GOST R ISO 24333-2011
ГОСТ Р ИСО 24333-2011
Cereals and cereal products. Sampling
Зерно и продукты его переработки. Отбор проб
Status: Not effective - Canceled. Registration information 1126-st dated 09/15/2017 (official website of Rosstandart); IUS 2-2018
This standard establishes general provisions relating to the sampling procedure from static or movable batches of grain and products of its processing in order to assess their condition and quality using manual or mechanized means. This standard applies to sampling in order to determine in batches of grain and products of its processing irregularly distributed contaminants, impurities, as well as other indicators commonly used to assess quality and safety. This standard applies to sampling in order to determine the insect infestation of batches of grain and its products. The standard can be used for sampling to assess the condition and quality of batches of grain and its products, grown and (or) manufactured using genetically modified organisms, but does not apply to sampling to detect the accidental presence of genetically modified material in a genetically unmodified product. This standard does not apply to seed grain.
Настоящий стандарт устанавливает общие положения, относящиеся к процедуре отбора проб от статических или перемещаемых партий зерна и продуктов его переработки для оценки их состояния и качества с применением ручных или механизированных средств. Настоящий стандарт распространяется на отбор проб с целью определения в партиях зерна и продуктов его переработки неравномерно распределенных контаминантов, посторонних примесей, а также других показателей, обычно применяемых для оценки качества и безопасности. Настоящий стандарт распространяется на отбор проб с целью определения зараженности насекомыми партий зерна и продуктов его переработки. Стандарт может применяться для отбора проб с целью оценки состояния и качества партий зерна и продуктов его переработки, выращенных и (или) изготовленных с применением генетически модифицированных организмов, но не распространяется на отбор проб для выявления случайного присутствия генетически модифицированного материала в генетически немодифицированном продукте. Настоящий стандарт не распространяется на посевное зерно
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Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology,
SKU: RUSS71757
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) »
027/2012 TR CU. On safety of certain types of specialized food products, including dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive nutrition »
Regulations and standards (for ТР ТС 027/2012) »
PromExpert »
V Testing and control »
4 Testing and control of products »
4.3 Testing and control of agricultural and forestry products »
4.3.1 Crop products »
ISO classifier »
67.060 Cereals, legumes and their processed products »
National standards »
67.060 Cereals, legumes and their processed products »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Control methods (testing, analysis, measurements) »
The Document is Referenced By:
Decision 236: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, through the application of which on a voluntary basis compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union "On food safety" (TR CU 021/2011), and the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, containing rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements, including rules from
GOST ISO 605-2013: Legumes. Determination of impurities, sizes, extraneous odors, insects, species and varieties. Methods of tests
GOST R 53899-2010: Feed triticale. Specifications
GOST R 53900-2010: Feed barley. Specifications
GOST R 53901-2010: Feed oat. Specifications
GOST R 53902-2010: Feed sorghum. Specifications
GOST R 53903-2010: Feed Corn. Specifications
GOST R 54078-2010: Feed wheat. Specifications
GOST R 54079-2010: Feed rye. Specifications
GOST R 54895-2012: Grain. Method of determination of hectolitre weight
GOST R 55448-2013: Feedstuffs, compound feeds, feed raw materials. Determination of ochratoxin A content using high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection
GOST R 55449-2013: Feedstuffs, compound feeds, feed raw materials. Determination of selenium content by fluorimetric method
Letter 19950/05-AA: About the application of the standards
MUK 4.1.3372-16: Determination of residual amounts of azoxystrobin (ICIA 5504) and its geometric isomer (R 230310) in green mass, corn grain and oil, leafy tops and sugar beet root crops, in rice grains and straw by high performance liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.3418-17: Determination of residual amounts of cyanthraniliprol in citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits), in pome fruits (apples, pears), in fruit stones (nectarines, peaches, apricots, cherries, cherries, plums), in vegetable fruits (watermelon, melon, pepper, zucchini, eggplant), in vegetable stalks (leeks, celery), in leafy vegetable crops (lettuce, spinach, chicory salad, mustard salad), in tubers (potatoes), in nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pecans), in grain crops and grain processing products (rice grain, corn grain Wai burst and sugar) in grapes and coffee by high performance chromatography with mass spectrometric detection
MUK 4.1.3448-17: Determination of residual amounts of trifloxystrobin in green mass, grain and straw of cereal crops and rice, grain, oil and green mass of soybean using high performance liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.3454-17: Determination of residues of sedaxane in water, soil, grain and straw of cereal crops by high performance liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.3497-17: Determination of residues of benzovindiflupira in water, soil, grain and straw of cereals using high performance liquid chromatography
Order 19950/05-AL: About the application of standards
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