GOST 20022.0-93
ГОСТ 20022.0-93
Wood preservation. Protection parameters
Защита древесины. Параметры защищенности
Status: Not effective - Superseded. Registration information 894-st dated 08/15/2017 (official website of Rosstandart); IUS 12-2017
The standard applies to wood and sets the parameters of protection of objects of protection against biological destruction.
Стандарт распространяется на древесину и устанавливает параметры защищенности объектов защиты от биологического разрушения.
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Approved: Gosstandart of Russia,
SKU: RUSS72348
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Standards »
Other state standards used in construction »
71 Chemical industry »
ISO classifier »
71.100 Chemical products »
71.100.50 Chemicals for wood protection »
National standards »
71.100 Chemical products »
71.100.50 Chemicals for wood protection »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
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To Timber. Wood products. Cellulose. Paper, cardboard »
K0 General rules and regulations for timber and pulp and paper industry »
K09 Test methods. Packaging. Marking »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Processes. Typical technological processes »
The Document is Replaced With:
GOST 20022.0-2016: Wood protection. Security options
As a Replacement Of:
GOST 20022.0-82: Wood preservation. Protection parameters
The Document References:
GOST 10835-78: Shale oil for wood impregnation. Specifications
GOST 20022.1-90: Wood protection. Terms and definitions
GOST 20022.2-80: Wood protection. Classification
GOST 20022.3-75: Wood preservation. Incising process
GOST 20022.6-93: Wood protection. The ways of impregnation
GOST 23787.1-84: Solutions of antiseptic compound XMK. Technical requirements, safety requirements and test methods
GOST 23787.8-80: Solutions of wood preservative XM-11. Specifications, safety requirements and analysis methods
GOST 23787.9-84: Solutions of wood preservative ХМФ. Technical requirements, safety requirements and methods of analysis
GOST 2770-74: Goal-tar oil for wood impregnation. Specifications
GOST 28815-90: Solutions aqueous of wood protective means. Specifications
GOST 28815-96: Aqueous solutions of wood protection means
GOST 9549-80: Copper naphthenate for preservative compounds. Specifications
TU 113-08-582-85: Ammonium fluorosilicate technical
TU 113-08-586-86: Sodium fluoride technical
TU 113-08-587-86: Sodium silicofluoride technical
TU 6-15-1423-84: Means to protect wood from rotting and fire "Senezh"
TU 65.14-05-48-84: Antiseptic paste with sodium fluoride on personal sulfonates technical PAF-LST
TU 65.14-21-84: PAF-KL antiseptic paste on coal varnish
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 11047-90: Wood details and articles for one-two storey dwelling and public buildings
GOST 20022.5-93: Wood protection. Pressure treatment by oily protective means
GOST 20022.6-93: Wood protection. The ways of impregnation
GOST 3191-93: Railway cars of 1520 mm track gauge. Parts of wood and wooden materials. General specifications
GOST 31922-2012: Timber forpoles impregnated. Specification
GOST 32948-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Supports of road signs. Technical requirements
GOST 4981-87: Wooden joists. Specifications
GOST 78-2004: Wooden sleepers for full gauge railways. Specifications
GOST 8816-2003: Wooden cants for switch assemblies of wide gauge railways. Specifications
GOST 8992-75: Wooden cants for switch assemblies of the narrow gauge railways. Specifications
GOST R 52169-2003: Children's playgrounds equipment. Safety of structure and test methods. General requirements
GOST R 52169-2012: Children’s playgrounds equipment and surfacing. Safety of structure and test methods. General requirements
GOST R 54415-2011: Equipment for skate grounds. Safety of structure and test methods. General requirements
GOST R 56879-2016: Modified wood. Blanks for sleepers and poles of power lines. Specifications
GOST R 56987-2016: Safety devices for аmusement. Winter slides. Safety requirements under operation
GOST R 57538-2017: Permanently installed outdoor fitness equipment. General safety requirements and test methods
NB ZhT TsP 079-2003: Bars and wooden sleepers. Safety standards
RD 31.35.13-90: Instructions for repair of hydraulic structures in maritime transport. Minmorflot, Soyuzmorniiproekt, 1990
SP 13-102-2003: Rules of inspection of bearing structures of buildings and facilities
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