based on vegetable oils. General specifications

GOST 31761-2012: Мayonnaises and mayonnais sauces. General specifications

GOST 31777-2012: Sheep and goats for slaughtering. Mutton, lambs and goats in carcasses. Specifications

GOST 31779-2012: Semi-smoked sausages for children's nutrition. Specifications

GOST 31780-2012: Cooked sausage from horse-flesh. Specifications

GOST 31785-2012: Semi-smoked meat sausages. Specifications

GOST 31786-2012: Semi-smoked sausages from horse-flesh. Specifications

GOST 31790-2012: Cooked pork products. Specifications

GOST 31794-2012: Grained salmon caviar. Specifications

GOST 31797-2012: Meat. Dressing of beef into cuts. Specifications

GOST 31798-2012: Beef and veal for infants nutrition. Specifications

GOST 31799-2012: Meat and meat by-products, frozen in blocks, for production of child nutrition foods. Technical specifications

GOST 31802-2012: Cooked sausage products for children's food. General specifications

GOST 31805-2012: Products bakery from wheat flour. General specifications

GOST 31805-2018: Bakery products from wheat baking flour. General specifications

GOST 31806-2012: Frozen and cooled prepared baking mixes. General specifications

GOST 31807-2012: Bakery products from rye flour and rye-and- wheat flour. General specifications

GOST 31807-2018: Bakery products from rye baking flour and rye-and-wheat baking flour. General specifications

GOST 31808-2012: Fresh pasta products. General specifications

GOST 31934-2012: Wheat gluten. Specifications

GOST 31935-2012: Wheat starch. Specifications

GOST 31936-2012: Semi-prepared poultry meat and poultry offal. General specifications

GOST 32002-2012: Dried squid. Specifications

GOST 32003-2012: Ovary caviar of sturgeons. Specifications

GOST 32004-2012: Iced small fish. Specifications

GOST 32005-2012: Frozen cooked mussel meat. Specifications

GOST 32006-2012: Cod fillet skinless pressed frozen. Specifications

GOST 32010-2013: Food products. Method for detection of Shigella species bacteria

GOST 32049-2013: Food flavourings. General specifications

GOST 32063-2013: Ketchups. General specifications

GOST 32065-2013: Dried vegetables. General specifications

GOST 32099-2013: Powidlo. General specifications

GOST 32149-2013: Food products of commercial poultry eggs processing. Microbiological analysis methods

GOST 32159-2013: Maize starch. General specifications

GOST 32188-2013: Margarines. General specifications

GOST 32225-2013: Horses for slaughter. Horseflesh in semi–сarcasses and quarters. Specifications

GOST 32226-2013: Meat. Dressing of horse and young horse meat into cuts. Specifications

GOST 32227-2013: Deers for slaughter. Carcasses and semi-carcasses. Specifications

GOST 32243-2013: Meat. Dressing of venison into cuts. Specifications

GOST 32244-2013: Processed meat by–products. Specification

GOST 32252-2013: Drink milk for preschool and school age children. Specifications

GOST 32256-2013: Sherbet Ice cream and Frozen Desserts with milk and milk products. General specifications

GOST 32261-2013: Butter. Specifications

GOST 32273-2013: Meаt. Venison for children’s nutrition. Specifications

GOST 32341-2013: Peled, cisco and tugun spicy salted. Specifications

GOST 32342-2013: Salmons the pacific with spawning changes frozen. Specifications

GOST 32366-2013: Frozen fish. Specifications

GOST 32589-2013: Culinary products of poultry meat. General specifications

GOST 32684-2014: Semimanufactures. Canned fruit puree chemical preservatives. Specifications

GOST 32737-2014: Semi-prepared natural products of poultry meat for children nutrition. Specifications

GOST 32738-2014: Freeze-dried beef. Specification

GOST 32739-2014: Freeze-drying meat of broiler chickens. Specification

GOST 32741-2014: Semifinished products. Fruit and vegetable fillings and podvarki. General specifications

GOST 32744-2014: Frozen small-ized fish. Specifications

GOST 32750-2014: Frozen semi-finished products in dough for children`s nutrition. Specifications

GOST 32752-2014: Cooled by-products for child nutrition. Specifications

GOST 32772-2014: Klipfish. Specifications

GOST 32784-2014: Meat jellies in casings and broth jellies. Specifications

GOST 32785-2014: Products of horsemeat. Specifications

GOST 32807-2014: Anchovies and small herrings salted and spice-salted. Specifications

GOST 32887-2014: Small sausages for infant's nutrition. Specifications

GOST 32896-2014: Dried fruits. General specifications

GOST 32898-2014: Frozen fruit mixes and puree. General specifications

GOST 32900-2014: Venison products. Specifications

GOST 32910-2014: Frozen herring. Specifications

GOST 32911-2014: Cold-smoked small-sized fish. Specifications

GOST 32914-2014: Freeze-dried meat for children nutrition. Specifications

GOST 32920-2022: Juice products. Juice products from fruits and vegetables for baby food. General specifications

GOST 32922-2014: Pasteurized cow's milk - raw material. Specifications

GOST 32923-2014: Fermented milk products enriched with probiotic microorganisms. Specifications

GOST 32925-2014: Kefir for children's nutrition. Specifications

GOST 32926-2014: Acidophilus milk for a feed of children. Specifications

GOST 32928-2014: Sour clotted milk for a feed of children. Specifications

GOST 32929-2014: Sour milk ice cream. Specifications

GOST 32940-2014: Goat's milk raw. Specifications

GOST 32951-2014: Semi-prepared meat and meat-contained product. General specifications

GOST 32967-2014: Semi-prepared meat products for children`s nutrition. General specifications

GOST 33222-2015: White sugar. Specifications

GOST 33282-2015: Frozen fish fillet for children nutrition. Specifications

GOST 33283-2015: Live mussels. Specifications

GOST 33285-2015: Mussel preserves. Specifications

GOST 33286-2015: Meat of gastropods chilled and frozen. Specifications

GOST 33314-2015: Quick-frozen potatoes. General specifications

GOST 33316-2015: Quick-frozen vegetable mixes with grains and macaroni products. General specifications

GOST 33318-2015: Dried mushrooms. Specifications

GOST 33337-2015: Culinary fabrics of poultry meat for children nutrition. Specifications

GOST 33338-2015: Semi-prepared ground ready-to-heat-and-eat of poultry meat for children nutrition. Specifications

GOST 33356-2015: Quick-frozen finished products of poultry meat. Specifications

GOST 33357-2015: Boiled-smoked sausages of poultry meat. Specifications

GOST 33394-2015: Frozen pelmeni. Specifications

GOST 33476-2015: Frozen second lunch meals. General specifications

GOST 33478-2015: Enriched drinking milk. General specifications

GOST 33480-2015: Cream Cheese. General specifications

GOST 33491-2015: Product fermented-milk, enriched bifidobacteriae bifidum. Specifications

GOST 33504-2015: Food additives. Dihydroquercetin. Specifications

GOST 33567-2015: Lactose. Specifications

GOST 33611-2015: Minced meet for infant's nutrition. Specifications

GOST 33629-2015: Canned milk. Dry milk. Specifications

GOST 33631-2015: Cheese for baby food. Specifications

GOST 33633-2015: Butter for baby food. Specifications

GOST 33648-2022: Fats for special purposes. General technical conditions

GOST 33673-2015: Cooked sausage items. General specifications

GOST 33674-2015: Blood and processed products. Specifications

GOST 33692-2015: Animal protein connective tissue. General specifications

GOST 33708-2015: Sausage smoked and uncooked jerked sausages. General specifications

GOST 33790-2016: Guts and bladder of beef. Specification

GOST 33791-2016: Guts and bladder of pigs. Specification

GOST 33802-2016: Frozen crab. Specification

GOST 33803-2016: Fresh-water dried fish. Specification

GOST 33816-2016: Geese meat (carcasses and their parts). Specifications

GOST 33818-2016: Meat. High quality beef. Specification

GOST 33823-2016: Quick-frozen fruits. General specifications

GOST 33836-2016: Sausage products boiled with reduced caloric content. General specifications

GOST 33917-2016: Starch syrup. General specifications

GOST 33920-2016: Food caseinate. Specification

GOST 33921-2016: Canned milk. Condensed sweetened cooked milk. Specifications

GOST 33922-2016: Canned milk. Dry cream. Specifications

GOST 33923-2016: Canned compound sweetened condensed milk. Specifications

GOST 33927-2016: Glazed curds. General specifications

GOST 33930-2016: Sago. Specifications

GOST 33956-2016: Milk albumin and pasta albumin. Specification

GOST 33958-2016: Canned milk. Whey powders. Specifications

GOST 33959-2016: Salted cheeses. Specifications

GOST 34048-2017: Sour milk product "Snowball". Technical specifications

GOST 34063-2017: Preserves pastes of fish, fish roe and krill meat. Specifications

GOST 34064-2017: Preserves of pacific sardine (iwashi) in special brine. Specifications

GOST 34107-2017: Kishki baran'i i koz'i. Tehnicheskie usloviya

GOST 34113-2017: Varen'e. Obschie tehnicheskie usloviya

GOST 34120-2017: Cattle for slaughter. Beef and veal carcasses, semi-carcasses and quarters. Specifications

GOST 34121-2017: Myaso tsesarok (tushki i ih chasti). Tehnicheskie usloviya

GOST 34122-2017: Offal of bird for children nutrition. Specifications

GOST 34144-2017: Concentrates for soft drinks. General technical conditions

GOST 34159-2017: Meat products. General technical conditions

GOST 34162-2017: Half-smoked sausage products. General technical conditions

GOST 34178-2017: Spreads and mixtures melted. General technical conditions

GOST 34185-2017: Preserved food from small intact fish in sauce, pouring or oil. Technical conditions

GOST 34187-2017: Preserved food from the small decapitated fish in filling, sauce or oil. Technical conditions

GOST 34188-2017: Preserved fish from sliced fish in sauce or pouring. Technical conditions

GOST 34189-2017: Capelin fatty salted and spiced salted. Technical conditions

GOST 34190-2017: Frozen fish by-products. Technical conditions

GOST 34191-2017: Small dried fish. Technical conditions

GOST 34197-2017: Meat. Veal cuts. Specifications

GOST 34200-2017: Meat. Cuts from mutton and goat meat. Technical conditions

GOST 34203-2017: Meat krill ice cream. Technical conditions

GOST 34220-2017: Salted and fermented vegetables. General specifications

GOST 34255-2017: Canned milk. Dri milk for infant products manufacture. Specifications

GOST 34274-2017: Maltodextrins. Technical conditions

GOST 34312-2017: Condensed milk-raw material. Specifications

GOST 34352-2017: Milk whey-raw material. Specifications

GOST 34353-2017: Milk-clotting enzyme preparations of animal origin are dry. Technical conditions

GOST 34354-2017: Buttermilk and drinks on its base. Specifications

GOST 34355-2017: Cream-raw material. Specifications

GOST 34356-2017: Cheeses with cheddaring and thermomechanical processing of cheese curd. Specifications

GOST 34357-2017: Сheeses from whey albumin. Specifications

GOST 34372-2017: Bacterial starter cultures for the production of dairy products. Specifiсations

GOST 34426-2018: Semi-prepared meat-contained products for child`s nutrition. General specifications

GOST 34432-2018: Сhilled and frozen «crab» sticks. Specifications

GOST 34447-2018: Confitures. General specifications

GOST 34459-2018: Frozen vegetable puree. General specifications

GOST 34617-2019: Specialized food products. Cottage cheese with components for feeding young children. Technical specifications

GOST 34620-2019: Specialized food products. Mixtures based on soy protein isolate for feeding children in their first year of life. General specifications

GOST 34621-2019: Specialized food products. Drinks protein, protein-carbohydrate and carbohydrate-protein dry for athletes. General specifications

GOST 34813-2021: Cod fish fillets frozen "Extra. Specifications

GOST 34814-2021: Preserves of scallop fillets in sauce. Specifications

GOST 34835-2022: Specialized food products. Gluten-free bakery products. General specifications

GOST 34836-2022: Specialized food products. Bakery products for baby food on the basis of wheat flour. Technical conditions

GOST 3948-2016: Filet of fish frozen. Specification

GOST 4570-2014: Sweets. General specifications

GOST 6441-2014: Pastille type confectionery. General specifications

GOST 6442-2014: Marmalade. General specifications

GOST 6477-2019: Caramel. General specifications

GOST 6478-2014: Toffee. General specifications

GOST 6481-2015: Products balyk of sturgeon cold smoked and dried. Technical conditions

GOST 6502-2014: Halva. General specifications

GOST 6606-2015: Fish small hot smoked. Technical conditions

GOST 7368-2013: Pressed sturgeon caviar. Specifications

GOST 7442-2017: Grain sturgeon caviar. Technical conditions

GOST 7447-2015: Hot–smoked fish. Specifications

GOST 7449-2016: Salted salmon. Specifications

GOST 7702.2.0-2016: Products of poultry slaughter, semi-finished products from poultry meat and objects of the surrounding production environment. Sampling methods and preparing for microbiological examinations

GOST 812-2013: Hot-smoked herrings. Specifications

GOST 815-2019: Herring is salted. Technical conditions

GOST ISO 11133-2-2011: Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs. Guidelines on preparation and production of culture media. Part 2. Practical guidelines on performance testing of culture media

GOST R 50396.0-2013: Poultry meat, edible offal and semi-prepared products from poultry meat. Sampling methods and preparing for microbiological examinations

GOST R 52054-2003: Cow's milk raw. Specifications

GOST R 52060-2003: Starch syrup. General specifications

GOST R 52196-2017: Cooked meat sausage products. Specifications

GOST R 52844-2007: Alcohol-free tonic beverages. General specifications

GOST R 53456-2022: Whey protein concentrates dry. Technical specifications

GOST R 53852-2010: Semi-smoked sausages of poultry meat. General specifications

GOST R 53876-2010: Potato starch. Specifications

GOST R 53897-2010: Glaze. General specifications

GOST R 53914-2010: Milk beverage. Specifications

GOST R 53957-2010: Pasteurized grained salmon caviar. Specifications

GOST R 54034-2010: Meat. Mutton and lamb for children’s nutrition. Specifications

GOST R 54048-2010: Meat. Pork for children’s nutrition. Specifications

GOST R 54339-2011: Fermented milk-containing products. General specifications

GOST R 54340-2011: Fermented dairy products and dairy compound products. General specifications

GOST R 54607.9-2016: Public catering services. Methods of laboratory quality control of products catering. Part 9. Microbiological tests

GOST R 54649-2011: Milk-containing dry canned foods. Specifications

GOST R 54658-2011: Cocoa butter extenders of POP-type. Specifications

GOST R 54672-2011: Raw smoked and raw jerked sausage products from poultry meat. General specifications

GOST R 54682-2011: Semi-products. Fruit and vegetable fillers. General specifications

GOST R 55287-2012: Meat and vegetable semi-prepared of poultry meat for children nutrition. General specifications

GOST R 55291-2023: Probiotic medicines for veterinary use. Methods of microbiological analysis

GOST R 55292-2012: Beer drinks. General specifications

GOST R 55295-2012: Macaroni products instant. General specifications

GOST R 55296-2012: Low protein macaroni products. General specifications

GOST R 55297-2012: Phosphate starch. Specification

GOST R 55334-2012: Meat and meat containing pate. Specifications

GOST R 55335-2012: Meat. Horse-flesh for baby nutrition. Specifications

GOST R 55365-2012: Minced meat. Specifications

GOST R 55366-2012: Semi-prepared ground meat products for children nutrition. Specifications

GOST R 55367-2012: Brawns. Specifications

GOST R 55445-2013: Meat. High quality beef. Specification

GOST R 55453-2022: Feeds for non-productive animals. General technical conditions

GOST R 55455-2013: Boiled-smoked meat sausages. Specifications

GOST R 55456-2013: Dry sausages. Specifications

GOST R 55463-2013: Sauerkraut Provencal. General specifications

GOST R 55465-2013: Frozen mushrooms. Specifications

GOST R 55485-2013: Fat products. Specifications

GOST R 55486-2013: Grain caviar of sturgeons. Specifications

GOST R 55489-2013: Corn gluten. Specifications

GOST R 55499-2013: Products of poultry meat. General specifications

GOST R 55505-2013: Frozen food fish forcemeat. Specifications

GOST R 55512-2013: Natural instant chicory. Specifications

GOST R 55574-2013: Meat pate for child food. Specifications

GOST R 55790-2013: Semi-prepared ground of poultry meat for children nutrition. Specifications

GOST R 55791-2013: Smoked and jerked products of chicken broilers meat. Specifications

GOST R 55795-2013: Pork products baked and fried. Specifications

GOST R 55796-2013: Pork smoked products. Specifications

GOST R 55948-2014: Preserves of scallop fillet in sauce. Specifications

GOST R 56145-2014: Functional foods. Methods for microbiological analysis

GOST R 56364-2015: Russian quality. Minced semi-prepared products from poultry meat with lowered calorific value for children nutrition. Specifications

GOST R 56365-2015: Russian quality. Ham products from poultry meat for children nutrition. Specifications

GOST R 56368-2015: Russian traditional drinks on the basis of natural raw materials. Specifications

GOST R 56368-2022: Russian traditional alcoholic drinks based on natural raw materials. General technical conditions

GOST R 56417-2015: Frozen fillet of gadoid species «Extra». Specifications

GOST R 56418-2015: Canned fish liver, roe and milt «in the Murmansk style». Specifications

GOST R 56496-2015: Russian quality. Enriched smoked and jerked products of poultry meat. Specifications

GOST R 56543-2015: Functional beverages. General specifications

GOST R 56557-2015: Spicy seasonings. Horseradish. Specifications

GOST R 56575-2015: Homemade noodles. Specifications

GOST R 56579-2015: Semi-prepared meat-contained ground products for children nutrition. Specifications

GOST R 56630-2015: Bakery products from rye bakery flour and rye bakery-and-wheat bakery flour. General specifications

GOST R 56631-2015: Products bakery from wheat bakery flour. General specifications

GOST R 56833-2015: Demineralized dairy whey. Specifications

GOST R 57106-2016: Products diet therapeutic and preventive nutrition diet. Vitamin-mineral complexes in clinical nutrition. Specification

GOST R 57475-2017: Dried egg protein after extraction lysozyme. Specifications

GOST R 57476-2017: Bird food protein. Specifications

GOST R 57480-2017: Poultry slaughtering products, poultry meat products and environment production objects. Salmonella identification by quick method

GOST R 57481-2017: Poultry slaughtering products, poultry meat products and environmental production objects. Pathogen microorganisms identification (Salmonella spp., L. monocytogenes) by molecular analysis method

GOST R 57494-2017: Culinary products from meat of chicken and turkey. Specifications

GOST R 57594-2017: Mead. General specifications

GOST R 57622-2017: Specialized food products. Canned sterilized minced meat with biocorrecting effect. Specifications

GOST R 57901-2017: Fortified food chicken eggs. Specifications

GOST R 57989-2017: Specialized food products. Methods for the detection of foodborne pathogens based on polymerase chain reaction

GOST R 58010-2017: Poirй traditional. Spectifications

GOST R 58011-2017: Ciders traditional. Spectifications

GOST R 58040-2017: Vitamin-mineral complexes. General specifications

GOST R 58111-2018: Frozen semi-finished products in dough of poultry meat for children nutrition. Specifications

GOST R 58161-2018: Bakery products for children supply. General specifications

GOST R 58441-2019: Soybean food products. Tofu General specifications

GOST R 58851-2020: Traditional fruit ciders. Specifications

GOST R 70295-2022: Crystalline glucose. Specifications

GOST R 70337-2022: Chocolate. General technical conditions

GOST R 70354-2022: Meat and meat products. General requirements and test procedures for justification of shelf life

GOST R 70606-2022: Food specialized products. Food products for baby food. Organization and implementation of microbiological control of baby food products in the dairy industry enterprises

GOST R 70650-2023: Drinks on a plant basis (from grains, nuts, coconut). General specifications

KMS 1018:2006: Peanut sandwich paste. Technical conditions

KMS 1020:2014: Soft drinks, coupage syrups and bottled table water of the company "Coca Cola". General specifications

KMS 1159:2009: Nuts, oilseeds and pulses and cereal grains packaged. General technical conditions

KMS 1207:2017: Confectionery products. Hazelnut paste and cream. General specifications

KMS 1286:2015: Cured meat products (basturma). General technical conditions

KMS 207:2008: Ayran. Specifications

KMS 213:2008: Kaymak. Specifications

KMS 230:2008: Susme. Specifications

KMS 285:2008: Kurut. Specifications

KMS 788:2008: Boiled national sausage products. General technical specifications

KMS 790:2008: Smoked national sausage products. General technical specifications

KMS 827:2012: Frozen semi-finished products in dough. General technical specifications (as amended N 1)

KMS 858:2002: Biolact. Technical conditions

KMS 980:2005: Drinks national "Maksym" and "Jarma. Technical conditions

Letter 1637-IK/03: Possible misprints in GOST 31468-2012, GOST 31659-2012, GOST 32064-2013, GOST 32149-2013

MR 4.2.0161-19: Methods for the indication of biological films of microorganisms on abiotic objects

PNST 252-2017: Russian system of quality. Comparative testing of grained salmon caviar packed in cans

PNST 260-2017: Russian system of quality. Comparative testing of butter unsalted

PNST 287-2018: Russian system of quality. Comparative testing of kvases

PNST 290-2018: Russian system of quality. Comparative testing of food chicken eggs

PNST 292-2018: Russian system of quality. Comparative testing of Condensed sweetened milk

PNST 293-2018: Russian system of quality. Comparative testing of structured product from fish mince - crab sticks

PNST 333-2018: Russian quality system. Comparative tests of preserves from herring fillet in oil

ST RK 1067-2015: Dairy products. Cottage Cheese Products General Specifications

ST RK 1102-2015: National Kazakh dairy products of Sarah Irimshik. General technical conditions

ST RK 1103-2015: National Kazakh dairy products Suzba. General technical conditions

ST RK 1105-2015: National Kazakh dairy products BAL-Kaymak Specifications

ST RK 1106-2015: Dairy products. Cream mousse General specifications

ST RK 1136-2015: Fermented milk product with Tompack fillers. General technical conditions

ST RK 117-2015: Shubat. General technical conditions

ST RK 1324-2015: Fortified drinking milk. General technical conditions

ST RK 1733-2015: Milk and dairy products. General technical conditions

ST RK 2069-2015: Dairy products. General technical conditions

ST RK 2798-2015: Recombinated drinking cream. General technical conditions

ST RK 2799-2015: Sour cream from the recombined cream. General technical conditions

ST RK 84-2015: National Kazakh dairy products Irimshik. Technical conditions

STB 1373-2016: Semi-hard cheeses. Specifications

STB 1467-2017: Ice cream. General technical conditions

STB 1552-2017: Yogurt General technical conditions

STB 1598-2006: Cow milk. Requirements for procurement

STB 1746-2017: Drinking Milk. General technical conditions

STB 1858-2009: Dry milk. General specifications

STB 1859-2016: Kefir for feeding young children. General specifications

STB 1887-2016: Drinking cream. General specifications

STB 1888-2016: Sour cream. General specifications

STB 1890-2017: Cow's milk butter. General specifications

STB 1963-2009: Noodles. General specifications

STB 2190-2017: Soft cheeses. General technical conditions

STB 2206-2017: Sour-milk products. General specifications

STB 2219-2017: Dry whey. General technical conditions

STB 2263-2016: Skimmed milk. Technical conditions

STB 2277-2016: Сream-raw materials. Specifications

STB 2283-2016: Curds and curd snacks. General specifications

STB 2494-2017: Curd paste for feeding children of preschool and school age. General specifications

STB 315-2017: Cottage cheese. General technical conditions

STB 703-2003: Pies. General specifications

STB 736-2017: Processed cheese. General technical conditions

STB 880-2016: Mineral natural medicinal-table waters. General specifications

STB 927-2008: Baking sweets. General specifications

STB 970-2017: Kefir. General technical conditions

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