
GOST 32445-2013

ГОСТ 32445-2013

Non-domestic gas-fired forced convection air heaters for space heating not exceeding a net heat input of 300 kW, without a fan to assist transportation of combustion air and/or combustion products. The general technical requirements and test methods

Воздухонагреватели газовые отопительные небытового назначения с принудительной конвекцией, без вспомогательного вентилятора горелок с номинальной тепловой мощностью не более 300 кВт. Общие технические требования и методы испытаний

Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time. IUS 8-2015

The standard establishes safety and energy efficiency requirements, test methods for gas heating gas heaters for non-residential purposes with forced convection, without an auxiliary fan providing air for combustion and

Стандарт устанавливает требования безопасности и энергоэффективности, методы испытаний отопительных газовых воздухонагревателей небытового назначения с принудительной конвекцией, без вспомогательного вентилятора, обеспечивающего подачу воздуха для горения и/или отвод продуктов сгорания, с одной или несколькими газовыми горелками без вентилятора

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, 6/5/2014

SKU: RUSS74110

Price: $1,006.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 97 Household appliances and commercial equipment. Recreation. Sport »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 016/2011 TR CU. On safety of gaseous fuel machines » Regulations and standards (to ТР ТС ТС 016/2011) »

PromExpert » SECTION III. LABOR PROTECTION AND SAFETY » II Industrial sanitation and occupational health » 3 Workspace air » 3.2 Improvement of air environment and normalization of microclimate parameters »

ISO classifier » 97 HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES AND TRADE EQUIPMENT. RECREATION. SPORT » 97.100 Domestic, commercial and industrial heating appliances » 97.100.20 Gas Heaters »

National standards » 97 HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES AND TRADE EQUIPMENT. RECREATION. SPORT » 97.100 Domestic, commercial and industrial heating appliances » 97.100.20 Gas Heaters »

The Document References:

GOST 12815-80: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for Pnom from 0,1 to 20 MPa (from 1 to 200 kgf/sq sm). Types. Connecting dimensions and dimensions of sealing surfaces

GOST 12969-67: Plates for machines and devices. Technical requirements

GOST 14192-96: Cargo marking

GOST 14254-96: Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)

GOST 1494-77: Electrotechnics. Letter symbols for common quantities

GOST 20448-90: Liquefied hydrocarbon fuel gases for domestic use. Specifications

GOST 32028-2012: Automatic shut-off valves for gas burners and gas appliances. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST 32029-2012: Mechanical thermostats (thermoregulators) for gas appliances. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST 5542-2014: Natural fuel gases for commercial and domestic use. Specifications

GOST 5542-87: Natural fuel gases for industrial and domestic use

GOST 6211-81: Conical pipe thread. Profile, basic dimensions and tolerances

GOST 6357-81: Basic norms of interchangeability pipe cylindrical thread

GOST IEC 60730-2-9-2011: Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use. Part 2-9. Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls

GOST IEC 61058-1-2012: Switches for appliances. Part 1. General requirements

GOST MEK 60335-1-2008: Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety. Part 1. General requirements

The Document is Referenced By:

Decision 86: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of devices operating on gaseous fuel" (TR CU 016 / 2011), and the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including sampling rules necessary for the application and fulfillment of requirements technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of devices operating on gaseous fuel" (TR CU 016/2011) and the implementation of conformity assessment of objects of technical regulation

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