
GOST R 52869-2007

ГОСТ Р 52869-2007

Pneumatic drives. Safety requirements

Пневмоприводы. Требования безопасности

Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time

This standard applies to pneumatic actuators, pneumatic systems and pneumatic devices included in them in machines (aggregates). This standard lists the hazards and factors that arise when pneumatic actuators, pneumatic systems and pneumatic devices that make them work and affect the safety of machines (units) in violation of conditions and operating rules, set limits for the requirements for design and operation and measures to ensure them. The safety requirements established by the standard apply to all stages of the creation and operation of new and upgraded pneumatic actuators, pneumatic systems and pneumatic devices within them, and must be taken into account during certification. The requirements of this standard do not apply to pneumatic actuators, pneumatic systems and pneumatic devices within them, designed and manufactured before the introduction of this standard in action

Настоящий стандарт распространяется на пневмоприводы, пневмосистемы и входящие в их состав пневмоустройства в машинах (агрегатах). В настоящем стандарте перечислены опасности и факторы, которые возникают при работе пневмоприводов, пневмосистем и входящих в их состав пневмоустройств и влияют на безопасность машин (агрегатов) при нарушении условий и правил эксплуатации, установлены предельные нормы требований при проектировании и эксплуатации и мероприятия по их обеспечению. Установленные стандартом требования безопасности распространяются на все этапы создания и эксплуатации новых и модернизации находящихся в эксплуатации пневмоприводов, пневмосистем и входящих в их состав пневмоустройств и должны учитываться при сертификации. Требования настоящего стандарта не распространяются на пневмоприводы, пневмосистемы и входящие в их состав пневмоустройства, спроектированные и изготовленные до момента введения настоящего стандарта в действие

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, 12/27/2007

SKU: RUSS69997

Price: $478.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 13 Environmental protection, protection of people from environmental exposure. Security »

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 23 Hydraulic and pneumatic systems and components for general use. »

Welding regulations » Pipelines »

Welding regulations » Welding materials »

Welding regulations » welding equipment »

Welding regulations » Welding staff »

Welding regulations » Documentation »

Welding regulations » Non-destructive control »

Welding regulations » Heat treatment »

Welding regulations » Defects »

Welding regulations » Welding materials » Gases »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 010/2011 TR CU. On safety of machinery and equipment » Regulations and standards (to ТР ТС ТС 010/2011) »

Standards for pipe fittings (TPA) » 12. Standards for components for piping valves (TPA) » 12.1 Driving Devices » 12.1.3 Drives » Pneumatic actuators »

ISO classifier » 13 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, HUMAN PROTECTION AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. SECURITY » 13.100 Safety of professional activity. Industrial hygiene »

National standards » 13 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, HUMAN PROTECTION AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. SECURITY » 13.100 Safety of professional activity. Industrial hygiene »

ISO classifier » 23 HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS AND GENERAL PURPOSE COMPONENTS » 23.100 Volumetric hydraulic actuators and pneumatic actuators »

National standards » 23 HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS AND GENERAL PURPOSE COMPONENTS » 23.100 Volumetric hydraulic actuators and pneumatic actuators »

ISO classifier » 23 HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS AND GENERAL PURPOSE COMPONENTS » 23.100 Volumetric hydraulic actuators and pneumatic actuators » 23.100.01 Volumetric hydraulic actuators and pneumatic actuators in general »

National standards » 23 HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS AND GENERAL PURPOSE COMPONENTS » 23.100 Volumetric hydraulic actuators and pneumatic actuators » 23.100.01 Volumetric hydraulic actuators and pneumatic actuators in general »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » T General technical and organizational and methodological standards » T5 Documentation System » T58 System of standards infield of nature conservation and improvement of use of natural resources, labor safety, scientific organization of labor »

The Document References:

GOST 12.1.003-83: Noise. General safety requirements

GOST 12.1.004-91: Fire safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.005-88: General sanitary requirements for working zone air

GOST 12.1.007-76: Noxious substances. Classification and general safety requirements

GOST 12.1.010-76: Explosion safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.012-2004: Occupational safety stаndards system. Vibration safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.014-84: Working zone air

GOST 12.1.016-79: Work area air

GOST 12.1.019-79: Occupational safety standards system. Electric safety. General requirements and nomenclature of kinds of protection

GOST 12.1.026-80: Occupational safety standards system. Noise. Determination of noise characteristics of noise sources in a free-field over reflecting plane. Engineering method

GOST 12.1.050-86: Occupational safety standards system. Methods of noise measurement at work-places

GOST 12.2.003-91: Industrial equipment. General safety requirements

GOST Occupation safety standards system Electrical equipment. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.030-2000: Occupational safety standards system. Hand tools. Noise characteristics. Limits. Methods of testing

GOST 12.2.032-78: Operators location in a silting position. General ergonomic requirements

GOST 12.2.033-78: Operators location in a standing position General ergonomic requirements

GOST 12.3.002-75: Occupational safety standards system. Manufacturing processes. General safety requirements

GOST 12.4.012-83: Occupational safety standards system. Vibration. Means for measurement and control of vibration in site. Technical requirements

GOST 12.4.026-76: Signal colors and safety signs

GOST 12.4.040-78: Industrial equipment controls

GOST 13716-73: Slinging arrangements for vessels and apparatus. Specifications

GOST 14202-69: Pipe-lines of industrial plants. Identification coloring, safety signs and marking screens

GOST 14254-96: Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)

GOST 16519-2006: Vibration. Testing of hand-held or hand-guided machinery in order to determine the hand-transmitted vibration value. General requirements

GOST 16887-71: Liquid-solid separation by filtering and centrifuging. Terms and definitions

GOST 17216-2001: Industrial cleanliness. Grades of liquids purity

GOST 17433-80: Industrial purity. Compressed air. Grades of contamination

GOST 17752-81: Hydraulic and pneumatic drive. Terms and definitions

GOST 18460-91: Pneumatic drives

GOST 19862-87: Pneumatic drives. Methods of measuring parameters

GOST 2.601-2006: Unified system for design documentation. Exploitative documents

GOST 2.721-74: Unified system for design documentation. Graphical designations in schemes. Graphical symbols of general use

GOST 21752-76: Man-machine system Control hand wheels and steering wheels General ergonomic requirements

GOST 21753-76: Man -machine system control levers

GOST 22614-77: «Man-machine» system. Key-actuated and push-button switches and commutators. General ergonomic requirements

GOST 22615-77: «Man-machine» system. Fumbler switches and commutators. General ergonomic requirements

GOST 22976-78: Hydraulic drives, pneumatic actuators and lubrication systems

GOST 24054-80: Engineering and instrument production items. Leak detection methods. General requirements

GOST 25144-82: Air silencers. Specifications

GOST 26714-85: Organic fertilizers. Method for determination of ash content

GOST 26715-85: Organic fertilizers. Methods for determination of total nitrogen

GOST 28567-90: Compressors. Terms and definitions

GOST 28988-91: Positive-displacement hydraulic drives, pneumatic drives and lubricating systems

GOST 29014-91: Pneumatic drives

GOST 30155-95: Pneumatic actuators. Throttle and check valves with check valve. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST 30156-95: Pneumatic drives, reduction pneumatic valves. General technical requirements and service test methods

GOST 30526-97: Pneumatic fluid power. Compressed air dryers. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST 30869-2003: Safety of machinery. Safety requirements for fluid power systems and their components. Pneumatics

GOST 4751-73: Screw rings. Specifications

GOST ISO/TO 12100-1-2001: Safety of machinery. Basic concepts, general principles for design. Part 1. Basic terms, procedure

GOST ISO/TO 12100-2-2002: Safety of machinery. Basic concepts, general principles for design. Part 2. Technical principles and technical requirements

GOST R 1.5-2004: Standardization in the Russian Federation. National standards of the Russian Federation. Rules of structure, drafting, presentation and indication

GOST R 12.4.026-2001: Occupational safety standards system. Safety colors, safety signs and signal marking. Purpose and rules of application. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods

GOST R 50552-93: Industrial purity. Filtering materials. Specifications

GOST R 50553-93: Industrial purity. Filters and their elements. Specification

GOST R 50555-93: Industrial purity. Classes of gases purity

GOST R 50556-93: Hydraulic fluid power. Particulate contamination analysis. Extraction of fluid samples from lines of an operating systems

GOST R 50559-93: Industrial purity. General requirements for supplying, transporting, storage and feeding of working liquids

GOST R IEC 60204-1-99: Safety of machinery. Electrical equipment of machines. Part 1. General requirements

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 10580-2006: Technological foundry equipment. General specifications

GOST Woodworking machinery. Construction safety requirements

GOST 12.2.042-2013: Occupational safety standards system. Machines and technological equipment for live-stock-raising and forage production. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.063-2015: Pipeline valves. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.088-2017: Standards system of labour safety. Ground equipment for well repair and realization. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.124-2013: Occupational safety standards system. Alimentary product equipment. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.231-2012: Occupational safety standards system. Polygraphic equipment. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST 12.2.232-2012: Occupational safety standards system. Surface drilling equipment. Safety requirements

GOST 31529-2012: Machinery and equipment for bread baking industry. Safety requirements

GOST 31562-2012: Рneumatic rock drills. General technical requirements

GOST 31563-2012: Pneumatic hammer drills. Technical requirements and testing methods

GOST 31593-2012: Machines and equipment for wood industrial low landings. Safety requirements. Control methods

GOST 31901-2013: Pipeline valves for nuclear stations. General specifications

GOST 34595-2019: Mining engineering. Pneumatic impulse cartridges. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST EN 12042-2013: Food processing machinery and equipment. Automatic dividers. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST EN 12984-2013: Food processing machinery and equipment. Portable and/or hand-guided machines and appliances with mechanically driven cutting tools. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST EN 13288-2013: Food processing machinery and equipment. Lifting and tilting machines. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST EN 13591-2013: Food processing machinery and equipment. Fixed deck oven loaders. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST EN 13870-2013: Food processing machinery and equipment. Chop cutting machines. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 51101-2012: Metalworking and woodworking machines. Testing methods of compliance with safety requirements

GOST R 52648-2006: Machines and equipment for timber floating. Safety requirements. Control methods of safety requirements

GOST R 52915-2008: Automatic and semi-automatic metalforming machines. Safety requirements

GOST R 53463-2009: Hammers. Safety requirements

GOST R 53672-2009: Pipeline valves. General safety requirements

GOST R 53896-2010: Food processing machinery. Pasta processing dryers and coolers. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 53942-2010: Food processing machinery. Clipping machines. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 53978-2010: Special railway rolling stock. General technical requirements

GOST R 54317-2011: Launching and technical complexes of space-rocket complexes. Safety requirements

GOST R 54388-2011: Food processing machinery. Pie and tart machines. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 54771-2011: Mine electric locomotive transport. Trolley electric locomotives. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 54967-2012: Food processing machinery and equipment. Сutters. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 54969-2012: Food processing machinery and equipment. Equipment for pasta pressing. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 54971-2012: Food processing machinery. Spreaders, stripping and cutting machines, stick return conveyors, stick magazines. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 55018-2012: Pipeline valves for objects of energetics. General specifications

GOST R 55158-2012: Mining equipment. Haulage and shunting mining winches. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55161-2012: Mining equipment. Borers mining hand pneumatic. Safety requirements and methods of testing

GOST R 55165-2012: Mining equipment. Rotary bucket quarry excavators. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55166-2012: Mining equipment. Rotary bucket quarry excavators. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55734-2013: Mining equipment. Quarry spreaders. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55736-2013: Mining equipment. Machines for drilling blast holes in open mountain developments. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 58493-2019: Mining equipment. Drilling machines. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 58870-2020: Mining equipment. Monorail suspended roads for mine transport. Safety requirements

RD RosJeK 10-KM-03: Rules for the design, construction and manufacture of hoisting cranes

RD RosJeK 10-KR-01: Rules for the design, construction and manufacture of hoisting cranes

ST TsKBA 090-2013: Pipe fittings. Pneumatic actuators and hydraulic actuators. General technical conditions

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