
Letter 01-11/29-2002
Letter 01-11/29-2002
Temporary Methodological Recommendations on Inventory of Waste Burial Sites and Storage Sites in the Russian Federation".
Letter 11066-TB/02
Letter 11066-TB/02
On the control of a self-regulatory organization over the activities of its members
Letter 13364-TK/02
Letter 13364-TK/02
On the activities of organizations in the field of construction in connection with measures taken to combat coronavirus infection
Letter 14266-TB/02
Letter 14266-TB/02
On the transfer of part of the developer's powers to the technical customer
Letter 15895-OG/02
Letter 15895-OG/02
On passing an independent assessment of qualifications
Letter 1665f-13-5-02
Letter 1665f-13-5-02
On accounting in accordance with SP 12.13130.2009 vapor mass of the heated and superheated liquid
Letter 19690-TB/02
Letter 19690-TB/02
On the performance of work under construction contracts for the performance of engineering surveys
Letter 21954-TB/02
Letter 21954-TB/02
On membership in a self-regulatory organization in the field of engineering surveys to survey the state of building structures of buildings and structures
Letter 23717-TB/02
Letter 23717-TB/02
On the need for membership in the self-regulatory organization in the field of architectural and construction design for individual entrepreneur, a legal person to prepare the working documentation
Letter 2390-TB/02
Letter 2390-TB/02
Concerning the conclusion of a contract for the performance of the functions of a technical customer and a construction contract with the same person
Letter 24024-TB/02
Letter 24024-TB/02
Membership of a legal entity in self-regulatory organizations
Letter 25062-OG/02
Letter 25062-OG/02
On the aggregate amount of obligations of a member of a self-regulatory organization under work contracts concluded using competitive contracting methods
Letter 33473-TB/02
Letter 33473-TB/02
On signing documents during construction control
Letter 33529-TB/02
Letter 33529-TB/02
About signing of acts of certification of works, constructions, sections of engineering and technical support networks
Letter 37442-TB/02
Letter 37442-TB/02
On the possibility of transferring insurance compensation by an insurance organization to a special bank account in which funds of the compensation fund are deposited, in case of making payments from such fund on certain grounds
Letter 37924-IF/02
Letter 37924-IF/02
On the training of government customers
Letter 3875-OS/02
Letter 3875-OS/02
On making payments from the compensation fund
Letter 47038-TB/02
Letter 47038-TB/02
Compliance with the qualification requirements of a self-regulatory organization
Letter 48434-SI/02
Letter 48434-SI/02
On the builder's membership in self-regulatory organizations
Letter 4891-TB/02
Letter 4891-TB/02
On members of a self-regulatory organization in the field of engineering surveys, architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul, demolition of capital construction projects
Letter 50234-TB/02
Letter 50234-TB/02
On the functions of the ACA
Letter 5472jep-13-5-02
Letter 5472jep-13-5-02
About the technical error in SP 12.13130.2009
Letter 740-TB/02
Letter 740-TB/02
On the impossibility of transfer by way of legal succession of the right of a member of a self-regulatory organization, provided for in Article 55.8 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
Letter G-4518/07-02
Letter G-4518/07-02
On turnover of wine products in connection with adoption of the Federal Law dated 02.07.2021 N 345-FZ
RF Ministry of Taxes and Fees. Letter of April 23, 2002.  No. NA-6-21/524.
RF Ministry of Taxes and Fees. Letter of April 23, 2002. No. NA-6-21/524.
The Russian Federation Ministry of Taxes and Fees. Letter of April 23, 2002. No. NA-6-21/524. Tax on minerals recovery.
Price: $48.60
RF SCC Letter No. 01-06/47448 of 29 November 2002
RF SCC Letter No. 01-06/47448 of 29 November 2002
State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation. Letter No. 01-06/47448 of 29 November 2002. On customs clearance of second hand cargo vehicles and passenger coaches equipped with diesel engines.
Price: $9.86
RF SCC Letter of 28 January 2002 No. 01-06/3242
RF SCC Letter of 28 January 2002 No. 01-06/3242
State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation. Letter of 28 January 2002 No. 01-06/3242. Concerning Details of Customs Procedures for Aircraft
Price: $17.92

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