
GOST ISO 9001-2011

ГОСТ ISO 9001-2011

Quality management systems. Requirements

Системы менеджмента качества. Требования

Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time. IUS 2-2013

This standard establishes the requirements for a quality management system in cases where an organization: a) needs to demonstrate its ability to always deliver products that meet customer requirements and relevant mandatory requirements; b) aims to increase customer satisfaction through the effective implementation of the quality management system, including its continuous improvement processes, and to ensure compliance with customer requirements and relevant mandatory requirements. The requirements of this standard are general and are intended for use by all organizations, regardless of their type, size and products supplied.

Настоящий стандарт устанавливает требования к системе менеджмента качества в тех случаях, когда организация: a) нуждается в демонстрации своей способности всегда поставлять продукцию, отвечающую требованиям потребителей и соответствующим обязательным требованиям; b) ставит своей целью повышение удовлетворенности потребителей посредством эффективного применения системы менеджмента качества, включая процессы постоянного ее улучшения, и обеспечение соответствия требованиям потребителей и соответствующим обязательным требованиям. Требования настоящего стандарта являются общими и предназначены для применения всеми организациями независимо от их вида, размера и поставляемой продукции

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, 12/22/2011

SKU: RUSS70976

Price: $558.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 03 Sociology. Services. Organization of firms and their management. Administration. Transport »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 009/2011 TR CU. On safety of perfumes and cosmetics » Regulations and standards (for TR CU 009/2011) »

Standards for pipe fittings (TPA) » 15. Quality and conformity assessment »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » III Quality » 2 Product quality assurance » 2.3 Quality Management » 2.3.3 Quality Systems »

ISO classifier » 03 SOCIOLOGY. SERVICES ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF COMPANIES. ADMINISTRATION. TRANSPORT » 03.120 Quality » 03.120.10 Quality Management and Quality Assurance »

National standards » 03 SOCIOLOGY. SERVICES ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF COMPANIES. ADMINISTRATION. TRANSPORT » 03.120 Quality » 03.120.10 Quality Management and Quality Assurance »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » T General technical and organizational and methodological standards » T5 Documentation System » T59 General methods and means of control and testing of products. Methods of statistical control of quality, reliability, durability »


The Document References:

GOST 1.0-2015: Interstate system for standardization. Basic principles

GOST 1.2-2015: Interstate System for Standardization. Interstate standards. Rules for development, taking over, renovation and cancellation

GOST ISO 9000-2011: Quality management systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary

GOST R ISO 10011-1-93: Guidelines for auditing quality systems. Part 1. Auditing

GOST R ISO 10011-2-93: Guidelines for auditing quality systems. Part 2. Qualification criteria for quality systems auditors

GOST R ISO 10011-3-93: Guidelines for auditing quality systems. Part 3. Management of audit programmes

GOST R ISO 14001-2007: Environmental management systems. Requirements with guidance for use

GOST R ISO 9001-2001: Quality management systems. Requirements

GOST R ISO 9001-2008: Quality management systems. Requirements

GOST R ISO 9004-2001: Quality management systems. Guidelines for performance improvements

The Document is Referenced By:

Decision 177: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products" (TR CU 009/2011 ), and a list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including sampling rules necessary for the application and implementation of the requirements of technical regulations Of the Customs Union "On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products" (TR CU 009/2011) and the implementation of conformity assessment of objects of technical regulation

Decision 799: The list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, the application of which on a voluntary basis to ensure compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union "On Cosmetics and Perfumes Safety" (TR TS 009/2011). Revision 4

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GOST 31385-2016: Vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and oil-products. General specifications

GOST 31844-2012: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Drilling and production equipment. Hoisting equipment. General technical equipments

GOST 32484.1-2013: High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading. General requirements

GOST 32562.4-2013: Coatedglass. Acceptance rules

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GOST 32806-2014: Bitumen tile. General specifications

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GOST 33013-2014: Room heaters, working on solid fuel. Requirements and test methods

GOST 33014-2014: Heating boilers for solid fuels. Requirements and methods of testing

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GOST 33323-2015: Power convertors railway rolling stock. Characteristics and test methods

GOST 33432-2015: Functional safety. Policy and programme of safety provision. Safety proof of the railway objects

GOST 33558.1-2015: Hoists, building, for cargo, vertical. General specifications

GOST 33571-2015: Resources saving. Packaging. Requirements for the use of European Standards in the field of packaging and packaging waste

GOST 33979-2016: Gas distribution systems. Management systems of gas distribution network

GOST 34078-2017: Rail fasteners pads of railway. Specifications

GOST 34332.1-2017: Functional safety of building/construction safety-related systems. Part 1. General

GOST 34332.2-2017: Functional safety of building/construction safety-related systems. Part 2. General requirements

GOST 34366-2017: Main pipeline transport of oil and oil products. Quality control of construction and installation works. Main provisions

GOST 7370-2015: Railway frogs. Specifications

GOST IEC 60432-2-2011: Safety specifications for incandescent lamps. Part 2. Tungsten halogen lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes

GOST IEC 61496-1-2016: Safety of machinery. Electro-sensitive protective equipment. Part 1. General requirements and tests

GOST ISO 11140-3-2011: Sterilization of care products. Chemical indicators. Part 3. Class 2 indicators for steam penetration test sheets

GOST ISO 11140-4-2011: Sterilization of health care products. Chemical indicators. Part 4. Class 2 indicators for steam penetration test packs

GOST ISO 11607-2011: Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices. General requirements

GOST ISO 11737-2-2011: Sterilization of medical devices. Microbiological methods. Part 2. Tests of sterility performed in the validation of a sterilization process

GOST ISO 14160-2011: Sterilization of single-use medical devices incorporating materials of animal origin. Validation and routine control of sterilization by liquid sterilants

GOST R 15.111-2015: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Technical aids for disabled persons

GOST R 18.12.02-2017: Technology of the aviation fueling. Installation of the aviation fuel supply typical schemes.General technical requirements

GOST R 50691-2013: Services to the public. Model of system of ensuring quality of services

GOST R 52113-2014: Services to the public. Nomenclature of quality indices services

GOST R 52614.4-2016: Quality management systems. Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 in local government

GOST R 54087-2010: Integrated logistic support. Quality assurance and approval of electronic interactive maintenance and repair documents. Basic principles and general requirements

GOST R 54370-2011: Explosive atmospheres. Quality management system of requirement manufacturer. Requirements

GOST R 54418.1-2012: Renewable power engineering. Wind power engineering. Wind turbines. Part 1. Technical requirements

GOST R 54418.2-2014: Renewable power engineering. Wind power engineering. Wind turbines. Part 2. Design requirements for small wind turbines

GOST R 54418.22-2014: Renewable power engineering. Wind power engineering. Wind turbine. Part 22. Conformity testing and certification

GOST R 54837-2011: Information technology. Learning, education and training. Quality management, assurance and metrics. Part 3. Reference methods and metrics

GOST R 55048-2012: Quality management systems. Particular requirements for the application of GOST R ISO 9001-2008 in construction

GOST R 55103-2012: Resource saving. Efficient control of resources. Basic regulation

GOST R 55154-2012: Equipment mountain-mine. Systems of safety of the coal mines multifunctional. General technical requirements

GOST R 55224-2012: Cements for the transport construction. Specifications

GOST R 55234.2-2013: Practical aspects of management of risk. Biorisk management

GOST R 55235.1-2012: Specific requirements of business continuity management. Asset management. Specification for the optimized management of physical assets

GOST R 55235.2-2012: Specific requirements of business continuity management. Asset management. Guidelines for application requirements to optimal asset management

GOST R 55273-2012: Systems engineering. Guidelines for application of GOST R ISO 9001 to system life cycle processes

GOST R 55471-2013: Gas distribution systems. Management system of gas distribution network

GOST R 55472-2013: Gas distribution systems. Requirements for gas distribution networks. Part 0. General

GOST R 55541-2013: System of national standards of communications services quality. Quality of service provision processes. Process of complaint handing

GOST R 55542-2013: System of national standards for quality of telecommunication services. Management of quality communications services. Monitoring of quality communications services

GOST R 55543-2013: System of national standards for quality of telecommunication services. Management of quality of communications services. General provisions

GOST R 55568-2013: Conformity assessment. Certification procedure of quality management systems and environmental management systems

GOST R 55594-2013: Services for people. Additional training services for people. General requirements

GOST R 55618-2013: Guide for procurement of power station equipment. Part 5-3. Wind turbines

GOST R 55645-2013: Resource saving. Production of ceramic tiles. Guidance on implementing best available techniques for improving energy efficiency and environmental performance

GOST R 55646-2013: Resource saving. Production of ceramic bricks and stones. Guidance on implementing of best available techniques for improving energy efficiency and environmental performance

GOST R 55749-2013: Information and communication technologies in education. Integrated automated control system general education. General regulations

GOST R 55752-2013: Complex system of general technical requirements. Electronic components. System of technical conditions

GOST R 55753-2013: Complex quality control system. Electronic components. Requirements quality assurance and quality control

GOST R 55754-2013: Complex quality control system. Electronic components. System of relationship between manufacturers and customers

GOST R 55755-2013: Integrated systems of general technical requirements and control quality. Electronic components. Total concepts

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GOST R 55848-2013: Air transport aviation safety management system. Conception of safety management system. Basic provisions and main principals

GOST R 55860-2013: Air transport aviation safety management system. Conception of safety management system. Basic provisions and main principals

GOST R 55862-2013: Air transport. Aircraft industry complex safety management system (in terms of services suppliers). Aviation services suppliers safety management system, including airlines, airports, organizations for air traffic management, educational organizations and maintenance services

GOST R 55867-2013: Air transport. Metrological support on air transport. General principles

GOST R 55888-2013: Services retail trade. System of food safety management. Recommendations about application GOST R ISO 22000-2007 for the sphere of retail trade

GOST R 55889-2013: Services of public catering. The safety management system of public catering products. Recommendations about application. GOST R ISO 22000-2007 for the food industry

GOST R 55934-2013: Steel pipes for reuse. Rules for acceptance and marking

GOST R 55971-2014: Oil and petroleum products. Passport. General requirements

GOST R 55976-2014: Sensors and transforming equipment space rocket technology. Form sand methods of conformity

GOST R 55977-2014: System of technical support of space hardware development and production. Basic principles

GOST R 56007-2014: Conformity assessment. Procedure for obligatory confirmation of product compliance to requirements of technical regulation of the Customs union «On safety of perfumery and cosmetics»

GOST R 56008-2014: Conformity assessment. Procedure for obligatory confirmation of product compliance to requirements of technical regulation of the Customs union «On safety of furniture production»

GOST R 56009-2014: Conformity assessment. Procedure for obligatory confirmation of product compliance to requirements of technical regulation of the Customs union «On safety of packaging»

GOST R 56011-2014: Conformity assessment. Procedure for obligatory confirmation of product compliance to requirements of technical regulation of the Customs union «On requirements for automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel and marine fuel, jet fuel and heating oil»

GOST R 56012-2014: Conformity assessment. Procedure for the obligatory confirmation of product conformity to requirements of the technical regulation of the customs union «On safety of products intended for children and teenagers»

GOST R 56014-2014: Conformity assessment. Procedure for obligatory confirmation of product compliance to requirements of technical regulation of the Customs union «On safety of individual protection means»

GOST R 56036-2014: Quality management. Guidelines on customer satisfaction monitoring

GOST R 56068-2014: Conformity assessment. Procedure for confirmation of product compliance to requirements of technical regulation of the Customs union «Technical regulation for oil and fat products»

GOST R 56074-2014: Air transport. Safety management system of aviation activity. Information support of aviation equipment for its designers and manufacturers. General provisions

GOST R 56247-2014: Industrial laundries. General requirements

GOST R 56259-2014: Good regulatory practice. Industrial facilities environmental impact restriction guide

GOST R 56291-2014: Rail fasteners pads of railway. Specifications

GOST R 56397-2015: Technical expertise of operability of the radio-electronic equipment, equipment of information technologies, electrical machines and devices. General requirements

GOST R 56400-2015: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Design and operation of offshore terminals of liquefied natural gas. General requirements

GOST R 56403-2015: Trunk pipelines for oil and oil products transportation. Welded steel pipes. Specifications

GOST R 56432-2015: Quality management system. Medical devices. Guidance on the control of products and services obtained from suppliers

GOST R 56464-2015: Space products. Design manager’s supervision in production process

GOST R 56482-2015: Air transport. Safety management system of helicopter activity. Risk management. Methods for determination of conformity. The guide on methods for determination of conformity SMS HA of service providers in the provision of helicopter activity. General provisions

GOST R 56484-2015: Air transport. Safety management system of helicopter activity. Risk management. The standard guides on safety management system for teaching and training. General provisions

GOST R 56490-2015: Air transport. Safety management system of helicopter activity. Risk management. The standard guides on safety management system for services of airport activity. Main provisions

GOST R 56493-2015: Air transport. Helicopter activity safety management system. Safety management system of helicopter for service of activity (operators, maintenance organization, airports, educational institutions). General provisions

GOST R 56577-2015: Quality management systems for authorities. Requirements

GOST R 56615-2015: Resources saving. Indices of materials consumption and materials affection. Guidance by establishment criterions of choice

GOST R 56644-2015: Services for people. Services of the fitness. General requirements

GOST R 56853-2016: Conformity assessment. Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems. Part 3. Competence requirements for auditing and certification of quality management system

GOST R 56861-2016: Life cycle management system. Product conception and technologies development. General provisions

GOST R 56988-2016: Inflatable equipment. Technical sewing products. Envelopes. Requirements for manufacture

GOST R 57179-2016: Thermite welding of rails. The method of testing and quality control

GOST R 57193-2016: Systems and software engineering. System life cycle processes

GOST R 57501-2017: Maintenance of medical devices. Requirements for governmental purchases

GOST R 58054-2018: Aircraft items. Configuration management. General

GOST R 58095.0-2018: Gas distribution systems. Requirements for gas consumption networks. Part 0. General

GOST R 58796-2020: Materials vapor barrier rolled bitumen-containing. General specifications

GOST R 58899-2020: Elastic, textile and laminated floor coverings. Main characteristics

GOST R 58913-2020: Roll waterproof and windproof materials for roofs made of piece roofing materials. General specifications

GOST R EN 12952-1-2012: Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations. Part 1. General. Wasserrohrkessel und Anlagenkomponenten. Teil 1. Allgemeine bestimmungen

GOST R IEC 61069-8-2012: Industrial-process measurement and control. Evaluation of system properties for the purpose of system assessment. Part 8. Assessment of non-task-related system properties

GOST R IEC 61189-2-2012: Test methods for electrical materials, printed boards and other interconnection structures and assemblies. Part 2. Test methods for materials for interconnection structures

GOST R ISO 10008-2014: Quality management. Customer satisfaction. Guidelines for business-to-consumer electronic commerce transactions

GOST R ISO 10018-2014: Quality management. Guidelines on people involvement and competence

GOST R ISO 13053-1-2013: Statistical methods. Methodology of improvement of processes «Six sigmas». Part 1. DMAIC methodology

GOST R ISO 13053-2-2013: Statistical methods. Methodology of improvement of processes «Six sigmas». Part 2. Tools and techniques

GOST R ISO 13053-2-2015: Statistical methods. Quantitative methods in process improvement «Six Sigma». Part 2. Techniques

GOST R ISO 14005-2013: Environmental management systems. Guidelines for the phased implementation of an environmental management system, including the use of environmental performance evaluation

GOST R ISO 15378-2014: Primary packaging materials for medicinal products. Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008, with reference to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

GOST R ISO 15743-2012: Practical aspects of management of risk. Risk assessment and management for cold workplaces

GOST R ISO 18091-2016: Quality management systems. Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2008 in local government

GOST R ISO 20121-2014: Systems of management of a sustainable development. Requirements and practical guidance on management of stability of events

GOST R ISO 22006-2012: Quality management systems. Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2008 to crop production

GOST R ISO 22301-2014: Business continuity management systems. Requirements

GOST R ISO 30301-2014: Information and documentation. Management systems for records. Requirements

GOST R ISO/IEC 17024-2017: Conformity assessment. General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons

GOST R ISO/IEC 19770-1-2014: Information technology. Software asset management. Part 1. Processes and tiered assessment of conformance

GOST R ISO/IEC 19770-2-2014: Information technology. Software asset management. Part 2. Software identification tag

GOST R ISO/IEC 20000-1-2013: Information technology. Service management. Part 1. Service management system requirements

GOST R ISO/IEC 80079-34-2013: Explosive atmospheres. Part 34. Application of quality systems for equipment manufacture

GOST R ISO/IEC 90003-2014: Software Development. Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001: 2008 in the development of software products

ODM 218.2.046-2014: Recommendations on the selection and quality control of geosynthetic materials used in construction

ODM 218.2.054-2015: Recommendations for the use of textile-sand piles in the construction of roads on weak grounds

ODM 218.2.069-2016: Recommendations for the design of approaches of the roadbed on a weak base to artificial structures

ODM 218.3.105-2018: Guidelines for organizing the interaction of participants in the development of design working documentation for pilot projects for the construction, overhaul and reconstruction of roads using BIM technology

Order 2116: Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of the state service for licensing the development, production, testing, installation, assembly, maintenance, repair, disposal and sale of weapons and military equipment

PNST 366.2-2019: Industrial automation systems and integration. Ensuring the safety of industrial enterprises through the use of automatic process control systems. Part 2. Management systems

PNST 51-2015: Hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines. Tendering documents. Part 1. General and annexes

R 50.1.087-2013: Statistical methods. Examples of application. Part 8. Statistical process control

R 50.2.097-2015: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Assessment of the state of activity measurement, calibration and testing laboratories to meet accreditation criteria in the area of traceability

RD EO Quality Assurance in the Repair of Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Equipment. Main provisions

RD EO Quality provision program implementation check procedures for “Rosenergoatom Concern” JSC and companies that implement works and render services to operator.

RD EO Provisions on acceptance and testing form conformity assessment for nuclear plants.

RD EO Regulation on the inspection of the state of production at manufacturers of equipment for nuclear power plants

RD EO Production certification procedure

RD EO The procedure for coordination and approval of quality assurance programs and quality guidelines

RD EO Procedure for consideration and approval of quality assurance programs and quality manuals

RD JeO Conducting inspections of the implementation of quality assurance programs of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC and organizations performing work and providing services to the operating organization. Position

RD JeO Quality control of manufacturing nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants. Position

STO Basic rules for ensuring the operation of nuclear power plants

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