
Letter 1369-OG/00
Letter 1369-OG/00
On the presence of a typo in SP 254.1325800.2016
Letter 25724-IF/00
Letter 25724-IF/00
On the requirements for the format of electronic documents submitted for the state expert examination of design documentation and (or) engineering survey results and verification of the reliability of the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction and capital repair of capital construction projects.
Letter 4345-OG/00
Letter 4345-OG/00
About the presence of a typo in SP 30.13330.2020
Letter 64836-AL/00
Letter 64836-AL/00
On recommendations for concluding construction control contracts with the Federal Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Construction Control"
Letter 66745-MS/00
Letter 66745-MS/00
Recalculation of the amount of costs for utility resources consumed in the use and maintenance of common property
Letter of Ministry of Health of Russia of 18.10.2000 No. 2510/11235-32
Letter of Ministry of Health of Russia of 18.10.2000 No. 2510/11235-32
About measures to prevent injuries among the mentally ill involved in labor processes
Price: $23.00
RF SCC Letter of 13 December 2000 No. 01-06/36349
RF SCC Letter of 13 December 2000 No. 01-06/36349
State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation. Letter of 13 December 2000 No. 01-06/36349. Customs processing and customs control of aircraft making one-off flights to and from airports (aerodromes) not open to international flights
Price: $10.66

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