
GOST 16493-70

ГОСТ 16493-70

Product quality. Acceptance statistical inspection by attributes when the acceptable number of defectives in sample equals 0

Качество продукции. Статистический приемочный контроль по альтернативному признаку. Случай недопустимости дефектных изделий в выборке

Status: Effective

The standard establishes control plans and methods for calculating subsequent estimates of the average input and output quality levels in the event that batch acceptance in the presence of defective items in the sample is unacceptable for economic or other reasons.

Стандарт устанавливает планы контроля и методы вычисления последующих оценок средних уровней входного и выходного качества в случае, когда приемка партии при наличии дефектных изделий в выборке является недопустимой по экономическим или иным соображениям.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Gosstandart of the USSR, 1/15/1970

SKU: RUSS72194

Price: $715.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 03 Sociology. Services. Organization of firms and their management. Administration. Transport »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » III Quality » 2 Product quality assurance » 2.3 Quality Management » 2.3.2 Statistical methods of quality management »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » III Quality » 1 Basic requirements for quality of products and services »

ISO classifier » 03 SOCIOLOGY. SERVICES ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF COMPANIES. ADMINISTRATION. TRANSPORT » 03.120 Quality » 03.120.30 Application of statistical methods »

National standards » 03 SOCIOLOGY. SERVICES ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF COMPANIES. ADMINISTRATION. TRANSPORT » 03.120 Quality » 03.120.30 Application of statistical methods »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » T General technical and organizational and methodological standards » T5 Documentation System » T59 General methods and means of control and testing of products. Methods of statistical control of quality, reliability, durability »

National Standards for OKSTU » SYSTEMS OF GENERAL TECHNICAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL-METHODOLOGICAL STANDARDS » Applied statistics. Methods for statistical control of quality, reliability, durability. General methods of control and testing of products »

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 13877-80: Sucker rods and couplings

GOST 13877-96: Sucker rods and sucker rod couplings. Specifications

GOST 14.318-83: Unified system for technological preparation of production. Types of technical control

GOST 19126-2007: Medical metallic instruments. General specifications

GOST 23200-78: Pleasure row boats and motor boats. General requirements when delivering for export

GOST 23853-79: Organization of the introduction of statistical methods of analysis, regulation of technological processes and statistical acceptance control of product quality. General principles

GOST 24936-81: Cast permanent magnets for electrical products. Specifications

GOST 24936-89: Permanent magnets for electrotechnical products

GOST 25051.1-82: System of the production state tests. Representation, processing, evaluation of accuracy and registration of test results. General requirements

GOST 26.007-85: Measuring and automation devices. Acceptance rules

GOST 26964-86: Rules of state acceptance of products. General principles

GOST 3057-90: Disk springs. Specifications

GOST 31825-2012: Sucker rods, mouth stocks and couplings for them. Specifications

GOST 7328-82: General-purpose and reference mass gages

GOST 8179-85: Refractory products. Acceptance rules

GOST 8179-98: Refractory products. Sampling and acceptance testing

GOST 8810-81: Telephone sockets and plugs. Specifications

GOST 9098-78: Low voltage automatic switches

GOST 9372-80: Spools for ink ribbons of typewriters. Specifications

GOST R 51161-2002: Sucker rods, mouth stocks and couplings for them. Specifications

OST 23-4.47-72: Parts, fast-wearing, for welding equipment in carbon dioxide. Tips for welding semiautomatic machines. Design, dimensions and technical requirements

P SSFZhT 45/ISO 9001-2003: The certification system on the federal railway transport of the Russian Federation. Quality Management System. Requirements

PND F 12.15.1-08: Guidelines for sampling for sewage analysis.

PR 64-05-001-2002: Rules of organization of clean manufactures and control of quality of medical products from polymers, woven and nonwoven materials, having contact with blood

R 50-110-89: Acceptance control of product quality. General provisions

R 50-1-86: Reprography. Micrography. Technical control for production and use of microfilms

R 50-601-32-92: Recommendations. Quality system Organization of the introduction of statistical methods of product quality management in the enterprise

RD 34.17.401-95: Instructions for scope and procedure of metal input control of power equipment with pressure of 9 MPa and more, before its commissioning.

RD 50-605-86: Guidelines for the application of standards for statistical acceptance control

Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope

STB 921-2004: Corset products. General specifications

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