
Directive letter 01-2016
Directive letter 01-2016
On the procedure for preparing certification documents for the production of aviation materials
Letter 02/16864-2022-16
Letter 02/16864-2022-16
On the prohibition of location of base stations of mobile cellular communication on the territory of educational organizations
Letter 02/17057-2022-16
Letter 02/17057-2022-16
On the prohibition of location of base stations of mobile cellular communication on the territory of educational organizations
Letter 10279-OG/16
Letter 10279-OG/16
On the direction of the letter FAU "FTS" from 17.05.2022 N Ex-2949
Letter 10950-OG/16
Letter 10950-OG/16
On the presence of a typo in SP 70.13330.2012
Letter 13976-OG/16
Letter 13976-OG/16
About the presence of a typo in SP 333.1325800.2020
Letter 14710-KM/16
Letter 14710-KM/16
On the main typical questions arising in respect of the application of the provisions of Resolution No. 331 of March 5, 2021 of the Government of the Russian Federation "On Establishing the Case when the Developer, the Technical Customer, the Person Providing or Performing the Preparation of the Justification of Investment, and (or) the Person Responsible for the Operation of the Capital Construction Project Ensure the Formation and Maintenance of the Information Model of the Capital Construction Project".
Letter 14939-OG/16
Letter 14939-OG/16
On the presence of a typo in SP 16.13330.2017
Letter 18217-OG/16
Letter 18217-OG/16
On the presence of a typo in SP 281.1325800.2016
Letter 20889-OL/16
Letter 20889-OL/16
On the grounds and procedure for concluding agreements between resource supplying organizations, regional operators for handling solid municipal waste and owners of premises in an apartment building, containing provisions on the provision of communal services, contracts for the provision of services for the management of solid municipal waste
Letter 21628-AE/16
Letter 21628-AE/16
On amendments to the terms of contracts for work on the improvement of public and courtyard areas of settlements
Letter 21752-OG/16
Letter 21752-OG/16
On the mandatory requirements, the assessment of compliance with which is carried out in the framework of state housing supervision, licensing control over the activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in entrepreneurial activities for the management of apartment buildings
Letter 21764-OG/16
Letter 21764-OG/16
About a typo in SP 43.13330.2012
Letter 23533-OG/16
Letter 23533-OG/16
On the presence of a typo in SP 32.13330.2018
Letter 27123- OG/16
Letter 27123- OG/16
On normative acts that should be followed when developing the procedure of the state housing supervision in the subjects of the Russian Federation, including the procedure of interaction between the municipal housing control authorities and the authorized executive bodies of the RF subjects performing regional housing supervision, and the administrative regulations of the state housing supervision and municipal housing supervision functions
Letter 2725-OG/16
Letter 2725-OG/16
On the direction of the letter FAU "FTS" from 08.02.2022 N Ex-707
Letter 3899-OG/16
Letter 3899-OG/16
Regarding the provisions of SP 32.13330.2018
Letter 48516-KM/16
Letter 48516-KM/16
On submission of information on actually incurred expenses during construction and operation of capital construction facilities related to the application of TIM
Letter 54999-KM/16
Letter 54999-KM/16
On the direction of the Methodological Guide "Classification and coding of information models of capital construction objects of industrial use
Letter 6383-OG/16
Letter 6383-OG/16
On the application of certain provisions of SP 70.13330.2012
Letter 71643-NP/16
Letter 71643-NP/16
On the provision of electronic documents for the state examination of design documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys and verification of determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction, repair of capital construction projects
Letter 752-OG/16
Letter 752-OG/16
About the typo in SP 25.13330.2020
Letter 7827-OG/16
Letter 7827-OG/16
On clarification of the provisions of SP 80.13330.2016
Letter 84-AS/16
Letter 84-AS/16
About the typo in SP 78.13330.2012

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