
GOST R 21.1101-2013

ГОСТ Р 21.1101-2013

System of design documents for construction. Main requirements for design and working documents

Система проектной документации для строительства. Основные требования к проектной и рабочей документации

Status: Valid - Supersedes

This standard establishes the basic requirements for design and working documentation for the construction of various facilities.

Настоящий стандарт устанавливает основные требования к проектной и рабочей документации для строительства объектов различного назначения

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, 6/11/2013

SKU: RUSS73125

Price: $499.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Documents System of normative documents in construction » 1. Organizational and methodological regulatory documents » k.11 Engineering surveys for construction and design »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » III Quality » 2 Product quality assurance » 2.1 Ensuring product quality at stage of technical preparation of production » 2.1.1 Design preparation of production »

ISO classifier » 01 GENERAL PROVISIONS. TERMINOLOGY. STANDARDIZATION. DOCUMENTATION » 01.100 Technical drawings » 01.100.30 Construction drawings »

National standards » 01 GENERAL PROVISIONS. TERMINOLOGY. STANDARDIZATION. DOCUMENTATION » 01.100 Technical drawings » 01.100.30 Construction drawings »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » Zh Construction and building materials » Zh0 General rules and regulations for construction and building materials » Zh01 Technical documentation. Construction drawings »

The Document is Replaced With:

GOST R 21.101-2020: System of design documents for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation

As a Replacement Of:

GOST R 21.1101-2009: System of design documents for construction. Main requirements for design and working documents

The Document References:

Code 190-FZ: Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation

GOST 2.004-88: Unified system for design documentation. General requirements for performing design and technological documentation on printing and graphical output devices of computers

GOST 2.051-2006: Unified system for design documentation. Digital documents. General principles

GOST 2.052-2006: Unified system for design documentation. Electronic model of product. General

GOST 2.101-68: Unified system for design documentation. Types of items

GOST 2.102-68: Types and complete set of design documents

GOST 2.104-2006: Unified system for design documentation. Basic inscriptions.

GOST 2.105-95: General requirements for writing documents

GOST 2.106-96: Unified system for design documentation. Text documents

GOST 2.109-73: Unified system for design documentation. Basic requirements for drawings

GOST 2.113-75: Group and main design documentation

GOST 2.114-95: Unified system for design documentation. Specifications

GOST 2.301-68: Unified system for design documentation. Formats

GOST 2.302-68: Unified system for design documentation. Scales

GOST 2.303-68: Unified system for design documentation. Lines

GOST 2.304-81: Unified system for design documentation. Letters for drawings

GOST 2.305-2008: Unified system for design documentation. Images - appearance, sections, profiles

GOST 2.306-68: Graphic legend of materials and the rules of their insertion on drawings

GOST 2.307-2011: Unified system for design documentation. Drawing of dimensions and limit deviations

GOST 2.308-2011: Unified system of design documentation. Representation of limits of forms and surface lay-out on drawings

GOST 2.309-73: Designations system for design documentation. Designations of surface finish

GOST 2.310-68: Unified system for design documentation. Marking of designations of coverings, heat treatment and other types of treatment on engineering drawings

GOST 2.311-68: Unified system for design documentation. Image of screw

GOST 2.312-72: Symbolic designations and representations of welds and welded joints

GOST 2.313-82: Unified system for design documentation. Symbolic designations and representations of dead joints

GOST 2.314-68: Unified system for design documentation. Instructions for marking and stamping articles

GOST 2.315-68: Unified system for design documentation. Simplified and symbolic designations of fasteners

GOST 2.316-2008: Unified system for design documentation. Rules for placing of inscriptions, technical data and tables of graphical documents. General principles

GOST 2.317-2011: Unified system for design documentation. Axonometric projections

GOST 2.501-88: Unified system for design documentation. Registration and storage rules

GOST 2.511-2011: Unified system for design documentation. Rules for electronic documentation. General principles

GOST 2.512-2011: Unified system for design documentation. Data package making rules for transfer electronic documentation. General principles

GOST 21.110-95: System of building design documents Rules of developing specifications for equipment, products and materials

GOST 21.113-88: System of design documentation for construction. Presentation of dimensional accuracy data

GOST 21.114-95: System of design documents for construction. Rules for execution of sketch drawings of general views of non-standard products

GOST 21.302-96: System of design documents for construction Graphic symbols for engineering geological investigation documents

GOST 21.408-93: System of design documents for construction. Rules of industrial process automation working documentation execution

GOST 21.501-2011: System of design documents for construction. Rules for execution of the working documentation of architectural and construction solutions

GOST 21.709-2011: System of design documents for construction. Rules of executing of working documentation for linear structures of irrigation systems

GOST 28984-2011: Modular coordination of construction dimensions. General.

GOST R 1.0-2012: Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions

GOST R 21.1001-2009: System of design documents for construction. General principles

GOST R 21.1002-2008: System of design documents for construction. Norms control of design and working documentation

GOST R 21.1003-2009: System of design documents for construction. Registration and storage rules design documentation

GOST R 21.1101-2009: System of design documents for construction. Main requirements for design and working documents

GOST R 21.1703-2000: System of design documents for construction. Rules of executing of working documents for wire communication systems

GOST R 6.30-2003: Unified systems of documentation. Unified system of managerial documentation. Requirements for presentation of documents

Resolution 87: The list of names of communication services included in the license for the implementation of activities in the field of rendering communication services

Resolution 87: Regulations on the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content

The Document is Referenced By:

Disposition 788r: Procedure for development, coordination and approval of design and working documentation for construction and reconstruction of Russian Railways facilities

GOST 21.110-2013: System of design documents for construction. Specification of equipment, products and materials

GOST 21.114-2013: System of design documents for construction. Rules for execution of sketch drawings of general views of non-standard products

GOST 21.207-2013: System of design documents for construction. Graphical signs for drawings of motor-ways

GOST 21.301-2014: System of design documents for construction. General requirements for presentation of report documents on engineering investigation

GOST 21.408-2013: System of design documents for construction. Rules of industrial process automation working documentation execution

GOST 21.501-2018: System of design documents for construction. Rules for execution of the working documentation of architectural and construction solutions

GOST 21.502-2016: System of building design documents. Rules for the implementation of working documentation for metal structures

GOST 21.504-2016: System of building design documents. Rules for the implementation of working documentation for wooden structures

GOST 21.508-2020: System of design documents for construction. Rules for the implementation of working documentation for master plans of enterprises, structures and housing and civil objects

GOST 21.601-2011: System of design documents for construction. Rules for execution of working documents of internal water and sewerage systems

GOST 21.602-2016: System of building design documents. Rules for the implementation of working documentation for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems

GOST 21.606-2016: System of design documents for construction. Rules for execution of working documentation of heat mechanical, solutions of boiler rooms

GOST 21.607-2014: System of design documents for construction. Rules for execution of working documents for external electric lighting

GOST 21.608-2014: System of building design documents. Rules for execution of working documents of interior electric lighting

GOST 21.613-2014: System of design documents for construction. Rules for execution of the working documentation of power electrical equipment

GOST 21.701-2013: System of building design documents. Rules of executing of working documentation for motor-ways

GOST 21.702-2013: System of building design documents. Rules of executing of working documentation for railways

GOST 21.704-2011: System of design documents for construction. Rules for execution of working documentation of outside networks of water supply and sewerage

GOST 21.705-2016: System of building design documents. Rules for the implementation of working documentation for heating networks

GOST 21.710-2021: System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the implementation of working documentation external gas supply networks

GOST 23120-2016: Stairways, marching, platforms and fences of steel. Specification

GOST 26047-2016: Building steel structures. Symbols (marks)

GOST 34027-2016: Gas supply system. Gas main pipeline transportation. Mechanical safety. Assigning of safe operation life for linear part of gas main pipeline

GOST 34378-2018: Translucent enclosing structures. Windows and doors. Installation work execution, check and demands for results of works

GOST R 2.105-2019: Unified system of design documentation. General requirements for text documents

GOST R 22.2.01-2015: Safety in emergency situations. Procedure for justification and recording of measures for civil defence, measures for prevention of natural and technological emergencies in developing of site planning projects

GOST R 22.2.10-2016: Safety in emergencies. A procedure for justification and recording of measures for civil defence, measues for prevention of natural and technological emergencies in developing site planning projects

GOST R 51872-2019: Geodetic Executive Documentation. Execution Rules

GOST R 55472-2019: Gas distribution systems. Gas distribution networks of natural gas. Part 0. General

GOST R 55935-2013: Corpus and procedure of development research project documentation to perform works on preservation of cultural heritage-works of landscape architecture and landscape art

GOST R 56193-2014: The services of housing and communal services and management of apartment buildings. Services capital repair of common property in apartment buildings. General requirements

GOST R 56200-2014: The scientific management and architectural supervision at work on preservation of objects of a cultural heritage. Basic provisions

GOST R 56535-2015: Services of housing maintenance, public utilities and administration of apartment buildings. Services of current repair of common property in apartment buildings. General requirements

GOST R 56639-2015: Process design for manufacturing facilities. General requirements

GOST R 56905-2016: Performance of measurement, engineering-geodetic works on objects of the cultural heritage. General requirements

GOST R 57208-2016: Tunnels and subways. Rules of inspection and elimination of defects and damages under operation

GOST R 57555-2017: Petroleum and natural gas industry. Offshore oil and gas field structures. Topsides structure

GOST R 57839-2017: Production services. Technical safety systems. Design data and directions. General requirements

GOST R 57955-2017: Buildings and facilities for oil and gas producing industries. Design standards

GOST R 58053-2018: Lifts. Installation, starting-up and adjustment works of dispatch control systems. Rules of the organization and manufacture of works, performance control and requirement for results of works

GOST R 58095.0-2018: Gas distribution systems. Requirements for gas consumption networks. Part 0. General

GOST R 58148-2018: Opencast diamond development in cryolithozone. Design requirements

GOST R 58176-2018: Electric industry. Energy construction. Organisation of commissioning of thermal power plants. General requirements

GOST R 58181-2018: Gas distribution systems. Requirements to gas distribution networks. Part 7. Polyethylene gas pipelines laid inside the existing pipeline

ODM 218.2.087-2017: Recommendations for the design and construction of culverts of spiral-wavy metal corrugated pipes

ODM 218.3.083-2016: Guidelines for trenchless laying of road culvert pipes

ODM 218.6.023-2017: Guidelines for Traffic Control and Safety Barriers at Road Construction Sites

ODM 218.8.007-2016: Guidelines for the design of artificial lighting public roads

ODM 218.8.011-2018: Guidelines for determining the characteristics and selection of noise protection structures of roads

ODM 218.8.012-2019: Guidelines (guidance) on the predictive assessment of environmental impact during the construction and operation of public roads

ODM 218.9.017-2019: Guidelines for the production of aerial photographs using unmanned aerial vehicles in surveys for the construction and reconstruction of roads

Order 341/pr: Requirements for the composition, content and procedure for issuing the conclusion of the state examination of project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys

Order 498: List of questions proposed in the qualification examination for certification of experts in the field of industrial safety

PNST 356-2019: Power industry. Energy construction. Organization of commissioning at electric grid facilities. General requirements

R 060-2017: Guidelines. Typical design solutions for the equipment of the CCT system with uninterrupted power supply

R 063-2017: Guidelines. Inspection of objects protected or taken under the protection of units of private security forces of the National Guard of the Russian Federation

R 074-2018: Guidelines. Standard design solutions for equipping private houses, cottages and other places for storing property of citizens with technical means

R 078-2019: Guidelines. Engineering and technical strength and equipping with technical means of protection of objects and places of residence and storage of property of citizens taken under centralized protection by units of private security of the national guard of the Russian Federation

R 081-2019: Guidelines. The selection and use of technical means of protection to protect the cultural heritage of the Russian Federation from criminal attacks

R 083-2019: Guidelines. Norms and rules for the design of security systems at facilities guarded (taken under protection) by non-departmental security units

R 78.36.051-2015: Typical design solutions for equipping technical facilities of objects of various categories protected by private security police units. Guidelines

R 78.36.052-2015: Standard design solutions for equipping with technical means of protection the objects of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, classified in the first category. Guidelines

R 78.36.059-2016: Standard design solutions for equipping with technical means of protection objects of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, assigned to categories 2, 3 and 4. Guidelines

RD EO Technical documentation. Regulations on internal expertise of project documentation for modernization and reconstruction

RMD 40-20-2013 Sankt-Peterburg: Designing and installation pipelines for water supply and sewage systems in Saint-Petersburg

RMD 40-20-2016 Sankt-Peterburg: Installation of water supply and drainage networks in St. Petersburg

SP 10.13130.2020: Fire protection systems. Internal fire-fighting water supply. Norms and rules of design

SP 100.13330.2016: The reclamation systems and construction

SP 133.13330.2012: Networks of wire broadcasting and anouncements in buildings and facilities. Design norms

SP 134.13330.2012: Telecommunication systems of buildings and facilities. Design basic provisions

SP 237.1326000.2015: Rail transport infrastructure. General requirements

SP 246.1325800.2016: Code practice. Regulation on the supervision of authors for construction of buildings and structures

SP 261.1325800.2016: Industrial railroad. Rules of engineering and construction

SP 31.13330.2012: Water supply. Pipelines and portable water treatment plants

SP 317.1325800.2017: Engineering geodetic survey for construction. General regulations for execution of work

SP 32.13330.2012: Sewerage. Pipelines and wastewater treatment plants

SP 32.13330.2018: Sewerage. Outdoor networks and facilities

SP 323.1325800.2017: Residential areas. Urban and road lighting design

SP 330.1325800.2017: Buildings and constructions in seismic countries. Rules of design of engineering and seismometric stations

SP 346.1325800.2017: Systems of gas air treatments of boiler installations 150 Mw. Rules of design

SP 347.1325800.2017: Internal heating, hot and cold water systems. Rules of operation

SP 368.1325800.2017: Residential buildings. Rules of design major repair

SP 402.1325800.2018: Residential buildings. Rules for the design of gas consumption systems

SP 420.1325800.2018: Engineering surveys for construction in areas of landslide development. General requirements

SP 438.1325800.2019: Engineering surveys in the planning of territories. General requirements

SP 443.1325800.2019: Bridges with aluminum alloy structures. Design rules

SP 448.1325800.2019: Engineering surveys for construction in areas of subsidence. General requirements

SP 449.1326000.2019: Engineering surveys for construction in areas of swelling soil distribution. General requirements

SP 479.1325800.2019: Engineering surveys for construction in areas where mudflow processes develop. General requirements

SP 48.13330.2019: Organization of construction. SNiP 12-01-2004

SP 485.1311500.2020: Fire protection systems. Automatic fire extinguishing installations. Norms and rules of design

SP 86.13330.2014: Main (Trunk) pipelines

STO Integrated management system. General guidance on the quality of the operating organization of Concern Rosenergoatom JSC

STO 95 12008-2017: Objects of use of atomic energy. Construction of nuclear power plants. Requirements for handling executive documentation

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