
GOST 20292-74

ГОСТ 20292-74

Laboratory volumetric glassware. Burettes, pipettes

Приборы мерные лабораторные стеклянные. Бюретки, пипетки. Технические условия

Status: Not effective - Completely superseded in parts. IUS 5-1992

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, 11/18/1974

SKU: RUSS74792

Price: imgalt

The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 3 Activities of testing laboratories » 3.2 Technical equipment of testing laboratories » 3.2.1 Laboratory glassware and equipment »

ISO classifier » 71 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY » 71.040 Analytical Chemistry » 71.040.10 Chemical laboratories. Laboratory equipment »

National standards » 71 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY » 71.040 Analytical Chemistry » 71.040.10 Chemical laboratories. Laboratory equipment »

ISO classifier » 71 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY » 71.040 Analytical Chemistry » 71.040.20 Laboratory glassware and related equipment »

National standards » 71 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY » 71.040 Analytical Chemistry » 71.040.20 Laboratory glassware and related equipment »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » P Measuring devices. Automation and computing facilities » P6 Instruments for determining composition, state and properties of substances » P66 Apparatus, glassware and laboratory equipment made of glass, porcelain and quartz »

National Standards for OKSTU » SPECIAL PURPOSE INSTRUMENTS AND AUTOMATION » Laboratory glassware »

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 12488-67: Pipettes for measuring fluid in determining the percentage of sugar in the beet

The Document References:

GOST 10354-82: Polyethylene film Specifications

GOST 14192-77: Marking of cargoes

GOST 15155-84: Products made of wood for regions with tropical climate. Means of protection

GOST 15841-77: Wooden boxes for goods intended for tractors and agricultural machinery. Specification

GOST 16337-77: High-pressure polyethylene. Specifications

GOST 16536-84: Wooden boxes for automotive industry products. Specification

GOST 21400-75: Chemical and laboratory glass. Technical specifications. Test methods

GOST 24634-81: Wooden boxes for export products. General specifications

GOST 2991-85: Wooden uncollapsible cases for weights up to 500 kg. General specifications

GOST 5244-79: Wood chips

GOST 5496-78: Rubber technical tubes. Specifications

GOST 5632-72: High-alloy steels and corrosion-proof, heat-resisting and heat treated alloys. Grades

GOST 5679-85: Cotton wool for clothes and furniture. Technical specifications

GOST 6.37-79: UDS. System of documentation in foreign Trade. Shipping documentation

GOST 6709-72: Distilled water. Specifications

GOST 7329-74: Chemical laboratory and electrovacuum glassware. Polarizable and optical method of path-length difference measuring

GOST 7933-75: Boxing cardboard. Specification

GOST 7995-80: Glass stopcocks. Specifications

GOST 8.001-80: State system of ensuring the unity of measurements. Rules for conducting the state tests of measuring means

GOST 8.234-77: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Volumetric glass ware. Methods and means of verification

GOST 8.383-80: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State tests of means for measurements. General statements

GOST 8273-75: Packing paper

GOST 8682-70: Glass dishware and apparatus for laboratory use. Conical crimps, interchangeable. Basic dimensions. Methods of tests

GOST 8828-75: Two-layer packaging paper. General specifications

GOST 9559-75: Lead sheets

GOST 9569-79: Paraffin paper

The Document is Referenced By:

FR 1.31.2001.00360: Methodology for measuring caprolactam concentrations in natural and waste waters

GN 4274-87: Supplement to the document "Temporary Hygienic Norms and Method for Determining the Histamine Content in Fish Products"

GOST 10018-79: Copper cyanide technical. Technical conditions

GOST 10028-81: Glass capillary viscosimeters. Specifications

GOST 10075-75: Reagents. Potassium phosphate tribasic 7-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 10091-75: Reagents. Calcium phosphate monobasic 1-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 10096-76: Clotted aluminium powder. Technical requirements

GOST 10104-75: Technical 2, 4-dinitrotoluene. Specifications

GOST 10134.1-82: Glass inorganic and glass-crystal materials. Method for determination of water-resisting property at 98 °C

GOST 10164-75: Reagents. Ethylene glycol. Specifications

GOST 10213.7-73: Chemical fiber and tow. Method for determination of free sulphur mass percentage content

GOST 10262-73: Reagents. Zinc oxide. Specifications

GOST 10364-63: Dark petroleum products. Determination of vanadium content by the colorimetric method

GOST 10437-80: Commercial furfural

GOST 10457-73: Auxiliary compounds for textiles. Glycasine. Specifications

GOST 10521-78: Reagents. Benzoic acid. Specifications

GOST 10561-80: Cryolite artificial technical. Technical conditions

GOST 1057-67: Selectively refined oils. Method for determination of phenol and cresol content

GOST 10587-84: Uncured epoxy resins. Specifications

GOST 10651-75: Reagents. Ammonium phosphate tribasic 3-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 10667-90: Sheet organic glass. Specifications

GOST 10671.5-74: Reagents. Methods for the determination of sulfates

GOST 10671.7-74: Reagents. Methods for the determination of chlorides

GOST 10678-76: Thermal orthophosphoric acid. Specifications

GOST 10779-78: Polyvinyl alcohol. Specification

GOST 10834-76: Hydrophobizing liquid 136-41. Specifications

GOST 10845-76: Grain. Method of determination of starch

GOST 10858-77: Oil seeds crops. Industrial raw materials. Methods of determination of acid value

GOST 10873-73: Ammonium sulfate (ammonium sulfate) purified. Technical conditions

GOST 10887-75: Silicoorganic damping fluids 132-30. Specifications

GOST 10929-76: Reagents. Hydrogen peroxide. Specifications

GOST 11078-78: Sodium hydrate purified. Specifications

GOST 11088-75: Reagents. Magnesium nitrate hexahydrate. Specifications

GOST 11097-86: Technical acrylonitrile. Specifications

GOST 11126-88: By-product coke raw materials for the production of commercial carbon

GOST 11138-78: Butadienemethylstyrene synthetic rubber CKMC-30APKM-15 and butadiene-styrene rubber CKC-30APKM-15. Specifications

GOST 11153-75: Technical maleic anhydride. Specifications

GOST 11235-75: Phenolformaldehyde resins. Methods for determination of free phenol

GOST 11254-85: Rendered animal and animal feeding meal. Methods for determining antioxidants

GOST 11257-65: Mineral oils. Determination of the stability of energy oils using the static method

GOST 11313-75: Technical coal dicresol. Specifications

GOST 11314-82: Commercial coal xylenols

GOST 11362-76: Petroleum products. Determination of base, acid and acidity by potentiometric titration

GOST 11363-91: Technical dimethyl-terephthalate. Specifications

GOST 11380-74: Barium sulfate battery. Technical conditions

GOST 11481-75: Water colour paints for artists use. Specifications

GOST 11511-65: Bitumen. Method for the determination of water-soluble acids and alkalis

GOST 11604-79: Synthetic latex CKД-1C. Specifications

GOST 11623-89: Peat and products of its processing for agriculture. Methods for the determination of exchange and active acidity

GOST 11773-76: Reagents. Sodium phosphate dibasic. Specifications

GOST 11812-66: Vegetable oils. Methods for the determination of moisture and volatile matters

GOST 11841-76: Reagents. Aluminium hydroxide. Specifications

GOST 11930.0-79: Hard-facind materials. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 11930.2-79: Hard-facing materials. Method of sulphur determination

GOST 12.1.044-84: Occupational safety standards system. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indicators and methods for their determination

GOST 12.4.101-80: Occupational safety standards system. Cotton and blended fabrics for protective clothing. Method for determining the permeability of liquid toxic substances

GOST 12.4.136-84: System of safety standards. Personal protective means. Method for determination of microorganism permeability

GOST 12.4.146-84: Occupational safety standards system. Polymer coated materials for special clothes and hand protection means. Method for determination of acid and alkali resistance

GOST 12.4.147-84: Occupational safety standards system. Artificial leather for hand protection means. Method for determination of acid and alkali permeability

GOST 12099-75: Copolymer BA-15 vinyl chloride and vinyl acetate. Specifications

GOST 12280-75: Wines, wine materials, cognac and fruit spirits. Method for the determination of aldehydes

GOST 12329-77: Petroleum products and hydrocarbon solvents. Method for determination of aniline point and aromatic hydrocarbons

GOST 12395-76: Pulp for insulating paper and board. Method for the determination of dynamic viscosity of copper-ammonium solution

GOST 12497-78: Plastics. The method of epoxy group determination

GOST 12552.1-77: Platinum-nickel alloys. Method for the determination of nickel

GOST 12553.1-77: Platinum-palladium alloys. Method for the determination of palladium

GOST 12560.1-78: Palladium-silver-cobalt alloys. Method of the determination of cobalt and silver

GOST 12561.1-78: Palladium-silver-copper alloys. Method of the determination of copper and silver

GOST 12645.13-87: Indium. Chemicospectral method for determination of gallium

GOST 12708-77: Solvent PФГ for wash primers. Specifications

GOST 127-76: Specifications For Industrial Sulfur

GOST 12794-80: Methyl chloride technical. Specifications

GOST 13.1.102-79: Microfilming. Microfilms. Technical requirements and methods of control

GOST 13.106-79: Microfilming. Microfilms. Technical requirements and methods of control

GOST 13079-81: Sodium silicate soluble. Technical conditions

GOST 13105-77: Leather raw material. Methods of determination of the conservation components

GOST 13399-89: Flowers of arnica. Specification

GOST 1341-84: Parchment

GOST 13496.12-75: Combined animal feeding stuffs. Method for determination of total oxidity

GOST 13496.15-85: Forages, compound feeds, raw material. Methods for determining rawfat

GOST 13496.21-87: Feeds, mixed feeds and raw material. Methods for determining content of lisin and tryptophane

GOST 13496.7-92: Feed grain, grain by-products, compound feeds. Methods for determination of toxicity

GOST 13637.0-77: Gallium. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 1367.10-83: Antimony. Method for the determination of sodium

GOST 1367.2-83: Antimony. Methods for the determination of iron

GOST 1367.3-83: Antimony. Method for the determination of aurum

GOST 1367.6-83: Antimony. Methods for the determination of nickel

GOST 13910-81: Alttuberkuline for mammals

GOST 13938.15-88: Copper. Methods for determination of chromium and cadmium

GOST 14022-78: Anhydrous hydrogen fluoride. Specification

GOST 14022-88: Anhydrous hydrogen fluoride

GOST 14053-78: Synthetic rubber CKC-50 ГПC. Specifications

GOST 14261-77: Hydrochloric acid super pure. Specifications

GOST 14262-78: Super pure sulphuric acid. Specifications

GOST 1429.0-77: Tin-lead solders. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 14310-78: Acid 2-aminobenzoic technical. Specifications

GOST 14338.2-82: Molybdenum. Method for determination of sulphur

GOST 14613-83: Fibreboard. Specifications

GOST 14618.11-78: Essential oils, aromatics and their intermediates. Methods for determination of solubility and content of volatile matters and impurities

GOST 14618.1-78: Essential oils, aromatics and their intermediates. Methods for determination of chlorine

GOST 14618.2-78: Essential oils, aromatics and their intermediates. Methods for determination of carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and ketones)

GOST 14618.3-78: Essential oils, aromatics and their intermediates. Methods for determination of peroxides

GOST 14618.4-78: Essential oils, aromatics and their intermediates. Methods for determination of unsaturated compounds

GOST 14618.6-78: Essential oils, aromatics and their intermediates. Determination of water content

GOST 14618.7-78: Essential oils, aromatics and their intermediates. Determination of acids, esters and ester value

GOST 14618.8-78: Essential oils, aromatics and their intermediates. Methods for determination of alcohols and phenols

GOST 14657.0-78: Bauxite. General requirements for methods of chemical analysis

GOST 14680-79: Synthetic heat-resistant rubber SKT. Specification

GOST 14839.2-69: Industrial explosives. Methods for determination of nitroethers content

GOST 14888-78: Benzoyl peroxide technical. Specifications

GOST 14924-75: Cis-butadiene synthetic rubber CKД. Specifications

GOST 14925-79: Cis-isoprene synthetic rubber. Specifications

GOST 1500-78: Witrous vitriol. Specification

GOST 15123-78: Simazine - 50% and 80%

GOST 15139-69: Plastics. Methods for the determination of density (mass density)

GOST 15158-78: Paper and board with protective coating for packaging of goods and production of spare parts utilized in tropics. Specifications

GOST 1520-84: Selectively refined oils. Method for determination of furfural presence in oils

GOST 15628-79: Synthetic rubbers butadiene methyl styrene CKMC-30APKM-27 and butadiene styrene CKC-30APKM-27. Specifications

GOST 1567-83: Motor fuel. Method for determination of existent gums

GOST 1571-82: Turpentine oil

GOST 15823-70: Oils and lubricants. Method for determination of the saturated vapour pressure

GOST 15848.0-90: Chromium ores and concentrates. General requirements for methods of chemical analysis

GOST 15886-70: Mineral oils. Method for the determination of gum

GOST 15907-70: Varnishes ПФ-170 and ПФ-171. Specifications

GOST 15934.1-91: Copper concentrates. Methods for determination of copper content

GOST 15973-82: Plastics. Methods for determination of ash

GOST 15991-86: Anthrax of animals live vaccine

GOST 16108-80: Concentrated datolite. Specifications

GOST 16295-82: Packing anticorrosive paper. Specifications

GOST 16446-78: Lyophilized complement for the reaction of complement binding

GOST 16873-92: Inorganic pigments and extenders. Methods for colour and whiteness determination

GOST 16922-71: Organic dye-stuffs, intermediates, auxiliary compounds for textiles. Test methods

GOST Nature protection. Recultivation of lands. Method of measurement and sum calculation of toxic salts in overburden and enclosing rocks

GOST 17071-91: Fuel oil. Specifications

GOST 17147-80: Fuel TG-02. Specifications

GOST 17177-87: Heat insulating construction materials and products. Methods of control

GOST 17236-71: Eau de-cologne. Specifications

GOST 17319-76: Reagents. Methods for the determination of heavy metals

GOST 17323-71: Engine fuel. Determination of mercaptan and hydrogen sulphide sulphur content by pontentiometric titration

GOST 17338-81: Ion exchange resins. Method for determination of osmotic stability

GOST 17338-88: Jon-exchangers. Method for determination of osmotic stability

GOST 17354-71: Technical 4-hydroxybenzoic acid. Specifications

GOST 17362-71: Mineral oils. Method of determination of saponification number

GOST 17404-81: Glanders immune serum designed for carrying out the complement-fixation reaction

GOST 17405-81: Glanders antigen designed for carrying out the complement-fixation reaction

GOST 17444-76: Reagents. Methods for determination of parent substance of organic nitrogen bearing compounds and salts of organic acids

GOST 17445-80: Commercial hexachlorobenzene

GOST 17477-86: Tetrahydrofurfuril alcohol. Specifications

GOST 17552-72: Ion-exchange membranes. Methods for determination of total and equilibrium exchange capacity

GOST 17555-72: Plastics. Methods for determination of hydroxyl group of epoxy resins and epoxidized compositions

GOST 17556-81: Combustible natural gases. Methods for determination of hydrogen sulphide and sulphur mercaptan

GOST 1762.0-71: Aluminium-silicon alloy ingots. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 17749-72: Jet fuel. Spectrophotometric method for the determination of bicycles aromatic (naphthalene hydrocarbons) content

GOST 17818.0-90: Graphite. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 18165-81: Drinking water. Method for determination of aluminium mass concentration

GOST 18172-80: Yellow iron oxide pigment

GOST 18184.3-79: Niobium pentoxide. Method for the determination of sulphur content

GOST 18184.4-79: Niobium pentoxide. Methods for the determination of pentoxide tantalum content

GOST 18262.0-88: Titan magnetite ores, iron vanadium concentrates, agglomerates and pellets. General requirements for methods of chemical analysis

GOST 18270-72: Super pure acetic acid. Specifications

GOST 18287-81: Colloidal aluminum hydroxide

GOST 18289-78: Reagents. Sodium tungstate 2-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 18294-81: Drinking water. Method for determination of berillium mass concentration

GOST 18294-89: Drinking water. Method for determination of berillium mass concentration

GOST 18302-87: Dried abomasums of milk-fed lambs and kids and calves. Specifications

GOST 18337-80: Thallium. Specifications

GOST 18375-73: Lubricating oil 132-08. Specifications

GOST 18376-79: Fluoroelastomers CKФ-26 and CKФ-32. Specifications

GOST 18385.0-89: Niobium. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 18663-78: Fodder vitamin b12

GOST 18904.0-89: Tantalum and its oxides. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 18911-73: Technical 1-naphthol -2-carboxylic acid. Specifications

GOST 18918-85: Amorphous

GOST 18958-73: Silicate paints

GOST 19006-73: Motor fuel. Method for determination of the filtering factor

GOST 19014.0-73: Crystal silicon. General requirements for methods of chemical analysis

GOST 1908-82: Condenser paper. General specifications

GOST 19096-73: Dioctyl sebacate, thermostable. Specification

GOST 19170-73: Constructive fabrics of glass twisted complex threads. Specifications

GOST 19214-80: Water dispersion paints for interior works. Specifications

GOST 19266-79: Paintwork materials. Methods of colour determination

GOST 19275-73: Reagents. Ammonium bromide. Specifications

GOST 1932-82: Hard coals and coke. Methods for determination of phosphorus

GOST 19355-85: Drinking water. Methods for determination of polyacrilamide

GOST 19413-81: Drinking water. Method for determination of selenium mass concentration

GOST 19493-74: Paper alkali-proof for zinc-mercury cells

GOST 19503-88: Hydrazine hydrate technical. Technical conditions

GOST 195-77: Reagents. Sodium sulphite. Specifications

GOST 19609.0-89: Concentrated kaolin. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 19609.15-89: Concentrated kaolin. Method for determination of absorption

GOST 19627-74: Hydroquinone (paradioxybenzene). Specifications

GOST 19728.0-74: Talc and talcmagnesite. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 19792-87: Natural honey

GOST 19814-74: Synthetic and regenerated acetic acid. Specifications

GOST 19816.1-91: Rubber, raw styrene-butadiene. Soap and organic acid content. Determination

GOST 19816.2-74: Synthetic rubber. Method for determination of copper, iron and titanium content

GOST 19816.3-89: Synthetic rubbers. Methods for determination of phenyl-B-naphthylamine (naphtham-2) fraction of total mass

GOST 19816.5-74: Synthetic rubber. Method for determination of water fraction of total mass

GOST 19881-74: Potentiometric analyzers for pH-control of milk and dairy products. General specifications

GOST 19885-74: Tea. Methods for determination of tannin and caffeine content

GOST 20015-88: Chloroform. Specifications

GOST 201-76: Trisodium phosphate. Technical conditions

GOST 20235.1-74: Meat of rabbits. Methods for chemical and microscopic analysis of meat freshness

GOST 20242-74: Additives and oils containing additives. Method for determination of chlorine

GOST 20264.1-89: Enzyme preparations. Methods for the determination of organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological points

GOST 20264.2-88: Enzyme preparations. Methods for determination of proteolytic activity

GOST 20264.3-81: Enzyme preparations. Methods for determination of pectolytic complex activity

GOST 20264.4-89: Enzyme preparations. Methods for the determination of amylase activity

GOST 20291-80: Sodium polyphosphate technical. Technical conditions

GOST 20298-74: Ion-exchange resins. Cation exchangers. Specifications

GOST 20300.1-90: Baddeleyite-corundum refractories. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 20301-74: Ion-exchange resins. Anionites. Specifications

GOST 20370-74: Methyl methacrylate. Specifications

GOST 20428-75: Organic dye-stuffs. Direct red-violet CB-2KM. Specifications

GOST 20482-75: Organic dyes. Direct yellow CB-3X. Specifications

GOST 20491-75: Technical isopropylbenzene. Specifications

GOST 2053-77: Reagents. Sodium sulphide 9-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 20841.2-75: Silicon organic products. Methods for determination of silicon mass fraction

GOST 20841.5-75: Silicium organic products. Method for determination of alcoxylic groups mass fraction

GOST 20841.6-75: Silicon organic products. Method for determination of chlorine mass fraction

GOST 20848-75: Reagents. Potassium fluoride 2-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 20851.1-75: Mineral fertilizers. Methods for determination of nitrogen content

GOST 20907-75: Liquid phenol formaldehyde resins. Specifications

GOST 20909.2-75: Non-diluted sperm of bulls. Methods of microbiological tests

GOST 20909.4-75: Non-diluted sperm of bulls. Methods of biological tests

GOST 20909.5-75: Non-diluted sperm of bulls. Methods for tests of physical properties

GOST 20909.6-75: Non-diluted sperm of bulls. Methods of biochemical tests

GOST 21039-75: Acetic anhydride for industrial use. Specifications

GOST 21138.3-85: Chalk. Method for determination of chloride ions content in water extract

GOST 21138.4-85: Chalk. Method for determination of copper content

GOST 21179-90: Bee-wax. Specifications

GOST 21205-83: Tartaric acid for use in foodstuffs. Specifications

GOST 21261-91: Oil products. Method for the determination of gross calorific value and calculation of net calorific value

GOST 2149-75: Barium carbonate technical. Technical conditions

GOST 21534-76: Petroleum The determination of chloride salts content

GOST 21802-84: Chlorophyll-carotene coniferous paste. Specifications

GOST 21877.0-76: Tin and lead babbits. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 21907-76: Zirconium dioxide. Specifications

GOST 21948-76: Raw and pressed hop. Test methods

GOST 21979-76: Reagents. Zinc compounds. Polarographic method for the determination of copper, lead and cadmium as impurities

GOST 22001-87: Reagents and super pure substances. Method for determination of chemical elements impurities by atomic absorption spectrometry

GOST 22019-85: Synthetic rubbers. Method for determination of free styrene and alpha-methyl styrene

GOST 22025-76: Resistive silicon alloys. Specifications

GOST 22171-90: Laboratory conductometric analysers of liquid. General specifications

GOST 22181-91: Unsaturated polyester resins. Methods for determination of gel time

GOST 22234-76: Polyester 24K. Specifications

GOST 22275-90: Concentrate of apatite. Specifications

GOST 22306-77: Metals of high and special purity. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 22363-77: Organic dyes. Direct pink CB-C. Specifications

GOST 22385-82: Synthetic fatty acids. The spectrophotometric method of ester value determination

GOST 22386-77: Synthetic fatty acids and alcohols. Method for determination of acid value

GOST 22387.2-83: Natural combustible gases. Methods for determination of hydrogen sulphide and sulphur mercaptan

GOST 22536.0-87: Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 22553-77: Organic dyestuffs. Chrome bordeaux C. Specifications

GOST 22567.10-79: Synthetic detergents. Method for determination of sodium perborate content

GOST 22567.1-77: Synthetic detergents. Method for determination of foaming ability

GOST 22567.6-87: Synthetic detergents. Method for determination of surface active agents mass percentage

GOST 22567.7-87: Synthetic detergents. Method for determination of mass percentage of phosphates

GOST 22567.8-77: Synthetic detergents. Methods for determination of sodium silicate

GOST 22567.9-87: Synthetic detergents. Method for determination of sodium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate mass percentage

GOST 22617.2-77: Seeds of sugar beet. Methods of determination of germinating ability and monogermity

GOST 22772.0-77: Manganese ores, concentrates and agglomerates. General requirements for the methods of chemical analysis

GOST 22864-83: Noble metals and alloys. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 22974.0-85: Melted welding fluxes

GOST 23001-88: Propylene oxide technical. Specifications

GOST 23018-90: Synthetic fatty primary alcohols. Method of hydroxyl value determination

GOST 23042-86: Meat and meat products. Methods of fat determination

GOST 23050-78: Biological preparations. Virus vaccine VGNKI dry cultural against Aujeszky disease. Specifications

GOST 23116.1-78: Cadmium high purity. Method of spectrographic of aluminium, bismuth, iron, indium, cobalt, copper, manganese, arsenic, nickel, tin, lead, antimony and silver

GOST 23116.3-78: Cadmium high purity. Method of spectrographic determination of iron, copper, nickel, tin and lead

GOST 23116.5-78: Cadmium high purity. Chemical-spectral method of determination of thallium

GOST 23178-78: High-temperature fluoroborate and boride halogenide fluxes for soldering

GOST 23227-78: Brown coals, hard coals, anthracite, combustible shales and turf. Method for the determination of free calcium oxide in the ash

GOST 23268.10-78: Drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and natural-table mineral waters. Method of determination of ammonium ions

GOST 23268.11-78: Drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and natural-table mineral waters. Method of determination of iron ions

GOST 23268.12-78: Drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and natural-table mineral waters. Method of determination of permanganate oxidation

GOST 23268.13-78: Drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and natural-table mineral waters. Method of determination of silver ions

GOST 23268.14-78: Drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and natural-table mineral waters. Methods of determination of arsenic ions

GOST 23268.15-78: Drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and natural-table mineral waters. Methods of determination of bromide-ions

GOST 23268.16-78: Drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and natural-table mineral waters. Methods of determination of iodide-ions

GOST 23268.17-78: Drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and natural-table mineral waters. Methods of determination of chloride-ions

GOST 23268.18-78: Drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and natural-table mineral waters. Methods of determination of fluoride-ions

GOST 23268.2-91: Drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and natural-table mineral waters. Methods for determination of carbon dioxide

GOST 23268.3-78: Drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and natural-table mineral waters. Methods of determination of hydrocarbonate ions

GOST 23268.4-78: Drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and natural-table mineral waters. Method of determination of sulphate ions

GOST 23268.5-78: Drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and natural-table mineral waters. Methods of determination of calcium and magnesium ions

GOST 23268.6-78: Drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and natural-table mineral waters. Method of determination of natrium ions

GOST 23268.7-78: Drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and natural-table mineral waters. Methods of determination of potassium ions

GOST 23268.8-78: Drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and natural-table mineral waters. Methods of determination of nitrite-ions

GOST 23268.9-78: Drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and natural-table mineral waters. Methods of determination of nitrate-ions

GOST 23338-91: Methods of definition of the diffusion hydrogen content in deposited and seam metal

GOST 23423-89: Fodder methionine

GOST 23438-79: Varnishes of type ПЭ-232, ПЭ-250, ПЭ-250М, ПЭ-250ПМ. Specifications

GOST 23453-90: Milk. Methods for determination of somatic cells quantity

GOST 23488-79: Auxiliary compounds for textiles. Avivag K-1. Specifications

GOST 23492-83: Synthetic rubbers, butadiene-styrene CKC-30APKПН and butadiene-methyl styrene СKMС-30APKПН. Specifications

GOST 23527-79: Synthetic fatty acids. Method of carbonyl value determination

GOST 23581.0-80: Iron ores, concentrates, agglomerates and pellets. General requirements to the methods of chemical analyses

GOST 23614-79: Sodium salt benzenesulphinic acid. Specifications

GOST 23631-79: Synthetic fat acids. Determination of unsaponificables content. Refractometric method

GOST 23637-90: Haylage

GOST 23673.0-79: Dolomite for glass industry. General requirements to the methods of analysis

GOST 23779-79: Asbestos paper. Specifications

GOST 23787.10-81: Solutions of bio-fireproof HMHA preparation. Technical requirements

GOST 23787.11-81: Solutions of bio-fireproof DMF preparation. Technical requirements

GOST 23787.1-84: Solutions of antiseptic compound XMK. Technical requirements, safety requirements and test methods

GOST 23787.4-79: Means of protection for wood. Solution of antiseptic drug HMHC. Technical requirements

GOST 23787.8-80: Solutions of wood preservative XM-11. Specifications, safety requirements and analysis methods

GOST 23787.9-84: Solutions of wood preservative ХМФ. Technical requirements, safety requirements and methods of analysis

GOST 23881-79: Dry purified tuberculin (ppd) designed for birds

GOST 23950-80: Drinking water. Method for determination of strontium mass concentration

GOST 23955-80: Paint materials. Methods for determination of acid value

GOST 24163-80: Lactose-chelate-citrate-yolk (lacy) medium designed for stallion sperm storage

GOST 24245-80: Reagents. Method for the determination of ammonium impurity

GOST 24283-80: Homogenized preserved food for children. Method for determination of the quality of cutting into small pieces

GOST 24455-80: Emulsified floor polish. Test method for waterproofness

GOST 24556-89: Products of fruits and vegetables processing. Methods for determination of vitamin C

GOST 24716-91: Dichloramine for industrial use

GOST 24874-86: Electrical insulating paper for transformers. Specifications

GOST 24874-91: Electrical insulating paper for transformers. Specifications

GOST 2488-79: Ceresin. Specifications

GOST 24927-81: Electronic products. General requirements to the temporary corrosion protection and test methods

GOST 24943-81: Engine oils. Photometric method for assessing contamination of spent oils

GOST 24975.1-89: Ethylene and propylene. Chromatographic methods of analysis

GOST 24975.2-89: Ethylene and propylene. Method for determination of sulphur

GOST 24975.3-81: Ethylene and propylene. Methods of determination of oxygen

GOST 24975.4-89: Ethylene. Method for determination of ammonia

GOST 25011-81: Meat and meat products. Methods of protein determination

GOST 25063.1-81: Photographic materials. Method for determination of thiosulphate content

GOST 25134-82: VI EV brucellin

GOST 25162-82: Emulsified floor polish. Test method for wetting capacity

GOST 25183.6-82: Photographic gelatine. Method of determination of melting temperature

GOST 25210-82: Simple and complex Polyether for polyurethanes. Method for determination of the acid number

GOST 25261-82: Polyether and polyesters for polyurethanes. Method of hydroxyl value determination

GOST 25284.0-82: Zinc alloys. General requirements for the methods of analysis

GOST 25311-82: Feeding flour of animal origin. Methods for bacteriological analysis

GOST 25381-82: Small cattle. Methods of laboratory diagnostics of chlamydions abortion

GOST 25382-82: Domestic animals. Methods of laboratory diagnostics of leucosus

GOST 25383-82: Domestic animals. Methods of laboratory diagnostics of coccidiosis

GOST 25384-82: Domestic animals. Methods of laboratory diagnostics of foot-and-mouth disease

GOST 25385-91: Agricultural animals. Methods of diagnostics of bruccellosis

GOST 25386-91: Agricultural animals. Methods of laboratory diagnostics of leptospirosis

GOST 25555.1-82: Fruit and vegetable products. Method for determination of volatile acidity

GOST 25580-83: Pigs. Methods of laboratory diagnostics of transmissive gastroenteritis

GOST 25581-91: Birds, poultry, synanthropos, game and exotic. Methods of avian influenza laboratory diagnostics

GOST 25582-83: Agricultural poultry. Methods of laboratory diagnostics of infections laringotracheitis

GOST 25583-83: Agricultural poultry. Methods of laboratory diagnostics of infections bronchitis

GOST 25586-83: Agricultural poultry. Methods of laboratory diagnostics of Marek disease

GOST 25587-83: Agricultural poultry. Methods of laboratory diagnostics of Newcastle disease

GOST 25664-83: Metol (para-methyl-aminophenol sulphate). Specifications

GOST 25699.5-90: Carbon black for rubber industry. Method for determination of dibutylphtalate absorption

GOST 25702.0-83: Rare metallic concentrates. General requirements to the methods of analysis

GOST 25821-83: Fluid PGV. Specifications

GOST 26028-83: Dark-coloured raw material for surfactants. Method of determination of an acid value

GOST 26030-83: Frozen bovine sperm

GOST 26072-89: Agricultural animals and poultry. Methods of laboratory diagnostics of tuberculosis

GOST 26073-84: Agricultural animals. Methods of laboratory diagnostics of paratuberculosis

GOST 26075-84: Agricultural animals. Methods of laboratory diagnostics of rabies

GOST 26107-84: Soils. Methods for determination of total nitrogen

GOST 26129-84: Dressed fur skins and wool-skin. Methods of determination of unbound fat content

GOST 26180-84: Fodder. Determination of ammonia nitrogen content and actual acidity

GOST 26181-84: Fruit and vegetable products. Methods for determination of sorbic acid

GOST 26185-84: Seaweeds, sea-grasses and its processed products. Methods of physical and chemical analysis

GOST 26239.0-84: Semiconductor silicon, raw materials for its production and quartz. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 26239.4-84: Dichlorsilane. Methods of impurities determination

GOST 26252-84: Niobium powder. Specifications

GOST 26261-84: Soils. Methods for determining total phosphorus and total potassium

GOST 26295-84: Isopropylnitrate. Specifications

GOST 26318.0-84: Non-metallic ore materials. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 26371-84: Ethyl silicate-40. Specifications

GOST 26373-84: Commercially pure lenacil

GOST 26412-85: Shielding materials for radiochemical works and nuclear power plants. Method for determination of isolating properties in respect to beta-radionuclide contamination

GOST 2642.0-86: Refractories and refractory raw materials. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 26423-85: Soils. Methods for determination of specific electric conductivity, pH and solid residue of water extract

GOST 26424-85: Soils. Method for determination of carbonate and bicarbonate ions in water extract

GOST 26425-85: Soils. Methods for determination of chloride ion in water extract

GOST 26426-85: Soils. Methods for determination of sulphate ion in water extract

GOST 26427-85: Soils. Method for determination of sodium and potassium in water extract

GOST 26428-85: Soils. Methods for determination of calcium and magnesium in water extract

GOST 26484-85: Soils. Method for determination of exchangeable acidity

GOST 26485-85: Soils. Determination of exchangeable (mobile) aluminium by CINAO method

GOST 26486-85: Soils. Determination of exchangeable manganese by CINAO methods

GOST 26487-85: Soils. Determination of exchangeable calcium and exchangeable (mobile) magnesium by CINAO methods

GOST 26488-85: Soils. Determination of nitrates by CINAO methods

GOST 26489-85: Soils. Determination of exchangeable ammonium by CINAO method

GOST 26490-85: Soils. Determination of mobile sulphur by CINAO method

GOST 2652-78: Potassium bichromate technical. Technical conditions

GOST 26564.0-85: Silicon carbide refractory materials and products. General requirements for methods of chemical analysis

GOST 26570-85: Fodber, mixed fodber and mixed fodber raw material. Methods for determination of calcium

GOST 26624-85: 2-Ethylhexanol technical. Specifications

GOST 26657-85: Fooder, mixed fooder and mixed fooder raw materials. Methods for determination on phosphor

GOST 26666.5-89: Man-made knitted fur. Method for the determination of pattern effect stability

GOST 26715-85: Organic fertilizers. Methods for determination of total nitrogen

GOST 26716-85: Organic fertilizers. Methods for determination of ammonium nitrogen

GOST 26717-85: Organic fertilizers. Methods for determination of total phosphorus

GOST 26718-85: Organic fertilizers. Method for determination of total potassium

GOST 26743.4-85: Caprolaktam. Method for determination of iron content

GOST 26743.5-91: Caprolactam. Determination of acidity, alkalinity and pH of 20 percent aqueous solution of caprolactam

GOST 26743.6-85: Caprolaktam. Method for determination of cyclohexanone oxide content

GOST 26743.7-86: Caprolactam. Method determination of permanganate index

GOST 26811-86: Confectionary. Method for determination of mass fraction of total sulphurous acid

GOST 26878-86: Shampoos for hair and woody. Method for determination of chloride

GOST 26951-86: Soils. Determination of nitrate byionometric method

GOST 2706.11-74: Benzene hydrocarbons and allied products. Method of determination of bromine value

GOST 2706.1-74: Benzene hydrocarbons and allied products. Method of determination of appearance and colour

GOST 2706.2-74: Benzene hydrocarbons and allied products. Chromatographic method of determination of main substance and impurities content in benzene, toluene and xylene

GOST 2706.3-74: Benzene hydrocarbons and allied products. Method of determination of sulphuric acid colour

GOST 2706.4-74: Benzene hydrocarbons and allied products. Method of determination of carbon sulphide in benzene

GOST 2706.5-74: Benzene hydrocarbons and allied products. Method of determination of thiophene content in benzene

GOST 2706.6-74: Benzene hydrocarbons and allied products. Method of determination of sulphurizing substances content

GOST 27067-86: Reagents. Ammonium thiocyanate. Specifications

GOST 27082-89: Canned and preserved fish and other sea products. Method for determination of total acidity

GOST 27145-86: Antigen and antiserum designed for use in diagnosis of infectious anemia of horses

GOST 27146-86: The antigen designed for revealing of infectious epididymitis of rams being caused by brucella ovis

GOST 27147-86: Cultural viral vaccine against transmissive gastroenteritis of pigs (tge)

GOST 27154-86: Jet fuels. Method of test for water reaction

GOST 27236-87: Copper concentrates. Flame atomic absorption method for determination of iron, cobalt, nickel

GOST 27329-87: Ores and concentrates of non-ferrous metals. General requirements for methods of chemical analysis

GOST 27395-87: Soils. Determination of mobile two-trivalent iron compounds after Verigina Arinushkina

GOST 27404-87: Optical brightness. Methods for the determination of concentration spade and maximum brightening effect of pulp-treated dapper

GOST 27678-88: Wood particle boards. Perforator method for determining formaldehyde content

GOST 27708-88: Decontaminable protective polymeric materials and coatings. Method for testing the ease of decontamination

GOST 27749.0-88: Carbamide. Method of nitrogen content determination

GOST 27749.1-88: Carbamide. Method of biuret content determination

GOST 27749.2-88: Carbamide. Method of free ammonia content determination

GOST 27753.0-88: Greenhouse grounds. General requirements to methods for analysis

GOST 27753.6-88: Greenhouse grounds. Methods for determination of water-soluble potassium

GOST 27753.7-88: Greenhouse grounds methods for determination of nitrate nitrogen

GOST 27753.8-88: Greenhouse grounds method for determination of ammonium nitrogen

GOST 27753.9-88: Greenhouse grounds method for determination of water-soluble calcium and magnesium

GOST 27777-88: Frozen sperm of bulls. Methods of biological test

GOST 27785-88: Biological dry compounds. Method of determination of oxygen content in bottles of compound

GOST 27786-88: Fodder grisein

GOST 27808-88: Liquid petroleum paraffin. Determination of aromatic hydrocarbons by spectrophotometric method

GOST 27821-88: Soils. Determination of base absorption sum by Kappen method

GOST 27866-88: High purity substances. Method for concentration of micro impurities by precipitation and copreciditation

GOST 27868-88: High purity substances. Method for concentration of micro impurities by extraction

GOST 27869-88: High purity substances. Method for concentration of micro impurities by ion exchange

GOST 27894.0-88: Peat and products of its processing for agriculture. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 27896-88: Rubbers, polymer elastic materials, rubberized and elastic polymer coated fabrics. Methods for determination of fuel permeability

GOST 27981.1-88: Copper of high purity. Methods of atomic-spectral analysis

GOST 27981.2-88: Copper of high purity. Method of chemical-atomic-emission analysis

GOST 27981.3-88: Copper of high purity. Method of emission-spectral analysis with photoelectric registration of spectrum

GOST 27981.5-88: Copper of high purity. Methods of photometric analysis

GOST 28074-89: Vegetable fodder. Method for the determination of crude protein solubility

GOST 28424-90: Cattle embryos

GOST 28612-90: Fodder methionine. Atomic-absorption method for determination of mercury

GOST 28654-90: Abrasive grains from aluminium oxide. Test methods of chemical composition

GOST 28687-90: Reagents. Methods for the determination of peroxides in organic solvents

GOST 28726-90: Combustible natural gases. Method for determination of mercury

GOST 28767-90: Fat-based products of decorative cosmetics

GOST 28768-90: Powdery and pressed decorative cosmetics

GOST 28812-90: Coke chemical pyridine-base products. Gas chromatographic method for determination of component composition

GOST 28815-90: Solutions aqueous of wood protective means. Specifications

GOST 28886-90: Propolis. Specifications

GOST 28914-91: Canned and preserved fish and sea products. Method of determination of aluminium

GOST 29104.23-91: Industrial fabrics. Method for determination of filtration fineness

GOST 29113-91: Mixed fooders, feeds protein and vitamin supplements, Carbamide concentrate. Methods of determining Carbamide mass portion

GOST 2912-79: Chrome oxide technical. Technical conditions

GOST 29136-91: Fodder, meal from fish, mammals, cructacea and invertebrate animals. Toxicity determination method

GOST 2918-79: Liquid sulphur dioxide technical. Specifications

GOST 29188.5-91: Cosmetics. Methods for determination of free and tied alkali

GOST 29234.0-91: Moulding sands. General requirements for test methods

GOST 29255-91: Petroleum products and lubricating oils. Neutralization number. Colour indicator titration method

GOST 29272-92: Rye dried malt. Specification

GOST 29326-92: Plastics. Phenol resins. Determination of reactivity of resoles under acid conditions

GOST 29327-92: Plastics. Liquid phenol resins. Determination of water mixibility

GOST 30043-93: Wheat. Determination of sedimentation index. Zeleny test

GOST 30050-93: Petroleum products. Total base number. Perchloric acid potentiometric titration method

GOST 3022-80: Technical hydrogen. Specification

GOST 32754-2014: General use highways. Colored Anti-skid surface. Test methods

GOST 3338-68: Aviation gasolines. Method for determination of performance number by rich mixture

GOST 3351-74: Drinking water. Methods for determination of odor, taste, color and turbidity

GOST 3639-79: Water-alcohol solutions. Methods for the determination of the ethyl alcohol content

GOST 3757-75: Reagents. Aluminium nitrate 9-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 3758-75: Reagents. Aluminium sulphate octadecahydrate. Specifications

GOST 3771-74: Reagents. Ammonium dihydrogen orthophosphate Specifications

GOST 3772-74: Reagents. Ammonium phosphate dibasic. Specifications

GOST 4109-79: Reagents. Bromine. Specifications

GOST 4139-75: Reagents. Potassium thiocyanate. Specifications

GOST 4140-74: Reagents. Strontium chloride, 6-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 4142-77: Reagents. Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate. Specifications

GOST 4144-79: Reagents. Potassium nitrite. Specifications

GOST 4146-74: Reagents. Potassium persulphate. Specifications

GOST 4147-74: Reagents. Ferric chloride hexahydrate. Specifications

GOST 4152-81: Drinking water. Method for determination of arsenic mass concentration

GOST 4164-79: Reagents. Cuprous chloride. Specifications

GOST 4168-79: Reagents. Sodium nitrate. Specifications

GOST 4197-74: Reagents. Sodium nitrite. Specifications

GOST 4199-76: Reagents. 10-aqueous sodium tetraborate. Specifications

GOST 4200-77: Reagents. Hydroiodic acid. Specifications

GOST 4221-76: Reagents. Potassium carbonate. Specifications

GOST 4223-75: Reagents. Potassium bisulfate. Specifications

GOST 4328-77: Reagents. Sodium hydroxide. Specifications

GOST 4330-76: Reagents. Cadmium chloride 2,5-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 4338-74: Petroleum products. Method of smoke point determination

GOST 4338-91: Aviation turbine fuels. Determination of smoke point

GOST 4339-74: Coke. Rapid method for the determination of total sulphur content

GOST 4386-81: Drinking water. Methods for determining the mass concentration of fluorine

GOST 4386-89: Drinking water. Methods for determination of fluorides mass concentration

GOST 443-76: Benzene-solvent for rubber industry. Technical requirements

GOST 4456-75: Reagents. Cadmium sulphate. Specifications

GOST 4473-78: Reagents. Chromic (III) chloride hexhydrate. Specifications

GOST 4521-78: Reagents. Mercury (I) nitrate, 2-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 4526-75: Reagents. Magnesium oxide. Specifications

GOST 4528-78: Reagents. Cobalt nitrate 6-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 4529-78: Reagents. Zinc chloride. Specifications

GOST 4530-76: Reagents. Calcium carbonate. Specifications

GOST 4565-79: Leaf of sumag. Specifications

GOST 4644-75: Graded cotton textile production waste. Specifications

GOST 4682-84: Barite concentrate. Specifications

GOST 4-84: Carbon tetrachloride for industrial use. Specifications

GOST 5020-75: Liquid 'Steol-M'. Specifications

GOST 511-82: Fuel for engines. Motor method for determination of octane number

GOST 5194-91: Starch syrop. Specifications

GOST 5344-82: Emulsionized paste for leather industry. Specifications

GOST 5382-91: Cements and materials for cement production. Chemical analysis methods

GOST 5429-74: Reagents. Strontium nitrate. Specifications

GOST 5478-90: Vegetable oils and natural fatty acids. Method for determination of saponification value

GOST 5538-78: Reagents. Potassium citrate tribasic 1-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 5556-81: Medical absorbent cotton

GOST 5712-78: Reagents. 1-aqueous ammonium oxalate. Specifications

GOST 5815-77: Reagents. Acetic anhydride. Specifications

GOST 5820-78: Reagents. Potassium acetate. Specifications

GOST 5822-78: Reagents. Aniline hydrochloride. Specifications

GOST 5823-78: Reagents. Zinc acetate 2-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 5829-71: Reagents. Acetyl chloride. Specifications

GOST 5833-75: Reagents. Saccharose. Specifications

GOST 5848-73: Reagents. Formic acid. Specifications

GOST 5869-77: Reagents. Phtalic anhydride. Specifications

GOST 5899-85: Confectionary. Methods for determination of fat fraction of total mass

GOST 5956-78: Granulated superphosphate produced from apatite concentrate with and without additives of trace elements

GOST 5972-77: Tooth powder

GOST 6016-77: Reagents. Isobutyl alcohol. Specifications

GOST 6038-79: Reagents. D-glucose. Specifications

GOST 6073-75: Ethylated benzines. The methods for determination of the content of bromine and chlorine scavengers

GOST 61-75: Reagents. Acetic acid. Specifications

GOST 6259-75: Reagents. Glycerin. Specifications

GOST 6341-75: Reagents. Succinic acid. Specifications

GOST 6344-73: Reagents. Thiourea. Specifications

GOST 6599-76: Technical dinitronaphthalene. Specifications

GOST 667-73: Battery sulphuric acid. Specifications

GOST 6687.2-90: Products of non-alcoholic industry. Methods for determination of dry matters content

GOST 6687.4-86: Non-alcoholic drinks, kvasses and syrups. Method of acidity determination

GOST 6805-88: Natural roasted coffee general specifications

GOST 6823-77: Crude glycerine. Specifications

GOST 6948-81: Foaming agent PО-1Specifications

GOST 6994-74: White petroleum products. Method for determination of aromatic hydrocarbons

GOST 701-89: Concentrated nitric acid

GOST 7298-79: Reagents. Hydroxylamine sulfate. Specifications

GOST 7423-55: Aviation petrols. Determination of paraoxydiphenylamine content

GOST 7461-77: Organic dye-stuffs. Fat-soluble orange. Specifications

GOST 7568-88: Ethylene oxide. Specifications

GOST 7584-89: Laboratory filter paper. Methods for determination of filtering and separating capacity

GOST 7759-73: Magnesium chloride technical (bischofite). Technical conditions

GOST 7978-74: Gasoline solvents. Method for determination of tetraethyl lead presence

GOST 8.213-76: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Glass electrodes for measuring the ion activity of sodium and potassium. Methods and means of verification

GOST 8.485-83: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Analytical gas laboratory chromatographs. Methods and means of verification

GOST 8253-79: Calcium carbonate precipitated. Specifications

GOST 8421-79: Reagents. Cadmium iodide. Specifications

GOST 8489-85: Motor fuel. Method for determination of existent gums (Budarov's)

GOST 8504-71: Reagents. Potassium biiodate. Specifications

GOST 8515-75: Diammonium phosphate. Technical conditions

GOST 8595-83: Industrial lithium hydroxide

GOST 8688-77: Silicate glass, polished. Specification

GOST 8750-78: Reagents. Phenylhydrazine. Specifications

GOST 8756.10-70: Fruit and vegetable products. Method for determination of flesh content

GOST 8756.8-85: Fruit and vegetable products. Methods for determination of colour tomato products

GOST 8764-73: Canned milk. Control methods

GOST 8775.1-87: Lithium. Methods for determination of lithium

GOST 8808-91: Corn oil

GOST 8930-79: Hard coals. Methods for the determination of oxidation

GOST 8981-78: Acetic ether and n-butyl acetate technical. Specifications

GOST 8988-77: Rapeseed oil

GOST 8997-59: Light petroleum products. Method for determining bromine numbers (mass fraction of unsaturated hydrocarbons) by electrometric method

GOST 9.048-89: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Technical items. Methods of laboratory tests for mould resistance

GOST 9.083-78: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. Accelerated test methods for durability in liquid corrosive mediums

GOST 9.801-82: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paper. Test methods by fungus resistance

GOST 9.803-88: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Fungicides. Efficiency determining method

GOST 9.902-81: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Polymeric materials. Accelerated test methods for corrosivity

GOST 901-78: Bakelite lacquers. Specifications

GOST 9262-77: Reagents. Calcium hydroxide. Specifications

GOST 9286-89: Pentaerythritol for industrial use. Specifications

GOST 9326-90: Solid mineral fuel. Methods for determination of chlorine

GOST 9336-75: Reagents. Ammonium metavanadate. Specifications

GOST 9337-79: Reagents. Sodium phosphate 12-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 9359-80: Urea-formaldehyde and melamine-formaldehyde moulding materials (aminoplasts). Specifications

GOST 9385-77: Ethyl benzene technical. Specifications

GOST 9428-73: Reagents. Silicon dioxide. Specifications

GOST 9437-85: Paraffins. Determination of aromatic hydrocarbons content by colorimetric method

GOST 9485-74: Reagents. Ferric sulphate 9-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 9536-79: Isobutyl alcohol. Specifications

GOST 9546-75: Reagents. Ammonium fluoride (acid). Specifications

GOST 9568-80: Pulp and paper. Method for determination of mass percentage of calcium

GOST 9585-77: Acetaldehyde technical. Specifications

GOST 9590-76: Laminated paper decorative plastic. Specifications

GOST 9733.10-83: Textiles. Test method of colour fastness to water drops

GOST 9733.11-83: Textiles. Test method of colour fastness to acid drops

GOST 9733.12-83: Textiles. Test method of colour fastness to alkali drops

GOST 9758-77: Fillers porous inorganic for concrete. Methods of tests

GOST 9816.0-84: Technical tellurium. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 9967-74: Technical dimethylamine. Specifications

GOST R 50001-92: Surface active agents. Technical sodium secondary alkyl sulphates. Methods of analysis

GOST R 50002-92: Surface active agents. Primary technical sodium alkyl sulphates. Methods of analysis

GOST R 50197-92: Bone glue. Specifications

GOST R 50234-92: Liquid chlorine. Specifications

GOST R 50255-92: Solid mineral fuels. Methods for the determination of nitrogen

GOST R 50373-92: Frozen pancreases of cattle and pigs. Specifications

GOST R 50378-92: Wood-chemical products. Method for determination of free resin acids

GOST R 50396.0-92: Poultry meat, edible offal, ready-to-cook products. Methods for sampling and preparing of microbiological examinations

GOST R 50429.0-92: Gallium. General requirements for method of analysis

GOST R 50453-92: Meat and meat products. Determination of nitrogen content (reference method)

GOST R 50486-93: Plastics. Phenolic resins. Determination of hexamethylentetramine content

GOST R 50551-93: Goods of household chemistry. Method for the determination of active chlorine

GOST R 50651-94: Gas cylinders for domestic siphons. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST R 50684-94: Soils. Determination of mobile compounds of copper by Peive and Rinkis modified by CINAO

GOST R 54607.3-2014: Public catering services. Methods of laboratory quality control of products catering. Part 3. Methods of control of manufacturing processes of products of public catering

GOST R 54607.6-2015: Public catering services. Methods of laboratory quality control of products catering. Part 6. Methods for determination of sugar

Guidelines 4077-86: Methodological instructions on sanitary-hygienic evaluation of rubber and latex medical devices

M 10: Method for determination of chlorine-containing organic compounds (methylene chloride, chloroform, dichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride, epichlorohydrin, trichlorethylene, tetrachlorethylene), and also acetaldehyde and acrylonitrile in industrial emission

M 12: Methods for measuring the mass concentration of aluminum in industrial emissions into the atmosphere by the photometric method with aluminon

M 22: Methods for measuring the mass concentration of organic substances (33 compounds) in industrial emissions into the atmosphere, in the air of the working area and in atmospheric air by gas chromatography

M 7: Methods for measuring the mass concentration of caustic alkaline aerosol in industrial emissions into the atmosphere by the photometric method

M-4: Measurement technique for measuring the concentration of oil aerosol in industrial emissions to the atmosphere by the photometric method

Methodological guidelines 4477-87: Methodological instructions for gas chromatographic measurement of benzene, toluene and p-xylene concentrations in working area air

MI 151-78: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Methods of calibration and calibration of ion-selective electrodes with sodium, potassium, copper, nitrate and sub-phase functions

MI 1536-86: Guidelines. GSE. Samples testing for moisture meters oil. Methodology of metrological certification

MI 1771-87: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Ion-selective electrodes to determine the activity of ions in aqueous solutions. Method of verification

MI 1772-87: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Auxiliary electrodes for potentiometric measurements. Method of verification

MI 1936-88: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Atomic absorption spectrophotometers. Method of verification

MI 201-80: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Methods of calibration of general purpose laboratory analyzer liquid analyzers

MI 2203-92: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Test methods for measuring pressure. Datasheets

MI 2366-96: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Hydrometers of oil type UDVN. Verification Method

MI 2402-97: National Measurement Standards. Analytical Laboratory Gas Chomatographs. Verification Methods

MI 2498-98: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer AA-6601F. Method of verification

MI 30-75: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Methods of calibration of automatic industrial gas analyzers on the microconcentration of sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine and nitrogen oxides

MR 01-19/123-17: Guidelines for the detection of pathogenic microflora in clinical material, food products, environmental objects and genetic cell identification using PCR

MR 1863-78: Guidelines for the determination of styrene and methyl methacrylate in aqueous and saline extracts

MR 1870-78: Guidelines for the mercurimetric determination of small amounts of vinyl acetate in water, water-alcohol solutions and food

MR Application of indicators and criteria for violation of the biotransformation of benzene in the body of children for the tasks of hygienic assessments, sanitary-epidemiological investigations and examinations

MR Radiation monitoring of drinking water using radiochemical analysis methods

MR Radiochemical determination of specific activity of cesium-137 and strontium-90 in samples of food products, soil, other environmental objects and biological samples

MR 2500-81: Guidelines for the isolation and identification of enterococci

MR 4.2.0020-11: Phenotypic identification of bacteria of the genus Сrynebаterium

MR 4.2.0075-13: The list of gene polymorphism markers responsible for the particular mutagenic activity of man-made chemical factors

MR 4146-86: Guidelines for monitoring and assessing viral pollution of environmental objects

MR TsOS PV R 005-95: Guidelines for the use of biotesting methods for assessing the quality of water in drinking water supply systems

MU 01-19/47-11: Atomic adsorption methods for the determination of toxic elements in food products and food raw materials

MU 08-47/074: Quantitative chemical analysis of samples of biological objects (blood, urine). Method for measuring mass concentrations of mercury by inversion voltammetry

MU 1112-73: Guidelines for the determination of BMK and benlate by BMK in plant objects, wine, soil and water by thin layer chromatography

MU 1439-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of sonalen in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method

MU 1572-77: Guidelines for the polarographic determination of cadmium in air

MU 1576-77: Guidelines for chromatographic determination of furfural, furyl alcohol and monofurfurylidene-acetone (MFA) in air

MU 1583-77: Guidelines for the gas chromatographic determination of methylenetetrahydropyran in the air

MU 1584-77: Guidelines for the gas chromatographic determination of testosterone and methyltestosterone in the air

MU 1585-77: Guidelines for the determination of cyclohexylamine methanitrobenzoate (inhibitor C-2) by thin layer chromatography in air

MU 1586-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of allyl chloride in the air

MU 1587-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of ortho and para-toluidine in air

MU 1588-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of ortho- and para-nitrotoluene in air

MU 1589-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of m-trifluoromethylphenyl isocyanate (TIC) in air

MU 1590-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of N-vinylpyrrolidone in air

MU 1591-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of 4, 4-diaminodiphenylsulfide in air

MU 1592-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of 2-naphthoic acid in the air

MU 1593-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of dianhydride 1, 4, 5, 8-naphthalene tetracarboxylic acid (DNTC) in air

MU 1594-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of 2, 3-dichloropropylene (2, 3-DCP) in the air

MU 1595-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of 2, 6-naphthalene-dicarboxylic acid (NDK) and 2,6-naphthalene-dicarboxylic acid dichlorohydride (DNDC) in air

MU 1596-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of 1, 4, 5, 8-naphthalene tetracarboxylic acid (1, 4, 5, 8-NTCC) in air

MU 1597-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of 4, 4-azobenzene dicarboxylic acid (ABDC) in the air

MU 1598-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of chromium oxide in the air

MU 1611-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of aluminum, alumina and alum-nickel catalyst in air

MU 1612-77: Guidelines for the gas chromatographic determination of beryllium in the air

MU 1613-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of vanadium and its compounds in the air

MU 1614-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of tungsten, tungsten anhydride and tungsten carbide in the air

MU 1615-77: Guidelines for the colorimetric determination of germanium and its compounds (germanium tetrachloride, germanium dioxide, germanium hydride) in the air

MU 1616-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of cobalt and its compounds in air

MU 1617-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of manganese compounds in air

MU 1618-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of copper in air

MU 1619-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of molybdenum and its compounds (trioxide and molybdenum dioxide, ammonium paramolybdate) in air

MU 1621-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of arsenic anhydride and other compounds of trivalent arsenic in the air

MU 1622-77: Guidelines for the colorimetric determination of mercury vapor in the air

MU 1623-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of water-soluble nickel compounds in air

MU 1624-77: Guidelines for the photometric and polarographic determination of selenium and selenous anhydride in the air

MU 1625-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of tantalum and its compounds (oxides and potassium fluorotantalate) in the air

MU 1626-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of titanium and its compounds (titanium dioxide, titanium tetrachloride) in air

MU 1627-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of tetraethyl lead in the air

MU 1628-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of thorium and its compounds (thorium dioxide and nitrate) in air

MU 1629-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of copper trichlorophenolate in air

MU 1630-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of trichlorosilane in air

MU 1631-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of phosphoric anhydride in the air

MU 1632-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of hydrogen phosphide in air

MU 1633-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of chromic anhydride and chromic acid salts in the air

MU 1634-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of zinc and its compounds (zinc oxide, pentachlorothiophenol-renazite-4 zinc salt) in air

MU 1635-77: Guidelines for the photometric definition of cyclopentadienyltricarbonyl manganese in air

MU 1636-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of zirconium and its compounds in the air

MU 1637-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of ammonia in air

MU 1638-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of nitrogen dioxide in air

MU 1639-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of ozone in air

MU 1641-77: Guidelines for the turbidimetric determination of sulfuric acid aerosol in the air

MU 1642-77: Guidelines for the determination of sulfur dioxide in the air

MU 1643-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of hydrogen sulfide in the air

MU 1644-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of chlorine in the air

MU 1644a-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of chlorine in the air

MU 1644b-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of iodine in air

MU 1644v-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of bromine in air

MU 1645-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of hydrogen chloride in the air

MU 1646-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of hydrogen cyanide in the air

MU 1647-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of aniline in air

MU 1648-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of acetone in air

MU 1649-77: Guidelines for the colorimetric determination of acetophenone in the air

MU 1650-77: Guidelines for the separate photometric determination of benzene, toluene and isomers of (meta-, ortho-, para-) xylene in air

MU 1651-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of benzotrichloride in the air

MU 1652-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of 1, 4-benzoquinone in the air

MU 1653-77: Guidelines for the determination of benzylidene chloride in the air

MU 1654-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of hexamethylene diisocyanate in air

MU 1655-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of RDX in air

MU 1656-77: Guidelines for the colorimetric determination of hexamethylenediamine in the air

MU 1657-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of hydrazine in air

MU 1658-77: Guidelines for the total colorimetric determination of diketene and ketene in air

MU 1659-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of dimethylbenzylamine in the air

MU 1661-77: Guidelines for the colorimetric determination of dimethylamine in air

MU 1662-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of dinitrogenic benzene in air

MU 1663-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of dinitrobenzene and dinitrotoluene in air

MU 1664-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of dinitroorthoresol in air

MU 1665-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of diphenylolpropane in the air

MU 1666-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of dicyclopentadiene in air

MU 1667-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of diethylamine in air

MU 1668-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of isopropyl benzene in air

MU 1669-77: Guidelines for the colorimetric determination of isopropyl nitrate in air

MU 1670-77: Guidelines for the photometric definition of camphor in the air

MU 1671-77: Guidelines for the colorimetric determination of caprolactam in air

MU 1672-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of xylidine in air

MU 1673-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of butyric anhydride in air

MU 1674-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of methyl alcohol in the air

MU 1675-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of acrylic acid methyl ester in the air

MU 1676-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of methyl ethyl ketone in the air

MU 1677-77: Guidelines for the colorimetric determination of methylpropyl ketone and methylhexyl ketone in air

MU 1677a-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of alpha-naphthoquinone in the air

MU 1678-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of nitrophenols (o, m, p-isomers) in air

MU 1679-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of p-nitroanisole in air

MU 1680-77: Guidelines for the polarographic determination of nitrocyclohexane in the air

MU 1681-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of nitrocyclohexane in the air

MU 1682-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of ethylene oxide in the air

MU 1683-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of the sum of C1-C9 monobasic carboxylic acids in the air of industrial premises

MU 1684-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of organic bases in air: pyridine, alpha and beta picolines

MU 1685-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of propargyl alcohol in the air

MU 1686-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of the carbon disulfide vapor content in the air

MU 1687-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of sylvan (2-methylfuran) in air

MU 1688-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of turpentine in the air

MU 1689-77: Guidelines for the colorimetric determination of esters of monobasic organic acids (amyl acetate, butyl acetate, vinyl acetate, ethyl acetate, propyl acetate, methyl methacrylate, butyl methacrylate, butyl methyl acrylate) in air

MU 1691-77: Guidelines for the colorimetric determination of tetrahydrofuran in air

MU 1692-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of trimethylolpropane (etriol) in air

MU 1693-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of triethoxysilane and orthosilicic acid ethyl ester (tetraethoxysilane) in air

MU 1693a-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of trinitrotoluene in air

MU 1694-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of toluidines (sum of isomers) in air

MU 1696-77: Guidelines for the polarographic determination of formaldehyde in air

MU 1697-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of phosgene in air

MU 1698-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of phenylhydrazine in air

MU 1699-77: Methodical instructions on the subject of

MU 1700-77: Guidelines for the determination of furfural in the air

MU 1701-77: Guidelines for the colorimetric determination of chlorpelargonic acid in the air

MU 1702-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of methylene chloride in the air

MU 1703-77: Guidelines for the colorimetric determination of benzyl chloride in air

MU 1704-77: Guidelines for the separate photometric definition of cyclohexanone and cyclohexanone oxime in the air

MU 1705-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of carbon tetrachloride in the air

MU 1706-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of epichlorohydrin in air (1st method)

MU 1707-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of epichlorohydrin in air (2nd method)

MU 1708-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of extralin and monomethylaniline in the air

MU 1709-77: Guidelines for the colorimetric determination of ethylenediamine in the air

MU 1710-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of ethylene chlorohydrin in the air (1st method)

MU 1711-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of ammonium salt of 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) in air

MU 1712-77: Guidelines for the gas chromatographic determination of metaphos, thiophos, trichlormetaphos-3, formotion, phosphamide in the air

MU 1713-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of arsenic-containing insecticides: arsenic calcium (arsenite calcium), arsenic acid calcium (arsenate calcium), arsenic sodium (sodium arsenite), Paris greenery and protars in air

MU 1714-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of nicotine and anabasine in the air

MU 1715-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of sulpham in the air

MU 1716-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of thiophos, metaphos and methylethylthiophos insect fungicides in air

MU 1717-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of organophosphate insecticides: karbofos, mercaptophos, methylmercaptophos, octamethyl and M-81 in air

MU 1718-77: Guidelines for the titrimetric, photometric and chromatographic determination of organochlorine toxic chemicals in the air

MU 1880-78: Guidelines for the determination of bazagran in water by gas-liquid chromatography

MU 1909-78: Methodological Guidelines for Determining Chlorcholine Chloride in Plant Production, Water, and Soil by Thin-Layer Ion-Exchange Chromatography

MU 1917-78: Guidelines for the determination of terbacil in vegetable products, wine, grape juice, soil, water by chromatographic methods

MU 1918-78: Guidelines for the determination of ethephon (camposan M) and its derivatives (hydrel and dihydrel) in apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, cotton seeds and cotton oil by gas-liquid chromatography

MU 1921-78: Guidelines for the determination of polyhedra of nuclear polyhedrosis virus of an unpaired silkworm in water, soil, on plant objects and in the air by the immunofluorescence method

MU Guidelines for the sanitary-epidemiological assessment of the safety and functional potential of probiotic microorganisms used for food production

MU 2029-79: Guidelines for the iodometric determination of sodium chlorite in air

MU 2073-79: Guidelines for the determination of diquat in sunflower seeds and oil from sunflower seeds by spectrophotometric method

MU 2079-79: Guidelines for determining residual tendex in water and soil

MU 2082-79: Guidelines for the determination of metazine in water, soil, vegetables and biological material by chromatography in a thin layer of sorbent

MU 2085-79: Guidelines for the determination of actellica in plant material, in soil and in water by thin-layer chromatography and gas chromatograph

MU 2092-79: Guidelines for the determination of cotophore in cotton seeds by thin layer chromatography

MU 2094-79: Guidelines for the determination of tachigarene in water by thin layer chromatography

MU 2128-80: Guidelines for the determination of residual quantities of the biological product Virin-EX on plant objects by the immunofluorescence method

MU 2211-80: Guidelines for the photometric determination of acrylamide in the air

MU 2212-80: Guidelines for the photometric determination of anilat in air

MU 2213-80: Guidelines for the photometric determination of aspirin in the air

MU 2215-80: Guidelines for gas chromatographic determination of benzene, chlorobenzene, 1, 2- and 1, 4-dichlorobenzene, 1, 2, 4-trichlorobenzene, 1, 2, 4, 5-tetrachlorobenzene in industrial air

MU 2220-80: Guidelines for the photometric determination of dibutylphenyl phosphate in air

MU 2229-80: Guidelines for gas chromatographic determination of 4, 4-dichlorodiphenylsulfone in the air

MU 2233-80: Guidelines for the photometric determination of levomycetin in air

MU 2234-80: Guidelines for the photometric determination of methacrylamide in air

MU 2235-80: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric determination of methyl nitroacetate in the air

MU 2237-80: Guidelines for the photometric determination of naphthalic anhydride in the air

MU 2238-80: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric determination of dust nicotinic acid and nicotinamide in the air

MU 2239-80: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric determination of pseudocumene in air

MU 2240-80: Guidelines for the spectrographic determination of oxides of individual rare earth metals (lanthanum, praseodymium, neodymium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium) in air

MU 2241-80: Guidelines for the complexonometric determination of scandium oxide

MU 2243-80: Guidelines for the photometric determination of tetracycline in air

MU 2244-80: Guidelines for spectrophotometric determination of tylosin in the air

MU 2246-80: Guidelines for the photometric determination of hydrogen fluoride in the air

MU 2247-80: Guidelines for the photometric determination of soluble and water-insoluble salts of hydrofluoric acid in the air

MU 2248-80: Guidelines for chromatographic determination of phenol, furfural and furyl alcohol in the air

MU 2249-80: Guidelines for the photometric determination of chlorine in air

MU 2252-80: Guidelines for the photometric determination of ethyl nitroacetate in air

MU 2306-81: Guidelines for the photometric determination of benzanthrone in air

MU 2307-81: Guidelines for the photometric determination of benzylpenicillin in the air

MU 2308-81: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric determination of benzoxazolone in air

MU 2310-81: Guidelines for the photometric determination of ruthenium dioxide in air

MU 2312-81: Guidelines for gas chromatographic determination of O, O-dimethyl-2, 2-dichloro-vinyl phosphate (DDVF) in the air

MU 2313-81: Guidelines for gas chromatographic determination of dimethyldichlorovinyl phosphate, gamma hexachlorocyclohexane and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane in the air

MU 2315-81: Guidelines for the photometric determination of dimethyl cyanimide in the air

MU 2317-81: Guidelines for gas chromatographic determination of 3, 4-dichloropropioanilide in the air

MU 2319-81: Guidelines for chromatographic determination of zoocoumarin in air

MU 2323-81: Guidelines for the photometric determination of methanol in the presence of formaldehyde in air

MU 2324-81: Guidelines for the chromatographic determination of methyl isobutyl ketone in air

MU 2325-81: Guidelines for the spectral determination of strontium oxide and hydroxide

MU 2326-81: Guidelines for the photometric determination of 2, 3-hydroxynaphthoic acid in air

MU 2327-81: Guidelines for the photometric determination of oleandomycin in the air

MU 2329-81: Guidelines for chromatographic determination of pentachloroacetophenone in air

MU 2330-81: Guidelines for spectrophotometric determination of pyrimor in air

MU 2333-81: Guidelines for the photometric determination of sulfur in the air

MU 2334-81: Guidelines for fluorescent determination of resinous substances in the air

MU 2335-81: Guidelines for chromatographic determination of tachigaren in air

MU 2337-81: Guidelines for the photometric determination of boron tribromide and its decomposition products in air

MU 2338-81: Guidelines for the photometric determination of 1-phenyl, 4, 5-dichloropyridazone in the air

MU 2339-81: Guidelines for the photometric determination of M-phenylenedimaleimide in the air

MU 2340-81: Guidelines for gas chromatographic determination of phenazone and dichloropyridazone in the air

MU 2342-81: Guidelines for the photometric determination of aluminum fluoride in the air

MU 2344-81: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric determination of 6-chlorobenzoxazolone and chloromethyl-6-chlorobenzoxazole in air

MU 2345-81: Guidelines for the photometric determination of 1-chloro-2 ethyl-hexane in the air

MU 2346-81: Guidelines for the photometric determination of cyanoplav and hydrogen cyanide in air

MU 2347-81: Guidelines for the polarographic determination of zinc and cadmium in the air

MU 2351-81: Guidelines for the determination of bacitracin in the air of the working area using paper chromatography

MU 2352-81: Guidelines for the determination of granules of the virus of codling moth granulosis on plant objects by the immunofluorescence method

MU 2353-81: Guidelines for the determination of beta-exotoxin in bitoxibacillin preparations

MU 2363-81: Guidelines for the joint determination of prometrin, terbacil and treflan in a single sample of soil, essential oil and essential oil raw peppermint by gas chromatography

MU 2366-81: Guidelines for the determination of fademorph in cherry, cucumber, currant, apple, water by chromatographic methods

MU 2367-81: Guidelines for the determination of diquat in sunflower seeds by thin layer chromatography

MU 2391-81: Guidelines for the determination of free silica in some types of dust

MU 2421-81: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of bentazone in the air of the working area using thin layer chromatography

MU 2423-81: Guidelines for the determination of triforin in plant products (apples, cucumbers), soil, water by thin layer chromatography

MU 2427-81: Guidelines for the determination of lontrell in water, soil and plants by gas-liquid chromatography

MU 2433-81: Guidelines for the determination of organochlorine and sym-triazine pesticides in their joint presence in the soil using gas-liquid chromatography

MU 2434-81: Guidelines for the determination of glyphosate and its metabolite-aminomethylphosphonic acid by chromatography in water, soil, plant material

MU 2460-81: Guidelines for the determination of Athos in the air of the working area using gas-liquid and thin-layer chromatography

MU 2469-81: Guidelines for the determination of organophosphorus pesticides used for grain and granary disinfection in grain and products of its processing by chromatographic methods

MU 2472-81: Guidelines for the determination of magnesium chlorate in soil, water, plants (sunflower, onion) and air polarographic and chromatographic (TLC) methods

MU 2474-81: Guidelines for the determination of residues of acrex, dinoseb, caratan, DNOC in water, soil and plant material by chromatographic methods

MU 2479-81: Guidelines for the determination of methylmercaptophos in water, soil, grapes and green hops mass by gas-liquid and thin layer chromatography

MU 2562-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of acenaphthene in the air of the working area

MU 2563-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of acetaldehyde concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 2565-82: Guidelines for Photometric Measurement of Acrylic and Methacrylic Acid Concentrations in Workspace Air

MU 2567-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of allyl alcohol in the air of the working area

MU 2568-82: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentrations of primary aliphatic amines/methylamine, ethylamine, propylamine, butylamine, hexylamine, monoethanolamine /^ in the air of the working area

MU 2569-82: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of 2-amino-1, 3, 5-trimethylbenzene (mezidine) in the air of the working area

MU 2570-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of p-anisidine (p-aminoanisole) in the working area

MU 2571-82: Guidelines for photometric measurement of beryllium concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 2573-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of dichloroethane in the air of the working area

MU 2574-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of dioxane concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 2575-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of dicumylmethane in the air of the working area

MU 2576-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of dimethyl terephthalic ester in the air of the working area

MU 2577-82: Guidelines for photometric measurement of adipic acid dinitrile concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 2578-82: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of 3, 4-dichloropropionanilide in the air of the working area

MU 2579-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of isoprene in the air of the working area

MU 2580-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the total concentration of cobalt carbonyls and their decomposition products in the air of the working area

MU 2582-82: Guidelines for photometric measurement of collidine concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 2583-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of carbine, thiodan, atrazine and chlorazine in the air of the working area

MU 2584-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of crotonaldehyde in the air of the working area

MU 2585-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of maleic anhydride in the air of the working area

MU 2586-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of mesityl oxide in the air of the working area

MU 2587-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of 1- and 2-methylnaphthalenes in the air of the working area

MU 2589-82: Guidelines for photometric measurement of naphthalene concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 2590-82: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of naphthalene concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 2591-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of nitroform in the air of the working area

MU 2592-82: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of pentachloroacetone and hexachloroacetone in the air of the working area

MU 2593-82: Guidelines for the measurement of chlorine mercury concentrations/sublimate/in the air of the working area by atomic absorption spectral analysis

MU 2594-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of chlorine mercury (mercuric chloride) in the air of the working area

MU 2595-82: Guidelines for the colorimetric determination of organo-mercury toxic chemicals: agronal, granozan, mercuran, merkurgeksan, NIUIF-I, radosane, ethyl mercurkloride and ethyl mercurphosphate in air

MU 2596-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of toluylenediamine in the air of the working area

MU 2597-82: Guidelines for nephelometric measurement of the concentration of thiophene in the air of the working area

MU 2598-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of tribromomethane (bromoform) in the air of the working area

MU 2599-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of methyl chloride and ethyl chloride in the air of the working area

MU 2600-82: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of cyclopentadiene in the air of the working area

MU 2601-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of ether sulfonate in the air of the working area

MU 2602-82: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of ethyl mercaptan in the air of the working area

MU 2603-82: Methodological Guidelines for the Chromatographic Measurement of Ethylmercurchloride (Granozan) Concentrations in the Air of the Working Area

MU 2644-82: Guidelines for the determination of DYAK, GMK-Na, hydrel and dihydrel in water and plant material by a unified spectrophotometric method

MU 2695-83: Guidelines for the determination of Vernama in the air

MU 2696-83: Guidelines for the gas chromatographic determination of hexachlorobenzene in the air

MU 2698-83: Guidelines for the chromatographic determination of 4, 4-dithiodiphenyl-bio-maleimide in the air

MU 2700-83: Guidelines for the gas chromatographic determination of dichloroethane, pseudocumene, mono- and dichloromethylpseudocumene in the air

MU 2706-83: Guidelines for the gas chromatographic determination of mononitronaphthalene and isomers 1, 5- and 1, 8- dinitronaphthalene in the air

MU 2707-83: Guidelines for the chromatographic determination of pyridone and nitropiridone in the air

MU 2708-83: Guidelines for the gas chromatographic determination of propionaldehyde in the air

MU 2709-83: Guidelines for the determination of N- (3-chlorophenyl) -N, N-dimethylguanidine (FDN) in the air

MU 2711-83: Guidelines for the gas-chromatographic determination of furan, tetrahydrofuran and sylvan in the air

MU 2713-83: Guidelines for the chromatographic determination of choline chloride in the air

MU 2717-83: Guidelines for the spectrographic determination of chromium, nickel, cobalt, iron, manganese, aluminum, molybdenum, copper, titanium and tungsten in the air

MU 2719-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of acrolein in the air

MU 2721-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of BVK in the air

MU 2722-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of bromobenzantron and dibromobenzantron in the air

MU 2723-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of vanillin in the air

MU 2724-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of guaiacol in the air

MU 2725-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of dialkyl phthalate in the air

MU 2726-83: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric determination of diludin in the air

MU 2727-83: Guidelines for the Photometric Determination of Methylcyclopentadiene Dimer in Air

MU 2728-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of 3, 5-dinitro-4-chlorobenzoic acid in the air

MU 2729-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of methoxyacetic acid methyl ester in air

MU 2730-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of propylene glycol monomethacrylate in air

MU 2731-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of monochloromethylpseudocumene in the air

MU 2732-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of ozone in air

MU 2733-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of o-hydroxybenzyl alcohol in the air

MU 2734-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of I-hydroxyethylidene diphosphonic acid, trisodium hydroxyethylidene diphosphonic acid and nitrilotrimethylene phosphonic acid in air

MU 2735-83: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric determination of pyrene in the air

MU 2736-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of rifampicin in the air

MU 2737-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of phosphine oxide of heterradical C5 - C9 and triisoamylphosphine oxide in the air

MU 2738-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of furazolidone in the air

MU 2739-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of ethyl cyanoacetic acid ester in the air

MU 2740-83: Guidelines for the titrimetric determination of xanthates in the air

MU 2742-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of sodium nitrite in the air of the working area

MU 2743-83: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentrations of organoaluminum compounds in the air of the working area

MU 2744-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of aminazine concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 2745-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of 5-amino-8-hydroxy-3, 7-dibromo-1, 4-naphthoquinone imine in the air of the working area

MU 2746-83: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of anthracene concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 2747-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of methyl bromide concentration in the air of the working area

MU 2748-83: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentration of vinyl butyl ether in the air of the working area

MU 2749-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of 1, 2-dibromopropane in the air of the working area

MU 2750-83: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of dimethylacetamide concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 2751-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of o-dichlorobenzene and p-dichlorobenzene in the air of the working area

MU 2752-83: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of 2, 3-dichloro-1, 4-naphthoquinone in the air of the working area

MU 2753-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of diethyl chlorothiophosphate in the air of the working area

MU 2754-83: Guidelines for photometric measurement of isopropyl chloroformate concentration/isopropyl chlorocarbonate/in working area air

MU 2755-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of cadmium concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 2756-83: Guidelines for photometric measurement of methyl nitrophos concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 2757-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of 4-methylamino-1-hydroxyethylaminoanthraquinone in the air of the working area

MU 2758-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of nitromethane concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 2759-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of p-oxydiphenylamine in the air of the working area

MU 2760-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of perchloromethylmercaptan in the air of the working area

MU 2761-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of simazine, propazine, antrazine in the air of the working area

MU 2763-83: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of antimony concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 2764-83: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of the concentration of antimony pentachloride in the air of the working area

MU 2765-83: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of toluene, butyl acetate and butyl alcohol concentrations in the working area air

MU 2766-83: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of antimony trifluoride and trichloride in the air of the working area

MU 2767-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of trichlorethylene, tetrachloroethane and tetrabromoethane in the air of the working area

MU 2768-83: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of trichlorethylene and tetrachlorethylene /^ perchlorethylene/in air of the working area

MU 2769-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of tetrachlorethylene/perchlorethylene/in the air of the working area

MU 2770-83: Guidelines for photometric measurement of tricresyl phosphate concentrations in the air of a working zone

MU 2771-83: Guidelines for photometric measurement of trichlorobenzene concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 2772-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of hydrochloric acid p-phenetidine in the air of the working area

MU 2773-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of 3-chloro-1-bromopropane and 2-chloroethanesulfonyl chloride in the air of the working area

MU 2774-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of p-chloroaniline and m-chloroaniline in the air of the working area

MU 2775-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of m-chlorphenyl isocyanate and p-chlorphenyl isocyanate in the air of the working area

MU 2776-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of chlorobenzene and bromobenzene in the air of the working area

MU 2777-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of trichloroacetic acid chloride in the air of the working area

MU 2778-83: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of cyanuric chloride/chloride cyanur/in the air of the working area

MU 2780-83: Guidelines for the measurement of tomilon concentrations in the air of the working area by chromatographic methods

MU 2789-83: Guidelines for the chromatographic determination of butokarboksim in soil, water and plant material

MU 2798-83: Guidelines for the determination of residual quantities of the biological product Virin-KSh on plant objects by the immunofluorescence method

MU 2799-83: Guidelines for the determination of residual quantities of the drug Virin-Diprion on plant objects by the immunofluorescence method

MU 2809-83: Guidelines for the measurement of mitak concentrations in the air of the working area by chromatographic methods

MU 2845-83: Guidelines for the measurement of hostaquik concentrations in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 2847-83: Guidelines for the measurement of butylcaptax concentrations in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods

MU 2848-83: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of the concentration of dihydrel in the air of the working area

MU 2850-83: Guidelines for measuring ofunac concentrations in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 2852-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of trimorphamide in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods

MU 2853-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of bioresmetrin in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 2855-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of DYAK in the air of the working area

MU 2856-83: Guidelines for chromatographic and chromatospectrophotometric measurement of the concentrations of benomyl and BMK in the air of the working area

MU 2857-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of actellic and primicide in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 2857-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of actellic and primicide in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 2858-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of synthetic pyrethroids (ambush, decis, ripcord, sumicidin) in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods

MU 2859-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of the bronocot in the air of the working area by the photometric method

MU 2860-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of diazinone, eptam, gamma-isomer of HCH, phenmedifam, lenacyl, phosphamide and pyrazone with their joint presence in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods

MU 2861-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of hydrel in the air of the working area

MU 2862-83: Guidelines for photometric and chromatographic measurement of phthalan concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 2863-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of rovral in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 2865-83: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of the components of the herbicidal mixtures agelon and sitrin in the air of the working area

MU 2867-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of zoocoumarin in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 2869-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of metazine, sulfazine and the components of the herbicidal mixture of caragard in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method

MU 2870-83: Guidelines for the measurement of concentrations of carbofuran in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 2871-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of crowneton in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 2872-83: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of benzoylpropylethyl and N-3,4-dichlorophenylalanine ethyl ester in the air of the working area

MU 2877-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of adipic and sebacic acids in the air of the working area

MU 2878-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of butyl nitrite in the air of the working area

MU 2879-83: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of ethylene glycol vinyl glycidyl ether (vinylox) in the working area

MU 2880-83: Guidelines for polarographic measurement of the concentration of tungsten in the air of the working area

MU 2881-83: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of diethylenetriamine, ethylenediamine, triethylenetetramine in the air of the working area

MU 2882-83: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of the concentration of diethyltelluride in the air of the working area

MU 2883-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of di (2-ethylhexyl) -phenyl phosphate and diphenyl (2-ethylhexyl) phosphate in the air of the working area

MU 2884-83: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentration of 3, 4-dimethoxyphenylacetonitrile (homonitrile) in the air of the working area

MU 2885-83: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentration of 3, 4-dimethoxybenzyl chloride in the air of the working area

MU 2886-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of 2, 3-dibrom-2-butene-1, 4-diol in the air of the working area

MU 2887-83: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentration of 1, 2-dimethoxybenzene (veratrol) in the air of the working area

MU 2888-83: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of dibutyl sebacate in the air of the working area

MU 2889-83: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of dibutyl phthalate, dioctyl phthalate, dibutyl sebacate and dioctyl adipate in the air of the working area

MU 2890-83: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of isopropylchloride concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 2891-83: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of ketoester concentration in the air of the working area

MU 2892-83: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of the components of a benzomethanol mixture (methanol, isobutanol, hydrocarbons) in the air of the working area

MU 2893-83: Guidelines for chromatographic measurement of the concentration of which in the air of the working area

MU 2894-83: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentration of rosin in the air of the working area

MU 2895-83: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of volatile fatty acids in the air of the working area

MU 2896-83: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of the concentration of oil aerosol in the air of the working area

MU 2897-83: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of the concentration of manganese and iron in the air of the working area

MU 2898-83: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of the concentration of copper in the air of the working area

MU 2899-83: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of methanol concentration from a benzomethanol mixture in the working area air

MU 2900-83: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentration of meturin in the air of the working area

MU 2901-83: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of the concentration of molybdenum in the air of the working area

MU 2902-83: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of methyl, ethyl, isopropyl, n-propyl, n-butyl, sec-butyl, and isobutyl alcohols in the working area

MU 2903-83: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of 3-nitro-4-chlorobenzotrifluoride in the air of the working area

MU 2904-83: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of norbornene and norbornadiene in the air of the working area

MU 2906-83: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of lead, tin, copper and cadmium concentrations in the joint presence in the air of the working area

MU 2907-83: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of the concentration of styramol in the air of the working area

MU 2908-83: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of tetraethyl lead in the air of the working area

MU 2909-83: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of the concentration of titanium in the air of the working area

MU 2910-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of thiodiphenylamine in the air of the working area

MU 2911-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of tertiary fatty amines and amino alcohols (triethylamine, dimethylethanolamine, diethylethanolamine, triethanolamine) in the air of the working area

MU 2912-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of trifluoromethylphenylurea in the air of the working area

MU 2913-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of phenylmethylurea in the air of the working area

MU 2914-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of sodium chloride in the air of the working area

MU 2915-83: Methodological Guidelines for Chromatographic Measurement of Chloride Anhydride Concentration in Working Air

MU 2916-83: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of chromium concentration (VI and III) in the air of the working area

MU 2917-83: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of hydrogen cyanide in the air of the working area

MU 2990-84: Methodological guidelines for the definition of piclorama in water, soil, grain and plant material by gas chromatography

MU Basic requirements for vaccine strains of Vibrio cholerae

MU 3.5.2596-10: Methods for studying and evaluating the tuberculocidal activity of disinfectants

MU Disinfection of the test material infected with bacteria of groups I-IV pathogenicity, when using the PCR method

MU 3006-84: Guidelines for the measurement of dropp concentrations in the air of the working area by gas chromatographic method

MU 3024-84: Guidelines for a unified method of immunofluorescent detection of baculoviruses in the air of the working area

MU 3025-84: Guidelines for the determination of residues of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic (2,4-D), 2- (2,4-dichlorophenoxy) propionic (2,4-DP), 4- (2,4-dichlorophenoxy) oil (2, 4-DM), 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic (2M-4X), 2- (2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxy) propionic (2M-4XP) and 4- (2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxy) butyric acid water and soil chromatographic methods with the joint presence

MU 3049-84: Guidelines for determining residual amounts of antibiotics in livestock products

MU 3064-84: Guidelines for the determination of vitavax in grain and water by thin layer chromatography

MU 3066-84: Guidelines for the determination of cotophor in water, soil, cotton seeds, plant foods and biological material by thin layer chromatography and UV spectroscopy

MU 3070-84: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of foundationazole in the air of the working area

MU 3072-84: Guidelines for the determination of carachol and its metabolite of benzoyl proxy acid in soil by gas-liquid chromatography

MU 3101-84: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of 6-aminopenicillanic acid in the air of the working area

MU 3103-84: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of gibbersib in the air of the working area

MU 3104-84: Guidelines for the turbidimetric measurement of the concentrations of decabromodiphenyloxide in the air of the working area

MU 3106-84: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of dimethylpropane in the air of the working area

MU 3107-84: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of 3, 5-dinitro-4-chlorobenzotrifluoride in the air of the working area

MU 3108-84: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of dicyclobutylidene in the air of working area

MU 3109-84: Guidelines for photometric measurement of carbocromen concentrations in the working area air

MU 3114-84: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of methyl N- (2-benzimidazolyl) -carbamate in the air of the working area

MU 3115-84: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of 3-methyl-4-thiomethylphenol in the air of the working area

MU 3116-84: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of adipic acid monomethyl ester in the air of the working area

MU 3118-84: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of pentacarbonyl iron in the air of the working area

MU 3121-84: Methodological guidelines for polarographic measurement of barium titanate, barium tetratanate, barium-aluminum titanate, barium-calcium titanate and barium titanate-zirconate in the working area

MU 3122-84: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentration of 2, 4, 4 (1) -trinitrobenzene in the air of the working area

MU 3123-84: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of formaldehyde concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 3124-84: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of monosubstituted chromium phosphate and copper chromophosphates in the air of the working area

MU 3125-84: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of isophthalic acid concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 3126-84: Methodological Guidelines for the Chromatographic Measurement of Magnesium Chlorate Concentrations in the Air of the Working Area

MU 3127-84: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of n-chlorobenzotrichloride in the air of the working area

MU 3128-84: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of n-chlorobenzotrifluoride in the air of the working area

MU 3129-84: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of di-beta1, beta (1) -chloroethyl ester of vinylphosphonic acid in the air of the working area

MU 3130-84: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentration of ethylene glycol in the air of the working area

MU 3131-84: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 1, 3-dichlorobutene-2, 3, 4-dichlorobutene-1 and 1, 4-dichlorobutene-2/cis and trans/in air of the working area

MU 3132-84: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of iron, manganese, chromium, nickel, magnesium in the air of the working area by atomic absorption spectral analysis

MU 3133-84: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of caprolactam concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 3134-84: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of nicotine concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 3135-84: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of zinc phosphate concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 3136-84: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of zinc sulfide concentrations and phosphors based on zinc compounds/K-86, K-82n, K-75/in the working area air

MU 3137-84: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of diethylene glycol and triethylene glycol in the air of the working area

MU 3152-84: Guidelines for the measurement of concentrations of illoxane in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method

MU 3154-84: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of anometrine-N in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods

MU 315-84: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of 2, -4 dichlorophenoxypropionic acid in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method

MU 3158-84: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of resting spores of entomofluoric fungi (mycoafidin, entomoftorin) by light microscopy in the air of a working area

MU 3160-84: Guidelines for the determination of the defoliant of cotton boutifos in environmental objects, raw materials and products of the oil and fat industry by gas-liquid chromatography

MU 3163-84: Temporary guidelines for determining residual amounts of romucide in water, soil and plant material (cucumbers, wheat and sugar beets) by thin layer chromatography

MU 3189-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of thiodane and its metabolite of thiodanesulfate in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method

MU 3192-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of thiocarbamic pesticides in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography

MU 3195-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of reldan and the product of its hydrolysis of 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods

MU 3197-85: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of terbacil in the air of the working area by chromatographic methods

MU 3199-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of 2M-4X, 2M-4XP and 2M-4XM in the air of the working zone using the gas chromatographic method

MU 3214-85: Guidelines for the serotyping of Escherichia coli bacteria on the flagellate (n) antigen in a simplified, accelerated way

MU 3251-85: Guidelines for the determination of maleic hydrazide in tobacco by the colorimetric method

MU 3253-85: Temporary guidelines for the determination of tapegran in corn, soil and water by thin layer chromatography

MU 3882-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of dactal in the air of the working area by gas chromatographic method

MU 3892-85: Guidelines for the determination of triadimefon (bayleton) by thin-layer chromatography in water

MU 3893-85: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of triadimefon (bayleton) in the air of the working area

MU 3943-85: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of aluminum oxide in the air of the working area

MU 3944-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of aminophenylacetic acid isomers in the air of the working area by potentiometric titration

MU 3945-85: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of arsenopyrite in the air of the working area

MU 3946-85: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of barium phosphate disubstituted in the air of the working area

MU 3947-85: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of the concentration of benzotriazole in the air of the working area

MU 3948-85: Guidelines for ionometric measurement of boric acid and boric anhydride concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 3949-85: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of gamma-butyrolactone in the air of the working area

MU 3950-85: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of glutaraldehyde concentration in the air of the working area

MU 3951-85: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of diallyl phthalate and diallylysophthalate in the air of the working area

MU 3952-85: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of dibutyl adipate in the air of the working zone

MU 3953-85: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of dimethylvinylcarbinol concentration (3-methyl-1-butene-3-ol) in the air of the working area

MU 3954-85: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of dimethyl sulfate in the air of the working area

MU 3955-85: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of dimethylphenols in the air of the working area

MU 3956-85: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of allene dimers (1, 3-dimethylene cyclobutane and 1, 2-dimethylene cyclobutane) in the air of the working area

MU 3957-85: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of the concentration of 2, 4-dinitroaniline in the air of the working area

MU 3958-85: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of the Sinotox-12 and Synthox-20M sizing agents in the air of the working area

MU 3959-85: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentration of the lubricant TEPREM-6 in the air of the working area

MU 3960-85: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of the concentration of lenacil in the air of the working area

MU 3961-85: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of the phosphor K-77 in the air of the working area

MU 3962-85: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of mesitylene concentration in working area air

MU 3963-85: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 0-1-mentene, 0-1, 4-mentadien, 0-cymol in the air of the working area

MU 3964-85: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of methylacetylene-allene fraction in the air of the working area

MU 3965-85: Guidelines for photometric measurement of mercaptans in the air of the working area

MU 3967-85: Guidelines for polarographic measurement of the concentration of para-nitrobenzoic acid in the air of the working area

MU 3968-85: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of the concentration of oxamate in the air of the working area

MU 3969-84: Guidelines for the measurement of selectron concentrations in the air of the working area by gas chromatographic method

MU 3969-85: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of 4-oxo-2, 2, 6, 6-tetramethylpiperidine and 4-amino-2, 2, 6, 6-tetramethylpiperidine in the air of the working area

MU 3970-85: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentrations of the foaming agents PPK-30 and KCHNR in the air of the working area

MU 3971-85: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentration of polydazole in the air of the working area

MU 3972-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of lead in the air of the working area by atomic absorption spectrophotometry

MU 3973-85: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of carbon disulfide in the air of the working area

MU 3975-85: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of volatile components released into the air from coolant Carbamol C1 and Carbamol E1 (methanol, acetone, ethanol, n-butanol, sec-butanol, hexane)

MU 3976-85: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of volatile components released into the air from EMBOL and OSM-4 coolant (n-pentane, 2-and 3-methylhexane, 3-methylpentane, n-hexane, n-heptane , 1, 1, 2-trichloroethane)

MU 3977-85: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of sulfolane concentration in the air of the working area

MU 3978-85: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of tetrachlorobutane isomers in the air of the working area

MU 3979-85: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of tetrafluoroethylphenyl ether (Fentalene-14) in the air of the working area

MU 3980-85: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of 1-tetrafluoroethoxy-2, 4-dinitrobenzene in the air of the working area

MU 3981-85: Guidelines for chromatographic measurement of the concentration of thiazone in the air of the working area

MU 3982-85: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of the concentration of thioacylanilide in the air of the working area

MU 3983-85: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of 1, 4-bis (trichloromethyl) benzene (hexachloroparaxylene) and 1, 3-bis (trichloromethyl) benzene (hexachlorometaxyl) in the working area

MU 3984-85: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform) in the air of the working area

MU 3985-85: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of fertilizers sulfo-ammonia and ammonia-urea in the air of working area

MU 3986-85: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of P-phenylene-bis-5 (6) -aminobenzimidazolyl (m-8) in the air of the working area

MU 3987-85: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of phenyl isocyanate in the air of the working area

MU 3988-85: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of phenol and aniline concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 3989-85: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of the concentration of phyton (carotid) in the air of the working area

MU 3990-85: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of the concentration of copper phthalocyanine in the air of the working area

MU 3991-85: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of phthalophos and chloromethylphthalimide in the air of the working area

MU 3992-85: Guidelines for ionometric measurement of concentrations of hydrofluoric acid salts in the air of the working area

MU 3993-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of n-chlorophenol in the air of the working area

MU 3994-85: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of the concentrations of cephalosporin antibiotics (cephalexin and cephalothin) in the air of the working area

MU 3995-85: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of hydrogen cyanide and acrylonitrile in the air of the working area

MU 3996-85: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of carbon tetrachloride, tetrachlorethylene (perchlorethylene) and tetrachloroethane in the air of the working area

MU 3997-85: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 2-ethyl-2-hexenal, 2-ethylhexanal and butyl butyrate in the air of the working area

MU 3998-85: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of 2-ethylhexyl acrylate in the air of the working area

MU 3999-85: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of ethylene glycol and methanol in the air of the working area

MU 3999a-85: Guidelines for the ionometric measurement of concentrations of hydrogen fluoride in the air of the working area

MU 4.2.2723-10: Laboratory diagnosis of salmonellosis. Detection of Salmonella in food and environmental samples

MU 4017-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of dosanex, 3-chloro-4-methoxyaniline, 3-chloro-4-methoxynitrobenzene in the air of the working zone by chromatographic method

MU 4019-85: Methodical instructions for the chromatographic measurement of the concentration of fosalone and semi-products of its production of benzoxazolone and 3-hydroxymethyl-6-chlorobenzoxazolone in the air of the working area

MU 4021-85: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of the concentration of dimethyl sulfate in the air of the working area

MU 4028-85: Guidelines for the determination of primiticide in plant material and in soil using thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography

MU 4041-85: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of pentachloronitrobenzene in the air of the working area

MU 4077-86: Guidelines for sanitary-chemical study of rubbers and products made from them for contact with food.

MU 4119-86: Guidelines for the improvement of the working environment at enterprises for the processing of recycled textile materials

MU 4122-86: Guidelines for the measurement of 2,4-D concentrations in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method

MU 4125-86: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of lenacil in the air of the working area

MU 4161-86: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of acrex concentrations in the working area air

MU 4162-86: Guidelines for the measurement of acrolein concentrations in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4163-86: Guidelines for polarographic measurement of 1-amino and 1, 2-diaminoanthraquinone concentrations in the working area air

MU 4164-86: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of the concentrations of o- and p-anisidine (p-aminoanisole) in the air of the working area

MU 4165-86: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of anthraquinone concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4170-86: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of benzoquinone concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4176-86: Methodological guidelines for the measurement of dimethylbenzylamine concentrations in the air of the working area using thin layer chromatography

MU 4177-86: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of dimethylformamide in the air of the working area with application for the selection of passive dosimeters

MU 4180-86: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of tall rosin concentrations in the working area air

MU 4182-86: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of concentrations of alpha and beta naphthols in the air of the working area

MU 4183-86: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of alpha-naphthoquinone concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4184-86: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of nickel concentrations, its oxides and sulfides in the air of the working area

MU 4185-86: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of the concentration of p-oxydiphenylamine in the air of the working area

MU 4186-86: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of tin and its inorganic compounds in the air of the working area

MU 4187-86: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of oxide and nitrogen dioxide in the air of the working area

MU 4188-86: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of mercury vapor in the air of the working area

MU 4189-86: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of lead concentrations in the air of the working area and crown-containing colorful dust

MU 4190-86: Guidelines for the spectrographic measurement of lead concentrations in the air of the working area and crown-containing colorful dust

MU 4191-86: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of styrene concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4192-86: Guidelines for the measurement of styrene concentrations in the air of the working area using paper chromatography

MU 4193-86: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of nickel tetracarbonyl concentrations in the working area air

MU 4194-86: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of tetrafluoroethoxy-2, 4-phenyldiamine concentrations in the working area air

MU 4195-86: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of phenanthrene in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4197-86: Methodological instructions for polarographic measurement of concentrations of hydrochloride p-phenethidine in working area air

MU 4198-86: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of phosphorous and arsenic hydrogen in the air of the working area

MU 4199-86: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of chloral (trichloroacetic aldehyde) in the air of the working area

MU 4200-86: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of alpha-chloro-4-chlorotoluene (p-chlorobenzyl chloride) concentrations in the working area air

MU 4202-86: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of concentrations of 5-ethoxyphenylene-1, 2-thiazonium chloride in the air of the working area

MU 4204-86: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of alkylpropylenediamine concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4205-86: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of bis (2-methyl-3-hydroxy-4-hydroxymethyl-5-methylpyridyl) dihydrochloride disulfide (pyriditol) in the air of the working area

MU 4206-86: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of butoxybutenin concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4207-86: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of 1.10 decanedicarboxylic acid / 1.10 DDC / in the air of the working area

MU 4208-86: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of magnesium diboride, titanium-chromium diboride and cermet alloy (based on titanium-chromium diboride) in the air of the working area

MU 4209-86: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of dimorpholinophenylmethane (ВНХ-Л-20 inhibitor) in the air of the working area

MU 4210-86: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of methyl isobutyl carbinol concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4211-86: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of methyl cellosolve concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4212-86: Guidelines for flame-photometric measurement of concentrations of strontium phosphate disubstituted in the air of the working area

MU 4213-86: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of phenetol concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4214-86: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of cyclododecanol and cyclododecanone in the air of the working area

MU 4242-87: Guidelines for determining the mass concentration of mercury in the water of reservoirs for cultural and domestic and household purposes, in wastewater, in atmospheric air, in working area air, in soil

MU 4287-86: Guidelines for hygienic monitoring of nutrition in organized groups

MU 4291-87: Guidelines for spectrophotometric measurement of the concentration of diethylene triamine pentaacetate copper trisodium salt (DTPA copper 3Na) in the air of the working area

MU 4294-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of the zinc complex of nitrilotrimethylphosphonic acid of trisodium salt and the soluble iron complex of nitrilotrimethylphosphonic acid of disodium salt in the air of the working area

MU 4295-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of alkyl diphenyl oxides (Alotherm-1) in the air of the working area

MU 4296-87: Guidelines for spectrophotometric measurement of trimellitic acid anhydride concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4297-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of BIS-N, N-hexamethylene carbamide (carboxide) in the air of the working area

MU 4298-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of BIS-phosphite in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography

MU 4299-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of dimethylsebacinate concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4302-87: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of red and yellow blood salt in the air of the working area

MU 4303-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of the phosphor R-385 in the air of the working area

MU 4304-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of monobenzyltoluene / MBT / concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4305-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of 3-nitro-4-chloraniline in the air of the working area

MU 4306-87: Guidelines for spectrophotometric measurement of oxyphosphonate concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4307-87: Guidelines for flame-photometric measurement of the concentrations of soluble rubidium compounds in the air of the working area

MU 4308-87: Guidelines for the measurement of concentrations of phosphorus thiochloride by thin layer chromatography in the air of the working area

MU 4309-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of trimellitic acid concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4310-87: Guidelines for the measurement of triphenylphosphite concentrations by thin layer chromatography in the air of a working zone

MU 4312-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 3-phenoxybenzaldehyde (3-FBA) in the air of the working area

MU 4313-87: Guidelines for fluorimetric measurement of phenibut concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4314-87: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of zinc phosphide concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4315-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of phthalazole concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4316-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of hardin in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4317-87: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of ammonium chloride in the air of the working area

MU 4318-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of cyclohexene concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4329-87: Guidelines for the determination of Resin in water, roots and beet tops by thin layer chromatography

MU 4345-87: Guidelines for the determination of bazagran in fish by thin layer chromatography

MU 4348-87: Methodological Guidelines for Determining Bazagran in Essential Oils by Gas-Liquid Chromatography

MU 4354-87: Methodical guidelines for determining strani 200 in water, soil, grain by thin layer chromatography

MU 4357-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of baytan, bayleton, impact in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4360-87: Guidelines for the determination of nitrapirin and its metabolite 6-chloricolinic acid in water, soil and biological material by thin layer chromatography

MU 4362-87: Guidelines for the systematic analysis of biological media on the content of pesticides of various chemical nature

MU 4370-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of staran in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4372-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of a racer in the air of a working zone by thin layer chromatography

MU 4373-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of nabu in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4376-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of foxime in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method

MU 4379-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of glyphosate, glyphosine and glycine in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4442-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of sodium bicarbonate in the air of the working area

MU 4443-87: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of 3, 3-dimethylbutanone-2 in the air of the working area

MU 4444-87: Guidelines for fluorimetric measurement of the concentration of 6, 7-dimethyl-9- (D-I-ribityl) isoalloxazine (riboflavin) in the air of the working area

MU 4445-87: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of disulfan concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4446-87: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 1, 1-di (4 chlorophenoxy) -3, 3-dimethylbutanone-2 (dichlorophenoxypinacolin) in the air of the working area

MU 4448-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of 3-isocyanotoluene (m-tolyl isocyanate) in the air of the working area

MU 4449-87: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of the concentration of dispersed anthraquinone dyes in the air of the working area

MU 4450-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of dyes active red-violet 2KT and disperse durable yellow 2K with the joint presence in the air of the working area

MU 4451-87: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentration of vinyl sulfone active dyes: Bordeaux 4 ST, yellow 2 CT, scarlet 4 CT, yellow light resistant 2 CT, red-violet 2 CT, red-brown 2 CT in air of the working area

MU 4452-87: Guidelines for spectrophotometric measurement of the concentration of basic triarylmethane dyes (basic purple K, basic blue K, basic bright green sulphate, basic bright green oxalate) in the air of the working area

MU 4453-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of water-soluble phthalocyanine dyes in the air of the working area

MU 4454-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of chlorotriazine active dyes in the air of the working area

MU 4455-87: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of cresidine (I-methyl-3-amino-4-methoxybenzene) in the air of the working area

MU 4456-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of sodium monochloroacetate in the air of the working area

MU 4457-87: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of the concentration of sodium salt of polyphthalocyanine cobalt in the air of the working area

MU 4458-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of L-sorbose concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4459-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of sulfazin, silver sulfadiazine, urosulfan in the air of the working area

MU 4460-87: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of concentrations of sulfanthrone in the air of the working area

MU 4461-87: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic and chromatographic measurement of 1, 2, 4-triazole concentrations in the working area air

MU 4462-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of triethyl phosphate in the air of the working area

MU 4463-87: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of I-chloro-3, 3 dimethylbutanone-2 in the working area air

MU 4464-87: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of I- (4 chlorophenoxy) -3, 3-dimethylbutanone-2 and I-chloro- (4 chlorophenoxy) -3, 3-dimethylbutanone-2 in the air of the working area

MU 4465-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of calcium cyanamide in the air of the working area

MU 4469-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of allyl chloroformate in the air of the working area

MU 4470-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of alizatic alcohols C1 - C8 in the air of the working area

MU 4471-87: Guidelines for the ionometric measurement of ammonia concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4472-87: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of acetaldehyde and vinyl acetate concentrations in the working area air

MU 4473-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of benzyl alcohol, benzaldehyde, benzyl acetate in the air of the working area

MU 4474-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of gasoline and ethyl acetate concentrations in the air of the working area using passive dosimeters for selection

MU 4475-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of monoethanolamine benzoate (BMEA inhibitor) in the air of the working area

MU 4476-87: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of 3,4-benzpyrene in mine air and aerosols by liquid chromatography

MU 4477-87: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of benzene, toluene and p-xylene in the air of the working area

MU 4478-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of vanadium and its oxides in the air of the working area

MU 4479-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of vinyl phosphate concentrations by its trans and cis isomers in the air of the working area

MU 4480-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of hexabromobenzene in the air of the working area

MU 4481-87: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of hexamethylenediamine concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4482-87: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of concentrations of hexamethylene diammonium sebacinate in the air of the working area

MU 4483-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of diborane concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4484-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of diisopropyl phosphite in the air of the working area

MU 4485-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of ammonium diisopropylthiophosphate in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography

MU 4486-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of alpha, alpha-dichlorocarboxylic acids in the air of the working area

MU 4487-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 0,0-dimethyl-2,2-dichlorovinylphosphate (dichlorfos, DDVF) in the air of the working area

MU 4488-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of diacetam-5 in the air of the working area

MU 4489-87: Guidelines for the measurement of diketone concentrations in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4492-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of N, N-dimethylcyclohexylamine in the air of the working area

MU 4493-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of alpha, alpha-dichloro-P-chlorotoluene (P-chlorobenzylidene chloride) and alpha-chloro-alpha, alpha-difluoro-P-chlorotoluene (P-chlorobenzodifluorochloride) in the air of the working area

MU 4494-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of diethylene glycol and triethylene glycol monoethyl ether in the air of the working area

MU 4495-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of isopropanolamines in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4496-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of the DPF-1 inhibitor in the air of the working area

MU 4497-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of VNX-L-49 inhibitor in the air of the working area

MU 4498-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of VNX-5 inhibitor in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4499-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of potassium sulfate, potassium magnesia and potassium chloride in the air of the working area by flame photometry

MU 4500-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of carbide 213 and carbide 114 in the air of the working area

MU 4501-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of lysine concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4502-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of the phosphor FLD-605 in the air of the working area by atomic absorption spectrophotometry

MU 4503-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of methylmorpholine oxide in the air of the working area

MU 4504-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of mafenide acetate in the air of the working area

MU 4505-87: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of indium oxide concentrations in the working area air

MU 4506-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of para-nitrobenzoyl chloride in the air of the working area

MU 4507-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of 1, 2-propylene glycol in the air of the working area

MU 4508-87: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of isopropyl, n-butyl and diacetone alcohols in the air of the working area

MU 4510-87: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of PCMPP concentrations (perchloro-4-methylenecyclopentene) in the working area air

MU 4511-87: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of Ricide II in the air of the working area using thin layer chromatography

MU 4512-87: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of ricide II concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4514-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of silver and its compounds in the air of the working area by atomic absorption spectrophotometry

MU 4515-87: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of sebacic acid concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4516-87: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of zinc selenide concentrations in the working area air

MU 4517-87: Guidelines for photometric measurement of sulfalene concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4518-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of thermoluminous T-440 in the air of the working area by atomic absorption spectrophotometry

MU 4519-87: Methodological guidelines for gas-chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of delta-tetrahydrophthalic anhydride (THPA), delta-tetrahydrophthalimide (THFI) and N-hydroxymethyl-tetrahydrophthalimide (OMTGFI) in the air of the working area

MU 4520-87: Guidelines for the titrimetric measurement of ammonium thiosulfate concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4521-87: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of tricyclohexyltin hydroxide (TCGOG) in the air of the working area using thin layer chromatography

MU 4522-87: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of tricyclohexyltin chloride (TCCHO) and dicyclohexyltin oxide (DCGOO) in working area air by thin layer chromatography

MU 4523-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of diethyldiphenylthiuram disulfide (Tiurama EF) in the air of the working area

MU 4524-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of formaldehyde concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4525-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of formaldehyde and methanol concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4526-87: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of thermal decomposition products of phenol-formaldehyde resins (methanol, benzene, toluene, m-xylene, phenol, o- and p-cresols, 2, 4- and 2, 6-xylenols) in the working are

MU 4529-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol in the air of the working area

MU 4530-87: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of cyclohexanone and methyl isobutyl ketone in the air of the working area with the joint presence

MU 4531-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of erythromycin concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4532-87: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of ethylenediamine and polyethylene polyamines in the air of the working area

MU 4533-87: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of epichlorohydrin concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4534-87: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of ethyl cellosolve in the air of the working area

MU 4535-87: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of EF-2 in the air of the working area

MU 4536-87: Guidelines for photometric measurement of beta-alanine concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4566-88: Guidelines for phototurbidimetric measurement of the concentration of hexachlorobenzene in the air of the working area

MU 4568-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentration of isopropylbenzene hydroperoxide in the air of the working area

MU 4569-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of glycidol in the air of the working area

MU 4573-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of chlorine dioxide in the air of the working area

MU 4574-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of caustic alkali and sodium carbonate concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4575-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of isobutylene concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4578-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of cyclohexylamine carbonate in the air of the working area

MU 4582-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of methyl benzyl ketone in the air of the working area using thin layer chromatography

MU 4583-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentration of dicyclohexylamine nitrite (NDA inhibitor) in the air of the working area

MU 4584-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of dicyclohexylamine nitrite (NDA inhibitor) in the working area air by thin layer chromatography

MU 4585-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of organic peroxides (tert-butyl acetate, tert-butyl perbenzoate, tert-butyl hydroperoxide, isopropyl benzene hydroperoxide, m-diisopropyl benzene hydroperoxide) in the working area air

MU 4586-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and organic peroxides in the air of the working area

MU 4587-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of propionic, alpha-monochloropropionic (alpha-MHL) and alpha, alpha-dichloropropionic (alpha, alpha-DCP) acids in the air of the working area

MU 4588-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of sulfuric acid and sulfur dioxide in the presence of sulfates in the air of the working area

MU 4589-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of zinc stearate in the air of the working area

MU 4590-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of tricresol concentrations (a mixture of o-, m-, p-cresols) and phenol in the air of the working area

MU 4592-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of acetic acid in the air of the working area

MU 4594-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of phenanthrene in the air of the working area

MU 4595-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of formaldehyde concentration in the air of the working area

MU 4596-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of furfuryl alcohol in the air of the working area

MU 4597-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of furfuryl alcohol and phenol in the air of the working area

MU 4598-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of furfural, methylfurfural, furfuryl, methylfurfuryl and tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohols in the air of the working area

MU 4599-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of cyclohexane in the air of the working area

MU 4600-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of cyclohexylamine in the air of the working area

MU 4601-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of acrylic and methacrylic acid chlorides and methacrylic anhydride in the air of the working area

MU 4603-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of chromate cyclohexylamine in the air of the working area

MU 4605-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of thromium bromide and iodide in the air of the working area

MU 4633-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of camposan in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method

MU 4635-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of torc in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4637-88: Guidelines for measuring peak concentrations in the air of the working area by the extraction-photometric method

MU 4638-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of eisect in the air of the working area by gas chromatographic method

MU 4643-88: Guidelines for the measurement of toluene concentrations in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method

MU 4674-88: Guidelines for measuring neon concentrations in the air of a working zone by chromatographic methods

MU 4679-88: Guidelines for measuring stomp concentrations in the air of a working area using liquid chromatography

MU 4707-88: Guidelines for the determination of methoxychlor in water, tops and potato tubers by gas-liquid chromatography

MU 4708-88: Methodical instructions for determining the definition of a pix in water and cottonseed by an extraction-photometric method

MU 4727-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of M-aminophenol in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4728-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of P-aminophenol in the air of the working area

MU 4729-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of rhodanide ammonium in the air of the working area

MU 4730-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of anabazine hydrochloride in the air of the working area

MU 4731-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of aniline concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4732-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of barium compounds in the air of the working area by atomic absorption spectrophotometry

MU 4733-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of vinyl-hydroxyethyl methacrylate concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4734-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of hexamethyldisilazane in the air of the working area

MU 4735-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of hexachloroparaxylene and tetrachloroterephthaloyl dichloride in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography

MU 4738-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 2,5-divinylpyridine in the air of the working area

MU 4739-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of N, N-dimethyl-N '- (3-aminopropyl) -propanediamine-1,3 (dimethyldipropylenetriamine) and N, N-dimethyl-N' - (3-dimethylaminopropyl-propanediamine-1,3 ( tetramethyldipropylene triamine) in the air of the working area

MU 4740-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of N, N-diethyl-M-toluamide in the air of the working area

MU 4741-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of maleic acid diethyl ether concentrations in the air of a working area

MU 4742-88: Guidelines for the measurement of enamine concentrations in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4743-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of urea (urea) concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4744-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of urea, urea-formaldehyde fertilizer (KFU) and complex polymer fertilizer (SPU-1) in the air of the working area

MU 4745-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of the KPI-3 inhibitor in the air of the working area

MU 4746-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of the phosphor LR-1 in the air of the working zone by atomic absorption spectrophotometry

MU 4747-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of melamine and melamine cyanurate in the air of the working area

MU 4748-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of 0-methyldichlorothiophosphate, 0-ethyl-dichlorothiophosphate, 0-ethyl-0-phenylchlorothiophosphate and 0-ethyl-0,2,4-dichlorophenylchlorothiophosphate in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4750-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of monochloroacetyl chloride concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4751-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of oxide and nitrogen dioxide in the air of the working area

MU 4753-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of N-hydroxyethylbenzotriazole and 5-methylbenzotriazole in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4754-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 2- (2'-hydroxyethyl) -5-vinylpyridine in the air of the working area

MU 4755-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of orthophene in the air of the working area

MU 4756-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of sodium perborate concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4757-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of ratindane concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4758-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of stearic acid, magnesium stearate, barium and aluminum in the air of the working area

MU 4759-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of styrene concentrations in the working area air

MU 4760-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of tannin concentration in the air of the working area

MU 4761-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of tetrabromodiphenylpropane in the air of the working area

MU 4763-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of toluene diisocyanate in the air of the working area

MU 4764-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of tributylamine concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4765-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of trilane (4,5,6-trichlorobenzoxazolinone-2) in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography

MU 4767-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of phenol concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4768-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of phosgene concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4771-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of p-chlorobenzaldehyde and alpha, alpha-dichloro-alpha-fluorotoluene in the air of the working area

MU 4773-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of 10-chlorophenoxarsine, bis (10-dihydrophenarsazinyl) oxide and bis (10-phenoxarsinyl) oxide in the air of the working area

MU 4775-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of hydrogen cyanide and acrylic acid nitrile in the air of the working area

MU 4776-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of cyanuric acid in the air of the working area

MU 4777-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of cyclohexylurea in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography

MU 4778-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of cyclododecane and cyclododecatriene-1,5,9 in the air of the working area

MU 4782-88: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of concentrations of nitrate and basic zinc carbonate in the air of the working area

MU 4785-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of ammonia and formaldehyde concentrations with the joint presence of a working zone in air

MU 4786-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 4-bromo-o-xylene in the air of the working area

MU 4787-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of N, N'-bis (trimethyl) -2,5-dimethyl-n-methylenediammonium chloride in the air of the working area

MU 4788-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 3-bromobenzaldehyde in the air of the working area

MU 4791-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of disulformin in the air of the working area

MU 4792-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of 2,2-dipyridyl in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4793-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of 4,4-dipyridyl in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography

MU 4794-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of isophthalic acid dichloran hydride in the air of the working area

MU 4795-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of terephthalic acid dichlorohydride in the air of the working area

MU 4796-88: Guidelines for the polarographic measurement of concentrations of iron, titanium, molybdenum, chromium (III - VI) and vanadium in the air of the working area

MU 4797-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of ammonium imidosulfonate in the air of the working area

MU 4798-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of dye concentrations of brown caprozole 4 K in the air of the working area

MU 4799-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of cubic red dye 2 Ж in the air of the working area

MU 4800-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the total concentration of the components N-353 and EFIRA-353 in the air of the working area

MU 4801-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of lagodenum concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4802-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of microbial lipase in the air of the working area

MU 4804-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of the copper complex of the trisodium salt of nitrilotrimethylphosphonic acid in the air of the working area

MU 4805-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of 2-methyl-6-ethylaniline in the air of the working area

MU 4806-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of N, N'-methylenebis- (beta-vinylsulfonylpropionamide) in the air of the working area

MU 4808-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 2,3,4,6-diacetone-2-keto-L-gulonic acid monohydrate in the air of the working area

MU 4809-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of aluminum oxide in the air of the working area by atomic absorption spectrophotometry

MU 4810-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of calcium oxide in the air of the working area by atomic absorption spectrophotometry

MU 4811-88: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of rubidium - silver pentaodistium by flame photometry in the air of the working area

MU 4812-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of D-sorbitol in the air of the working area

MU 4813-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of sulfamic acid in the air of the working area

MU 4814-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of tricresol concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4815-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of tetraethylene glycol and pentaethylene glycol in the air of the working area

MU 4817-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 1,4,5-trichloroanthraquinone in the air of the working area

MU 4818-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of phenasal concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4819-88: Guidelines for fluorimetric measurement of the concentration of 3- (1-phenyl-2-acetyl-ethyl) 4-hydroxycoumarin (zoocoumarin) in the air of the working area

MU 4820-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of formaldehyde concentrations in the air of the working area using phenol-formaldehyde resins

MU 4821-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of furagin concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4822-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentration of chlorosulfuron in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography

MU 4823-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of copper oxychloride in the air of the working area

MU 4824-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of 2-chloro-5- (3 ', 5'-dicarbomethoxyphenylsulfamido) aniline in the air of the working area

MU 4825-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of 1-cyan-2-aminocyclopentene-1,2 in the air of the working area

MU 4826-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of ethylidene norbornene and vinyl norbornene in the air of the working area

MU 4827-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of mixtures of aliphatic diesters of oxalic acid (oxalates) in the air of the working area

MU 4828-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of allyl (alpha allyloxycarbonyloxyacrylate) in the air of the working area

MU 4829-88: Guidelines for nephelometric measurement of barium aluminate concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4830-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 2-amino-4-nitroanisole in the air of the working area

MU 4832-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of aniline in the air of the working area

MU 4833-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of aerosol oils in the air of the working area

MU 4834-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of benzene, toluene and xylene with their joint presence in the air of the working area

MU 4835-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of vinyl-n-octyl sulfone, vinyl-n-decylsulfone, 2-hydroxyethyl-n-octyl sulfide, 2-hydroxy ethyl-n-decylsulfide in the air of the working area

MU 4837-88: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of the concentration of gallic acid in the air of the working area

MU 4838-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of deoxypeganine hydrochloride in the air of the working area

MU 4839-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of defoliants MN and UDM-P "C" in the air of the working area

MU 4841-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of dimethyl dipropylene triamine and tetramethyldipropylene triamine in the air of the working area

MU 4843-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of the dispersant NP in the air of the working area by atomic absorption spectroscopy

MU 4844-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of diphos and bis (4-hydroxyphenyl) sulfide in the air of the working area using thin layer chromatography

MU 4845-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 2, 6-dichloro-4-nitroaniline and 2-chloro-4-nitroaniline in the air of the working area

MU 4846-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of isobutenyl carbinol (IBC) concentrations in the working area air

MU 4847-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of indantron in the air of the working area

MU 4849-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentration of the C-213 component in the air of the working area

MU 4850-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of crystalline in the air of the working area

MU 4851-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of xylene concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4852-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of lincomycin in the air of the working area

MU 4853-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of melem in the air of the working area

MU 4855-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of 1-methyl-4-isopropyl benzene (p-cymol) and 1-methyl-3-isopropyl benzene (m-cymoline) concentrations in the working area

MU 4856-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of methylcellosolve concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4858-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of phenylacetic acid sodium salt concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4859-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of sodium carboxymethylcellulose concentrations in the working area air

MU 4861-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of zinc oxide concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4862-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of carbon monoxide (II) in the air of the working area

MU 4863-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of 2-chloroethyl-and-butyl sulfide, 2-chloroethyl-and-butyl sulfide, 2-chloroethyl and octyl sulfide; n-octyl chloride, n-decyl chloride in the air of the working area

MU 4864-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of octyldiphenyl and alkoxycyanediphenyls in the working area air

MU 4865-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of octylcyandiphenyl in the air of the working area

MU 4866-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of magnesium polybordide and boron-containing powder compositions (boron-containing mixture and boron oxide MB and CS rectifiers) in the working area air

MU 4867-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of polydime in the air of the working area

MU 4868-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of polymethylene urea in the air of the working area

MU 4869-88: Methodological guidelines for measuring the concentrations of KM-1 and KM-30M2 powders (by potassium ion) in the working area air using flame photometry

MU 4870-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of PVC-1 powder (by sodium ion) in the working area air using flame photometry

MU 4871-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of 1, 2-propane diol carbonate (propylene glycol carbonate) in the working area air

MU 4872-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of detergents, "Lotos", "Era", "Oka" in the air of the working area

MU 4873-88: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of strophanthidine acetate in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4874-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of sodium sulfide concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4876-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of tetramethylmethylenediamine in the air of the working area

MU 4877-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of toluene concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4878-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentrations of tertiary phosphine oxide and tris-sec-octyl-phosphine oxide in the air of the working area

MU 4879-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of sodium trichloroacetate concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4880-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of trichloroethyl phosphate in the air of the working area

MU 4882-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of phenyl isocyanate and aniline in the air of the working area

MU 4883-88: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of phenmedipham, 3-hydroxyphenylmethyl carbamate in air of the working area using thin layer chromatography

MU 4885-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of furfural, furfuryl alcohol and phenol in the air of the working area

MU 4886-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of sodium chlorate concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4887-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of butyl chloride in the air of the working area

MU 4889-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of N-cyano-ethylaniline concentrations in the working area air

MU 4890-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of N-cyclohexylthiophthalimide (CTF) in the air of the working area using thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography

MU 4891-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of N- (2, 3-epoxypropyl) carbazole and polyepoxypropylcarbazole in the air of the working area

MU 4892-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of etazol in the air of the working area

MU 4893-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of N-ethyl-m-toluidine concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4894-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of ethyl cellosolve, ethyl glycol acetate and butyl cellosolve in working area air

MU 4897-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of allyl- (alpha) -cyanacrylate and allylcyanate in the air of the working area

MU 4898-88: Methodical instructions for measuring concentrations of 2-amino-4-methoxy-6-methyl-1, b/n, 3, 5-triazine by thin layer chromatography in working-area air

MU 4899-88: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of the concentration of bicyclate in the air of the working area

MU 4900-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of ammonium bromide concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4901-88: Guidelines for measuring potassium bromide concentrations by potentiometric titration with a ion-selective electrode in the air of the working area

MU 4902-88: Guidelines for the measurement of lithium bromide concentrations by flame photometry in the working area air

MU 4905-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement dialkyldimethylammonium chloride concentrations (C17-C20) alkylbenzildimethylammonium chloride and (C10-C16) - DON-2 dialkilaminopropionitrila (C7 -C9) - ifhangaz, alkyltrimethylammonium chloride (C10-C16), Don 52 in

MU 4906-88: Methodological guidelines for gas-chromatic measurement of dimethyl acetal- (alpha) -bromo- (beta) -methoxypropionic aldehyde concentrations in the working area air

MU 4907-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of dimethyl acetal- (beta) -methoxyacrolein in the air of the working area

MU 4908-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of 5, 5 dimethylhydantoin in the air of the working area

MU 4909-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of dimethylethynylcarbinol (DMEK) concentrations in the working area air

MU 4911-88: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of KLOE-15 and VNH-1 inhibitors by thin-layer chromatography in the working area air

MU 4912-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of carboxymethylcellulose calcium salt concentrations in the working area air

MU 4913-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of rosin and monoethanolamine-modified rosin in the air of the working area

MU 4914-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of calcium compounds (HVAC, Polycar, calcium hydroxide) in the air of the working area

MU 4915-88: Methodological guidelines for the measurement of cobalt, titanium and tungsten concentrations by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in the air of the working area

MU 4916-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of synthetic detergents "Lotos-Avtomat", "Era-A", "Bio-S", "Yuka", "Whirlwind", "Breeze" on the main component-surfactant sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate in the working area air

MU 4917-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of phosphor FGI-520-1 by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in the working area air

MU 4919-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of acetoacetic acid methyl ester in the air of the working area

MU 4921-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of sodium monochloroacetate in the air of the working area

MU 4922-88: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of alpha-naphthoxypropionic acid in the air of the working area

MU 4923-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of 2-nitro-4-chlorophenol concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4925-88: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of pentanol-2 concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4926-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of pyrocatechin, resorcinol, hydroquinone in the air of the working area

MU 4927-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of hydrogen sulfide concentrations in the working area air

MU 4928-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of toluene concentrations in the air of the working area using passive dosimeters for selection

MU 4930-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of 1- (2 ', 4', 6'-trichlorophenyl) -3- [3 "- (2" ", 4" "- ditertamylphenoxyacetylamino) benzoylamino] -4- ( 4 "" - methoxyphenylazo) -pyrazolone-5 in the air of the working area

MU 4931-88: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of 2, 4, 6-trichlorophenylhydrazine in the air of the working area

MU 4932-88: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of 1- (2 ', 4', 6'-trichlorophenyl) -3 [3 "- (2" ", 4" "- ditertamilphenoxyacetylamino) benzoylamino] pyrazolone-5 in the air of the working area

MU 4938-88: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of cyclododecanone oxime dodecactam in working air

MU 4945-88: Guidelines for the determination of harmful substances in welding aerosol (solid phase and gases)

MU 4964-89: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of ridomil in the air of the working area by gas-liquid chromatography

MU 4965-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of sumi-alpha in the air of the working area by chromatographic methods

MU 4967-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of a blazer (aciflurofen) in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4970-89: Guidelines for chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of new synthetic pyrethroids (danitol, fastak, tsibolt, karate) in the air of the working area

MU 4971-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of triamelon in the air of the working area

MU 4972-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of prodiamine in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography

MU 4974-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of nisoran in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4975-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of isophene and dinoseb in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4976-89: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of orthen concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4977-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of triallate in the air of the working zone by gas-liquid chromatography

MU 4979-89: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of cimide concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 4980-89: Guidelines for measuring clay concentrations in the air of the working zone by gas-liquid and thin-layer chromatography

MU 4981-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of stearic acid versamide (VSA) in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4983-89: Guidelines for the measurement of butrazine concentrations in the air of a working zone by gas-liquid chromatography methods

MU 4984-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of zollen in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4985-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of GMF, TMDI, GMDI, CGI, ATG, ATG-F in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4986-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of pachton in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4988-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of morphonol in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4989-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of ethyl acetoacetic acid in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 4990-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of trifumin and its metabolites in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography

MU 4991-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of lasso in the air of the working zone by chromatographic method

MU 4992-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of sym-triazines (ametrine, mesoranyl, semeron, hezaran, Zencor, igran) in the air of the working zone by thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography

MU 4993-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of dimethyl phosphite in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography

MU 4994-89: Methodological guidelines for determining in one sample organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides used on tomatoes by chromatographic methods

MU 5003-89: Guidelines for the determination of applaud in plant material (tomatoes, cucumbers, fruits and green mass), soil, water by gas-liquid chromatography

MU 5005-89: Guidelines for the determination of Apollo in water, soil, fruit crops by thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography

MU 5021-89: Guidelines for the determination of a mixture of carbofuran with benomyl and TMTD (combi preparation) in sugar beet plants by thin layer chromatography

MU 5024-89: Guidelines for the determination of diquat in fish and water by thin layer chromatography

MU 5036-89: Guidelines for the determination of a mixture of metaphos, bayleton and tilt in wheat plants by thin layer chromatography

MU 5037-89: Guidelines for the determination of corbel in water, soil and wheat plants by thin layer chromatography

MU 5044-89: Guidelines for the determination of TMTD and its transformation products in water, grain crops and plant material by thin layer chromatography

MU 5045-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of glyphosine tetramethyl ether in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 5047-89: Guidelines for the measurement of dextramine concentrations in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 5048-89: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of dichlorobenzenes and bromodioxolane in the air of the working area by gas chromatography

MU 5062-89: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of the concentrations of allapinin in the air of the working area

MU 5063-89: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of acetone concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 5064-89: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of solvent gasoline (BR-1, BR-2), fuel (aviation, shale) in the working area

MU 5065-89: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of gasoline concentrations synthesized in the working area air

MU 5067-89: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of diazettamide zinc chloride in the air of the working area

MU 5068-89: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 1, 1-dichloro-3, 3-dimethylbutanone-2 in the air of the working area

MU 5069-89: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of N, N-dioxydiethyl-m-chloroaniline in the air of the working area

MU 5070-89: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentration of monoethylamine in the air of the working area

MU 5071-89: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentrations of the iron complex diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, diprotonated in the air of the working area

MU 5072-89: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of potassium phosphate monosubstituted, ammonium phosphate monosubstituted, ammonium phosphate disubstituted, ammonium phosphate triple, magnesium phosphate monosubstituted in the air of working area

MU 5073-89: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of linalool concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 5074-89: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of diisohexyl dithiophosphoric acid hydroxypropyl ester in the air of the working area

MU 5075-89: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of the concentration of hydroxyethylidene diphosphonic (HEDP) acid and 2-hydroxy-1, 3-propanediamine-N, N, N`, N`-tetra (methylenephosphonic) acids (DFT-1) in the air of the working area

MU 5080-89: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of thionyl chloride in the air of the working area

MU 5081-89: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of tetradimethylsulfoxide hexamethylenetetramine cobalt dichloride in the air of the working area

MU 5082-89: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 1- (1, 2, 4-triazolyl-1) -1- (4-chlorophenoxy) -3, 3-dimethylbutanone-2 in the air of the working area

MU 5083-89: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid phenyl ester concentrations in the working area air

MU 5084-89: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of 1-phenyl-1-xylylethane concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 5086-89: Guidelines for flame photometric measurement of sodium formate concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 5087-89: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of ammonium formate in the air of the working area

MU 5088-89: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of furacillin concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 5089-89: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of calcium chloride and sodium chloride in the air of the working area

MU 5090-89: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of alpha-chloro-alpha, alpha-difluorotoluene concentrations in the working area air

MU 5091-89: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of potassium chlorate in the air of the working area

MU 5092-89: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of carbon tetrabromide concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 5093-89: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of ethylene cyanohydrin in the air of the working area

MU 5094-89: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of acetone concentrations in the air of the working area using passive dosimeters for selection

MU 5096-89: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of nonylphenol in the air of the working area

MU 5099-89: Guidelines for fluorimetric measurement of acetylsalicylic (2-acetyloxybenzoic) acid (aspirin) concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 5100-89: Guidelines for the fluorimetric measurement of naphthamone concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 5102-89: Guidelines for fluorimetric measurement of concentrations of 4-chloro-N (2-furylmethyl) -5-sulphamoyl anthranilic acid (furasemide) in the working area

MU 5105-89: Guidelines for photometric measurement of acrylonitrile content on the skin

MU 5106-89: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of gasoline content on the skin

MU 5107-89: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of benzene content on the skin

MU 5108-89: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the content of guaiacol and o-anizidiva on the skin

MU 5110-89: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the content of hexachlorobenzene on the skin

MU 5111-89: Guidelines for chromatographic measurement of the content of heptyl and amyl alcohol on the skin

MU 5112-89: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the content of diaminotoluene (toluylenediamine), diisocyanuole (toluene diisocyanate) and diisocyanodiphenylmethane (diphenylmethane diisocyanate) on skin and clothing

MU 5113-89: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of dibutyl phthalate content on the skin

MU 5114-89: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the content of dimethylformamide on the skin

MU 5115-89: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the content of dimethyl ethanamide (dimethylacetamide) on the skin

MU 5116-89: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the content of diethyltoluamide on the skin

MU 5117-89: Guidelines for chromatographic measurement of xylidine on the skin

MU 5118-89: Guidelines for the spectrographic measurement of lithium chloride content on the skin

MU 5119-89: Guidelines for measuring the content of lithium and its compounds on the skin by atomic absorption spectrophotometry

MU 5120-89: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of methanol content on the skin

MU 5121-89: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the content of methanol and formaldehyde on the skin

MU 5123-89: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the content of 2-chloropropanoic (a-monochloropropionic), 2, 2-dichloropropanoic (a, a-dichloropropionic) acids and 2, 2-dichloropropanoyl sodium (Na-salt, a, a-dichloropropionic acid ) on t

MU 5126-89: Guidelines for Photometric Measurement of Lead on Skin

MU 5127-89: Guidelines for polarographic measurement of lead content on the skin

MU 5128-89: Guidelines for the measurement of lead content on the skin by atomic absorption spectrophotometry

MU 5129-89: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the content of lubricating oils on the skin

MU 5130-89: Guidelines for the spectrographic measurement of the content of copper and nickel sulfate, tin chloride and palladium on the skin

MU 5132-89: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of testosterone and esters and testosterone-propionate, phenylpropionate, isocapronate, caprinate and enanthate on the skin

MU 5133-89: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the content of o- and p-toluidine, o- and p-nitroaniline, 3, 4-dichloroaniline, aniline, o-anisidine and p-phenylenediamine on skin and overalls

MU 5134-89: Guidelines for photometric measurement of toluene on the skin

MU 5135-89: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of 1-phenyl-4, 5-dichloropyridazone (dichlopyridazone) and 1-phenyl-6-amino-5-chloropyridazone-6 (phenazone) levels on the skin

MU 5136-89: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of phenol content on the skin

MU 5137-89: Guidelines for chromatographic measurement of phosphamide on the skin

MU 5138-89: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of chlorobenzene, dichlorobenzene, trichlorobenzene and tetrachlorobenzene on skin

MU 5139-89: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of sodium cyanide on the skin and clothing

MU 5140-89: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the content of cyclohexanone and methyl isobutyl ketone on the skin

MU 5141-89: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the content of cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol in the swabs on the skin

MU 5142-89: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the content of dimethylaminocyclohexane (dimethylcyclohexylamine) on skin and overalls

MU 5143-89: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of benzene, toluene, xylene on the skin

MU 5144-89: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of xylene on the skin

MU 5178-90: Guidelines for the detection and determination of total mercury content in food products by flameless atomic absorption

MU 5208-90: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of adamantacarboxylic acid in the air of the working area

MU 5209-90: Methodical instructions for photometric measurement of the concentration of amines in the C10-C16 fraction and alkyldimethylamines in the C10-C16 fraction in the working area

MU 5211-90: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of concentrations of amyridine in the air of the working area

MU 5212-90: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of N-acetyl-2, 6-dichlorodiphenylamine concentrations in the working area

MU 5213-90: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of benazole II in the air of the working area

MU 5214-90: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of concentrations of benzerafin in the air of the working area

MU 5215-90: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of benzoic acid concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 5216-90: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of benzene and hexane in the air of the working area with the application for the selection of passive dosimeters

MU 5217-90: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of boron in the air of the working area

MU 5218-90: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentration of elemental boron in the air of the working area

MU 5219-90: Methodological Guidelines for the Measurement of Bromantan Concentrations in the Air of the Working Area by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

MU 5220-90: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of "GRP-1" (water-soluble polyelectrolyte) in the air of the working area

MU 5221-90: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of ruthenium hydroxochloride in the air of the working area

MU 5223-90: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of the concentrations of 2, 2-dibenzothiazole disulfide (altax) in the air of the working area

MU 5224-90: Methodical instructions for photometric measurement of the concentration of N, N-dimethyl- (3, 5-di-tertbutyl-4-hydroxybenzyl) amine (agidol-3) in the air of the working area

MU 5225-90: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of methyldodecene dicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester in the working area air

MU 5227-90: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of dioxane in the air of the working area

MU 5228-90: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of disvincenseeldisalitsilatdiigroksida in the air of the working area

MU 5231-90: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of 1, 5-diphenoxyanthraquinone in the air of the working area

MU 5232-90: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 2, 6-dichloroacetanilide in the air of the working area

MU 5233-90: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of 1, 3-dichloro-5, 5-dimethylhydantoin (dichlorantin) in the air of the working area

MU 5234-90: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of 2, 6-dichlorodiphenylamine in the air of the working area using thin-layer chromatography

MU 5235-90: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of concentrations of 2, 6-dichloro-4-nitroacetanilide in the air of the working area

MU 5236-90: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 1- (2, 6-dichlorophenyl) -2-indolinone in the air of the working area

MU 5237-90: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of calcium dobesilat concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 5238-90: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of the inhibitor VNH-101 in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 5239-90: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of LNH-L-210 inhibitor (cyclohexylammonium fluoride) in the working area air by thin layer chromatography

MU 5240-90: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of concentrations of isonicotinic acid in the air of the working area

MU 5241-90: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of indene in the air of the working area

MU 5244-90: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of concentrations of 2-carbethoxyamino-10- (beta-chloropropionyl) -phenothiazine in the air of the working area

MU 5245-90: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of dispersed orange 2K dyes polyester, dispersed scarlet polyester, dispersed ruby polyester in the air of the working area using thin layer chromatography

MU 5246-90: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of xylitol in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 5248-90: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of dust of FL-543-1 phosphor in the air of the working area

MU 5249-90: Guidelines for photometric measurement of phosphor concentrations of FGI-627/593-1 in the air of the working area

MU 5250-90: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of mercazolyl concentrations (2-mercapto-1-methylimidazole) in the air of the working area

MU 5251-90: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of alpha-methylbenzyl ester of acetoacetic acid and alpha-methylbenzyl ester of 2-chloroacetoacetic acid in the air of the working area

MU 5252-90: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of alpha-methylbenzyl alcohol in the air of the working area

MU 5253-90: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of methyldiethanolamine concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 5254-90: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of methyl isocyanate concentrations in the working area air

MU 5255-90: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of the concentrations of p-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester (nipagin) in the working area air

MU 5256-90: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of the concentration of 2-methyl-3-hydroxy-4, 5-dichloromethylpyridine hydrochloride (dichloride) in the air of the working area

MU 5257-90: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of methoxychlor concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 5258-90: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of midanthan concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 5259-90: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of monochlorketone and dichloroketone (intermediate products of bicyclic synthesis) using thin layer chromatography in the air of the working area

MU 5260-90: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of 4-morpholino-2, 5-dioxyethylbenzene diazonium of tetrafluoroborate and 4-morpholino-2, 5-dibutoxy-benzene diazonium of tetrafluoroborate in the working area

MU 5261-90: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of sodium salt of di-n-propylacetic acid (acediprol) in the air of the working area

MU 5262-90: Guidelines for photometric measurement of concentrations of 4-nitro-2-aminophenol and 5-nitro-2-aminophenol in the air of the working area

MU 5263-90: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of concentrations of beta- (5-nitro-2-furyl) -acrolein in the air of the working area

MU 5264-90: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of N-hydroxyethyl-N, beta-cyanoethaniline in the air of the working area

MU 5265-90: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of ortofen concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 5266-90: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of the concentrations of amyridine base in the air of the working area

MU 5267-90: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of 6- (para-phthalylaminobenzoylsulfanilamido) -3-methoxypyridazine (phtazine) in the air of the working area

MU 5268-90: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of concentrations of 5, 5-pentamethylene-7-oxo-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-hexahydrocyclopenta/alpha/pyrimidine in the air of the working area

MU 5269-90: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentrations of polyoxypropylene diamine DA-500 in the air of the working area

MU 5270-90: Guidelines for measuring rimantadine concentrations in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography

MU 5272-90: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of alpha-terpineol concentrations in the air of the working area

MU 5274-90: Guidelines for the voltammetric measurement of the concentration of cadmium-mercury telluride in the air of the working area

MU 5275-90: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of concentrations of 2, 4, 6, 8-tetramethyl-2, 4, 6, 8-tetraazobicyclo (3, 3, 0) octane-3, 7 (mebicar) in the air of the working area

MU 5276-90: Guidelines for photometric measurement of the concentration of thiourea in the air of the working area

MU 5279-90: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of N- (2, 4, 6-tribromophenyl) -maleinimide (TBFMI) concentrations in the working area

MU 5280-90: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of concentrations of 2, 4, 6-trimethyl-anilide-1-butyl-pyrrolidinecarboxylic-2 acid (pyromekain base) in the air of the working area

MU 5281-90: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of concentrations of 1, 2, 3-trichlorobutadiene-1, 3 in the air of the working area

MU 5283-90: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of concentrations of 1- (2 ', 4', 6'-trichlorophenyl) -3- [3 "- (2 '", 4 "' - ditertamylphenoxyacetylamino) benzoylamino] -4- (4" '-methoxyphenylazo) -pyrazolone-5 in the air of the working area

MU 5286-90: Guidelines for the photometric measurement of the concentration of phosphate-dicyclohexylamine in the air of the working area

MU 5287-90: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of phthalic anhydride and dibutyl phthalate in the air of the working a