

Letter 10955-OL/04
Letter 10955-OL/04
On determining the volume of communal resources supplied to an apartment building
Letter 10966-OG/04
Letter 10966-OG/04
On sending originals of decisions and protocols of general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings to a managing organization, a board of a partnership of owners of housing, a housing or housing construction cooperative, other specialized consumer cooperatives, and with the direct method of managing an apartment building - to the state housing supervision authority
Letter 10966-OG/04
Letter 10966-OG/04
On sending originals of decisions and protocols of general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings to a managing organization, a board of a partnership of owners of housing, a housing or housing construction cooperative, other specialized consumer cooperatives, and with the direct method of managing an apartment building - to the state housing supervision authority
Letter 12360-OG/04
Letter 12360-OG/04
On the suspension of the collection of a penalty (fine, penalty) in case of untimely and (or) not paid in full payment for housing and utilities and contributions for major repairs
Letter 12974-OL/04
Letter 12974-OL/04
On the use of a barcode on the payment document for public services
Letter 13005-RS/04
Letter 13005-RS/04
On the application of plans to reduce discharges in order to comply with the standards for permissible discharges of pollutants, other substances and microorganisms into surface water bodies, underground water bodies and catchment areas for the period up to 2023.
Letter 16258-OG/04
Letter 16258-OG/04
On appealing against the decision made by the general meeting of premises owners
Letter 18218-OG/04
Letter 18218-OG/04
About interruptions in hot water supply
Letter 18848-OL/04
Letter 18848-OL/04
On the exclusion of the possibility of calculating increasing coefficients to the standard of consumption of utilities
Letter 20156-OG/04
Letter 20156-OG/04
On the amount of payment for the hot water supply service, taking into account the temperature of the supplied water, depending on the time of day and the duration of the provision of public services of inadequate quality
Letter 20689-OG/04
Letter 20689-OG/04
On metering devices for electrical energy and (or) other equipment, as well as intangible assets that are necessary to ensure commercial metering of electrical energy (power) in relation to an apartment building and premises in apartment buildings
Letter 20753-OG/04
Letter 20753-OG/04
On ensuring commercial metering of electrical energy (power)
Letter 2081-AE/04
Letter 2081-AE/04
On the invalidation of explanations sent by the letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia from 02.09.2016 N 28483-ACH/04
Letter 21105-OG/04
Letter 21105-OG/04
On the letters of the Ministry of Construction of Russia and its structural units, which explain the application of regulatory legal acts
Letter 2147-OG/04
Letter 2147-OG/04
Not applying temperature coefficients for gas meters without temperature compensation installed inside heated premises
Letter 21913-OG/04
Letter 21913-OG/04
On payment for utilities consumed when maintaining common property in apartment buildings
Letter 23350-IF/04
Letter 23350-IF/04
On the calculation and collection of fees for the discharge of pollutants in the composition of wastewater in excess of the established standards for the composition of wastewater
Letter 23832-OG/04
Letter 23832-OG/04
On reducing the payment for hot water supply for the entire billing period
Letter 24076-OG/04
Letter 24076-OG/04
About payment for hot water supply, if the water temperature at the point of draw-off is 57 degrees
Letter 24228-OG/04
Letter 24228-OG/04
On payment for housing and utilities
Letter 24268-OG/04
Letter 24268-OG/04
On the calculation of payment for utility services for power supply based on the standards for the consumption of utility services in the event of a double denial by the consumer of representatives of the last resort supplier for the installation of electricity meters, putting them into operation, checking the status of installed and commissioned metering devices, as well as for carrying out work on maintenance of metering devices and their connection to an intelligent electricity (power) metering system
Letter 25273-OG/04
Letter 25273-OG/04
On the duties of the temporary managing organization
Letter 2812-IA/04
Letter 2812-IA/04
On payment for the negative impact on the operation of a centralized sewerage system
Letter 28612-OG/04
Letter 28612-OG/04
On the options for decision-making by the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building
Letter 29077-AT/04
Letter 29077-AT/04
On the transition to individual heating of residential premises in an apartment building
Letter 29720-OL/04
Letter 29720-OL/04
On ensuring proper maintenance of in-house hot water supply and heating systems
Letter 30563-OG/04
Letter 30563-OG/04
On the issues of interaction with the resource provider
Letter 32749-OL/04
Letter 32749-OL/04
On the commercial accounting of electricity (capacity) on the retail markets
Letter 33219-IA/04
Letter 33219-IA/04
On the provision of services for water treatment, transportation of water or wastewater, wastewater treatment
Letter 33362-OG/04
Letter 33362-OG/04
On the application of temperature coefficients for gas meters installed inside heated premises
Letter 33869-OG/04
Letter 33869-OG/04
On the provision of solid municipal waste management services in the event that the owners have not concluded a direct contract with a regional operator
Letter 43309-AT/04
Letter 43309-AT/04
On application of the Rules of commercial metering of heat energy in relation to heat meters
Letter 48977-OL/04
Letter 48977-OL/04
On the installation and (or) operation of collective (building) heat meters
Letter 55565-AE/04
Letter 55565-AE/04
On invalidation of documents of explanatory nature
Letter 57456-IF/04
Letter 57456-IF/04
On elucidation of application of criteria for attributing owners or other legal owners of water supply and (or) sewage networks and (or) facilities on them to transit organizations and application of items 45_1, 45_2 of the Rules for cold water supply and sewage approved by RF Government Decree of 29.07.2013 N 644, as amended by RF Government Decree of 23.11.2021 N 2009
Letter 57742-IF/04
Letter 57742-IF/04
On clarification of criteria for classifying owners or other legal owners of heat networks as heat network organizations
Letter 59913-OL/04
Letter 59913-OL/04
About the payment for public services for heating
Letter 60299-IF/04
Letter 60299-IF/04
On clarification of the application of certain provisions of Annex N 1 to the Rules of the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and houses, approved by RF Government Decree of 06.05.2011 N 354, in respect of the conditions and procedure for changing the amount of payment for public services for cold and (or) hot water of improper quality and (or) provided with interruptions in excess of the established duration
Letter 60319-IF/04
Letter 60319-IF/04
On the application of subparagraph "a" of paragraph 21_1 of the rules binding at the conclusion of the management company or homeowners' associations or cooperative housing or other specialized consumer cooperative agreements with organizations suplying resourses, approved by RF Government Decree of 14.02.2012 N 124
Letter 60366-IF/04
Letter 60366-IF/04
On clarification of the application of paragraph 22 of the Rules for cold water supply and sanitation, approved by RF Government Decree of 29.07.2013 N 644, as amended by RF Government Decree of 30.11.2021 N 2130, paragraph 5_1 of a model contract for cold water supply, paragraph 5_1 of a model contract for water disposal and paragraph 5_1 of a single model contract for cold water supply and sanitation, approved by RF Government Decree of 29.07.2013 N 645
Letter 60372-IF/04
Letter 60372-IF/04
On sending clarifications on certain issues related to licensing of entrepreneurial activities for management of apartment buildings and licensing control
Letter 60396-IF/04
Letter 60396-IF/04
On application of Rules for connection (technological connection) of capital construction objects to centralized systems of hot water supply, cold water supply and (or) water removal, approved by the Decree of the RF Government No. 2130 dd. 30.11.2021
Letter 66547-MS/04
Letter 66547-MS/04
Recalculation of the amount of costs for utility resources consumed in the use and maintenance of common property
Letter 7612-OL/04
Letter 7612-OL/04
On determining the amount of payment for utility services for heating
Letter 8402-OG/04
Letter 8402-OG/04
On holding a general meeting of premises owners in an apartment building in absentia
Letter 86-OG/04
Letter 86-OG/04
About the collective (house-wide) metering device
Letter 8873-MS/04
Letter 8873-MS/04
Recalculation of the amount of costs for utility resources consumed in the use and maintenance of common property
Letter 9062-OG/04
Letter 9062-OG/04
About the procedure of absentee voting at the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building

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