
Letter 12246-ME/06
Letter 12246-ME/06
On procurement on non-working days in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2020 No. 206
Letter 15-2/OOG-2006
Letter 15-2/OOG-2006
On registers of organizations and individual entrepreneurs providing services in the field of labor protection
Letter 20295-OG/06
Letter 20295-OG/06
On providing access to common property in case of need for repair work
Letter 20764-OG/06
Letter 20764-OG/06
On the obligation of the supplier of last resort to purchase, install, replace, admit to operation of electric energy meters and (or) other equipment in their absence, failure, expiration of the service life or expiration of the interval between verifications after July 1, 2020
Letter 23820-OG/06
Letter 23820-OG/06
On the implementation of the commissioning of an electric energy meter
Letter 36993-ME/06
Letter 36993-ME/06
On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 1, 2016 No. 871 / pr
Letter 44688-AO/06
Letter 44688-AO/06
On work on the examination of the state of the foundations of buildings and structures, their building structures
Letter 50829-MG/06
Letter 50829-MG/06
On the agreement to increase the price of the contract for the provision of services and (or) work on the capital repair of the common property in the MFB
Letter 6644-OG/06
Letter 6644-OG/06
On the adoption of decisions of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building on the capital repair of the common property in the apartment building
Letter 9852-AO/06
Letter 9852-AO/06
About the procedure for establishing the need for overhaul of common property in an apartment building
Letter 9852-AO/06
Letter 9852-AO/06
About the procedure for establishing the need for overhaul of common property in an apartment building
Letter 9939-OG/06
Letter 9939-OG/06
On the determination of the types of overhaul and planned dates for these works
Letter 9939-OG/06
Letter 9939-OG/06
On the determination of the types of overhaul and planned dates for these works
Letter of Federal Customs Service of Russia of 24.05.2006 No.01-06/17840
Letter of Federal Customs Service of Russia of 24.05.2006 No.01-06/17840
On confirmation of environmental class of used vehicles
Price: $199.00
Letter of Federal Road Agency of 08.09.2006. No. 01-28/6301
Letter of Federal Road Agency of 08.09.2006. No. 01-28/6301
Temporary requirements for anti-icing materials
Price: $71.00
Letter of Ministry of Industry and Energetics of 29.11.2006 No. AR-6893/08 and Ministry of regional Development of 29 .11.2006 No. 12325-YuT/08
Letter of Ministry of Industry and Energetics of 29.11.2006 No. AR-6893/08 and Ministry of regional Development of 29 .11.2006 No. 12325-YuT/08
Results of consideration of the practical application of a number of SNiPs adopted by the former Gosstroy of Russia in 2001-2003.
Price: $22.77
Letter of Moskomekspertiza of 04.04.2006 No. MKE-5-39
Letter of Moskomekspertiza of 04.04.2006 No. MKE-5-39
About the procedure for recording in the budget documentation the costs of reimbursing temporary communications for the construction of electricity, water, heat, etc.
Price: $23.00
Letter of Moskomekspertiza of 18.05.2006 No. MKE-5-60
Letter of Moskomekspertiza of 18.05.2006 No. MKE-5-60
About the procedure for coordinating the coefficients of recalculation of the estimated cost from 1984 prices to the current price level
Price: $23.00
Letter of Rospotrebnadzor of 07.03.2006 No. 0100/2473-06-32
Letter of Rospotrebnadzor of 07.03.2006 No. 0100/2473-06-32
About clarification of certain provisions of the current legislation
Price: $135.00
Letter of Rospotrebnadzor of 11.09.2006 No. 0100/9728-06-32
Letter of Rospotrebnadzor of 11.09.2006 No. 0100/9728-06-32
On the interaction of the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the matter of consumer rights protection in the field of shared housing construction
Price: $39.00
Letter of Rospotrebnadzor of 31.03.2006 No. 0100/3476-06-32
Letter of Rospotrebnadzor of 31.03.2006 No. 0100/3476-06-32
On action of SanPiN
Price: $23.00
Letter of Rosstroy of 08.02.2006 No. SK-426/02
Letter of Rosstroy of 08.02.2006 No. SK-426/02
About indices of change in the estimated cost for the first quarter of 2006
Price: $87.00
Letter of Rosstroy of 10.07.2006 No. SK-2842/02
Letter of Rosstroy of 10.07.2006 No. SK-2842/02
About indices of change in the estimated cost for the III quarter of 2006
Price: $87.00
Letter of Rosstroy of 12.10.2006 No. SK-4312/02
Letter of Rosstroy of 12.10.2006 No. SK-4312/02
About indices of change in the estimated cost for the IV quarter of 2006
Price: $135.00
Letter of Rosstroy of 13.02.2006 No. SK-462/08
Letter of Rosstroy of 13.02.2006 No. SK-462/08
Price: $23.00
Letter of Rosstroy of 21.04.2006 No. SK-1523/02
Letter of Rosstroy of 21.04.2006 No. SK-1523/02
About indices of change in the estimated cost for the II quarter of 2006
Price: $87.00

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