RD 01-001-2002
RD 01-001-2002
The order of operation, revision and repair of spring safety valves in subsidiaries of oil and gas producing, oil refining, petrochemical, gas processing companies and oil product supply societies of OAO Lukoil
Price: $995.00
RD 0154-10-2002
RD 0154-10-2002
Technical diagnostics, maintenance and repair of pipeline valve for pressure up to 9.81 MPa (100 kgf / cm2).
RD 02-441-02
RD 02-441-02
Model Provision on the Territorial Body of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia
Price: $103.00
RD 02-442-02
RD 02-442-02
Model Provision on the Territorial Body of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, responsible for ensuring interaction with the authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts
Price: $119.00
RD 03-36-2002
RD 03-36-2002
Terms of supply of imported equipment, goods, materials and components for nuclear facilities, radiation sources and storage of the Russian Federation
Price: $147.00
RD 03-41-2002
RD 03-41-2002
Requirements on the Composition and Maintenance of the Set of Documents Validating Activity for the Design and Manufacture of Equipment for Facilities Using Atomic Energy
Price: $119.00
RD 03-433-02
RD 03-433-02
Instruction on the procedure for organizing and maintaining control over the safe emission levels of exhaust gases of diesel-driven mining machines in open pit mining
Price: $103.00
RD 03-439-02
RD 03-439-02
Instructions for steel rope usage in mineshafts.
Price: $1,451.00
RD 03-443-02
RD 03-443-02
Instructions on the procedure for determining safety criteria and assessing the state of hydraulic structures of storage tanks for liquid industrial wastes at industries controlled by the Gosgortechnadzor of Russia
Price: $455.00
RD 03-444-02
RD 03-444-02
The provision of procedure for training and qualification test of workers of organizations engaging in activities of industrial safety of hazardous industrial sites under supervision of Gosgortekhnadzor, Russia
Price: $119.00
RD 03-484-02
RD 03-484-02
Provisions on aplliances, equipment and construction safe operation life extension at hazardous manufacturing entities.
Price: $42.00
RD 03-485-02
RD 03-485-02
Provision on the procedure of permit issuance for application of equipment at hazardous industrial plants
Price: $55.00
RD 03-487-02
RD 03-487-02
Regulations on the Interdepartmental Council on Explosives at the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia
Price: $87.00
RD 03-495-02
RD 03-495-02
Procedures for the qualification test of welders and welding work specialists
Price: $382.00
RD 03-496-02
RD 03-496-02
Impact assessment from accidents at hazardous production facilities
Price: $455.00
RD 03-521-02
RD 03-521-02
The procedure for determining the amount of harm that may be caused to life, health of individuals, property of individuals and legal entities as a result of an accident of a hydraulic structure
Price: $71.00
RD 03-57-2002
RD 03-57-2002
The provision of quality assurance in the system of Gosatomnadzor of Russia
Price: $55.00
RD 04-431-02
RD 04-431-02
Regulations on the Commission for Emergency Situations of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia
Price: $87.00
RD 04-475-02
RD 04-475-02
Instructions for the reviewing of license applicant documents and the granting of licenses by organs of the Russian federal mining and industrial inspectorate (GGTN)
Price: $295.00
RD 05-15-2002
RD 05-15-2002
Requirements for the composition of the package and the content of documents justifying the nuclear and radiation safety of licensed activities and facilities of fuel cycle enterprises, as well as licensed activities and facilities of organizations perfor
Price: $868.00
RD 05-429-02
RD 05-429-02
Instructions for the aerogas control system in coal mines
Price: $327.00
RD 05-432-02
RD 05-432-02
Regulation on the examination of industrial safety in the coal industry
Price: $151.00
RD 05-447-02
RD 05-447-02
Regulations on the procedure for changing the designs of individual pieces of equipment used in coal and slate mines
Price: $87.00
RD 05-448-02
RD 05-448-02
Instructions for centralized control and management of fire water supply of coal mines
Price: $135.00
RD 07-05-2002
RD 07-05-2002
Model initial training program of state and main state inspectors for the supervision of radiation safety in the use of atomic energy in the national economy
Price: $135.00
RD 07-15-2002
RD 07-15-2002
Guidelines for the Supervision of Radiation Safety in the Operation of Gamma Therapy Apparatus
Price: $231.00
RD 07-437-02
RD 07-437-02
Guidelines on conducting state mining supervision over conservation of mineral resources.
Price: $327.00
RD 07-488-02
RD 07-488-02
Regulations on the procedure for the approval by the bodies of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia of the project documentation for the use of subsoil areas
Price: $135.00
RD 08-14-2002
RD 08-14-2002
Instructions for reporting in the Gosatomnadzor system of Russia on the supervision of the state of accounting and control of nuclear materials and physical protection
Price: $343.00
RD 08-27-2002
RD 08-27-2002
Instructions for checking departments of departmental security during inspections of the physical protection of nuclear facilities
RD 08-28-2002
RD 08-28-2002
Model initial training program for state and main state inspectors on the supervision of the physical protection of nuclear materials, nuclear installations, radiation sources, radioactive substances, storage facilities for nuclear materials and radioacti
RD 08-435-02
RD 08-435-02
Safety Instructions on Drilling Operations Wells
Price: $199.00
RD 08-492-02
RD 08-492-02
Federal Mining and Industrial Inspectorate of Russia Resolution of 22 May 2002 No. 22 On Approval of A Normative Legal Act
Price: $199.00
RD 102-008-2002
RD 102-008-2002
Instructions for diagnosing technical condition of pipelines with contactless magnetometric method.
Price: $836.00
RD 10-520-02
RD 10-520-02
Ordinance on Industrial Safety Conformity Assessment of Hazardous Production Facilities in Which Steam and Hot Water Boilers, Pressure Vessels, and Steam and Hot Water Piping are Used
Price: $28.00
RD 112-045-2002
RD 112-045-2002
Norms of technological losses of petroleum products during tank cleaning at petroleum products supply enterprises of Rosneft Oil Company
Price: $295.00
RD 115.005-2002
RD 115.005-2002
Information Technology. Monitoring of informatization of Russia. The main provisions of the monitoring
Price: $231.00
RD 13-522-02
RD 13-522-02
Guidelines for Prevention, Detection, and Disposal of Undetonated Explosive Charges During Surface and Underground Operations
Price: $327.00
RD 153-00.0-012-2002
RD 153-00.0-012-2002
Radiological safety assurance in facilities of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation.
Price: $199.00
RD 153-006-02
RD 153-006-02
Guidelines for the Welding Process in Construction and Renovation of Trunk Petroleum Pipelines
RD 153-006-02 Part 1
RD 153-006-02 Part 1
Instructions on welding technology in the construction and overhaul of trunk pipelines
Price: $1,607.00
RD 153-006-02 Part 2
RD 153-006-02 Part 2
Instructions on welding technology in the construction and overhaul of trunk pipelines
Price: $887.00
RD 153-34 RK.0-20.523-02
RD 153-34 RK.0-20.523-02
Guidelines for the compilation of energy characteristics for thermal energy transport systems (in three parts). Part I. Guidelines for the compilation of regime characteristics of heat supply systems and hydraulic energy characteristics of the heating net
RD 153-34.0-03.125-2002
RD 153-34.0-03.125-2002
Ordinance on Process Monitoring of Compliance with Industrial Safety Requirements at Hazardous Production Facilities Administered by KES of Russia, RAO
Price: $709.00
RD 153-34.0-03.420-2002
RD 153-34.0-03.420-2002
Occupational Safety and Health Requirements for Operation and Maintenance of Automobiles and Other Wheeled Vehicles in the Electric Power Industry
Price: $566.00
RD 153-34.0-15.502-2002
RD 153-34.0-15.502-2002
The leading document. Methodical instructions on control and the analysis of electric energy quality in general purpose power supply systems. Part 2. Analysis of electric energy quality.
Price: $407.00
RD 153-34.0-20.262-2002
RD 153-34.0-20.262-2002
Requirements for Use of Fire Retardant Coatings on Cables at Electrical Power Facilities
Price: $343.00
RD 153-34.0-20.561-2002
RD 153-34.0-20.561-2002
Standard instruction for the prevention and elimination of accidents in the electrical part of the power systems
Price: $757.00

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