Other norms


I 183-54
I 183-54
Verification instructions for devices used for verification of measuring transformers
MEK 364-5-54
MEK 364-5-54
Electrical installations of buildings. Part 5. Selection and installation of electrical equipment. Chapter 54. Grounding Devices and Protective Conductors
N 101-54
N 101-54
Sanitary standards for the design of industrial enterprises
N 102-54
N 102-54
Fire Prevention Standards for the Construction Design of Industrial Enterprises and Settlements
N 113-54
N 113-54
Standards and technical conditions for the design of garages
N 114-54
N 114-54
Hydraulic concrete. Signs and norms of aggressive water-environment
N 115-54
N 115-54
Norms and technical conditions for designing low-capacity facilities for biological treatment of household sewage in natural conditions
N 116-54
N 116-54
Wind loads for the IV geographical area of the USSR
N 117-54
N 117-54
Standards and technical conditions for the design of domestic sewers and water drains of industrial and auxiliary buildings of industrial enterprises
NiTU 117-54
NiTU 117-54
Standards and technical conditions for the design of domestic sewers and water drains of industrial and auxiliary buildings of industrial enterprises
NiTU 118-54
NiTU 118-54
Standards and technical conditions for the design of natural foundations and foundations of buildings and industrial structures in permafrost regions
TESNiERr 2001-54
TESNiERr 2001-54
Floor/Ceiling Assemblies
Price: $263.00

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