
Letter 16821-ME/05
Letter 16821-ME/05
Concerning the conclusion of contracts with FBU FTSIP
Letter 1983-OG/05
Letter 1983-OG/05
About the presence of a typo in Appendix E of RMG 76-2014
Letter 3556-OG/05
Letter 3556-OG/05
On formalization of measurement results in metrology
Letter AK-2900/05
Letter AK-2900/05
On the cancellation of documents of an explanatory nature
Letter ASh-1480/05
Letter ASh-1480/05
On the peculiarities of the application of unit production measurement systems
Letter ASh-78/05
Letter ASh-78/05
On recommendations to the organizations, authorized in accordance with Government Decree of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2010 N 734 for certification of weights as working discharge standards of mass unit
Letter EL-15976/05
Letter EL-15976/05
On cancellation of some letters of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology
Letter EL-5487/05
Letter EL-5487/05
On the peculiarities of the application of unit production measurement systems
Letter EL-6039/05
Letter EL-6039/05
On establishment of the right holder upon approval of the type of certified reference materials or measuring instruments
Letter of Roszdravnadzor of 09.02.2005 No. 02I-43/05
Letter of Roszdravnadzor of 09.02.2005 No. 02I-43/05
About the procedure for monitoring compliance with licensing requirements and conditions
Price: $455.00
Letter of Roszdravnadzor of 27.07.2005 No. 01I-374/05
Letter of Roszdravnadzor of 27.07.2005 No. 01I-374/05
About the introduction of a new application form for a license and an inventory of documents submitted for licensing
Price: $741.00
Letter of TC 465 of 10.02.2005 No. KS-7
Letter of TC 465 of 10.02.2005 No. KS-7
About SNiPs accepted in 2003 and which were not registered in Ministry of Justice
Price: $23.00
RF Federal Tax Service. Letter KB-6-26/616
RF Federal Tax Service. Letter KB-6-26/616
Federal Tax Service. Letter KB-6-26/616 of July 22, 2005. On the issue of confirming data on the profits (incomes) received by foreign organisations in the Russian Federation and payment of tax.
Price: $42.65

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