RD 03-08-98
RD 03-08-98
Guidelines for the Review of Applications for Licenses for Activity in the Field of Use of Nuclear Power and of Supporting Documents Submitted to the Central Office of Gosatomnadzor of Russia
RD 03112194-0377-98
RD 03112194-0377-98
Methods of estimating the cost of damaged vehicles, the cost of their recovery and damage from damage (2nd edition with comment)
RD 03-184-98
RD 03-184-98
Instructions for the safe operation of rail tank cars for the transport of liquid caprolactam
Price: $455.00
RD 03-193-98
RD 03-193-98
Regulations on the procedure for granting the right to manage mining and blasting operations in organizations, enterprises and facilities controlled by the Gosgortechnadzor of Russia. Approved fast. Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia of 19.11.97, the number 43
RD 03-196-98
RD 03-196-98
Guidelines for the Supervision of the Territorial Bodies of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia by Senior Officials and Specialists
Price: $55.00
RD 03-213-98
RD 03-213-98
Regulation on the verification of the knowledge of safety requirements of senior managers and specialists of the controlled production of the mining and coal industries
Price: $87.00
RD 03-22-98
RD 03-22-98
Regulations on the procedure for consideration, preparation of conclusions, coordination and approval of Gosatomnadzor of Russia regulatory documents in the field of atomic energy use
Price: $135.00
RD 03-229-98
RD 03-229-98
Guidelines for the organization and implementation of state supervision in the field of explosive business in organizations, enterprises and facilities controlled by the Gosgortechnadzor of Russia
Price: $263.00
RD 03-23-98
RD 03-23-98
Regulations on the procedure for the development of federal standards and regulations in the field of atomic energy use approved by Gosatomnadzor of Russia
RD 03-243-98
RD 03-243-98
Instructions for the safe conduct of work and the protection of mineral resources in the development of salt deposits by dissolving through wells from the surface
Price: $630.00
RD 03-247-98
RD 03-247-98
Provision on registration, drawing-up and recording authorizations on manufacturing and employment technical devices in the system of Gosgortechnadzor of Russia
Price: $215.00
RD 03-259-98
RD 03-259-98
Monitoring Safety of Enterprises Hydraulic Structures
Price: $119.00
RD 03-39-98
RD 03-39-98
Requirements for the composition and content of documents confirming the ability of an organization to conduct an examination of documents justifying safety in the use of atomic energy and/or the quality of declared activities
Price: $39.00
RD 03-43-98
RD 03-43-98
Regulations on the organization of state supervision of safety in the use of atomic energy
Price: $391.00
RD 05-188-98
RD 05-188-98
Instructions on the organization and methods of state supervision of industrial safety at coal enterprises
Price: $295.00
RD 05-236-98
RD 05-236-98
Guidelines for the registration, accounting and analysis of acts of investigation of accidents and accidents at coal enterprises
Price: $87.00
RD 06-212-98
RD 06-212-98
Guidelines for the organization and implementation of state mining supervision of the state of technical safety at enterprises and facilities of the mining and nonmetallic industries controlled by the Gosgortechnadzor of Russia, and checking the work of t
Price: $407.00
RD 07-192-98
RD 07-192-98
Instructions for registration of mining allotments for the development of mineral deposits
Price: $183.00
RD 07-203-98
RD 07-203-98
Instructions on procedures for writing off mineral reserves from the records of mineral mining companies
Price: $183.00
RD 07-226-98
RD 07-226-98
Instructions for the production of surveying and surveying in the construction of utility tunnels and utilities underground method
Price: $455.00
RD 07-261-98
RD 07-261-98
Methodical Guidelines for Technical Substantiation
Price: $231.00
RD 08-17-98
RD 08-17-98
Standard requirements for the content of instructions for the organization of accounting and control of nuclear materials in bulk - form at nuclear facilities and at storage sites for nuclear materials
Price: $231.00
RD 08-183-98
RD 08-183-98
Procedure for Preparation and Storage of Documents Confirming the Safety of the Maximum Permissible Operating Pressure for Operation of Trunk Pipeline Facilities
Price: $151.00
RD 08-195-98
RD 08-195-98
Instructions for the technical diagnosis of the state of mobile units for well repair
Price: $916.00
RD 08-200-98
RD 08-200-98
Safety rules in the oil and gas industry
Price: $1,482.00
RD 08-204-98
RD 08-204-98
Procedure for Notification and Submission to Regional Authorities of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia of Information on Accidents, Accidental Leaks, and Hazardous Operating Conditions at Facilities for Trunk Pipeline Transport of Gases and Hazardous Liquids
Price: $151.00
RD 08-254-98
RD 08-254-98
Instruction to prevent water surface oil leaks and blowouts when building and maintaining wells in oil and gas industry
Price: $161.00
RD 09-241-98
RD 09-241-98
Methodological guidelines for inspection of technical condition and operational safety of ammonia refrigerating plants.
Price: $247.00
RD 09-244-98
RD 09-244-98
Instructions for diagnostics of technical condition of vessels, pipes and compressors, industrial ammonia refrigeration plants.
Price: $709.00
RD 09-250-98
RD 09-250-98
Procedure for safe repairs on chemical, petrochemical and oil hazardous production facilities
Price: $140.00
RD 09-251-98
RD 09-251-98
Provision on procedure of formulation and content of section “safety operation of production plant” of process regulations
Price: $183.00
RD 10-112-4-98
RD 10-112-4-98
Guidelines for the examination of portal cranes to determine the possibility of their further operation
Price: $836.00
RD 10-179-98
RD 10-179-98
Procedural Guidelines for Development of Instructions and Process Charts for Operation of Upstream Water Treatment Facilities and Water Chemistry Control for Steam and Hot Water Boilers
Price: $343.00
RD 10-197-98
RD 10-197-98
Guidelines for Operating Condition Assessment of Bolted and Riveted Joints of Hoisting Cranes
Price: $359.00
RD 10-198-98
RD 10-198-98
Standard Safety Guidelines for Personnel Working from an Aerial Lift (Vertical Tower) Basket
Price: $87.00
RD 10-199-98
RD 10-199-98
Standard manual for safe operation for hoisters (towers) operators
Price: $56.00
RD 10-208-98
RD 10-208-98
Standard manual for adjusters of safety instruments of hoisting cranes
Price: $42.00
RD 10-209-98
RD 10-209-98
Guidelines for the preparation and form of a passport of a pressure vessel. Approved fast. Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia of 31.03.98, No. 19.
RD 10-210-98
RD 10-210-98
Procedural Guidelines for Technical Inspection of Metal Structures of Steam and Hot Water Boilers
Price: $327.00
RD 10-231-98
RD 10-231-98
Slings for loading and general purposes. Requirements for arrangement and safe operation.
Price: $459.60
RD 10-235-98
RD 10-235-98
Supervision Guidelines for the Fabrication, Installation, and Repair of Boiler Facilities
Price: $87.00
RD 10-237-98
RD 10-237-98
Guidelines for the inspection of specialized organizations (centers) that diagnose boiler inspection objects and lifting facilities
Price: $119.00
RD 10-249-98
RD 10-249-98
Strength calculation norms for stationary boilers and steam and hot water pipelines.
Price: $745.00
RD 12-253-98
RD 12-253-98
Procedural Guidelines for Inspection of Gas Supply Facilities
Price: $486.00
RD 13-193-98
RD 13-193-98
Regulations on the procedure for granting the right of management of mining and explosive operations in organisations, companies and entities subject to the monitoring of the GGTN of Russia
Price: $167.00
RD 13-2-4-98
RD 13-2-4-98
Marking of round timber and lumber. Recommendations
Price: $295.00
RD 15-10-98
RD 15-10-98
Guiding documents for the technical examination and general audit of CNG-500 CNG
Price: $820.00
RD 15-217-98
RD 15-217-98
Guidelines for conducting surveys of controlled enterprises and facilities during the transport of dangerous goods by rail
Price: $135.00

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